
-The Road to improve English-
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182.A boomerang in space

2008-03-24 12:50:49 | Topics
The astronaut, Takao Doi, tried to experiment in a boomerang in space. Wow! It's a interesting experiment. What do you think about the trajectory of a boomerang?
Umm.. I think it will just fly straight. I mean it won't come back to thrower. Because it's zero-g(weightlessness) and no resistance against air in space. And it was said many people thought so.

The result!!
He said that "a boomerang came back to me!" "I'm surprised at coming back same as on earth" Wow... You won't know that until you try.. Probably, it must have different principle in space..
Anyway, You get nothing if you don't try. We might be able to say so to everything.

According to TV news I watched in the morning, it said that the video of flying boomerang wasn't released to us. Because it's was not applied as a publication experiment. Humm,, That's too bad.. But it was good to be able to know the fact about a boomerang in space.

* trajectory of a boomerang