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イラクからの米軍撤退  撤退後の懸念

2011-10-31 | 軍事
Challenges ahead for Iraqi forces' counterterror efforts  


By Jim Michaels, USA TODAY

Iraq's counterterrorism forces will lose critical intelligence and other specialized capabilities when American forces withdraw at the end of the year.

Iraqi soldiers work through a combat course in July 2007. Some military analysts worry the U.S. withdrawal this year could jeopardize Iraqi forces' counterterrorism efforts. イラク兵が2007年7月戦闘訓練コースを通過している。 軍事アナリストは米軍の今年の撤退がイラク部隊の対テロ対策を危機に陥れる可能性があると懸念している。

Some military analysts worry the withdrawal could jeopardize the success these forces have had in weakening al-Qaeda's leadership in Iraq with daily raids on terrorist leaders.
"I believe there will be very direct and significant impact on our ability to conduct counterterrorism operations," said Fred Kagan, an influential military analyst who helped formulate the successful "surge" strategy in Iraq in 2007, which involved sending in more U.S. troops to pacify the country.
軍事アナリストは米軍の撤退が、テロリストの指導者に対する日々の襲撃により、アルカイダの指導組織の弱体化を推し進めてきた、これまでの成果を台無しにするのではないかと懸念している。 「私は、対テロ作戦の遂行能力に、かなりの直接的、かつ著しいマイナスの影響があると思う。」と2007年のイラクにおける「膨張戦略」を成功に導いた著名な軍事アナリストのフレッド・カーゲン氏は語る。 膨張戦略にはイラクの鎮静化のための米軍の増派も含まれている。

STORY: U.S. military leaving Iraq, but not the region
President Obama announced that all U.S. forces would leave Iraq at the end of this year. There are about 39,000 U.S. troops in Iraq now.
The effect of the withdrawal on Iraq's counterterrorism forces could be particularly significant, since the U.S. military provides specialized functions, such as intelligence gathering and sophisticated avionics, to support efforts to capture and kill terrorist cell leaders.
オバマ大統領は今年の末まえに全ての米軍をイラクから撤退することを発表した。現在イラクには3万9千人の米軍が展開している。 イラク軍の今後の対トロ対策部隊への影響は極めて大きいと思われる、なぜなら米軍は情報収集、精密な航空電子機能などテロを捕捉して、その指導部を殲滅するための支援を提供しているからだ。

Insurgent violence has dropped dramatically in Iraq from its peak in June 2007, according to the U.S. command in Iraq. Still, terrorists continue to attack Iraqi security forces and civilians.
Iraq is no longer a "center of international terrorism," said James Dobbins, a military analyst at RAND Corp., a think tank. Still, terrorists are conducting attacks inside its borders. On Thursday, two bombings in Baghdad killed 18 people.
「イラクは、もはや国際テロの巣窟ではない」とランド研究所(シンクタンク)の軍事アナリストである、ジェームス・ドビンスは話す。  それでもテロリストは、その国内でテロ攻撃を続行している。 木曜日には、バクダッドでは二つの爆弾事件で18人の犠牲者が出ている。

"Al-Qaeda in Iraq does remain a dangerous threat here," said Army Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan, the chief spokesman for U.S. forces in Iraq.
The terrorist organization continues to look for opportunities to regroup, analysts said. "The fact that al-Qaeda in Iraq is degraded is not same as saying it has been defeated," Kagan said.

The raids have helped keep al-Qaeda off balance. "We're pretty busy on the counterterrorism side," Buchanan said.
Iranian-backed militia groups also remain a threat in Iraq, the U.S. military has said.

