Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2011年10月07日 08時46分16秒 | Weblog

スティーブ・ジョブス スタンフォード大学卒業式辞 日本語字幕版

Stanford Report, June 14, 2005
'You've got to find what you love,' Jobs says

You've got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.・・・・・

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma ― which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.



2011年10月07日 07時46分03秒 | Weblog






Several months ago she divided up much of her estate among her five sons and one daughter -- palaces, mansions and treasures including masterpieces by artists from Goya to Velazquez, Murillo, Rembrandt and Rubens.
But she has kept control until her death over the assets, reputedly worth between 600 million and 3.5 billion euros ($850 million and $5.0 billion).



国民に節約強要するより、政府がまず無駄を削減しろ 他

2011年10月07日 04時23分59秒 | Weblog






自民党新体制 主要政策の旗もっと高く
2011.10.6 0


慶応大学教授・竹中平蔵 忍び寄る「重税国家」に警戒せよ











Why China and Russia rebuffed the West on Syria

By Jonathan Marcus

It opened the way to the Nato air campaign - ostensibly to protect civilians, but in practice one of the key factors in the demise of Col Muammar Gaddafi's regime.

Both the Chinese and Russian governments seem to think that the West took advantage of this resolution to intervene militarily in a Libyan civil war. They are determined not to allow any similar resolution to go forward, hence the double veto.

There are other reasons, though, that explain the double veto - not least the "traditional" Russian and Chinese concerns about resolutions that seek to intervene in the internal affairs of a country.

In this sense Russia and China are staunch defenders of old-fashioned national sovereignty - perhaps fearful of resolutions one day being directed against them.

Then there is immediate national interest. For both Beijing and Moscow, Libya was essentially a marginal player in the region. But Syria, especially for the Russians, is a very different matter.

The Syria of the Assad dynasty has been - and remains - a crucial Russian ally.

Russian arms sales to Damascus continue despite the civil disorder and repression in the country.


Syria shrugs off sanctions, eyes China oil sales
By Erika Solomon | Reuters – Wed, Sep 7, 2011

ABU DHABI (Reuters) - Syria plans to sell the oil European customers cannot take under a new EU import ban to Russia or China and will be unharmed by western sanctions as long as its own energy needs are met, Syria's finance minister said on Wednesday.



Syria hails 'historic' UN vetoes, accuses West
By Sammy Ketz (AFP) – 3 hours ago

DAMASCUS ― A top aide to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Wednesday hailed as "historic" Russian and Chinese vetoes of a UN resolution against his regime, accusing the West of indirectly supporting "armed gangs."
"This is a historical day that Russia and China as nations are standing for the people and against injustices," presidential adviser Buthaina Shaaban told AFP in an interview.
"The United States has used the veto 50 times against the rights of the Palestinian people in their life, in their dignity and in their land," she said.

Syria sanctions: 'outraged' US seeks fresh resolution after double veto blow

As well as expressing outrage over the veto, Rice walked out of the security council when Syria, exercising its right to speak, accused the US of backing genocide against the Palestinians.



Syria hotbed of major geopolitical game
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Published: 05 October, 2011

“The interest of Syria for the Western powers is great proximity to Israel,” the author and journalist claims, underlining the importance of the geopolitical factor in this case rather than energy interests.
“It [Syria] has been a party in the war against Israel, it’s one of the big opponents of Israeli state,” he explains. “There is an arch Lebanon-Syria-Iran of geopolitical opposition to Israel and to America’s role in the Middle East.”

イスラエル vs レバノンーシリアーイラン



Mainstream media skewed on Syria
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Published: 06 October, 2011



Returned Namibian skulls ignite anger, demands Germany pay for colonial sins
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By Associated Press, Published: October 4

WINDHOEK, Namibia ― Human skulls taken from Namibia by German colonizers returned home Tuesday after more than 100 years, but the reconciliatory gesture instead has ignited anger and renewed demands that Germany pay for its sins in this corner of Africa where more than 60,000 people were killed.

Tuesday’s return of 20 skulls taken to Germany more than a century ago for racist experiments also has fueled anger about current injustices by a people decimated when they rebelled against German colonizers.

Historians say the genocide committed by German soldiers in what they called South West Africa was a precursor to the Nazi Holocaust of the Jews.

