Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年04月12日 00時49分53秒 | Weblog

毎日新聞 2013年04月11日 東京朝刊






What A Third Korean War Would Look Like

By Eric Margolis

First, nuclear conflict is unlikely. North Korea is not believed to have any long or medium-ranged nuclear weapons, certainly none that could hit North America. North Korea might be able to strike South Korea with a nuclear device. But then US nuclear weapons would wipe North Korea off the map.

North Korea’s military strategy would be to launch a surprise attack on the south to occupy Seoul and Inchon. The vital US Air Force bases at Osan and Kunsan, and eight South Korean air bases, would be primary targets

Other North Korean special forces are tasked with attacking US bases in Okinawa, Japan and as far off as Guam, where the US is installing its new THAAD anti-missile system.

Unless the US uses tactical nuclear weapons, it will be difficult to defeat North Korea. Doing so means invading North Korea, a risky operation that might invite Chinese intervention, as it did in 1950. Moreover, US ground and air forces are bogged down in Afghanistan and the Mideast, their equipment is run down, and the US Treasury out of money.

The Pentagon estimated a full-scale invasion of North Korea could cost 250,000 American casualties.





Korea: B2 bombers offering a path to peace?
Who is provoking whom? A look behind the rhetorical war games between Washington and Pyongyang.
Last Modified: 09 Apr 2013 11:59


‘US does not want a war - they want regime change in North Korea’
Get short URL Published time: April 11, 2013 03:41

RT: How do they think it is going to happen without war?

BB: They want to create pressure on China to break China away from its historic relationship with N. Korea. By creating a military confrontation or near-confrontation, the United States is saying to the Chinese, look the stakes are very high, time for you to change, time for you abandon your ally in North Korea. And I think they think that could be the prescription, the precursor to regime change in North Korea, if they could break China away. China does not want to do it, although you can see a debate right now going on within the Chinese establishment.



RT: Isn't it in America's interests to keep a 'dangerous' North Korea there on the Peninsula to have a reason for re-balancing to the Asia-Pacific region?

BB: Well indeed. Ever since President Obama went to Australia and announced the so-called Asia Pivot, the US is loading up the Pacific with its aircraft, its nuclear-capable aircraft and a large part of its navy. Of course they need provocations, they need tension. It is good for business, it keeps the mega profits coming in into the military industrial complex but it gives the Pentagon the excuse, the pretext to do what it wants to do which is basically to encircle China.




日銀の新金融緩和策を評価 IMFのラガルド専務理事





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たぶん日本の人はこういうのを国内ランキングとして読み替えちゃうんだろう、「やっぱり東大は1位か」みたいに。そして他国の大学は見ない。国際学問市場での位置づけなんだ、とは考えない。http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/world-university-rankings/2012-13/world-ranking …
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Australian foreign minister claims Margaret Thatcher held 'unabashedly racist' views
Bob Carr reveals former British PM warned him of challenge posed by immigration
Share 623

Nicholas Watt, chief political correspondent
guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 10 April 2013 11.29 BST

Carr, whose wife is of Malaysian origin, spoke of his surprise at Thatcher's remarks. The senator told the Lateline programme on ABC TV: "I recall one conversation I had with her in her retirement where she said something that was unabashedly racist, where she warned Australia – talking to me with Helena [his wife] standing not far away – against Asian immigration, saying that if we allowed too much of it we'd see the natives of the land, the European settlers, overtaken by migrants."

Carr, whose wife is of Malaysian origin, spoke of his surprise at Thatcher's remarks. The senator told the Lateline programme on ABC TV: "I recall one conversation I had with her in her retirement where she said something that was unabashedly racist, where she warned Australia – talking to me with Helena [his wife] standing not far away – against Asian immigration, saying that if we allowed too much of it we'd see the natives of the land, the European settlers, overtaken by migrants."


Readers' fury at 'biased' BBC website: Corporation accused after negative articles appear about Baroness Thatcher
Readers reacted angrily to BBC's coverage, branding it 'terrifically biased'
Corporation has received more than 700 complaints over its coverage
PUBLISHED: 23:50 GMT, 10 April 2013 | UPDATED: 01:36 GMT, 11 April 2013




