
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2013-05-01 12:15:00 | Topics

Yesterday, I came back to Japan from my trip. I started again this blog☆. I enjoyed Europe trip after a long interval. And I had a scary accident too(^^;)... Hmm.., I just dropped one's guard to an abroad trip... This is the photo I took in Copenhagen, Denmark. Very nice☆




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welcome back (ST)
2013-05-01 12:34:59
Oooh, glad you're back fine, be careful when going abroad. Nice photo you took out there, wish I had the time and money and chance to go Europe too! Cheers!
2013-05-01 21:20:58
Thank you for your comment, ST-san☆

North Europe was very nice. But actually, I had my wallet stolen in Copenhagen, Denmark... I didn't notice about that in the moment... About one hour later, I noticed that, and I took much time to stop my credit card's account... Please be careful, when you go abroad...
Staying Alert (ST)
2013-05-02 10:22:54
Indeed, when they see that you're a foreigner, you're much more likely to become the target of robbery. One of my friends once went to Germany, almost had his whole bag stolen while he was asleep on a train, but luckily his friend saw that and stopped it. Better to travel in a group than alone.

At least you made it back safely, that's all it matters :)
☆☆ (suhu)
2013-05-02 21:23:08
Thank you, ST-san☆
Yes.., I'm an asian face, so, I would be highly visible among European... Maybe, it was station where I had my wallet stolen. I didn't notice at all. It was very high technique... Your friend was lucky☆. Yes, a group is better, I think too!

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