Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

米軍基地のせいで、攻撃にさらされる沖縄 沖縄県民を危険にさらす米軍基地を是認する朝日の偽善

2013年07月11日 16時37分28秒 | Weblog
North Korea Threatens To Attack Okinawa
By Zachary Keck

July 11, 2013

In a July 3rd article quoted by the Korean Central News Agency, Rodong Sinmun writes that the U.S. is “massively deploying its forces in Okinawa” because it believes it is an integral base from which to mount its pivot to Asia strategy.

The newspaper then writes that this strategy is “seriously mistaken” because the Okinawa base is vulnerable to attack.

“But the U.S. is seriously mistaken. The U.S. base on Okinawa is exposed to any strike. Its neighboring powers are following Okinawa with heightened vigilance as the U.S. pursues a sinister aim…. The U.S. would be well advised to give up a foolish daydream and behave itself.”





U.S. military may have been exploiting sex slaves in Korea and in Vietnam just as Japanese military

2013年07月11日 16時19分45秒 | Weblog
Japanese Nuclear Plant May Have Been Leaking for Two Years
Published: July 10, 2013

新たな流入か、2年前の滞留水か 東電・福島第1原発地下水問題
2013.7.10 21:38

汚染水、海に拡散か 第一原発




U.S. military may have been exploiting sex slaves in Korea and in Vietnam




2013年07月11日 14時29分19秒 | Weblog








FGU on how Japan’s employers are circumventing new contract law protections: poison pills in contracts

Posted by debito on June 24th, 2013


韓国の勝利、内弁慶の日本右翼の惨敗 専守防衛ボケ

2013年07月11日 13時32分08秒 | Weblog













2013年07月11日 13時21分33秒 | Weblog






出っ腹で、心臓病や癌 他

2013年07月11日 12時25分37秒 | Weblog
Having a pot belly increases the risk of heart disease and cancer more than 'bingo wings' or being generally overweight
A 'spare tyre' is particularly dangerous because it is packed with 'bad fat'
Weight around the waist is an indicator of fat around the vital organs
This is dangerous because it releases chemicals that raise the risk of cancer and heart disease
PUBLISHED: 18:30 GMT, 10 July 2013 | UPDATED: 18:30 GMT, 10 July 2013


Erasing obesity means more than just taking a walk

By Karin Klein
July 10, 2013, 3:53 p.m.


Do Diet Drinks Mess Up Metabolisms?
July 10, 201312:32 PM


Your glass really can become half full: The documentary that shows how you can train your brain to become an OPTIMIST in seven weeks
Michael Mosley has investigated the science of personality and discovered that our outlook on life is not fixed and unchangeable
By regularly practicing two mental exercises - mindfulness and cognitive-bias modification - and with no drugs or therapy he felt happier
Cutting edge tests showed that within just seven weeks his brain activity became less characteristic of a pessimistic and anxious person
Study has shown that on average, being optimistic can add more than seven years to a life - four years more than if a cure for cancer was found
PUBLISHED: 12:42 GMT, 10 July 2013 | UPDATED: 01:00 GMT, 11 July 2013



Doctors sterilized nearly 150 female inmates in the California prison system without approvals

2013年07月11日 12時18分01秒 | Weblog
MONDAY, JUL 8, 2013 05:25 AM +0900
Report finds female inmates were sterilized in California prisons without approval
Doctors sterilized nearly 150 female inmates in the California prison system from 2006 to 2010

Doctors sterilized nearly 150 female inmates in the California prison system from 2006 to 2010 without required state approvals, with many of these women reporting that they were coerced into receiving the surgery, the Center for Investigative Reporting has found.

A review of state documents reveals that doctors under contract with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation may have performed as many as 250 total tubal ligations dating back to the 1990s, according to the center.


Why ARE high-flying women more at risk of developing breast cancer?
Research found longer woman held stressful job, the greater risk of cancer
Being in authority over others was a risk factor
Jan O'Mahony gave up being a GP after being diagnosed with the disease
Helen O'Neill believes her job contributed to her diagnosis
Businesswoman Hannah Foxley is sure her cancer was pressure-related
PUBLISHED: 20:28 GMT, 10 July 2013 | UPDATED: 00:48 GMT, 11 July 2013



‘There's definitely a link and it's probably a combination of factors. First, professional women tend to have fewer children, they have them later in life and they may breastfeed for less time, all of which are risk factors for breast cancer because of its relationship with the oestrogen cycle.’
Mr Barr adds that alcohol - which has also been linked to breast cancer - is another factor. Figures published last year showed professional middle-aged women were drinking more than teenagers for the first time, downing 9.1 units a week on average.

