
-The Road to improve English-
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2010-05-07 12:43:45 | Topics

When I edited my clip, I watched AO 2R again a little. It was a great match, as everyone said, it was like a final☆. Anyway, my gaze is always only to Henin☆(crazy fan)

On this video, Henin is the back of screen, so it might be difficult to watch her, but you would find her beautiful backhand. I wonder why she can have such a smart and beautiful backhand, besides is very accurate☆. It's just her talent, everyone can't do that☆(fan's talk)

Oh, Deme-san lost to Ana-san in Roma. It might mean that., Ana-san came back or Deme-san felt down(凹)..? I don't know which one is(laugh). Oh, Her wear changed to black and green. Chocolate mint_Deme-san?(laugh).., sorry about that.

I like Henin's winner to get the point on this video, so today, I uploaded it☆(crazy). See it, her winner is very beautiful and down the line!. Henin attracts us by her beautiful winners a lot☆, it's not a dumb luck shot. She has great racket control☆

I love Henin's backhand, but recently, I check her forehand☆. As everyone says, she swings racket by full power, is very bravery and manful in battle., oh, I mean it in a good way☆. And., hmm., I want to help her open-necked wear(laugh)




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ちと怖い。。 (suhu)
2010-05-07 12:53:41


Juju the best! (ST)
2010-05-07 23:51:39
She definitely has a great racket control, she's gifted in that by god too! Haha!

And elena doesn't look good in that choco mint outfit even though I love to eat choco mint, but I prefer belgian chocolates, hehehe!

Oh and Madrid draws are out! Let's hope Justine can continue her success in Madrid again!
Madrid! (suhu)
2010-05-08 07:16:36
Thank you for your comment, ST-san☆

Also I love to eat choco mint(^^)/. Yes, I like Henin-chocola., no, Belgian chocolate the best!(laugh) Ahaha.

Hmm? I didn't check Madrid draws yet., thank you for your info☆.

Now, Let's go for Madrid!
Allez, Justine!

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