one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


野菜炒め quick stir-fry

2005-08-07 11:04:23 | Foods(食)

Sometime I can't stop ordering a dish of quick stir-fried vegitables.
In Koenji there are lots of restaurants where they could serve a good dish of quick stir-fried vegitables.
There is a two ways of stir-fry cooking.
The first one is to boil vegitables with hot water or hot oil very shortly before frying them.
The second one is to fry vegitables directly.
The first one is the refinedt way. But many restaurant there is not a little of time between boiling with water or frying to lose the nutrition. Then they have to add the chemical seasoning and sugar and soy.
At many cheaper price restaurant, cooks fry vegitable directly. So the loss of nutrition is quite a little. At Koenji, there are many cheap price chinese restaurants.
Only at a few restaurant they can serve a true refined chinese quick stir-fry dish.
The number of them are under 12 in Tokyo.
The dish of this picture is at the one of cheep price restaurants.
(@高円寺北 Koenji-kita, Suginami ward)
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