Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2015年05月27日 18時38分37秒 | Weblog
Hearts and Minds (film)
From Wikipedia,










2015年05月27日 11時25分08秒 | Weblog

Who Defines Japan's Past, And Future By Richard J. Samuels http://j.mp/1HvcsdR @thenatlinterestさんから

Who Defines Japan's Past, And Future

Richard J. Samuels
May 26, 2015


Finally, it is important to acknowledge how the struggle to use history effectively is particularly consequential for the future of Sino-Japanese relations. China benefits both from the Japanese left’s fear of militarism and by the right’s loathing of defeat. Slippery slope arguments on the left are fully consistent with Chinese preferences, while revisionism by the right allows China to depict Japan as “wolf in sheep’s clothing.” This hardly seems smart strategically.

Nor is either productive for relations with the United States. Each, in fact, alienates Japan’s major ally. Revisionism reminds Americans that China, not Japan, was its ally in “The Good War,” while the slippery slope reminds Americans how unequal its alliance is with Japan and makes some question Japan’s commitment to it.



When a White woman says "dirty African beer", it is just a joke.

2015年05月27日 03時15分32秒 | Weblog
Washington Post writer catches heat for “dirty Korean beer” joke
Master BlasterMaster Blaster

In the end, I suppose this serves as a reminder that we must all watch what we say online, because we never know when our words will be misinterpreted or our intentions misunderstood.


When a Japanese man says, dirty Korean beer, it is racism.

When a white woman says,” dirty Korean beer”, it is just a joke. You just misinterpret it. You don't understand her intention.

"Nationalism is rising" in Japan またまた。

2015年05月27日 02時33分24秒 | Weblog
Japanese nationalism: Decoy for American imperialism?

Andre Vltchek is a novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. He has covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries.

Get short URL Published time: May 25, 2015 14:14

Russian Today だからどうでもいいっっていえばそれまでだが。

Japan is ready to change its post-war pacifist constitution; it is rapidly arming itself to the teeth, building battleships and purchasing fighter jets. Recruitment posters are everywhere.


Meanwhile, Japan is standing - obediently and loyally - by its occupier and closest ally, the United States.


The islands constitute an issue that has never been resolved. Japanese propaganda is constantly repeating the claim that the Soviet Union grabbed the Kurils at the end of WWII. For decades Japan has been demanding their return.



But even in Wakkanai, not everyone is convinced that Russia should be compromising on the issue. A captain of a small Japanese fishing vessel explains:

“We have an extreme-right-wing prime minister here in Japan. He is very close to the United States, a country that is antagonizing, and in fact most likely wants to destroy, both Russia and China. If the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin go back to Japan, they would be immediately converted into another Okinawa; full of US Air Force and naval bases, very near the Russian mainland.”



The military alliance with America is also accompanied by what critics would say a subservient attitude towards Washington in general. Japan rarely balks against what Washington wishes on foreign policy.

subservient attitudeっていうんですね、米国に対する隷属的態度 のことは。

Geoffrey Gunn, a leading Australian historian and Professor emeritus at Nagasaki University, is concerned about Japan’s increasingly aggressive role in the region:

“All changed when the Abe government nationalized the Senkaku/Diaoyu [Islands]. The status quo changed because now Japan declares that there is actually no dispute over these so-called disputed islands. Therefore the Tokyo government has angered China. China is indignant with this change of the status quo.”

Geoffrey Gunn とかいう、長崎大学の教授はもうアウトだなあ。



The reason for this is largely explained by Japan’s efforts at indoctrinating Asian peoples with a pro-Western worldview. For decades, Japanese universities had been offering ‘scholarships’ to students from poor Southeast Asian nations. They would indoctrinate these students with pro-Western dogmas, breaking the revolutionary spirit, while converting young people to behave as servants of the Empire; essentially doing to other Asians what was done to the Japanese.


David McNeill, Irish professor at the prestigious Sofia University in Tokyo, also works for the NHK, Japan’s national broadcaster. He is increasingly critical of the new, militarized and indoctrinated Japan:

They are rewriting text books; they skip through WWII, dedicating to it only eight pages... Nationalism is rising. Naoki Hyakuta, a comedy writer, published a novel about Kamikaze fighters, entitled ‘Forever Zero’… The novel sold 5 million copies! You know that nothing sells 5 million copies in Japan!

マックニール氏。日本語の読み書きができないでも、記者であり続けるには・・・・"Nationalism is rising" 言い続ければいいんだもんあああ、楽な商売だよな。

I am also told that the Japanese public is given a one-sided interpretation of current affairs. When it comes to topics like Russia, Syria and China, Japanese people are made to consume Western propaganda exclusively.

日本語のメディア読んでないからいえる。英語圏のプーチンは悪魔 記事の嵐のようなことは、たぶん、ほぼ皆無だよ、日本では。

Even in the places like Abu Dhabi and Beirut, television channels like RT are available in every major hotel. Not in Japan. In all big international chains, it is mainly a diet of local channels, plus CNN, BBC and Fox.


With an extremely close relationship with the US, and an antagonist approach towards Russia, China and others, Prime Minister Abe appears to be highhandedly bringing the country into military conflict with its neighbors, namely Korea and China, while the population is completely ignorant of this and stuck with ever shrinking social services.




2015年05月27日 02時23分10秒 | Weblog
小林よしのり2015年05月26日 12:57自称保守の知性劣化は底なしである





2015年05月27日 01時56分33秒 | Weblog
存立危機事態、単に経済的な影響では該当せず 首相言及





People face more and more political pressure from government

2015年05月27日 01時28分07秒 | Weblog



