Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

”ISIS the New Israel”  ダーイッシュが目指すは、イスラム(スンニ派)版イスラエルの建国だ!

2015年02月08日 23時34分09秒 | Weblog


Chris Hughes と Loretta Napoleoni の対談で、ISISの支持基盤は、イラク、シリアのスンニ部族社会を抑えたことにあると言っていました。米軍が行ったスンニ覚醒運動でISISが痛い目を見たので、部族の長に話をつけて、支持を取り付けているという話。

Sunni Awakening 2.0? Don't Hold Your Breath.
—By Kevin Drum| Mon Nov. 17, 2014 10:57 AM EST

Back in 2007, the military success of the famous "surge" in Iraq was due largely to the fact that many Sunni tribal leaders finally turned against al-Qaeda and began cooperating with the American army. This so-called Sunni Awakening was a key part of the tenuous peace achieved a year later.

It was a fragile peace, however, and eventually it broke down thanks to the lack of a serious political effort to include Sunnis in the central government. By last year, the Sunni areas of Iraq had once again begun to rebel, and ISIS took advantage of this to storm into Iraq and take control of a huge swath of territory.

....Much of the Islamic State’s success at holding Sunni areas comes from its deft manipulation of tribal dynamics. Portraying itself as a defender of Sunnis who for years have been abused by Iraq’s Shiite-majority government, the Islamic State has offered cash and arms to tribal leaders and fighters, often allowing them local autonomy as long as they remain loyal.



"Chris Hedges and Loretta Napoleoni": "The Islamic State and the Crisis in US Foreign Policy"



there is no moral difference between military drone strike and cutting somebody's head off with a knife 




U.S. Drones kill more people than ISIS: Chris Hedges  動画1400~

2014/12/02 に公開
Chris Hedges, author, Pulitzer-prize winning journalist and polemicist discusses the importance of resistance to empire, and passionately condemns US foreign policy, saying "There is no difference between a beheading by ISIL and a US drone strike."

Chris Hedges: ‘We’ve decapitated more civilians than ISIS ever has’動画


対談している一人の、Loretta Napoleoni 氏の著書 不死鳥のイスラム教徒

Introduction to Loretta Napoleoni’s THE ISLAMIST PHOENIX

September 8, 2014

No previous Middle Eastern armed organization has been able to promote itself as the region’s new ruler with the money of its rich Gulf sponsors.
In sharp contrast with the Taliban’s rhetoric and despite the barbarous treatment of the enemy, the Islamic State is spreading a positive and powerful political message in the Muslim world: the return of the Caliphate associated with happier and richer times for Muslims. This message comes at a time of great destabilization in the Middle East, while Syria and Iraq are ablaze, Libya is on the verge of another tribal conflict, Egypt is restive, and Israel has been once again at war with Gaza. Hence, the rebirth of the Caliphate and of its Caliph, al-Baghdadi, appears to many Sunnis not as yet another armed group but somehow as a political entity that is rising from the ashes of decades of war and destruction.

Residents of the enclaves controlled by the Caliphate affirm that its arrival coincided with improvements in the day-to-day running of their villages, from fixing holes in the roads to organizing soup kitchens for those who had lost their homes to the daylong availability of electricty.

The Islamic State wants to be for Muslims what Israel is for Jews, a state in their ancient land that they have reclaimed in modern times, a religious and powerful state that protects them wherever they are, something to be proud of.

Islam is premised on a certain nostalgia rooted in the return of the Prophet, while the West still fears Islam. Hence the IS is leading Muslims to believe that the Prophet has returned wearing the clothes of al-Baghdadi and at the same time it terrorizes Westerners with shockingly barbarous killings. Modern advertising has constructed a trillion-dollar industry atop these simple concepts. Now the Islamic State propaganda machine is using them to manufacture the myth of al-Baghdadi and his new Caliphate. What’s surprising is our surprise.

