one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


御町内油田 champs de petrole

2006-03-11 06:15:05 | LA

Los Angels is on the oil fields. Here and there people can see small oil wells
in towns.
Firstly I can't understand words, "moving ground" or "moving home". At that time,
the home and land of my boss is on sale. But he find few men who want to buy it
owing to the moving land.
(In L.A. they call me Sam from my first name hiSAMitsu.)
can you truly understand the land of L.A. can move? My home can move because
the land moves under it."
"Is it like earthquake?"
"No, it isn't. When I bought it, I didn't know an oil field under the land.
I thought there is an enough distance to the nearest oil well not to move the

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