one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


Joyeux Noël !

2021-12-24 19:38:03 | sky/weather/season
211224015rx6.jpg ISO2000 24mm f 2.8 1/80s

Je vous souhaite un bon Noël!
I wish you a merry Christmas!
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Christmas Date (Turtlepro)
2021-12-25 08:30:34
A typically Japanese Strawberry Christmas Cream Cake (kurisumasu keeki) with German goose. - Unfortunately, the announcement of rising food costs in Japan for 2022 clouds the enjoyment and the meet. Thus only the bottle of Apple Cider helps. Happy Christmas for Mr. Hisamitsu! :-)
Merry Christmas! Turtlepro san (Cakeater)
2021-12-26 11:57:07
I wanted a bûche de Noël, but it had been already sold out. So I had to get a Japanese style Christmas cake.
This meat is not a goose, it's a turkey.
I seldome find turkey meat in Tokyo, they rarely sale it. I think the turkey meat might be bigger than ordinary Japanese appetite. So the KFC could succeed to make Japanese eat fried chicken in the Christmas season. haha

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