one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


「どうにかなる」C’est la vie. Ça va aller.

2019-08-14 22:00:58 | exposition/museum 写真展他
190818003rx6.jpg 250 24mm f2.8 1/30s
 This is the caligraphy of Shoko Kanazawa (金澤翔子).Do-ni-ka-na-ru” means « It’ll be OK. »
I got it at her caligraphy exhibition at the Maruzen Musium.
C’est la calligraphie de Shoko Kanazawa (金澤翔子).
«Do-ni-ka-na-ru» dit «C’est la vie. Ça va aller».
(丸善4Fギャラリー、Marunouchi, Chiyoda ward)
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Unknown (Turtlepro)
2019-08-25 04:31:52
The artist doesn't bother. She paints the picture. - Die Künstlerin kümmert sich nicht. Sie malt das Bild.

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