
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2014-10-27 12:15:00 | Topics

Oh yes, women's tennis is WTA finals now. When Henin played there, I checked it everyday, but now, I don't look at the site... Well., I wonder, who are Henin-fans supporting now?... I sometimes bring up my memory that this blog was written a lot about Henin before. I enjoyed it at that time. But now, I always write about my blue feeling, I don't like it(^^;)...




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q(^o^)p (ST)
2014-10-27 17:47:35
Hello suhu san, cheer up! No Juju news at the moment, only here to check you out.

Watch some funny anime, lighten up your mood :)
I personally don't watch WTA anymore, it's boring with Serena winning everything and I honestly disliked her with her on court antics. Ju probably is my last tennis idol I'll ever have.

Speaking of anime, minami ke's songs probably will give you some much needed energy when you're feeling down. I like their シアワセ☆ハイテンション↑↑, 経験値上昇中 and 経験値速上々 songs

Look on the brighter side of things and may you find the calm you needed soon. Allez Allez Allez!
2014-10-27 21:31:24
Thank you very much for your warm words, ST-san☆

I checked this anime song on internet now. Haha, good song! it's high tension! Well.., I didn't know the anime(^^;)...
Hmm., a long tunnel for me this time... Maybe, tomorrow will be a better day... I believe so every day...


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