The Herero people numbered more than 85,000 and were the most powerful and richest with herds of tens of thousands of cattle roaming a third of the country when Germany began its colonial adventure here.

When the Herero rose up, the slaughter began. Within three years, 85 percent were dead, their land and cattle stolen, some bodies beheaded.



Anti-Semitic incidents reported at two German high schools
October 5, 2011

(JTA) -- Reports of threatening anti-Semitic incidents involving high school pupils in two former East German towns are being investigated.

The Jewish Museum Berlin canceled the visit of its touring exhibit about Jewish life in Germany by schools in the towns of Werder and Havel last week, on the first day of Rosh Hashanah, after some students barraged museum staff with anti-Semitic comments such as "no more Jew-blabbering" and "they used to gas you," according to a report in the Markische Oder Zeitung online.



The Plight of Black African Immigrants in the West

By Emmanuel Sarpong Owusu-Ansah
Feature Article | 1 day ago

Unlike Black Africa where foreigners especially Whites are treated like royals and offered first class hospitality, Europe and other western countries view Africans as unwanted entities, treat them with contempt and subject them to bigotry. Many Africans make their way to the West in search of economic prosperity, better social life, and “unrivalled” happiness, but what they usually find is financial bankruptcy, solitude, and/or depression. It is only when they set foot on the shores of the illusive Garden of Eden that they discover that the West is not as welcoming to Black African migrants as they had perceived.

Politicians and the western media are now inciting xenophobia and racism, and creating an atmosphere of fear by blaming almost every misfortune that befalls them on Black African immigrants. The West's economic demise such as high rate of unemployment among indigenous people, shortage of housing facilities, and the bankruptcy hitting banks are usually blamed on poor and defenceless Black immigrants. Poor and jobless lower class Whites blame their misfortune on the influx of migrants. Homeless Whites identify Black African immigrants as the source of their homelessness.

Old and conservative Whites point accusing fingers at underclass Black Africans for rising crime rates in their neighbourhoods and countries. Mayors and local commuters blame over-crowding in urban centres on Black migrants. Incurable diseases such as HIV/AIDS, in the eyes of the Whiteman have been transported to western countries by the man from the “Dark Continent”. Consequently, the African immigrant has become an object of mockery and serious attacks in western countries.

Umberto Bossi, the leader of the 'Lega Nord per l'Indipendenza della Padania' (North League for the Independence of Padania) political party in Italy, and a top member of Mr Silvio Berlusconi's fourth cabinet, suggested in 2003 that fire be opened on illegal African immigrants who cross the Mediterranean, to prevent them from landing on Italian shores, referring to them as 'bingo-bongos' (jungle people or Tarzans). The Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, is also quoted as saying that the streets of Milan reminded him of an African city – implying that Milan streets are invaded by Africans, dirty, stinky and chaotic.

There are frequent reports of vicious attacks on Black African immigrants in Italy, Germany, Portugal, France, UK and other European countries. In Italy and France for instance, this kind of propaganda by politicians, the media and some locals, has resulted in titanic hostility towards Black African immigrants and serious racial violence. Attacks and at times killings have continued intermittently and incessantly. In January 2010 for instance, a group of anti-Black immigrants opened fire on two African migrant workers from a moving vehicle in the southern part of Italy.

Many illegal immigrants suffer serious abuse, and others become victims of robbery and all sorts of attacks day in day out; but pathetically, they are unable to report them to the police for fear of ending up in detention centres and being deported. Numerous reports are heard of Black African immigrants absurdly taking to their heels apparently to avoid possible deportation, after being hit by drunk or careless drivers.

Italian immigration laws currently allow refugees without genuine residential permits to be locked up for half a year. How could African migrants have their peace of mind and comfort if they live in countries like the UK or Germany where persistent random identification exercises are carried out on immigrants, or Italy where the current law legalizes the introduction of 'vigilantes' (civilian militias) to supplement the systematic use of soldiers to patrol town and city centres and to intimidate foreigners. In the UK, a Black African is about ten times more likely to be stopped and searched than his White counterpart.

