one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


冷しラーメン Lahmen froid

2005-08-28 20:43:50 | Foods(食)

This type of cold lahmen was invented by a person who lived in Yamagata city.
A man did not like a dish of cold chinese noodle with sweet vinegar soup.
He wanted to have a bowl of cold "normal" lahmen.
He threw pieces of ice into the bowl of hot lahmen.
But in the soup of hot lahmen there are lots of melted fat which should turn solid in the cold soup. The taste of melted oil is inevitable for lahmen.
At last he found the animal oil could be replaced with plant oil.
The normal lahmen soup is made by cooking meat and vegitables in water.
The man used dry bonito and sea-weed for the cold soup.

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