one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


猿田彦神社 Le Sarutahiko temple

2022-01-03 23:25:45 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)
220102005rx6.jpg ISO125 24mm f 2.8 1/100s
Le dieu de la temple est le dieu tutélaire du quartier oû j'habite. Il faut trois minutes pour y marcher.
The god of this shrine is the gardian of the town where I live. It takes three minutes to walk there.
(阿佐谷南3丁目、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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Of a special silent turn of the year on both sides of a distance of nine thousand kilometres (Turtlepro)
2022-01-06 05:37:19
Coincidentally, three hours later I saw a review of a live stream on YouTube. The YouTube streamer was visiting a temple in his suburb of Tokyo, with a need to experience Hatsumode. 16:00, JST: The small temple complex was on a hill with a long staircase leading up. Visitors waited patiently to come up the stairs from the road to the temple and recount their arrival to the divinity of the temple. It was slightly surreal, all the people wore mostly white antibacterial masks because of the pandemic and some guides marked the way with a "lightsaber". The streamer was friendly surrounded by a group of youths. They supported him so that he could gives his New Year's request in front of the temple window and meanwhile took care of his equipment. On a smartphone, a counter counted the last minutes captured by the camera. At the turn of the year at zero o'clock, it was as quiet as before, no sign of fireworks, no firecrackers. A quiet transition, no special before and no special after. Only the clock wanted a turn of the year. // Here in my larger city in the south of Germany, eight hours later, it was still as quiet, quieter than it had been for a long time since I was born. The city had issued a ban on fireworks because of the pandemic, so people would limit their socialising - a New Year's Eve sign-off (Lockdown), so to speak. I looked out the open window with a glass of champagne. According to the weather report, the weather was more unusual than it had been since 1920, with fourteen degrees Celsius, only spring was more pleasant. There was not a person to be seen anywhere; across the street, a Christmas tree winked trustingly at me through the window of one of the living rooms opposite of my house. In the pyrotechnically dust-free sky, the drawbar of the Big Dipper showed clear and contrasted in the constellation. In the distance, a pale candlelight: The Pleiades. Scattered cumulus clouds like sheeps in a wide meadow framed the urban night sky in the illumination of the camera algorithms for the successful night image. I was all alone with my champagne in my glass and began to philosophise: Blaise Pascal. In the background, streets in the more distant neighbourhood, cosy ground crawlers rumbled, in between the bells of a nearby church rang. It was December twenty-fourth (Christmas Eve here), when the church bells ring in Christmas at fifteen o'clock. This year it was possible to combine Christmas and New Year's Eve. How convenient, only have to go shopping once for the feast. In this spirit: Silent Night ... All is asleep ... Happy New Year to Mr Hisamitsu and all the commenters on this page and to everyone else who stops by and reads the blog, as I do. - Translated with Deepl Translator and handmade corections
Annotation (Turtlepro)
2022-11-14 01:57:29
"The YouTube streamer was visiting a temple in his suburb of Tokyo, with a need to experience Hatsumode. 16:00, JST: " The YouTube streamer's channel is "Mr Nippon". Search for his channel on YouTube using the search function. -
May the God of this shrine protect this blog and all those mentioned.

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