one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


カラスウリ fleur de "melon de corbeau"

2005-08-28 20:49:19 | Plants(植物)

Flowers of snake gourd begin to open in the darkness of evening.

(@ 阿佐谷北 Asagaya-kita, Suginami ward)
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白くてカールしていて、かわいい! (Honey)
2005-09-02 02:38:11

Sorry to respond too late (Caketer)
2005-09-25 16:31:39
Yesterday, I checked this vine again.

There were many flowers still.

In the darkness, the RX couldn't forcus it.

Under a street light, I forcus it at a distance btween the thumb and the little finger. Then I walked back this flower and

touched it with the little finger of the left hand and I touched the end of the lens with the thumbs. Before the pushing the shutter button, I slowly pull my left hand. And I did it.

I like watching this white flower in the darkness but always need not a little effort to take the pcture of it.

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