Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2018年02月20日 21時57分30秒 | Weblog







2018年02月20日 21時45分47秒 | Weblog








Award-winning European actor dies penniless after selling trophy to feed his starving children

2018年02月20日 18時06分20秒 | Weblog




 国際人権団体ヒューマン・ライツ・ウオッチ(Human Rights Watch)は2016年、ロマは「雇用、教育、および政治参加の面で広範な差別」に直面しているとし、ボスニアで「最も弱い立場に置かれている集団」と位置づけている

via mozu




2018年02月20日 17時44分35秒 | Weblog




Tillerson 'We don't know how much time is left on the clock'

2018年02月20日 17時30分22秒 | Weblog

he United States will continue its diplomatic efforts to settle the nuclear crisis on the Korean Peninsula until the 'first bomb drops', US State Secretary Rex Tillerson said in a rare interview on Sunday night.

'I'm gonna use all the time available to me, our diplomatic efforts will continue until that first bomb drops. My job is to never have a reason for the first bomb to drop. And we don't know precisely how much time is left on the clock,' Tillerson said in an interview with the CBS 60 Minutes.

'We're not using a carrot to convince them to talk,' Tillerson said. 'We're using large sticks. And that is what they need to understand.'

Washington is alarmed by Pyongyang's threats that its missiles could reach US soil, Tillerson noted.

'It does make us nervous. It also stiffens our resolve. That kind of a threat to the American people by a regime like this is not acceptable,' Tillerson underlined.

The alarming message came as the official pledged to do all he could to reach a peace resolution with the hermit kingdom before physical conflict breaks out.

Concerns that North Korea could launch a nuclear strike at the US have risen in recent months after the dictatorship announced it now had the ability to hit the American mainland.

Earlier on Sunday, US Senator Bob Corker said Tillerson has up to 10 months to resolve the nuclear crisis or otherwise the United States 'is going to be facing one of the greatest military decisions,' according to CBS.

ボブ・コーカー 米国上院議員によれば、北朝鮮の核開発問題について、テラーソン氏の持ち時間は10ヶ月でその間に決着がつかなければ、米国は最大の軍事的決断に迫られるだろう、と。



Reclaiming Germany's sovereignty and national pride

2018年02月20日 17時18分19秒 | Weblog

フォローする @tomojiroをフォローします
その他 tomojiroさんがmasahiro noguchiをリツイートしました
masahiro noguchi

世論調査で「ドイツのための選択肢」AfDがはじめて社民党SPDの支持率を上回った。AfDのヴァイデルは自身のツイッターで「私たちは国民政党だ」と書いた。「国民」Volkの語り方をめぐる綱引きも熾烈になってきた https://twitter.com/alice_weidel/status/965619012980891648 …
18:53 - 2018年2月19日

Last year they ran a campaign fiercely critical of the government's refugee policy, which had led to over a million people applying for asylum in Germany since 2015.

The leadership of the AfD rejects the label of far-right, preferring to describe themselves as conservative. However, they remain highly controversial due to various statements by senior party members which have challenged a political consensus concerning how Germany treats its Nazi past.

Björn Höcke, the AfD leader in Thuringia, has lambasted Germany's culture of remembrance of the Holocaust, labelling the Holocaust Memorial in central Berlin a “memorial of shame.”

Party leader Alexander Gauland, meanwhile, said during election campaigning last year that Germany should be proud of the service of its soldiers in two world wars.

Alternative for Germany
From Wikipedia

German nationalism[edit]
The party was founded on opposition to Germany's financial support of other Eurozone states and the third main point of its initial platform called for Germany to cede no further elements of its sovereignty to the EU without approval via a referendum.[32] Over time, a focus on German nationalism, on reclaiming Germany's sovereignty and national pride, especially in repudiation to Germany's culture of shame with regard to its Nazi past, became more central in AfD's ideology and a central plank in its populist appeals.[2][3][4] For example, Petry, who led the moderate wing of the party, said that Germany should reclaim the German word "Volk" from its Nazi connotations,[101] while Höcke, who is an example of the more right-wing views, regularly speaks of the "Fatherland" and "Volk", and has said that Germany should make a "180 degree" turn with regard to its sense of national pride.[2]

The party also describes German national identity as under threat both from European integration and from the presence and accommodation of immigrants and refugees within Germany; its anti-immigration message is often articulated in this way, especially with regard to Islam.[3][4]

Homosexuality and Feminism[edit]
According to its interim electoral manifesto, the party is against same-sex marriage and favours civil unions. The party is also against adoption for same-sex couples.[102] The left-leaning newspaper Die Tageszeitung described the group as advocating 'old gender roles'.[103] Wolfgang Gedeon, an elected AfD representative, has included feminism, along with "sexualism," and "migrationism", in an ideology he calls "green communism" that he opposes, and argues for family values as part of German identity.[104] As AfD has campaigned for traditional roles for women. It has taken stances and aligned itself with groups opposed to modern feminism.[105] The youth wing of the party has used social media to campaign against aspects of modern feminism, with the support of party leadership.[106]

The party has a platform of climate change denial,[102][107] and therefore criticizes the energy transformation policies (Energiewende) that have promoted renewable energy. The party wants to restrict "uncontrolled expansion of wind energy", for instance.[102]


Is Google male or female?

