


2010-10-17 22:13:48 | 投資日記








Idiot learns from self experience,while wise man learns from history; I recognize this phrase is reasonable when we concern about the cost per experience.

It is not rational to pay much cost for acquiring new experience. For example, you may fail on investing to stock and treat the loss as study cost if you could get usable experience for next time. However, could not we avoid the cost by studying about related case in advance? It must be possible because we are surrounded by bunch of historical data and can learn from those.

Learning from historical data is good to cut the cost for information. We do not need any timely, monetary and labor cost for it. Especially about long-running investment needs at least five to ten years. on the other hand, our longevity is limited.

Furthermore, until sixty when the meaning for investment to stock disappears, the remaining time is less than thirty years. in this respect, actual chance for correct investment is just three to five times. That’s why we need to save our precious resources and get good knowledge with much lower cost. Of course, it is no problem to experience in real if it is precious enough. But it is not necessary the experience is firsthand.

Then, how can we get wisdom?

The easy way is to get it from historical event. Reading NIKKEI for past decades will be good sources for new knowledge if you are interested in investment in Japan. You had better get NIHONKOKUSEIZUE containing plenty economical statistical data through last hundred years so that you can feel how the big picture was drawn. In addition, skill for hypothesis is also important because return of investment is swayed by how the hypothesis is constructed. By reading practical books, you can improve this skill. Moreover, you must accelerate the growth speed by testifying something with above historical data.