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239.German Open(the result...)

2008-05-12 12:51:05 | Tennis
Can I cut in this report a little bit? I should write the result on German Open as a tennis fan...

Henin withdraws from Roma... Oh,, Henin... Are you OK? We worry about you...
Humm... Maybe, it'll be OK... I don't know what is happening to her now, but I just hope she has her mind to a next win... Many medias will say many things about her, it'll be natural to No.1 player... But at least I(Her fans) think, she can come back to the best her condition. Surely, she lost this time, but she was great enough in front of me. No doubt about it. And it's taken only five months from 2007 yet. She can't have a worse change so quickly, I think.

But just a little,,, just a little something, Henin! I'm a your Japanese fan, so I can't know your details than other fans. But I just thought "a little bit more something" to you on watching you at real time. Yes... it was just a little something... The physical power? The mind to a win? The confidence? The motivation? Everything of them? ........

It must be hard to her now,,, but sooner or later, somewhere in her mind, the time like this will come, she'll foresee. Ups and Downs,,, it's unavoidable fact. And she also gave the damage like this to former top-player until now... She is sure to know it already.

She might not be able to find the lack she has just now, because of confusing. but after some conclusions, even if it's some losts, she can find something, we believe.

If it's good thing or not, we have to accept all her actions as a fan.
We'll just support her, as long as she continues to play tennis.


* Henin withdraws from Italian Open
Oh,,, Safina got a champion on German Open... Congratulations...
I just feel the sting of this Henin's defeat.. I just feel frustrated.. Every players defeat Henin got a champion. Sharapova, Serena, Safina... Every players got their confidence after defeating Henin and they got a title...

Hey, Henin! Are you just going to permit it? Now, Come on! We believe you!


* Safina wins German Open. .....I'm just frustrating!!!!!