Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

People don't want Wars?

2014年08月21日 22時53分23秒 | Weblog


うーん、どうかな? では、戦争に熱狂する国民はどうなのか?



By Janet Allon comments_image 206 COMMENTS
Krugman on the Terrifying Reason Nations Keep Waging War
War is a huge money loser. So the motive is not greed.

But times have changed, Krugman points out. "If you’re a modern, wealthy nation, however, war ― even easy, victorious war ― doesn’t pay," he writes. "And this has been true for a long time."


But Russian growth has been sputtering ― and you could argue that the Putin regime needed a distraction.

Similar arguments have been made about other wars that otherwise seem senseless, like Argentina’s invasion of the Falkland Islands in 1982, which is often attributed to the then-ruling junta’s desire to distract the public from an economic debacle. (To be fair, some scholars are highly critical of this claim.)
And the fact is that nations almost always rally around their leaders in times of war, no matter how foolish the war or how awful the leaders. Argentina’s junta briefly became extremely popular during the Falklands war. For a time, the “war on terror” took President George W. Bush’s approval to dizzying heights, and Iraq probably won him the 2004 election. True to form, Mr. Putin’s approval ratings have soared since the Ukraine crisis began.



Pandering to U.S. demands is going to extremes

2014年08月21日 13時46分16秒 | Weblog
Pandering to Northern Va.’s Koreans is going to extremes
By Editorial Board August 19

There’s no dispute about the anguish and abuse suffered by so-called comfort women, many of them Korean, who were forced into brothels to service Japanese soldiers.

To be more accurate,

There’s no dispute about the anguish and abuse suffered by so-called comfort women, many of them Korean, who were forced into brothels by Korean agents to service Japanese soldiers and U.S. solders.