Iraq's special forces, which number about 5,000, are highly capable as assault troops able to kick in doors and capture and kill insurgent leaders. But they have relied on specialized support from the United States. "Without all the enablers we provide, there's no doubt there will be less capability than there is right now," Buchanan said.
Buchanan said Iraqi special forces are expanding their capabilities. "We've been working with them to build the systems all along to give them this capacity," Buchanan said. "They will continue to grow."
イラクの特殊部隊は現在5000名で突撃部隊として、テロ組織の拠点を襲撃し、敵の指導者を捕獲或いは殺害する極めて高い能力を備えている。 しかし、彼らは米軍からの高度に専門的な支援を受けており、これに依存している。 「我々が提供するような、全てのイネーブラー(襲撃を可能にするもの:諸情報、電子誘導など)が無ければ、この特殊部隊の能力は現状よりかなり劣ることになるのは疑いの無い事実だ。」とブキャナンは言う。 イラクの特殊部隊は現在、その能力を増強しており、「我々は彼等と共同して、彼らにこの方面の能力を付けるべく全面的にシステムを構築しつつある。 現在彼らは逐次強化されている。」と続けた。

Buchanan said Iraqi helicopter pilots are becoming skilled at using night-vision goggles and are supporting raids. "They're headed in the right direction," he said.
Buchanan said the Iraqis will need to keep the pressure on terrorist cells. "What they can't afford to do, I think, is take their foot off the accelerator," Buchanan said.
ブキャナンによると、イラクのヘリのパイロットは、より技量を向上して暗視ゴーグルをつけての飛行や支援攻撃も実施しているとのこと。「彼らは、着実に力をつけている。」と彼は言う。 イラクはテロリスト分子に圧力をかけ続けていかなければならない。「彼らが出来ることは、テロリストがアクセルから足を外すまで攻撃を緩めないことだ。」

The United States was planning to remove remaining U.S. troops from Iraq this year under an existing agreement. U.S. and Iraqi officials were discussing a new agreement that would allow some U.S. advisers to be embedded with Iraqi forces.
No agreement was reached because the Iraqi government would not guarantee immunity for American forces, a particular concern in Iraq, where the legal system is not fully developed.
米国は現在の米国イラク協定に基づき、残っている米軍をイラクから今年中に撤退する計画だが、米国とイラク関係者は新しい協定で米軍の軍事顧問をイラク軍の組織の中に残すことを検討しているが、いまのところ何も合意に達していない、なぜならば、残留米軍に対する法的な免責(治外法権)をイラク政府が保証できないからだ。 これは法的整備が不十分なイラクでは特に関心が高い問題である。

The U.S. military plans to retain a strong relationship with Iraq even without a contingent of advisers there. Iraq is purchasing more than $13 billion worth of military equipment, including 18 F-16 fighters, 140 M-1 tanks and armored vehicles and helicopters.
The Pentagon also has said it may conduct joint exercises with Iraqi forces in the future.
"It's important for the relationship of our two countries to move forward from one that's been dominated by a military relationship to one that's dominated by a diplomatic relationship," Buchanan said.
例え、緊急軍事顧問団が無いとしても、米軍はイラクとの強い関係を保持することを計画している。 イラクはF18戦闘機16機、140台のM-1戦車や装甲車、そしてヘリコプターなど総額130億ドルに上る装備を購入している。 米国防総省は、将来はイラクとの共同演習の実施も視野に入れていると発表している。 「2国関係で大事なことは軍事中心の関係から、外交中心の関係へと移行していくことだ。」とブキャナンは話した。

アフガニスタン ある海兵隊指揮官の苦悩

2011-10-31 | 軍事
Afghan Success Comes At High Price For Commander

アフガニスタンから撤兵しても、こうした社会の問題は国内に残る。 それにしても、昔は戦場の第一線と後方の作戦本部の認識の隔たりが問題になったが、今や戦場と国内の家庭が直結しているという。まさに隔世の感があるが、第一線の指揮官には大変な負担だ。

by Tom Bowman
October 30, 2011

Lt. Col. Jason Morris pays his respects at a memorial service in Sangin, Afghanistan, on Nov. 26, 2010, for three Marines who were killed: Lance Cpl. Brandon Pearson, Lance Cpl. Matthew Broehm and 1st Lt. Robert Kelly. Morris commanded a battalion in volatile Helmand province that suffered the highest casualty rate of any Marine unit in the Afghanistan War. アフガニスタンのサンギンにおいて、 ジェイソン・モリス中佐が2010年11月26日、戦死した3人の海兵隊員の追悼式で祈りを捧げている。 (ブランドン・ピアソン上等兵、マッソー・ブローム上等兵、そしてロバート・ケリー中尉) モリスは情勢不安定なヘルマンド地方に展開する大隊を指揮していた。その大隊はアフガニスタン戦争で最も死傷者率の高かった海兵隊部隊である。

