


2010-10-10 12:30:10 | 投資日記









2010-10-10 11:35:48 | 投資日記







The strong point of using modified ROE

ROE is calculated from profit after tax divided by Equity. This index generally is used to know how profitable the business is and also how fast the business can expand. The second purpose has significant meaning for investors as I have said on this blog. The stronger ROE leads company faster growth. On the situation that there is high potential on market, the spreading speed is the speed of composing business on certain financial resources. Respective business consists of certain packages of resources. The contents depend on the business schemes. Some require a lot of human resources, on the other hands; others need more land for extending business. However, the most important one is money because resources are gathered via the money. That's why the speed of reproduction of investment is important for the speed of growth.

There are several indexes that point out the growth rate. ROA and ROE are well known of that. Those indexes express the speed of growth with certain situations. For example, ROA indicates the speed of growth without any borrowing money that is including even book debt. We can say the ROA is the most conservative growth rate because it aims at complete independent growth. By contrast, The ROE is the speed of growth without the change of item's share on balance sheet. As business grows, the amount of equity increases also. At the same time, they also borrow money from bank. The other non interest debt like book debt also increase as the sale's volume goes up. In short, The ROE means the growth rate without changing financial leverage.

Every business can make ROE higher by increasing the financial leverage. The method is simple. Borrow money from bank so that the leverage increases. Although there is no risk if the business is completely stable, general business is surrounded by many fatal factors. We should manage the risk by piling money to equity. In short, investor needs to expect the growth rate without extreme high financial leverages.

Then, what is the enough rate of leverage? It depends on the business risk, however, according to statistical data, the risk of bankrupt decreases rapidly when the point is above 40%. So, I want to suggest calculating with this number. The business growth rate at safe revel should be calculated by ROA*(1/0.4). To avoid the risk from high leverage, we need to assure the future by ourselves.