As the Islamic State’s war of conquest progresses, it is becoming clear that since 9/11 the business of Islamist terrorism has been getting stronger instead of weaker — to the extent that now it has morphed into a state — by simply keeping abreast with a fast-changing world in which propaganda and technology play an increasingly vital role. The same cannot be said for the forces engaged in stopping it from spreading.


もう片方の対談相手 Chris Hedges による記事

Chris Hedges
Print this item
ISIS—the New Israel

Posted on Dec 15, 2014

By Chris Hedges

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is our Frankenstein. The United States after a decade of war in Iraq pieced together its body parts. We jolted it into life. We bathed it in blood and trauma. And we gave it its intelligence. Its dark and vicious heart of vengeance and war is our heart. It kills as we kill. It tortures as we torture. It carries out conquest as we carry out conquest. It is building a state driven by hatred for American occupation, a product of the death, horror and destruction we visited on the Middle East. ISIS now controls an area the size of Texas. It is erasing the borders established by French and British colonial powers through the 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement. There is little we can do to stop it.

ISIS, ironically, is perhaps the only example of successful nation-building in the contemporary Middle East, despite the billions of dollars we have squandered in Iraq and Afghanistan. Its quest for an ethnically pure Sunni state mirrors the quest for a Jewish state eventually carved out of Palestine in 1948. Its tactics are much like those of the Jewish guerrillas who used violence, terrorism, foreign fighters, clandestine arms shipments and foreign money, along with horrific ethnic cleansing and the massacre of hundreds of Arab civilians, to create Israel. Antagonistic ISIS and Israeli states, infected by religious fundamentalism, would be irreconcilable neighbors. This is a recipe for apocalyptic warfare. We provided the ingredients.

It is seeking to establish, as the Zionists did in Palestine, a utopian, religious state. It holds up the ancient Caliphate—which united Muslims throughout the Middle East in the seventh century and whose time is considered the golden age of Islam—as an ideal, much as Jews held up the biblical kingdoms chronicled in the Hebrew Bible. ISIS, to build its state, has called on engineers, doctors and technicians to immigrate to the area it controls. And ISIS, although devoted to a fundamentalist form of Salafist Islam, is thoroughly modern. It has mastered sophisticated forms of electronic communication and delivers its messages through social media. And unlike groups such as al-Qaida, which bans television sets and radios, it views the technical advances of modern society as an asset. The mixture of fundamentalist religion with modernity is a potent and intoxicating brew for disenfranchised Muslims. And ISIS has attained what peaceful uprisings in the Middle East have not—liberation from detested regimes, at least for now.

Terror, as was true for the Jewish fighters in Palestine in the late 1940s, is an effective tool to intimidate opponents and accelerate ethnic cleansing. The fear of ISIS is its most potent weapon. Iraqi army troops, although better armed than ISIS fighters and outnumbering them, drop their U.S.-supplied weapons and flee before ISIS. Shiites abandon whole villages to ISIS. And all the U.S. advisers sent to put some spine in the Iraqi government forces have so far been unable to significantly stem the advance.

Zarqawi’s goal was to spark, under the cover of fighting the Western coalition forces, a sectarian conflict with the Shiites. He understood that a unified Shiite and Sunni state would thwart the dream of a Sunni Islamic state. He had to ignite a religious war.

Once there, he amassed weapons and cash pouring into Syria from countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar. He used these resources to rebuild his group, not to help the rebels overthrow the Syrian regime. He began attacking other jihadist and rebel groups and craved out territory under his exclusive control. Al-Nusra, the al-Qaida-affiliated group in Syria, merged with the Islamic State of Iraq. The new group became the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS. ISIS has now seized control of enough resources to be self-sufficient.

The danger, Napoleoni pointed out, is not that ISIS will invade Saudi Arabia, but that it will delegitimize the Saudi monarchy.

“They are very sensitive to the needs of the population,” Napoleoni said of ISIS. The population, she pointed out, has “been plagued by war for a very long time. They have been plagued by warlords, by criminal groups, by jihadi groups, you name it. All of a sudden the Islamic State comes in and works so that people can have access to basic infrastructure such as water or electricity. They set up joint ventures with the local people in order to give the local people the opportunity to grow economically … and also to go back to the normality of life.”