A year ago, nearly 1,000 U.S. Marine officers and enlisted men of the 3rd Battalion, 5th Regiment deployed to restive Helmand province in southern Afghanistan. By the time their tour ended in April 2011, the Marines of the 3/5 — known as "Darkhorse" — suffered the highest casualty rate of any Marine unit during the past 10 years of war. This week, NPR tells the story of this unit's seven long months at war — both in Afghanistan and back home.
一年前、第5連隊第3大隊のおよそ1000名からなる海兵隊の将兵がアフガニスタン南部地方の戦闘の絶えないヘルマンド地方に展開した。 この部隊は2011年の4月に、任務が終了するまでに、海兵隊のスリーファイブ(第5連隊第3大隊) ・・・ダークホースとして知られている・・・・この10年の戦争を通じて最も高い死傷者率を出した海兵隊部隊となった。  今週NPRはこの部隊の7か月にわたる戦争の物語をレポートする。・・・・アフガニスタンと帰国後の両方から。

First of seven parts  
With his brown checkered sport coat, blue shirt and tie, Jason Morris could easily be mistaken for a young professor. Only the close-cropped hair and stocky build might suggest a military life.
Lt. Col. Morris served as a Marine officer during the 2003 invasion of Iraq and witnessed heavy combat in the push toward Baghdad.
But it's his experience in Afghanistan during the past year that lingers: Morris commanded the Marines of the 3rd Battalion, 5th Regiment, which lost 25 troops during its seven-month-long deployment, the highest casualty rate of any Marine unit during the Afghan war.
ブラウンのチェックのスポーツコートにブルーのシャツとネクタイという出立のジェイソン・モリスは、うっかりすると若い大学教授に見間違うほどだ。 短く刈り込んだ頭とがっしりした体格が彼の軍隊経歴を伺わせる。
しかし、今でも彼を悩ませ続けているのは、昨年のアフガニスタンでの戦争体験だ。 なぜなら、モリスが指揮をした第5連隊、第3大隊の海兵隊部隊は、この7か月にわたる戦闘展開中に25名の戦死者を出したからだ。この数字はアフガニスタン戦争中で最も高い海兵隊部隊の死亡率だった。

These days, he is studying for a master's degree at the Naval War College in Newport R.I., Standing on a sea wall there, Morris looks at sailboats slicing through the bay.
"Narragansett Bay probably has more water in it than probably all of Afghanistan," he says. "Seeing blue and seeing green. Anything but brown."
現在は、彼はロードアイランド州のニューポートにある海軍大学の修士課程で勉強している。 護岸に立ち、モリスは港を横切るヨットを眺めながら彼はつぶやいた。
「多分アフガニスタン全土の水を集めても、このナラガンセット湾を満たすことはできないのではないかな。 この青い海と緑の野辺、ここには茶褐色なんてどこにもない。」

Marines of the 3rd Battalion, 5th Regiment conduct a search operation in Sangin district, Afghanistan, on Feb.18, 2011. Roadside bombs were a constant threat on such patrols. 2011年2月18日、アフガニスタンのサンギン地区で掃討作戦を実施する第5連隊・第3大隊の海兵隊部隊。 道路の仕掛け爆弾は、このような偵察行動にとっての脅威だ。

A Difficult Mission   困難な任務
Morris saw a lot of shades of brown during his seven months in southern Afghanistan's Helmand province: the high beige walls of village compounds, the thick chocolate mud that passed for roads, the dung-colored fields in winter.
It was just over a year ago that Morris took nearly 1,000 Marines to a place in Helmand called Sangin. It was a haven for Taliban fighters and drug traffickers, a place where the British lost more than 100 troops in four years.
But the British failed to push out and pursue the enemy, and the Taliban continued to control much of the area. It was Morris' job to take it back.
サンギンと呼ばれるヘルマンド地方に1000人近くの海兵隊を率いてモリスが配置についたのは丁度一年前になる。 その地はタリバンと麻薬組織の巣窟地域であり、英国軍は4年間で既に100名以上の戦死者を出していた。
しかし、それでも英国軍は敵を掃討し追撃することに失敗しており、タリバンはこの南部の大部分を支配し続けていた。 モリスの任務は、この地を敵タリバンから取り戻すことだった。