'Research found that the longer the woman held a job, the greater the risk of cancer, and that being in authority over others was a risk factor'
‘Women are drinking twice as much as they did and professional women tend to have a glass of wine every day to relax,’ he says. ‘Another drive may be more use of the contraceptive pill, and more use of HRT to avoid menopausal symptoms in a high-pressure job.’
Both the pill and HRT change oestrogen levels in women and so may encourage cancer to develop. A 2011 study estimated that just over three out of 100 breast cancers in women in the UK are linked to HRT use.
However, the latest study offered another explanation for professional women's susceptibility to breast cancer: stress. The researchers said that lifestyle and hormonal factors could not fully explain the increased incidence of tumours among this group, and believe the pressures of entering a male-dominated workplace could also have had a rol


My ordeal as Gadaffi's sex slave: Woman who was kept in a dungeon and used to satisfy brutal dictator
French journalist Annick Cojean interviewed a woman named Soraya who spent years as a sex slave for Muammar Gaddafi
Soraya was 15 when Gaddafi met her at her school and hand-picked her as a sex slave
Gaddafi told her he would be a father, brother, and lover to her
Soraya was beaten and raped and subjected to heinous acts during her imprisonment
The former sex-slave now lives in Tripoli, hoping for some sort of justice

PUBLISHED: 15:36 GMT, 7 July 2013 | UPDATED: 17:32 GMT, 7 July 2013


‘Baby please let me tie you up tomorrow it’s so sexy 他

2013年07月11日 12時11分08秒 | Weblog
Revealed: The 1,500 dirty text messages sent by teacher, 24, to pupil, 16, she had six-week affair with and whose name she had tattooed on her body
Roseanna Langley had a six-week-long affair with the 16-year-old pupil
She bombarded teenager with explicit texts and naked pictures of herself
She was spared jail at Exeter Crown Court after her eight month sentence was suspended for two years
Judge told her she will never be allowed to work with children again
PUBLISHED: 13:27 GMT, 10 July 2013 | UPDATED: 22:43 GMT, 10 July 2013

The science teacher’s text messages included ‘Baby please let me tie you up tomorrow it’s so sexy’ and ‘babe I love planning our future together’.


Spank You Very Much
Is S&M dangerous? Let’s look at the evidence.
By William Saletan|Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2013, at 10:50 AM


Salon · 183,808人が「いいね!」と言っています
6時間前 ·

Shocker: "Men who reported that their partner stimulated their penis orally in order for him to get an erection reported a significantly longer penile length than men who reported using only fantasy..."

What is the average penis length?
A study tries to find the real answer to that question and discovers men have been telling the truth all along


 Senior doctor suspended after being caught filming up women's skirts

2013年07月11日 12時05分09秒 | Weblog
Senior doctor suspended after being caught filming up women's skirts by policewoman who was also a victim
He used his mobile phone to film women’s thighs and groins
The offence was serious in nature and his conduct was sexually motivated
Policewoman was 'disgusted and upset' that she herself had been a victim
Judge: Actions were 'fundamentally outside the behaviour expected'
Has had his registration suspended for 12 months
PUBLISHED: 15:37 GMT, 10 July 2013 | UPDATED: 15:37 GMT, 10 July 2013

'He said: "I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it is the first time" and "I’m sorry please don’t arrest me." I arrested and cautioned him.'

Iphone で盗撮だそうです。


2013年07月11日 10時17分06秒 | Weblog
「慰安婦の碑」設置を承認 米カリフォルニア州市議会
2013.7.11 08:50 [米国]






2013年07月11日 04時41分52秒 | Weblog
PETA Finds Itself on Receiving End of Others’ Anger

Published: July 6, 2013

PETA, considered by many to be the highest-profile animal rights group in the country, kills an average of about 2,000 dogs and cats each year at its animal shelter here.

And the shelter does few adoptions ― 19 cats and dogs in 2012 and 24 in 2011, according to state records.

At a time when the major animal protection groups have moved to a “no kill” shelter model, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals remains a holdout, confounding some and incensing others who know the organization as a very vocal advocacy group that does not believe animals should be killed for food, fur coats or leather goods.

This is an organization that on Thanksgiving urges Americans not to eat turkey.

“Honestly, I don’t understand it,” says Joan E. Schaffner, an animal rights lawyer and an associate professor at the George Washington University Law School, which hosts an annual no-kill conference. “PETA does lots of good for animals, but I could never support them on this.”

As recently as a decade ago, it was common practice at shelters to euthanize large numbers of dogs and cats that had not been adopted.

But the no-kill movement has grown very quickly, leaving PETA behind.

In New York City last year, 8,252 dogs and cats were euthanized, compared with 31,701 in 2003.

In California, for example, 176,900 dogs were euthanized in 2011, compared with 303,000 in 1997, when the state started keeping track. In that same period, adoptions have climbed to 137,700 from 84,000. Here in Virginia, 61,591 dogs and cats were euthanized last year, compared with 103,327 in 2004.

“It’s a humane exit from a world that’s treated them like garbage,” said Ms. Nachminovitch, a vegan who does not use animal products. “It’s very sad, but in these cases, it’s the best we can hope for.”



