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Seoul 梨泰院 Hooker Hill ... & HOMO HILL which walks the Korean red-light district in 2014

2014-03-20 14:25:06 | Weblog

2014年 韓国風俗街を歩く ソウル梨泰院 Hooker Hill・・・ HOMO HILL

 Seoul 梨泰院 Hooker Hill ... & HOMO HILL which walks the Korean red-light district in 2014


The signboard of the young people traffic limit area appears at the foreign bar street hooker leech entrance


It is a familiar signboard in the Korean historical red-light district.


It is written on the road with a young people traffic limit area



As for the night hooker leech, mysterious neon shines; ...



HOTEL I.T.W. It is the hotel which opened in the autumn of 2013.


Foreign bars formed a line before a hotel was built.



The staying (10,000 won) bath is not beautiful in SPA 梨泰院 Landes, but is sound sleep in チムジルバン.


The place where I went up the steep stairs is 梨泰院 rand from the main street.



A specialty store of the stage costume before the 梨泰院 land.


Walk the hooker leech of the morning; ...



The hooker leech becomes the slope and withdraws from the east to the west.



HOTEL I.T.W. It is the hotel which opened in the autumn of 2013.



The youth who came out of the club plays; ...



"The young people traffic limit area" that was written on the street



It is the signboard of a familiar young people (under 19 years old) traffic limit area in the Korean red-light district.





"HOMO HILL" (homoleech) and call , ... that homosexuals gather on the street of the straight south side of the hooker leech



2012年 韓国風俗街を歩く  ソウル梨泰院 Hooker Hill・・・・・&HOMO HILL

2013年秋 韓国風俗街を歩く  ソウル梨泰院 Hooker Hill・・・・・&HOMO HILL

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