At the time, Lt. Gen. Rich Mills was the senior Marine commander in Helmand. He says what Morris' unit went through was as brutal as anything in the history of the Marines.
"It stands alone in the Afghanistan situation as probably being one of the tougher missions ever handed to an infantry battalion," Mills says.
"It's very rare. I certainly would compare it to some of the amphibious assaults during World War II, places like Guadalcanal," he adds.
当時、リッチ・ミル中将がヘルマンドの海兵隊の最高司令官だった。 彼はモリスの部隊が経験した戦闘は、海兵隊の歴史の中でも最も過酷なものだったと話している。

Credit: Alyson Hurt/NPR

'What Were We Doing Wrong?'  「なにかしくじったのか」
By the time Morris returned home in April, his Marines suffered historic losses: 25 dead and nearly 200 more wounded, about three-dozen of whom had lost at least one limb.
For Morris, those casualties seemed to come out of nowhere. Most of his men were killed or wounded not by enemy fire, but by chance. They would go out on patrol and step on homemade bombs that seemed to be everywhere.
And even in a war in which those homemade bombs — known as improvised explosive devices, or IEDs — account for nearly three-quarters of the American deaths, the sheer number and speed of the casualties was stunning.
モリスにとって、これらの死傷者は何の前触れもなくきた災いのように思えた。なぜなら、これらの死傷者は敵との交戦中に負傷し、戦死したのではなく、敵の罠に嵌った結果だったからだ。 彼らは偵察に出かけ、そのたびに、そこらじゅうに仕掛けられた手製爆弾を踏むことになる。
実際の戦闘においても、これらの手製爆弾(簡易爆破装置:略称 IED)の犠牲者が米軍の死亡者の4分の3を占めている。その突出した数と短期間の犠牲者の増加には驚かされるばかりだ。

It started almost immediately after the unit arrived in Sangin on Sept. 27, 2010: Hostile fire killed Lance Cpl. John Sparks on Oct. 8, less than two weeks later.
More deaths followed in quick succession: The next casualties occurred back to back, on Oct. 14 and 15.
"That was what was tough. ... In two days we had lost seven Marines," Morris recalls.
Morris questioned his company commanders. Were they doing everything by the book? Were they following their training?
モリスはおもわず隷下の中隊長に、マニュアル通りに行動したのか? 訓練通りにこうどうしたのか?と問いただしたという。

Back home, the families were frantic, wondering what was happening. Morris' wife, Jane, started getting a hundred emails each day. One wife was convinced she heard the doorbell ring in the middle of the night, that Marine officers were there to announce her husband's death.
"The families, especially the spouses, really almost lost their minds," Morris says.
In this age of Facebook and Twitter, what happened on the battlefield instantly affected the homefront. And what happened at home instantly reached the troops.

From Afghanistan, Morris had to reassure families back in California — he even sent a message to a town hall meeting at Camp Pendleton, where the battalion was based.
His more immediate challenge, though, was to carry out his mission — and stop the casualties.
"At the time I was wondering, what were we doing wrong?" he says.
Higher-ups were wondering the same thing. U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates asked about the growing number of dead and wounded and suggested pulling Darkhorse out for a while.
アフガニスタンから、モリスは遠くカリフォルニアの家族たちに再確認しなければならなかった。 彼は大隊の基地がある、ペンデルトン基地の市民集会にもメッセージを送った。

The Marine leadership said no.
"I said it would be a mistake," recalls Mills, the senior Marine officer in Helmand. "That the battalion was doing fine. Morale was high. Combat effectiveness was great. That the Marines up there wanted to finish the job. The worst thing we could have done was withdraw that battalion."
「私は、撤兵は誤りだと意見具申した。なぜなら大隊は良く戦っていたし、その士気は高く、戦闘効果も上がっていた。 戦場での海兵隊は、このタリバン一掃の任務を完遂することを望んでいた。 そういった状況下で、指揮官として最も避けなければならない決断は大隊の撤退だった。」とヘルマンドの海兵隊のミル中将は当時を振り返って語った。

A Positive Impact As Casualties Subside 
But for all the debate among the generals, it fell to Morris to figure out how to finish the job.
"I was on my own for this. I mean having to figure this out? It's up to the battalion commander," he says.
Morris pressed his Marines to slow down, to carefully search for roadside bombs when on patrol. He buried mock roadside bombs at his base so his troops could practice finding them.