 日本でも同様にしたいですね。 殺生は犬でも人間でもよくない。



2013年07月11日 04時31分00秒 | Weblog
Romanian pimp who 'bought' woman, 23, and forced her into prostitution is jailed for 15 years
Marcel Vasile, 36, raped victim and forced her to work in massage parlours
Convicted of rape, controlling prostitution and trafficking after trial
Romanian woman was brought to Britain by father and son traffickers
PUBLISHED: 09:24 GMT, 9 July 2013 | UPDATED: 10:32 GMT, 9 July 2013

A Romanian pimp who ‘bought’ a woman from sex traffickers and then forced her into prostitution has been jailed for 15 years.
Marcel Vasile, 36, has been convicted five years after she was sold by father-and-son duo Bogdan and Marius Nejloveanus following an international manhunt.
Vasile, described as a 'calculating, menacing character' with little regard for women, raped his 23-year-old victim and made her work in massage parlours.
He was jailed after being found guilty of rape, controlling prostitution and trafficking.
The woman was one of six brought to Britain by the Nejloveanus, who are also from Romania.
In early 2008, she was sold to Vasile, a London-based pimp who was on the run from a sex trafficking case in Spain, because she was fighting the Nejloveanus' attempts to exploit her.
The Nejloveanus then went on to supply other women to massage parlours in Manchester.
They used the example of the victim they had ‘sold’ to scare the other trafficked women.

By then the woman had escaped from Vasile and returned to Romania after running away from the massage parlour in London where he had forced her to work.



amanda 2013-06-08 01:28
i am a licensed massage therapist. my work is strictly professional and non sexual, and. am exclent at what i do, but on a daily basis i get asked via text or phone call how much does it cost for me to masturbate him, or how about the clients that are in my office and "subtly" guide my hand toward their penis. its awfull to say, but sexual harrasment comes with the job description and i am so fed up with it.



”America would no longer be America if white people were not the racial majority.”

2013年07月11日 04時04分07秒 | Weblog

Maddow: Does the GOP want to be more than a party of aggrieved white people?

By Eric W. Dolan
Tuesday, July 9, 2013 23:51 EDT

The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative publication, reported Tuesday that Rand Paul’s director of new media was an avid supporter of the Confederacy who celebrated John Wilkes Booth’s birthday. The aide, Jack Hunter, had served as a chairman for the League of the South and warned America would no longer be America if white people were not the racial majority.

The same aide was hired by former Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) to write a book. Maddow noted that DeMint was now head of the Heritage Institution, which faced criticism earlier this year after publishing a report on immigration that was co-authored by a man who believed Hispanic people were inherently less intelligent that white people 


“Should the Republican Party be just the party of aggrieved white people, even to the extent that it may stray occasionally into Confederate territory in order to do that?” Maddow wondered. “Do you want that in order to maximize every possible white vote you can get out of an electorate that is less and less white all the time?”

The other option was to become a multi-racial party. But Maddow observed that the conservative media appeared to be unanimous in its opinion: Stick with white voters.



 その意味でNYTはStick with white readers なわけですけど、たぶん、海外で暮らして、その国の言葉を学んで、アメリカを見直さないと、その意味がなかなかわからない、と思う。


The US government's pursuit for Snowden is hypocritical,

2013年07月11日 03時12分15秒 | Weblog

What am I missing in the Snowden affair?
The US government's dogmatic pursuit for Snowden is both counter-productive and hypocritical, writes scholar.
Last Modified: 10 Jul 2013 12:16

I would have thought that there was a clear set of principles that make the American diplomatic pursuit of Edward Snowden as a fugitive from justice a rather empty and futile gesture. As far as I can tell, there is not even a need for asylum as governments should have been prepared to grant Snowden residence status because his alleged criminal acts in the United States were without question political crimes , without violence or monetary motivation.

The US government position contradicts its own long standing practice of refusing to give up those wanted for political crimes, including in some instances even shielding persons charged with terrorist activity. The most notorious example is that of Luis Posada Carrilles, an exile from Cuba with a long record of involvement in anti-Castro terrorist activity, alleged to have blown up a Cuban passenger plane in 1976 with 73 persons on board, and living without legal difficulties in Florida.

it suggests one more example of American exceptionalism that causes anger and resentment throughout the world - in effect, we are insisting that we expect from others far more than we are prepared to give.

If a Chinese Snowden was to make comparable revelations that violated Chinese criminal law there would not be a chance in a million that the United States would return such an individual to China, and wouldn't Washington be outraged if China used its leverage to persuade governments to divert a plane suspected of carrying the person they were seeking to prosecute, especially if it were a plane known to be carrying the president of a sovereign state?

Can one imagine the US government turning over the blind Chinese human rights activist, Chen Gunagchen, for prosecution under a Chinese law criminalising deliberate harm to the country's public image? Of course not, and it is a good thing. Sovereign states, if not entirely paranoid and wedded to an autocratic conception of national security, should welcome the exemption of political crimes from cooperative law enforcement.



