


2010-10-12 10:44:19 | 投資日記






The price of stock might stay at same level at present, even so,investors still can receive benefit from the profit returning from devastated recession. So called "look through profit" is important at this regard. If the financial policy in every company works right, the income gain would be much more significant than capital gain based on the due diligence.

For example,the company that the stock at five-fold on PER has potential to pay 20% as return from annual profit. The present financial market is pretty reasonable because investors impose heavy capital cost. Definitely the recent cost is expected much bigger in comparison with that in usual economic phenomenon.

Either way, whichever the stock price goes, the essential return for value investor remains on their hands. It means, virtually their money is protected from fluctuation of stock market. All what they need is to keep the stock until good timing comes. In this regard, it is more important how the company can survive for long time to come with high profit rate. The price is already low. The condition of business is getting better. Put money on stock and wait until time comes.