The immense contribution being made by immigrants to these western economies is hardly mentioned. Tabloids such as the 'Sun' in the UK are always quick to magnify the slightest of unpleasant incidents involving a foreigner, especially a Black African immigrant, as they did to the Big Brother celebrity, Makosi Musambasi which cost her the victory that she clearly deserved in the 2005 Big Brother UK contest. The young and talented Zimbabwean singer Gamu Nhegu was controversially eliminated from the 2010 edition of the ITV1 singing talent show, X Factor clearly due to her mum's immigration status, even though she was considered by many as the favourite to win the contest. The African immigrant in the West has rights only in theory and surely not in practice.

In the UK, racist comments or acts are not openly expressed due to the quite strict laws against racism and the use of racist language. The inability of indigenous Brits to openly express their true feelings and thoughts about African immigrants has thus turned many into hypocrites – saying one thing about the Black African in public but thinking the other – calling him mate, buddy, love, darling, and gorgeous in the open, but describing him to a fellow White in secret as a detestable sub-human species, unlovable, stinky, and chimp-like entity. They try to '… look like the innocent flower, / But … the serpent under it', as Shakespeare puts it.

Contrary to the UK, Italy is today fast growing into a racist land where there seems to be no serious stigma attached to the use of racist language. Many say anything they want against Black Africans and go scot-free because there are no concrete laws prohibiting the use of racist language against them.

A Black African jumps on to a public bus in Rome, and the seat beside him remains unoccupied until he gets off even though the bus may be full with many passengers standing and being tossed left and right. It is only when the Black African puts his handbag on the “rejected” seat beside him that White folks realize the need to sit as well. They come for the seat not because they are comfortable sitting close to him, but because they want to express their disgust and anger for securing a seat for an inanimate object while human beings, in fact the “owners” of the bus are standing.


Racism and skin colour: the many shades of prejudice



Welcome to The Official Dark Girls Movie

The darker you are it's more of sexual approach


OCTOBER 6, 2011 · 9:06 AM
Racist Attack In Spain Leaves Man In A Coma

A young black man has been left in a coma after a violent racist attack.

According to witnesses his attacker shouted racist obscenities at him before dragging him to the ground by his hair and hitting his head repeatedly on the pavement.

The 29-year-old victim from Senegal was taken to the Juan Ramon Jimenez Hospital, in Huelva, where he remains in intensive care with multiple injuries.

Police arrested a 33-year-old man – ARG – just minutes afterwards. He has been arrested seven times before.


Our love was colour blind... but our families weren't
Deeply moving, and exposing tensions that still blight Britain today, mixed-race couples from four generations tell their stories
Last updated at 11:06 AM on 6th October 2011

Tony, 54, runs martial arts fitness company, Fighting Fit. He is married to Jan, 51, and the couple have a ten-year-old daughter, Toni. They live in South London. Jan is white and Tony’s parents are originally from Jamaica.
JAN SAYS: Tony and I got together after I went to one of his fitness classes. It was the mid Nineties, not long after Stephen Lawrence had been murdered in South London, and a time when tensions were high between the black community and the police.
One incident in particular brought it home to me how different life could be for Tony, compared to the white boyfriends I’d had.
He was driving home from work in his Mercedes one afternoon when he was stopped by police investigating an armed robbery.

Despite the fact his car was emblazoned with his company logo, and he was wearing his martial arts uniform, they hauled him out at gunpoint, before thoroughly searching both him and the car.
When he told me what happened I was incredibly shocked. He said he got the impression that if he made any unexpected move they would have shot him. That sort of thing just wasn’t something I’d ever encountered before.
When Tony and I married in 1996 I was the first person in my family to marry a man who wasn’t white.
Mine was a very traditional middle-class background ― my family are Home Counties’ farmers and I was privately educated.

They were very polite to Tony, but my parents worried about how our children would cope with a mixed identity. This was unchartered territory for them.
But, even now, it still shocks me how much, often unspoken, racism remains in Britain. When our daughter Toni was just a baby and I was pushing her through the park in her buggy, an elderly man, whom I knew by sight, came over. I thought he wanted to coo over the baby but he spat at me. It left me shaking.
Tony and I sometimes don’t get asked to certain events in the community where we live, and while nothing is ever said the only difference is that we are a mixed-race couple.
But thankfully Toni is oblivious. She attends a multi-racial church school, and I don’t think she ever considers the colour of her skin.
My parents had nothing to worry about. Hopefully, by the time she’s old enough to marry the issues we’ve faced really will be a thing of the past.

