one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


回転自撮りビデオ le selfie tournoyant

2015-08-13 22:43:01 | 荻窪あたり

I hear merry chuckles of girls to take selfie video with turning around with selfie stick.
They again laugh and chuckles with watching the fresh selfie video movie.
And then they try it again and again.

J'entend deux jeunes filles étant enjouées en tournoyant avec le baton de selfie. Elle regardent le video de selfie et s'ébatent les images de eux-mêmes.
Et elles en font bien des fois.

(荻窪駅北口タウンセブン2F,Ogikubo, Suginami ward)
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Unknown (sustena)
2015-08-14 10:00:24
This selfie stick (Cakeater)
2015-08-17 00:13:09
was invented by Conika-Minolta almost twenty years ago. At that time I laughed to see it in the catalog.

I wish to see the movie they took. haha

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