一般社団法人EIGC(エイジック) ♪♪ニュース英語・ビジネス英語の部屋

一般社団法人EIGC代表理事のブログ/ ニュース英語 北千里教室(大阪府吹田市)


2012-03-28 15:40:28 | 寄付・社会貢献

日本赤十字に 7万円
大阪府教育ゆめ基金に 7万円
Room to Readに、700米ドル


Room to Read は、貧困のために子供たちに十分な教育を提供できない国に



にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ

ニュースで鍛える 国際社会で通用する英語力
茅ヶ崎方式英語 北千里教室

以下、Room To Readから届いたメールです。

Thank you for making moments like this possible.

Dear Yuko,

Every child deserves access to a high-quality education, regardless of their gender or where they are born. Your donation will change lives by helping children across Asia and Africa access the education they deserve.

Stay informed about the impact your gift is making by following our blog, and joining us on Facebook and Twitter. Looking to do more? Join one of our local volunteer chapters to meet other people who want to change the world through education.

On behalf of the entire Room to Read family and the millions of children across Asia and Africa whose lives you are helping to transform – thank you!

Warm regards,

Erin Ganju
Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer
Room to Read

Gift Details

Name of Donor(s):Yuko Hattori
Amount Contributed: $700.00
Date: 3/21/2012
Designation: Where it is most needed 

Room to Read is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your generous donation.

Room to Read · 111 Sutter Street · 16th Floor · San Francisco, Calif. 94104
Tel: +1(415)896-4400 · Email: donate@roomtoread.org · Privacy · Email Preferences