Eventually, Morris got more troops and equipment. That made a big difference. The casualties started to subside. By the end of their deployment, Darkhorse spent more time rebuilding villages than shooting Taliban.
But it had come at a terrible price. When he returned home in April, Morris attended a dozen memorial services, all around the country. He tried to comfort those left behind.
"There were some that were very angry, just yelling, 'Why the hell did I lose my son for this?'" Morris recalls.
"What do you say? You just try to make him understand his son died doing what he wanted to be doing. And that he had an impact — a positive impact on the people of Afghanistan, helped rebuild their country," he says.
実際には、モリスは兵力と装備の増強を勝ち取り、これがターニングポイントとなった。 死傷者は低下しはじめ、任務の終了時まで、ダークホースはタリバンとの交戦よりも、村の再建に力を注いだ。
「なんと言って慰める? 国から付託された任務を遂行中に、息子さんは無くなったと父親に理解してもらうだけだ。 そして彼の死は無駄ではなかったと・・・アフガニスタンの人々に建設的な影響を与え、国の再建を助けたのです、と・・」彼は言う。

Lt. Col. Jason Morris briefs Defense Secretary Robert Gates in southern Afghanistan on March 8. Morris requested more troops and equipment as casualties increased in the battalion he commanded. ジェイソン・モリス中佐がゲイツ国防長官に対して、3月8日にアフガニスタン南部で戦況をブリーフィング。 モリスは、損耗の増加に伴い兵力と装備の増強を要求した。

Following A Family Tradition  家族の伝統に従って
Morris believes what he tells the families. Other Marines who served with Darkhorse say the same thing — that they made a difference. That's one reason Morris signed up in the first place.
After graduating from the Naval Academy in 1992, Morris wanted to lead men in combat. He wanted the mental and physical challenge. And he was following a path his father had taken: John Morris was also a Marine.
"He's very proud of me, but he said, 'You've got to want to do this, because it's a tough life,'" he says.

John Morris was also a rifle company commander — in Vietnam. His unit took 70 percent casualties, far more than Darkhorse's 20 percent.
But it was different back then. The elder Morris never got to know his Marines. Today, Marines train together, go to war together and come home together — as a unit. During Vietnam, individual replacements came, got wounded and were airlifted out.
"[My father] made a comment, 'You know, you've spent 18 months with these guys. You've met most of them. The lieutenants, you've drank beers with, you've met their spouses, you know their parents,'" he says.
しかし、当時は今とは異なっていた。 父のモリスは自分の部下の海兵隊員を決して掌握はしていなかった。今は、海兵隊の将兵は共に訓練し、共に戦場で戦い、共に基地に戻る・・・そう一つのまとまりとして。 ベトナム戦争中は、個々に戦闘員が補充され、負傷兵は各個に空輸され後送された。
「父は私にこう言ったのです。 “いいかい、お前は18か月もの間これらの仲間と戦場で過ごしたんだ。殆どすべての部下を掌握もしている。 お前を補佐した部下たちとお前はビールを酌み交わし、夫人達とも面識がある、そして彼らの親達とも”」

An Eternal Burden  消えない重荷
Morris still keeps in touch with the members of Darkhorse Battalion. He has visited the seriously wounded at the naval hospitals at Balboa in San Diego, Calif., and in Bethesda, Md., outside Washington, D.C.
Right now, he is on a plum assignment, studying at the Naval War College. He says it's surreal — taking classes, living by the water, trying to slow down after combat command.
"I found it difficult to get out of that battle rhythm of being constantly on guard, working 18 or 19 hours a day," Morris says.
It's not easy to shake free of Afghanistan — and the knowledge that men he led didn't make it home: "It's a burden that you bear forever."
今は、海軍大学で勉強をするという素晴らしい仕事についている。 彼は戦場と比べると現実とは思えないと言う・・・・授業を受け、水がいつでも飲め、戦闘指揮を離れて緊張を緩めるようにしている。

ギリシャ危機 ストライキをやっている場合か

2011-10-30 | ギリシャ
The Rising Cost Of Doing Business With Greece


by Yuki Noguchi
October 28, 2011

As details of the Greek debt deal passed by the European Union Wednesday are worked out, some businesses in the U.S. continue to grapple with the ripple effects of the prolonged debt crisis.

