one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


恵方巻 rouleau de riz heureux

2006-03-11 06:24:20 | Foods(食)

In my childhood, there is no habit of eating rice roll cake on the eve of
the begining of the spring. They call this "The good luck direction roll".
The Japanese pronounciation is e-hou-maki that sounds for me a-hou-maki
( A fool's roll).
The right is of Nihon Shokudo restaurant
( I bought it at the Shinjuku Station.
The Nihon Shokudo company is the train foods company).
The left is of Tokyu Store and it took me over 700 yen.
(The price is two times, but the taste is two times better or not,
I can't say.)
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