

靖国考 その1: 米国と靖国 (2)

2006年05月17日 | Weblog

ある人物とは、下院外交委員会スタッフのデニス・ハルピン(Dennis Halpin)氏である。下院における東アジア問題通、特に韓国通、である氏の経歴については、www.icasinc.org/bios/halpin.html に詳しい。

このハルピン氏の対日姿勢、歴史認識をめぐっては随分と厳しいのだ。2004年2月10日、ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学(Johns Hopkins University)での”The Japanese Abduction Issue:A Tale of Two Cities: Seoul and Tokyo’s Contrasting Approaches”と題するICAS(Institute of Corean-American Studies)主催の講演の中で、靖国神社の遊就館に関して次のような批判をしている。

A colleague and I were disturbed when we visited the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo and the adjacent museum dedicated to the Pacific War. The museum痴 explanation given for the Nanjing Massacre was especially disquieting. It states: "Matsui (the Japanese commander) told them that they were to observe military rules to the letter and that anyone committing unlawful acts would be severely punished...The Chinese were soundly defeated, suffering heavy casualties. Inside the city, residents were once again able to live their lives in peace." At least three hundred thousand of the Chinese civilians in Nanjing, of course, did find eternal peace after by being butchered by swords, rifles, and bayonets. (www.icasinc.org/2004/2004w/<WBR>2004wdph.html

このような靖国観と歴史認識をお持ちの御仁なのである(笑)。特に”At least three hundred thousand”には・・・。

氏は更に、昨年5月19日にも、ワシントンDCにおける同じくICAS主催で、”The Sins of the Fathers: Japan's Usolved Historic Legacy Sixty Years After the War in the Pacific”と題する「反日」講演を行っている。(www.icasinc.org/2005/2005s/<WBR>2005sdph.html )(japanese.joins.com/article/<WBR>article.php?aid=63706&...&pn=16

ちなみに、ICAS(Institute for Corean-American Studies)とは、同研究所自身の説明によれば以下のような組織である。

Institute for Corean-American Studies (aka ICAS) was established in 1973. It is a non-profit, non-partisan, and private educational and research organization incorporated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. ICAS is not an agent of any government and/or a foreign principal, and solely supported by voluntary contributions. Its activities and programs rely on the private donations of the general public, i.e., individuals, foundations, and corporations. Its purpose is to engage in wide range of issues and affairs of importance. ICAS promotes pertinent relations and conducts appropriate activities to enhance cooperation and to pursue peace and prosperity in association with people of mutual interests, with a special emphasis on multilateral relations between the United States and Asia-Pacific rim nations. Its membership includes individuals from varied sectors embracing academic, corporate, cultural, educational, international and other related fields. Presently, ICAS maintains a roster of eighty-four Fellows from around the world and cherishes a circle of friends of the Institute. All ICAS staff, officers and directors are non-paid volunteers. ICAS strives to provide public services pro bono publico. (www.icasinc.org/2003/2003b/<WBR>b030809a.html

運営スタッフについては、www.icasinc.org/2003/2003b/<WBR>b030809a.html にある。各人の経歴、国籍等については不明だが、一見して韓国系の名前が多い。ICASと大韓民国の間のなんらかの関係の有無についても、今のところ筆者の知るところではないが、興味の湧くところである。ICASの運営スタッフ(www.icasinc.org/2003/2003b/<WBR>b030809a.html )を逐一調べ上げていけば、そのあたりも見えてくるのかもしれない。

NPOというわけで、運営は”solely supported by voluntary contributions”とのことで、”voluntary contributions”を行っている組織、団体は以下の通りである。

ASEAN Focus Group
Pennsylvania-Russia Business Council
Philadelphia Bar Association
Philadelphia Bar Association International Law Committee
Project LINK
SEI Investments
United States House of Representatives
United States Institute of Peace
United States Senate
University of Pennsylvania Center for East Asian Studies
University of Pennsylvania The Christopher H Browne Center for International Politics
University of Pennsylvania The Huntsman Program in International Studies and Business
University of Pennsylvania The International Relations Program
University of Pennsylvania The Joseph H Lauder Institute of Management and International Studies

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