one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


桜二景 Les deux views du cerisier

2016-04-05 21:18:44 | Plants(植物)

(飛鳥山 Asukayama Kita ward)

(コニカミノルタ運動場 Hinodai, Hino city, Tokyo)
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Discussion (Turtlepro)
2016-04-07 06:13:09
The view to the desk is in relation to the photographer's (firmly) point of shot.

*This is my first comment developed via Vivaldi Browser.
Unknown (sustena)
2016-04-12 22:34:37
Theme of this year (Lucian)
2016-04-16 20:50:19
It seems to be the theme of our this year how we express the cherry blossom under the cloudy sky.
Turtleprosan, (Cakeater)
2016-05-07 21:52:10
Thank you for your sympathy for the Kumamot earthquakes victims.
I tried the Vivaldi Browser which is now in somewhere in my HD. It's interesting one, but I'm too lazy to use it regularly. haha
To Lucian (Cakeater)
2016-05-07 21:57:58
I love the pattern like this. I imagine the Komon design. If the Spring goddess existed, she would choose the Kimono with this pattern, I'm sure.
Good evening, Sustena san (Cakeater)
2016-05-07 22:02:51
The chief of the construction site to which now I belong says that the season of hydrangea would be as good as the cherry blossom weeks. I wish I could visit there in the hydrangea season.

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