one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


東京駅 gare Tokyo

2005-05-05 19:22:16 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

For photography the evening soon after the sunset is the best time to take this station. The best face of the station in this time is the northan entrance for the Marunouti(丸の内北口).
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粥 bouille de riz

2005-05-05 19:21:09 | Foods(食)

As the dentist pull me off a tooth, I must have this as a breakfast.
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ずぶぬれ tout mouille

2005-05-05 19:19:55 | nocategory(雑)

After somebody left it in the previous night, it rained hardly.
And somebody would have picked it up to this signboard in this morning.
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鉄板1.3トン  plaque de fer

2005-05-05 19:18:55 | what?why?(ん?)

This iron plate weighs one point three ton.
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馬酔木 andromede?

2005-05-05 19:17:20 | Plants(植物)

Until the scandale of a professor who was arrested for taking the images under skirt of girls at steps with a mirror, I could have enjoied taking pictures of lowest angle with compact mirror. Now I am at a loss when I want to make it with a mirror. I look around to confirm that nobody is around me, I take out a mirror and I sit very near the pretty object.

This is an andromeda (馬酔木 ashibi).
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マンホールオープナー ouvre-plaque d'egout

2005-05-05 19:15:56 | what?why?(ん?)

This tool is opener of the manhole cover.
All of manhole should be written in the file of the construction department of the Ward.
But they can not find this manhole in the file.
It is too old to be identefied of its use.
The time passed so long enough to rust it and stick strongly.
The workers try to open it in vain.
So the water departement carry the tool.
With this opener it is very difficult to make it.
It takes two hours to open it.
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あの肉 cette viande

2005-05-05 19:14:39 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

This sign says, "Sale by subscription. "
I have bought a few slice of meat of Manmos at this shop.
The Manmos meat is a little salty but delicious. I like it.
I've never try this "That meat".
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事務所街 quartier de bureau

2005-05-05 19:13:33 | LA

These type of building are for business office.
If it were not for adress number on the wall, it would be very difficut for a stranger to find their visiting company.
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