This brutal order has ended the chaos that has dominated much of the region following the U.S. occupation of Iraq. It has instilled in Sunnis pride and even a feeling of omnipotence. And it has exposed as weak and ineffectual the corrupt forces that Washington put into place to administer Iraq.



 ユダヤ人がパレスチナに理想郷を作ろうとしたように、ISはムスリムの理想郷を作ろうとして、エンジニアや医者、技術者など彼らが支配する領土に移住するように呼びかけている。 原理主義的であるものの、他のアルカイーダとちがって、SNや映像など最新の技術を駆使している、と。






 IS と イスラエル とを重ね合わせた視点というのは、興味深いですね。


Nationalist Prince tells Muslim in Britain to abide by British values and outlooks.'

2015年02月08日 23時14分04秒 | Weblog


英チャールズ皇太子はいまヨルダン訪問中で、若者が過激思想にハマるのは困ったことですなどと王室外交やってます。 Prince Charles says radicalisation of young people 'alarming' http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-31199692 …

Charles tells UK Muslims to abide by our values: Prince says if you come to live in Britain you must respect us

Charles denounced the radicalisation of young Britons by Islamic fanatics
He said they should show more respect to 'the values we hold dear'
Comments were made as he started a six-day tour of the Middle East
He will tell new Saudi king to show clemency to Saudi blogger Raif Badawi
Sentence of 1,000 lashes and ten years in jail caused international outrage
Prince last night arrived in Jordan, where he will meet King Abdullah II

By Simon Walters And Glen Owen For The Mail On Sunday

Published: 00:01 GMT, 8 February 2015 | Updated: 10:23 GMT, 8 February 2015

Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

It is a clear response to critics who say he should not meddle in sensitive political matters

And he killed off speculation that when he becomes King he will give up the Monarch's traditional 'defender of the faith' role in favour of a multicultural 'defender of faiths' title.

His renewed 'defender of the faith' pledge will be seen by some as a U-turn and a signal that the Monarch's role as the head of the Church of England is far from over.

The Prince's intervention comes hard on the heels of a new book which claims the Queen is worried that her heir plans to be an 'activist king'. The Prince's comments on Islam and Christianity are broadcast in an interview with BBC Radio 2's The Sunday Hour this morning, suggesting he plans to be very active.

'The radicalisation of people in Britain is a great worry, and the extent to which this is happening is alarming, particularly in a country like ours where we hold values dear,' he says. 'You would think the people who have come here, or are born here, and go to school here, would abide by those values and outlooks.'

It was 'frightening' that young British Muslims were radicalised by 'crazy stuff on the internet'.

Charles will reinforce his tough stance on Islamic extremism by telling the new Saudi king to show clemency to Saudi blogger Badawi.



大島隆 Takashi Oshima ‏@takashioshima1 15 時間15 時間前

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April 8, 2003 journalist deaths by U.S. fire
From Wikipedia,

Two American air-to-surface missiles hit the Qatar satellite TV station at Al Jazeera's office in Baghdad and killed Tareq Ayyoub, a Palestinian reporter, and wounded Zouhair al-Iraqi, an Iraqi cameraman. They were live broadcasting on the roof of the building. Al Jazeera accused the U.S. of intentionally targeting Al Jazeera as the U.S. bombed its Kabul bureau in 2001 during the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan.





危ない人なら、テロリスト支援というレッテルを貼って逮捕拘束するから、旅券返納など迂遠なことはしないだけです。RT @takashioshima1: 米国のやり方がすべて正しいとは思いませんが、危険地を取材しようとする人に旅券返納を命令するというのは、米国では到底考えられない
返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録




”We know the scenario perfectly well -- it has a name, it is called war."

