Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Freedom of expression is an absolute right in New Zealand

2015年09月08日 02時46分21秒 | Weblog
New Zealand bans award-winning teenage novel after outcry from Christian group
Ted Dawe’s Into the River is banned from shops, schools and distribution across the country with fines of up to $10,000 for those ignoring the order

Monday 7 September 2015 09.44 BST Last modified on Monday 7 September 2015 14.13 BST

An award-winning young adult novel has become the first book in more than 20 years to be banned in New Zealand after an outcry from a Christian group.

Ted Dawe’s Into the River has been banned from sale or supply by the Film and Literature Board of Review (FLBR) after a complaint from conservative lobby group Family First.

It is currently being pulled from libraries, schools and bookshops around the country.

Family First objected to sexually explicit content, drug use and the use of a slang term for female genitalia.



”Islamophobic crime in London 'up by 70%'”

2015年09月08日 02時44分36秒 | Weblog

The CCTV video is just one example of Islamophobic attacks across the capital. Scotland Yard statistics indicate that the number of hate crimes almost doubled in the twelve months to June, from 406 to 800.





”Germans see the U.S. almost as their father”

2015年09月08日 02時36分48秒 | Weblog
Germans are obsessed with the U.S. But they’ll deny it.
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By Rick Noack September 6


When I moved back to Germany a few months ago, I was surprised to find out that even things that nobody seemed to care about in North America made it onto front pages here. When there's a shooting in the U.S., editors in Germany go into breaking news mode, even though the story probably won't ever make it onto most American newscasts.

It's a bizarre obsession: European (and particularly German) media spend more time reporting on and from the U.S. than from neighboring countries, including France and Britain.

For the Germans, it's a love-hate relationship

Here's one example: When the New York Times recently wrote a piece about the Berlin district of Wedding, German media went in overdrive, with commentators questioning whether the newspaper was correct in portraying the local district as up-and-coming. But the undertone seemed clear: "Wow, even the U.S. likes Wedding!"

Americans didn't actually care, of course. The daily paper Süddeutsche Zeitung later asked its readers in a moment of self-reflection: "American journalists praise Munich and Frankfurt, and now Berlin-Wedding -- and everyone is going crazy. But why?"

German journalists in particular don't usually spare an opportunity to comment negatively on U.S. society and politics -- yet, many of them seem to crave signs of approval from the U.S. "Germans see the U.S. almost as their father," says Timo Lochocki, a fellow at the German Marshall Fund, a transatlantic think tank. "It's almost schizophrenic: They want to be admired by the U.S., but do everything to distance themselves from Americans."

The U.S. is an easy target

"Most German media outlets love to criticize the U.S. because it makes for such an easy target," says Stephan Bierling, a professor for international politics at the University of Regensburg. "There is a deep-rooted anti-Americanism in Germany that partially comes out of an inferiority complex. In a certain sense some Germans will never 'forgive' the Americans that they defeated the Nazis and brought about a stable world order because it reminds us that we couldn't get rid of the Nazis ourselves and were the main culprit for the division of Europe."

No other nationality triggers such strong emotions and associations in Germany. There are few people in the world Europeans feel more similar to than North Americans. At the same time, quite a lot of them have grown skeptical of the "big brother" overseas. They fear the National Security Agency, they ridicule its politics and gun laws, but many also secretly admire the global appeal and influence of the United States.

"We hold the U.S. responsible for all things that go wrong in the Middle East or Ukraine, but demand more American engagement to rectify these crisis situations," says German politics professor Bierling, who blames Germans for relying too much on the U.S. in resolving crises.

Given that Germany is increasingly perceived as the main actor in resolving that crisis, France and Britain are becoming irrelevant as benchmarks, Lochocki says. "The only other Western country Germany considers itself on the same level to is the U.S. -- and that's why we care so much about what Americans think of us."

"Germans have long blamed the U.S. for all its mistakes, but now they suddenly realize that leading a powerful nation is more difficult than they expected it to be.








東京五輪計画のデタラメ 新国立競技場、エンブレムだけじゃない。

2015年09月08日 01時41分10秒 | Weblog








2015年09月08日 01時40分53秒 | Weblog
2015年 09月 7日 16:15 JST 関連トピックス: トップニュース

via mozu





Sun Sep 6, 2015 12:05am BST Related: WORLD, AFRICA
Analysis - Migration crisis tears at EU's cohesion and tarnishes its image

Governments could fall over the issue and upcoming elections could be swayed. Already, the rise of anti-immigration populist parties was putting the Nordic social model at risk.

Fordham also saw a possible impact on Britain's negotiations to change its relationship with the EU before it holds a referendum on continued membership by the end of 2017.

"The UK's perceived failure to participate in burden-sharing could further undermine David Cameron's ability to extract concessions ahead of the referendum," she said.

Cameron has refused to join any European scheme to relocate refugees, and insisted the answer was not to take in more people until he bowed to media pressure after an outpouring of emotion over pictures of a drowned Syrian toddler on a Turkish beach.

Peter Kellner, president of the opinion pollster YouGov, said the refugee crisis and British public anxiety about uncontrolled immigration from EU countries made a vote for "Brexit" more likely, though still not the most probable outcome.

"In the public mind they feed a single narrative: that Britain is being swamped by new arrivals and the EU carries much of the blame," Kellner wrote in a comment for Prospect magazine.

2015年 09月 7日 12:05 JST 関連トピックス: トップニュース

Top News | Sun Sep 6, 2015 4:59pm BST Related: UK
Amid migrant crisis, poll shows UK's anti-EU camp taking lead

How would you feel if it were your son?

2015年09月08日 01時08分16秒 | Weblog

abc の what would you do は、多少、設定が不自然なところもあるし、反応とて、日本人の拒絶のしかたとは異なるだろうし、異なっていいとは思うのだが、

He's somebody's child. You're somebody's child aren't you?

How would you feel if it were your son



