one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


コインロッカー armoire

2008-03-12 13:04:29 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

They have set new tipe coin lockers using mobile phone without any explanation in English, Korean, or Chinese. The half of the users are foreigner. If they make a mistake in handling it, they can't get back their money. To open the box, they must put coins into it. After then, they find their baggage is a little bigger than the size of the box. Without the Japanese only monitor function, they can't get back their coins. The service woman of the coin-locker company say that people who can't understand the Japanese should not use these lockers.
I advise her to show it clearly in English, Korean, and Chinese.
"Those who can't understand Japanese couldn't use these lockers!"
She speaks to me," We can't understand why we should do so. The lots who can't understand Japanese wouldn't think to use the things without explanation in their native language. We have been to the U.S.A. There was no lockers with expalanation in Japanese. We didn't think to use it. "
Japanese are very domestic people.

(@新橋駅、Shinbashi station, Minato ward)
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