2015年02月08日 21時10分35秒 | Weblog

2015年02月08日 19:27 発信地:ミュンヘン/ドイツ

via mozu


Western leaders warn that this Ukraine peace bid might be the last chance to stop an all-out war

"If we fail to find a lasting peace agreement, we know the scenario perfectly well -- it has a name, it is called war."


2015年02月08日 20時07分45秒 | Weblog
I wouldn’t vote for Marine Le Pen but I can understand why people might
161 comments 6 February 2015 17:06

Asked about her use of the word ‘cancer’ to describe Islamic extremism, Ms. Le Pen said, speaking in French: ‘When I say it is a cancer, I mean there is a very healthy body there. The Muslim religion is healthy, but there are cancerous cells.’

Ms. Le Pen’s views on Europe, too, would chime with many mainstream voters. She told the Union that ‘European peoples have had enough of bowing their heads to the Brussels club and the whip of Germany’.

Even on immigration she said nothing that would earn you a raised eyebrow over dinner. Saying that the Front National wanted to restore national borders, she added that ‘The border must be a filter and not a wall’. She described a France struggling with poverty and record unemployment: when it comes to welcoming an ever-growing number of immigrants, ‘we’d like to, but we can’t’.

Ms. Le Pen was arguably at her most extreme when discussing her protectionist economic policies. Describing free trade as a ‘deeply unfair’ system that ‘puts in place the conditions of slavery’ and leads to ‘economic war’, she called for the implementation of ‘intelligent protectionism’. Her support of Russia’s involvement in the Crimea is similarly questionable.

Perhaps Marine Le Pen does indeed have some deeply unpleasant prejudices, but if so she did an excellent job of concealing them from last night’s audience. She may well be the next President of France – I wouldn’t vote for her, but I can see why 30 per cent of French voters say they might.  

マリーヌ・ル・ペン氏の、オックスフォード・ユニオン(Oxford Union)というディベート団体での演説を聴いて、彼女に投票はしないだろうが、3割のフランス人が、彼女に投票するかもしれない理由がわかった、と。


European peoples have had enough of bowing their heads to the Brussels club and the whip of Germany


European people をJapanese にして、The Brussels club と Germanyをどこかに変えると、日本について面白い評論になる。








Putin "We don't intend to war with anyone. We intend to cooperate with all."

2015年02月08日 19時04分54秒 | Weblog
Putin: we don't want war

7.02.2015, 19:36

Biden to Putin: 'Don't Tell Us, Show Us'
Feb 7, 2015, 1:26 PM ET
CHRIS GOOD More From Chris »
Political Reporter


"Given Russia's recent history, we need to judge it by its deeds, not its words....."


How ‘No Nukes’ Obama Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
There was a time when the president wanted to rid the world of nuclear weapons. Now, his Pentagon is looking to build and build them.



2015年02月08日 18時57分52秒 | Weblog
東京で国内最大のハッカー大会 優勝は韓国大学生チーム…日本勢は4位が最高



A bundle of sticks tied

2015年02月08日 18時15分24秒 | Weblog
先ほど、紹介した、Can you become Japanese?のコメント欄
Eric Chronogeist3 時間前リンクしたコメント

As a homosexual male living in Oregon in the Pacific Northwest of America. I have hopes of learning Japanese and moving to Japan. I could never claim to be Japanese because I am from a pioneer family in Oregon, but also because I was not born there. Thank you for standing up to bullies online. If they want to know the origin of the word Faggot. It means a bundle of sticks tied together. It was used for burning people. So when you use that word, you are saying, I want to burn you like homosexual and witches were.


来日したい、同性愛の人のコメントなんだが、faggot って、人を焼くのに使われた薪の束の意味で、ファゴットといえば、同性愛を焼いてしまいたい、という意味になるよ、と。

faggot (n.1) Look up faggot at Dictionary.com
late 13c., "bundle of twigs bound up," also fagald, faggald, from Old French fagot "bundle of sticks" (13c.), of uncertain origin, probably from Italian faggotto "bundle of sticks," diminutive of Vulgar Latin *facus, from Latin fascis "bundle of wood" (see fasces).