異人種間の結婚 世代別に何例かあげているが、まだまだ偏見にさいなまれているようである。


OCTOBER 6, 2011 · 9:07 AM
Popular Charlotte Destination Faces Another Complaint Of Racial Discrimination

One of Charlotte’s popular nightlife destinations is under fire again for allegations of racial discrimination.

Nikita Taylor contacted Eyewitness News after she and her fiance were kicked out of the lobby of the movie theater at the Mez three weeks ago.

“We were stopped at the door and the security guard told us that we couldn’t go in,” Taylor said.

Taylor said her fiance was wearing a collared shirt, jeans and high-top Nike sneakers. The security guard informed them sneakers were not allowed because the Mez’s dress code is business casual.

Taylor and her fiance were about to leave, when she noticed another group of patrons walk in with no problem.

“A group of white kids came in, one with a hoodie and sneakers on, the other with skateboard shoes,” Taylor said.

Taylor confronted the security guard about the inconsistency, and she said he asked her to leave. “He told us if we didn’t leave right now we were going to get arrested.”

Taylor said she felt frustrated and disrespected. She has begun the formal process of filing a complaint with the Charlotte Community Relations Committee



OCTOBER 5, 2011 · 7:58 AM

Missouri Student Faced Racial Threat, Parents Take Legal Action

“It was after a boys basketball game. A boy kept moving away from me and I asked what was wrong with him and then he told me he didn’t like black people,” she says.

Then the ultimate threat: a student tied a hoodie string in the shape of a noose.

She says, “The two boys brought it out in class and they were asking around for me and another boy and another boy said why and they said they were going to test it for size.”

Her father, Sean Anderson, says it’s a serious threat.

“To us bringing a noose to school is bringing a lethal weapon to school because back in the day that’s what it was used for to hang people and to us its just like bringing a gun to school,” Anderson says.

The family says another boy mentioned wanting to rope their daughter. The girl didn’t tell her mom and dad. Instead they heard about it through other parents, not school officials.

“I didn’t understand why the principal didn’t feel like this was something that my wife and i should know,” Anderson says.

We questioned Richland Superintendent Joe Ridgeway. He says he didn’t know the parents felt this bad.


Published: Oct. 5, 2011 Updated: 4:42 p.m.
Text: Next Article »
Woman accused of hate crime, punching man

WESTMINSTER – A Caucasian woman pleaded not guilty Wednesday at her arraignment for punching a Hispanic man in the face and yelling racial slurs in an unprovoked hate crime, authorities said.


OCTOBER 6, 2011 · 9:03 AM
Yakima Man Facing Charges After Racially Motivated Attack On Hispanic Family

A Yakima man is facing assault and other charges after an attack authorities are calling racially motivated.

Police believe 30 year old Peter Weller attacked a Hispanic family outside the Old Country Buffet restaurant in Union Gap eleven days ago.

Officers say after his arrest, Weller allegedly confessed that he hates Mexicans. Weller could also be charged with custodial assault after getting into a scuffle with police.

He will be arraigned October 19th.


Martin LukacsIndependent journalist
Disappearing Aboriginal Women Are Canada's Secret Shame
Posted: 10/4/11 12:35 PM ET

Angeline Eileen Pete, 28, reported missing from British Columbia in May. Roberta Dawn McIvor, 32, found murdered near Lake Winnipeg in July. Kimberley Nolin Napess, 15, last seen in Quebec City in August. And two Friday's ago, Verna Simard, 50, dead after plunging from the sixth floor window of the Regent Hotel in Vancouver.

These are not isolated, unconnected incidents. The women are all Aboriginal, and their deaths and disappearances are the fruit of a rotten, unresolved Canadian legacy. In a country of deep pride but tolerance much shallower than acknowledged, these crimes are part of a secret shame: more than 600 Aboriginal women missing or murdered in the last 30 years.

