

KAWASAKI DAYS 17.03.2010 クリスのケガについて(カワサキ公式)

2010-03-17 | Chris Vermeulen(KRT)




Vermeulen Working To Be Fit For Portimao
Newsflash, 17 March 2010

Chris Vermeulen (Kawasaki Racing Team) injured his right knee in a high-speed crash at Phillip Island last month, but is working hard to be able to race at Portimao on March 28.

Chris remained in his native Australia to be treated by a knee specialist and the positive news is that he does not have to have an operation to repair the internal damage.
“I saw my doctor again on Wednesday 17th March and the good news is that I do not need an operation on my leg,” said Chris. “He said it would take a long time to heal, however, because there is a fair bit of damage in there. The main reason he did not want to operate is because it would not reduce the healing time and at this stage it is better to stay out of it. I don’t have enough bend in my knee joint to get my foot onto the footpeg at the moment but the race is a bit away yet, so hopefully it will be right by Portimao. I will be able to cycle quite soon, which will get more blood flow through it and help it heal faster.”
Despite not having full movement back in his leg yet, Chris is heading to Europe next week with the mindset to be able to race at Portimao. “I get to Europe on Wednesday 24th and I told the doctor I want to race. I am having physiotherapy and acupuncture on alternate days over here and I am working on it as much as I can to try and get enough movement in it. It has been improving every day. I sleep with the knee elevated each night and do some treatment to get the swelling down before I go to bed. The specialist says it won’t do more damage to my knee by riding the bike but he is a little doubtful I can get my knee into the position I need to ride and move around. But everybody heals at different rates so hopefully my rate of healing will be quite quick. I am aiming to be able to ride at Portimao.”



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