2018年02月20日 16時47分20秒 | Weblog

And then finally he began a joke with: “There’s no reason to hit a woman,” and then a pause. “Really?” he asked his stupefied audience. There were some uncomfortable chuckles from the audience – and even via the TV, one could sense the discomfort. I, on the other hand, was tearing up. Laughing uncontrollably as the joke continued. I looked over at my friend in between gulps for air and saw that his mouth was agape. He was horrified.



これなんか面白いと思うね。かりに、答えがMale でもね。



A man asks, “God, why did you make woman so beautiful?” God responded, ”So you would love her.” The man asks, “But God, why did you make her so dumb?” God replied, “So she would love you.”



2018年02月20日 16時28分08秒 | Weblog
Kan Kimura (on DL)


その他 Kan Kimura (on DL)さんが岡野八代をリツイートしました
最初から「勝って」いないし、しかもわざわざ「負け幅」を大きくするような事しかしてないからでしょ。Kan Kimura (on DL)さんが追加

「なぜ、日本が植民地時代の『慰安婦』像の論争で敗れ続けているのか」との見出しが出るほど状況は変わっている。「慰安婦」認識の日米ギャップとサンフランシスコの慰安婦像(Forbes JAPAN) - Yahoo!ニュース https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/article?a=20180218-00019797-forbes-int … @YahooNewsTopics
1件の返信 90件のリツイート 108 いいね
返信 1 リツイート 90 いいね 108

Kan Kimura (on DL)‏
フォローする @kankimuraをフォローします

15:52 - 2018年2月19日 場所: 대한민국 종로구
50件のリツイート 74件のいいね HK



Discribe the cultural traits of German given the following examples

2018年02月20日 15時44分15秒 | Weblog




It is not that employers pay women less than men for doing the same jobs.

2018年02月20日 15時16分43秒 | Weblog


Contrary to popular belief, it is not because employers pay women less than men for doing the same jobs. According to data from 25 countries, gathered by Korn Ferry, a consultancy, women earn 98% of the wages of men who are in the same roles at the same employers. Women, however, outnumber men in lower-tier jobs, such as secretarial and administrative roles, whereas men predominate in senior positions.

The main reason why women are less likely than men to reach higher-level positions is that they are their children’s primary carers. In eight countries polled by The Economist and YouGov earlier this year, 44-75% of women with children living at home said they had scaled back at work after becoming mothers—by working fewer hours or by switching to a less demanding job, such as one requiring less travel or overtime. Only 13-37% of fathers said they had done so, and more than half of those men said their partner had also scaled back. This pattern means that men get a better shot at a pay rise or a promotion than their female colleagues, and are less likely to be in jobs for which they are overqualified. A recent study estimated that in America women’s future wages fall, on average, by 4% per child, and by 10% per child in the case of the highest-earning, most skilled white women. In Britain, a mother’s wages fall by 2% for each year she is out of the workforce, and by twice as much if she has good school-leaving qualifications.

Women’s lower salaries mean that they often fall into poverty when they divorce or are widowed. Lack of financial independence prevents some from leaving abusive partners




Half of Team USA's figure skaters are Asian Americans

2018年02月20日 14時34分10秒 | Weblog





Bicycle Thieves

2018年02月20日 14時22分42秒 | Weblog

The Italian government has overwhelmingly backed a new set of laws aimed at cutting down the vast amounts of food wasted in the country each year.

A bill passed by 181 Senators will encourage families to use "doggy bags" to take home unfinished food after eating out and removes hurdles for farmers and supermarkets seeking to donate food to charity.

犬といえばーーーといってもあまり関係ないけどーーー持ち帰り袋ってのは、doggy bagっていうんだね。


And since the country has a public debt exceeding 135 per cent of GDP - a figure which has increased by a fifth since 2003 - and a youth unemployment rate of an estimated 40 per cent with millions of Italians in poverty, the levels of food waste are considered unjustifiable.

Indeed, Italy's highest court ruled only three months ago that stealing small amounts of food because of hunger was not a crime.


