one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


桜餅 gateau de cerisier

2008-02-26 19:48:35 | cake(ケーキ)

Cherry flavor cake is the cake of the girls festival day, March 3.
I have a story about this cake.
When I belonged to a building mentenace company, my co-worker asked me to get this cherry flavor cake in the begining of an April. His mother was in hospital owing to the cancer of the lung and desired to have the cake. But he couldn't get it near the hospital or our company. I brought him to Asagaya to visit cake shops. At the second shop, luckily I found the last batch of the season.
His mother died after a month.

(@栄太楼、Eitaro, 阿佐谷南1丁目、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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この桜餅は (seka)
2008-02-29 16:59:03
Every food has a story of it, (Cakeater)
2008-02-29 21:19:44
I believe.

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