Killed in their homes and in the streets, on and off reservations, by acquaintances and by strangers, Aboriginal women are the victims of an unmistakable epidemic of violence. They are five times more likely to die violently than their non-Aboriginal counterparts. In northern B.C., so many have disappeared on notorious highway 16 that it has been given a chilling name: the Highway of Tears. The Canadian government's expressions scarcely mask a truth written out in their policies and inaction: these women are disposable.

If 600 white middle-class women went missing it would be treated like a national crisis. A single such disappearance triggers emergency advertisements on television and radio news. An Aboriginal woman's disappearance, on the other hand, receives no comparable attention. For police forces it is a file to be quickly closed, often unsolved. For government officials, it is a statistic to be hidden from scrutiny. And for the media it is rarely a signal of systemic failure, but the result of a woman's occupation, her suggested sexual habits, or her supposedly shady background.

カナダ 先住民女性は行方不明になっても、たいして騒がれもせず行方不明になったままである、と。

City school bus drivers want apology
But school board member who sent email says she was 'just stating facts'
11:20 PM, Oct. 4, 2011

Monroe City Schools Bus Association President Lonnie Hudson asked for either an apology or a resignation from school board member Vickie Krutzer in Tuesday's board meeting and left with neither.

Hudson and a group of bus drivers in a packed board room were upset by the contents of a June email sent by Krutzer to board member Vickie Dayton and board President Mickey Traweek.

The email, which was at the bottom of a chain of emails that was eventually sent to Superintendent Kathleen Harris' office, followed a finance committee meeting and requested an audit of the transportation department.

"Why not call in a provider and get their cost," Krutzer's email said. "The Dept. is almost all minority now. We had nothing but headaches from them."

Hudson said the email, recently published in local media, including The News-Star, was disappointing and racist.

Officer accused of terrorizing citizens, still on force

Posted: Sep 29, 2011 6:17 AM
Updated: Sep 29, 2011 11:55 AM

A Metro Atlanta police officer is accused of being out of control and assaulting the citizens he was sworn to serve and protect.

CBS Atlanta News has obtained more than 500 pages of internal affairs complaints lodged against Clayton County police officer Michael Hobbs in the last five years.

Chief Investigative Reporter Wendy Saltzman found dozens of use-of-force reports brushed aside by Clayton County internal affairs, including claims Hobbs is terrorizing citizens.

One of those citizens is Brian Hoolihan. Hoolihan passed out in his car along side a road in Clayton County in a diabetic coma back in 2007. He had a sticker on the window of his car, warning about his life threatening medical condition.

A police report shows Officer Hobbs arrived at the scene and wrongfully assumed Hoolihan was drunk. Hobbs forced himself into the car and struck Hoolihan twice with a closed fist to the face and another blunt elbow blow to his head.

"My face was all beat up, my ribs were either broke or cracked," said Hoolihan. "I had black and blue marks on the back of my legs, you can tell it was from the baton. There were, I think, seven stitches above my one eye."

CBS Atlanta obtained the gruesome pictures of Hoolihan, bloodied and beaten on the side of the road, at the hands of an officer who was supposed to protect him.

"He was out of control," said Hoolihan. "The next thing I remember is waking up in the ambulance."

Hoolihan's was just one of 12 disturbing complaints filed against Hobbs over the last five years at the Clayton County Police Department.

"He's basically being a thug and a terrorist," said security guard Vic Morton.

When we went to ask Clayton County Police Chief Greg Porter the Tough Questions, he defended his officers' actions.

"Have you taken any disciplinary action against officer Hobbs?" Saltzman asked.

"No ma'am," he replied.

"Not a single suspension?" Saltzman questioned.

"No," he said.

CBS Atlanta confirmed there has been no disciplinary action taken against Hobbs, and not a single day of suspension for an officer with 58 incidents of use of force. That's nearly 20 times more often than an average Clayton County police officer had in the same time period.


(police brutality)

Detroit Police Officer Weekly Charged with Involuntary Manslaughter in Death of Aiyana Jones
Updated: Tuesday, 04 Oct 2011, 5:53 PM EDT
Published : Tuesday, 04 Oct 2011, 2:30 PM EDT

Associated Press

myFOXdetroit.com - A Detroit police officer was charged Tuesday in the slaying of a 7-year-old girl who was shot to death during a raid on her home that was being shadowed by a reality television crew


(police brutality)



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