Especially used for burning heretics (emblematic of this from 1550s), so that phrase fire and faggot was used to indicate "punishment of a heretic." Heretics who recanted were required to wear an embroidered figure of a faggot on the sleeve as an emblem and reminder of what they deserved.
faggot (n.2) Look up faggot at Dictionary.com
"male homosexual," 1914, American English slang, probably from earlier contemptuous term for "woman" (1590s), especially an old and unpleasant one, in reference to faggot (n.1) "bundle of sticks," as something awkward that has to be carried (compare baggage "worthless woman," 1590s). It may also be reinforced by Yiddish faygele "homosexual" (n.), literally "little bird." It also may have roots in British public school slang noun fag "a junior who does certain duties for a senior" (1785), with suggestions of "catamite," from fag (v.). This also spun off a verb (see fag (v.2).

語源的には、異教徒を焼くための薪の束、という意味だったらしい。それが、重荷→女性→オカマ みたいな変遷をたどったってことかな。



Best countries to be an atheist

2015年02月08日 18時02分43秒 | Weblog

Wednesday, Aug 29, 2012 11:55 PM +0900
The 8 best countries to be an atheist
In many places around the world, this is an unprecedented era of freedom and social acceptance for non-believers
Amanda Marcotte, Alternet

Japan. Like many countries in East Asia, religion seems to be more a matter of tradition for the Japanese at this point than a true faith, which is why only 25% of Japanese believe religion is an important part of daily life. In the recently released Global Index of Religiosity and Atheism, Japan ranked only below China in percentage of committed atheists, with 31% convinced there are no gods. Unlike China, however, Japan’s atheism has nothing to do with government force, making it a much comfier fit for those who want a strong dose of freedom to go with that lack of religiosity. Japanese culture has a strong, flexible approach to religious tolerance, with a diversity of religious beliefs. More importantly, the notion that one has to “belong” to a specific religion doesn’t hold much sway in Japan. Japanese people who do believe often employ a mix of Shinto and Buddhist beliefs, practiced in a manner that’s less formalized than the monotheistic religions better known in the West. It’s easy to see how this helps create a low-pressure environment where atheists who choose not to believe anything at all can thrive.

”Playing God, being in control of life and death,"

2015年02月08日 17時34分25秒 | Weblog
2014年11月、ドイツの『デア・シュピーゲル』が、シリアとイラクのイスラム過激派に入るフランス人の若者たちについて報じました。フランスは欧州で最も多くの「戦士」や「戦士の妻」を出しています。それも「親がムスリム」といった背景も特にない…記事を読んでみましょう。 更新日: 2015年01月19日

イスラム過激派を研究している宗教人類学者は、男性の場合は女性とは別の理由でジハディストに加わっていることを発見。男性も他人に尽くしたいと考えている理想化肌が多いことは確かであるにせよ、それ以上に、自分は使命を帯びた「騎士 knight」なのだと信じているといいます。16
返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録 2014.11.14 20:57


The Lost Children: France Takes Stock of Growing Jihadist Problem

By Julia Amalia Heyer

The Lost Children: France Takes Stock of Growing Jihadist Problem

By Julia Amalia Heyer

The Internet and social networks make it easy to indoctrinate young people. In her research, Bouzar discovered that the French-speaking unit of the Al-Nusra Front actually employs headhunters to recruit young women and men.
The process of brainwashing usually follows the same principles, not unlike the approach taken by sects. First the victim, be it a boy or a girl, is isolated from his or her surroundings. The young people are pressured to sever all ties to family and friends. Then the indoctrination begins, through videos about genetically engineered food or alleged conspiracies. The goal is to make the victims believe that the world is evil and that only they have been chosen to make it a better place.

As a result of this brainwashing, the young women and men gradually lose their connection to everyday life and their old identities. Once a new identity has been created, they often see themselves as members of a chosen group of fighters for a better world.

