one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


耳は寝ていない les oreilles du chat

2010-10-22 21:39:47 | cats(猫)


It feels my approaching with the cameras. After I take a few shots, those ears fall and it glides down its day dream.

(東十条二丁目、Higashijujo, Kita ward)
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When I call it (Lucian)
2010-10-23 20:05:20
during the sleep, my cat reacts only with the ears, too.
When I was very young, (Cakeater)
2010-10-27 03:47:50
my cat used to sleep on my bed in every winter. He liked sleeping on my legs. One night I felt him too heavy to kick him out the duvet and he revenged me with shitting on the duvet on my foot and entered under the duvet beside my shoulder. Next morning, I pushed his nose on to the shitting point and hit his head. In that night he slept on my legs again. I told him he was heavy. Only with moving those ears, he replied and kept sleeping.
タイトルがすてき (sustena)
2010-10-29 23:04:21
I've shot more than a hundred panoramic photos. (Cakeater)
2010-10-30 08:49:24
> Susutena san,
but I couldn't have had time to file them owing to having been busy for this week.
By the way, the water-proofing camera, TX-5 is very useful and fun to snap things around me in the rain. Today, the typhoon is near...I should walk around with the camera or not...that is a problem.

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