Feelin' Kinda Lucky


I Still Can't Say Goodbye

2010年04月18日 | toys & collectibles
Currently I've got an nice antique car toy from the guy in Australia. It was made in 1950's, Of course made in Japan.
I actually used to have the same one when I was a little boy.

I still have the photo with the car here. This is the one hold by the naughty boy ! - ll tell you now - it's me !

たぶん 私の父親が自分で手作りで加工してハンダか溶接などで取り付けたに違いない。私が頼んでそうしてもらったのかどうかは記憶がない。
I was amazed that the one I hold had a tailfin like the American cars of the era did, though the toy shouldn't have had. I am sure that it was mounted by my dad himseif. He was originally engineer and had the skills to make up the parts by hand and put it on the toy car by solder or welding. I haven't found it out so far till today !!
I cannot remember if I asked him to put it on the car.

My dad was busy for his business and worked all the time and had few times to take care of me.
following pix was taken in just front of our mountain house, it a pretty rare picture such having fun with him.

This picture was taken a few years ago at the same place as the pix above.

時が流れ 木々は伸び、自分は歳をとり 父はもういないが、
Time passed, though the trees have grown up to be tall , I also got old and my dad's already gone...
Things he did for me in my childhood will be kept it in mind to all eternity.


There's a song called "I Still Can't Say Goodbye" by Chet Atkins.
I dedicate the song to my dad......

Here, I played myself.