Bouzar has found that the radicalized young women have a common trait: They are all interested in careers in social work or humanitarian aid. Sahra, for example, wanted to become a kindergarten teacher. As soon as these aspirations become apparent, through such channels as a Facebook profile, the Islamists begin casting their nets. They masquerade as "sisters in spirit" and become friends with the young women. During this initial phase, the conversations do not revolve around religious issues, but around an emotional world that is being created. The recruiters foster feelings of dismay, using images of children gassed by the Syrian regime, for example. Only when the victims have become sufficiently unsettled, and when they begin to question their current world and way of life, does Islam come into play.

Devious Methods

"Of course, it isn't Islam that is being communicated to them," says Bouzar, herself a Muslim. The extremists use the religion to lead their victims to believe in a higher, "godly" objective, she explains. And girls like Sahra, confused and disgusted by the supposed decadence of the West, believe what they hear. Bouzar and her associates have set up Facebook profiles, which they use to reconstruct the terrorists' devious methods.

In the end Sahra, an insecure and naïve girl, and an introverted and helpful person, became so indoctrinated that she left home.

Extremism expert Bouzar has found that boys and men who join the jihadists do it for different reasons than girls and women. They too often fit the profile of the humanitarian and starry-eyed idealist, but it is less pronounced than the belief that they are "knights" with a mission. Many men become fighters to satisfy their fantasies of omnipotence.

"It's a question of playing God, of being in control of life and death," says Bouzar. Mohamed Merah, the man who killed several people at a Jewish school in Toulouse, fit the same profile.

Others are simply motivated by a desire to belong, to be part of a group, a clique. This could also apply to Nicolas Bons.






”Violence has to be steady and escalatory to continue to shock and deter”

2015年02月08日 14時34分30秒 | Weblog
Isis has reached new depths of depravity. But there is a brutal logic behind it
The video showing the burning alive of the captive Jordanian pilot Muadh al-Kasasbeh prompted revulsion around the world. Here, the author of an acclaimed new book on the rise of Isis examines the ideology that is driving the jihadi movement to ever more brutal killings

via mozu

via mozu 「ダーイシュ」の基本戦略  凶暴な混乱の創造と管理で取り上げたダーイシュ戦術の教科書 Management of Savagery 凶暴の管理 を取り上げている。

According to Isis, violence has to be steady and escalatory to continue to shock and deter. Random acts of violence are not enough in this context. Brutality has to be ever more savage, creative and shocking. So if the immolation of the pilot is more savage than previous murders, Isis will undoubtedly be searching for an even more savage method to carry out its violent punishments. It is important to emphasise that Isis increases the level of its savagery at critical moments, rather than ad hoc.

The Jordanian capture provided a huge opportunity for it to humiliate the international coalition and send a strong message to Muslim countries participating in it. Isis recognised that the act would alienate some Muslims, but believes it will deter many more. What Isis gains from violence, it calculates, trumps any losses in popularity.

Statements such as “this hadith is weak” or “it is not permissible to kill prisoners of war” can be backed by religious texts, but how early Muslim leaders acted is similarly powerful, if not more persuasive.

The dilemma is that mainstream clerics sometimes steer clear of engaging in such stories because that has cross-sectarian implications. For example, critiquing immolation, killing captives and throwing people off high buildings risks arguing against Islamic figures at the core of the Sunni-Shia divide. Isis members claim these three acts were either carried out, or approved, by the first Muslim caliph, Abu Bakr, whom Shia consider an illegitimate leader – although many Sunni clerics dispute the references to immolation




2015年02月08日 03時39分47秒 | Weblog
ブレイディみかこ | 在英保育士、ライター
2015年2月7日 8時53分





Scholar got death threats, fired. arrested, and finally deported for protesting Israel occupation

2015年02月08日 03時33分40秒 | Weblog
Sami Al-Arian
From Wikipedia

February 6, 2015 FULL SHOW | HEADLINES | PREVIOUS: FCC’s Net Neutrality Shift a Victory for Open...
Exclusive: Deported Palestinian Scholar Sami Al-Arian on His Chilling Post-9/11 Prosecution

Exclusive Interview: Sami Al-Arian, Professor Who Defeated Controversial Terrorism Charges, is Deported from U.S.


