one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


東福生駅前トイレ Les cabinets publics

2018-08-26 21:35:27 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)


On voit rarement ce style...

I've never seen such a style of comfort station like this.

(Fussa city, Tokyo)

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A Sort of Temple (Turtlepro)
2018-08-29 00:33:05
Indeed is it a very cute hut. It is open for all. The plate stone pavement in the entrance front is beautiful. The roof gives shadow in summer and shelter by rain. And surely a manual in english language is there. How use the comfort with Japanes original toilettes, written for foreign beginners. It is also thought for useing by handicaped person. A toast for the wisdom of city administration. It would be wonderful when the window frame and the rain gutter would be fresh white painted, but c'est peut-être un endroit Wabi-sabi? Is the hut's surrounding worth for further sightseenings? Coffee bar, eating house, shopping mall with tube connection to the airport for an inclusive walk? Lo
I've never seen a lavatory (Cakeater)
2018-09-02 21:52:35
such as this in U.S.A or in Tokyo. Who designed this?

Unknown (sustena)
2018-09-23 12:51:22
To sustena san (Cakeater)
2018-09-26 19:15:46
How do you think to walk through the 16h boulevard from Higashi Fussa to Haijima?
Like the Chiyoda castle is the center of Yedo citizen, the Base is the one of now-still-occupied Japan. It's not America, but it's not perfectly Japan.
If you and your friend had a plan to walk there, I would be willing to follow you. haha

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