
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

160.The OBAMA city...

2008-03-04 12:57:43 | Topics
TV-Asahi reported the news as follows.
Barack Obama, leading presidential candidate in USA commented "Nice town" to the "OBAMA city(小浜市)" Ahaha,, Jananese people like the news like this?? I also picked up this topic(laugh). This time, it's said the OBAMA city produced "OBAMA bun(饅頭)" and "OBAMA hamburger" to promote their city(laugh).

December in 2006, It's the opportunity Obama talked with local officials. The official said "I'm from OBAMA city" and then OBAMA gave an answer with a joke"I came from OBAMA".
OK! I like the topic!

It's said, today, March 4th is "Mini Super Tuesday". The next president in USA will be more clear.
Phew.. The English dictionary site doesn't work well, today.. Hummm!!! Writing the topic like this is hard to me. It's difficult to write what I think.. I still have a long way to improve my poor English.. O,Oh.. Lunch time is over..

* OBAMA city_1
* OBAMA city_2

* Super Tuesday