In May 1997, Sami Al-Arian's brother-in-law Mazen Al-Najjar was incarcerated in Miami, Florida without charge and was held in jail indefinitely on the basis of secret evidence.


In October 2001, USF president Judy Genshaft placed Al-Arian on paid administrative leave and prohibited Al-Arian from entering USF property because she believed Al-Arian's presence would compromise campus security.  During winter recess when students and faculty were on leave in December 2001, Genshaft and the USF Board of Trustees declared their intention to fire Al-Arian from teaching at USF because of academic disruption and problems for campus safety.


因みに、ググルと 今回の退去について、





2015年02月08日 02時45分27秒 | Weblog

こういう人が街角にいたのを覚えてるのは70歳以上くらいなのかな? RT

これは浅草らしいが、上野松坂屋あたりの前でアコーディオン弾いて、募金を募っていたね。「最後に見たのは80年代」ーーー80年代はわからないが、たぶん、60年代70年のころはいたんじゃないか? 小さい頃、いっしょに歩いていた、ばあさんが募金していたのを覚えている。義手がなんとなく怖かった覚えがある。70才まで行かなくとも、中高年で覚えている人はわりにいるのではなかろうか?あるいは、住んでいた、というか、よく出かけた場所にもよるのか?

750,000 Americans died because of this peculiar mission of "Christianization."

2015年02月08日 02時34分31秒 | Weblog
オバマ氏「卑劣なカルト集団だ」 「イスラム国」を非難




Critics Seize On Obama’s ISIS Remarks at Prayer Breakfast

via mozu

“The president’s comments this morning at the prayer breakfast are the most offensive I’ve ever heard a president make in my lifetime,” said Jim Gilmore, the former Republican governor of Virginia. “He has offended every believing Christian in the United States

Rush Limbaugh devoted a segment of his show to what he said were the president’s insults to the “whole gamut of Christians

Bill Donohue, the president of the Catholic League, said in a statement that Mr. Obama was trying to “deflect guilt from Muslim madmen.” He said the president’s comparisons were “insulting” and “pernicious.”


A British journalist of The Guardian hints that Japan is more dangerous than ISIS




Some slave traders may indeed have sought justification for their actions in the Christian faith, but much of the trade was driven by economic reasons (a demand for cheap labor) and racism. The Crusades were just as much about political power as they were about religion.






ムスリムによるテロ行為 欧州では全体の2%以下、米国では、子供に銃で殺される率のほうが高い

More Muslims mean less murders. 非イスラム圏の国々の殺人率がイスラム圏諸国より3倍高い


Home> Politics
Historians Weigh in on Obama's Comparison of ISIS Militants to Medieval Christian Crusaders
Feb 6, 2015, 5:19 PM ET
By EVAN SIMON via World News

The Crusades, which began in 1095 with the call of Pope Urban II to recover Jerusalem from Muslim rule, were a series of wars that lasted nearly two centuries. Although no reliable estimate of casualties caused by Crusaders exists, the massacre of over 2,700 Muslim prisoners by Richard the Lionheart outside Acre during the Third Crusade has been well documented and is remembered in the Middle East to this day.

Asbridge said he doesn’t have a problem with the president reminding the world that the Christian Church “advocated violence, and at times even encouraged its adherents to engage in warfare” but to suggest a causal link between ISIS and the distant medieval phenomenon of the Crusades is “grounded in the manipulation and misrepresentation of historical evidence.”




