
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2015-02-09 12:15:00 | Berlin trip
7年ぶりに、ベルリンの地図を見ました。旅行する前、見知らぬ土地の情報を得るために、Google mapで検索しまくっていました。ネット、便利ですよね。最寄り駅・バス停からホテルまでは数百メートル、非常に便利な場所でした。でも、夜の歩きは、本当に怖かったです。

I look at this map of Berlin since my trip 7 years ago. At that time, Before having the trip, I checked a lot on Google map. Internet is really useful. It was a few hundred meters from the nearest station. But walking at midnight was really scary.
これが駅です。Berlin Zoologischer Garten駅(ベルリン動物園駅)。近くに動物園がありました。
This is "Berlin Zoologischer Garten" station. It's a big station. There is zoo near the station.
I couldn't pronounce it... Yes, almost all words.

I could understand only number, time and the number of platform... I couldn't memorize a station name. So, I memorized only the first alphabet of the station name. My German level is very low and I couldn't speak English well enough... Oh, my brave trip... That's just love for Henin.
