one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


横須賀ビアサケ Yokosuka Beer-Sake

2009-11-15 21:51:21 | Foods(食)

This sense of naming seems me a little bizarre. It is brewed by the same brewery of Kamakura Beer. The taste is as good as Kamakura Beer.

( Corsaire, Verny Park, Yokosuka city, Kanagawa prefecture)
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The power of image (Lucian)
2009-11-16 20:08:34
Do the name and label have a power which changes taste of beer?
Yes, but with the place. (Cakeater)
2009-12-20 19:43:34
The name and label and the place where I have would surely make a beverage better.
As for beer, I regret not to bib it with the sea view.

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