Lynchings Of Black People In The Last Century 閲覧注意

This is the charred body of Jesse Washington and whites from Waco — not ISIS — burned him alive
Bill Moyers
07 Feb 2015 at 05:49 ET

Yes, ISIS Burned a Man Alive. White Americans Did the Same Thing to Thousands of Black People
The United States practiced a unique cultural ritual that was as least as gruesome as the "medieval" punishments meted out by ISIS against its foes.
By Chauncey DeVega / Daily Kos
February 5, 2015



The Foolish, Historically Illiterate, Incredible Response to Obama's Prayer Breakfast Speech
Using religion to brutalize other people is not a Muslim invention, nor is it foreign to the American experience.
Ta-Nehisi Coates Feb 6 2015, 1:00 PM E

There were a fair number of pretexts given for slavery and Jim Crow, but Christianity provided the moral justification. On the cusp of plunging his country into a war that would cost some 750,000 lives, Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens paused to offer some explanation.

Stephens went on to argue that the "Christianization of the barbarous tribes of Africa" could only be accomplished through enslavement. And enslavement was not made possible through Robert's Rules of Order, but through a 250-year reign of mass torture, industrialized murder, and normalized rape—tactics which ISIS would find familiar. Its moral justification was not "because I said so," it was "Providence," "the curse against Canaan," "the Creator," "and Christianization." In just five years, 750,000 Americans died because of this peculiar mission of "Christianization." Many more died before, and many more died after. In his "Segregation Now" speech, George Wallace invokes God 27 times and calls the federal government opposing him "a system that is the very opposite of Christ."

Now, Christianity did not "cause" slavery, anymore than Christianity "caused" the civil-rights movement. The interest in power is almost always accompanied by the need to sanctify that power. That is what the Muslims terrorists in ISIS are seeking to do today, and that is what Christian enslavers and Christian terrorists did for the lion's share of American history.




There’s No Such Thing as ‘Radical Islam.’ There Are Only Terrorists Who Are Muslim
ISIS is about as Islamic as the KKK is Christian. They just use religion. Their real agenda is political. Get with it.

ISはイスラム教過激派でもない。KKKがときたまキリスト教徒と自称する人種差別主義者であるのと同様に、ISはたんなるテロリスト集団であり、ときたま、イスラム教徒であった、というだけの話である、と。 目的は政治的権力奪取で、宗教を悪用して、自らを”正当化”しようしているにすぎない、と。


On Obama, Faith, and the 'Most Offensive' Comments a President Has Ever Made
Many of today's conservatives are on the warpath about President Obama's latest speech. Conservative thinkers of other eras might have seen it differently.
James Fallows Feb 6 2015, 4:01 PM ET

A few weeks ago I wrote a NY Times Book Review item on Karen Armstrong's book Fields of Blood. Her book makes an extremely detailed historic case for a view that is different from Obama's (or Coates's) but complementary to theirs. In short, she says that religion has often been associated with violence, from long before the Crusades until this very week. But she argues that the underlying sources of violence are almost always political, and sometimes ethnic, with religion as an excuse or overlay rather than being the underlying cause

Fields of Blood,’ by Karen Armstrong


Second, this involvement with politics means that religions have often been tied up with violence: Crusaders, conquistadors, jihadists and many more. But — a point Armstrong cares about so much that she makes it dozens of times — the violence almost always originates with the state and spills over to religion, rather than vice versa


because “violence and coercion . . . lay at the heart of social existence.” The earliest states required force to maintain systems of agricultural production; mature ones found that the threat of violence — by police within their borders, by armies between them — was, sadly, the best way to keep the peace.
Armstrong develops this argument through the interacting evolutions of religion and government from Mesopotamian times onward. She has sections on the rise of Zoroastrianism in Persia, on the Sanskrit-speaking Aryans four millenniums ago in India, on the early formation of the Chinese state — and that is before her multichapter examination of the development of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. She then explores the best-known examples of violence involving each of these faiths, from the Spanish Inquisition of the 15th century to the Islamic (and other) extremists of the 21st, including ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel. In nearly all cases, she argues, violent impulses that originated elsewhere — with nationalism, struggles for territory, resentment at loss of power — may have presented themselves as “religious” disputes but really had little to do with faith.