Greek's economic problems work their way down the supply chain to people like Kosta Bouyoukas, who imports olives and other foods from Greece. He says suppliers are changing the terms of contracts, and sometimes products don't show up at all. ギリシャの経済問題はコスタ・ボウヨウカスのようにオリーブその他をギリシャから輸入している人々のサプライチェーンにまで影響を及ぼしている。彼は荷主が契約条件を変えてきている、そして商品が全く届かないことwも時々あるとこぼしている。

The EU hopes the debt deal will contain Europe's debt problems, and the problem countries will now start their work of implementing fiscal reforms — which has proved troublesome, especially in Greece.

Uncertainty, strikes and currency problems in the country have upset the schedules of U.S. businesses that both import Greek goods and export their own products to the troubled country.

The Prima Foods warehouse in Maryland, for example, stocks olive oil from Crete by the drum, feta by the brick and Kalamata olives by the barrel, but has recently run into problems with its suppliers. The importer sits across the street from shipping containers that come into the port city of Baltimore.

Kosta Bouyoukas, Prima's president, is sturdy, wears a gold chain and greets clients with a mix of Greek and English when they show up to pick up boxes of frozen spanakopita.

The office Bouyoukas inhabits is filled with photos and posters that suggest fierce loyalty to family and heritage. Behind the small retail store in the front, there's a 46,000-square-foot warehouse, sparsely decorated in Greek blue and white.

"Here we have juices from Greece," Bouyoukas explains. "Like apricot, and peach. ... [And] this is pasta. It's orzo."

Unreliable Imports   あてにならない輸入
Prima mostly serves Italian and Greek restaurants. Normally, it receives 50,000-pound shipments every other week, but that's less reliable these days.
"The Greek government, it's a mess," he says. "We place orders — usually it takes 19 days to get here, and now it takes about 40 days because they have strikes in the port, they have all these things happening every day."
「ギリシャ政府が酷いことになっている。 商品を発注して、通常19日で商品が届くのだが、今は40日もかかっているんだ。港でストライキをしているからさ。それが全ての商品に、毎日起きているんだ。」

In addition, Prima Foods is getting squeezed by the exchange rate. Its suppliers, especially in Greece, are changing the terms of contracts.
"Instead [of] 60 days, they want to get paid in 35 or 40 days now," he says.
He doesn't have a problem with the billing change; it's a product not showing up at all that upsets Bouyoukas.
"I get mad because I depend on those products," he says.
加えて、プリマフードは為替レートでも締め付けを食っている。 仕入れ先、とくにギリシャは建値条件を変えてきている。 「60日の支払いを、今は35日や40日にしてくる。」
彼は支払いの条件を変えるのは問題ないが、商品が届かないので頭を悩ませている。 「これらの商品だけが頼りだから、怒っているんだ。」と彼は言いっている。

As shipping is becoming less reliable, it also costs more, with fuel prices on the rise. This gets passed along to customers, whose gripes fall back on Bouyoukas. He says it's stressful seeing his business buffeted by the Eurozone's problems.

"We don't think two years down the road anymore; it's just what happens today, next week, a month from now ... that's about it," he says. "Because we don't have [any] control over what happens in Greece."
「2年先のことは何も考えていない。今問題が起きていて、それが来週まで続くのか、ひと月先も変わらないのか・・・それ次第だね。 だって、ギリシャで起きていることは、こちらじゃ何一つコントロールできないからね。」

Export Deals Fall Through  輸出が急落
It's not just importers like Bouyoukas who have struggled; U.S.-based exporters also face problems.

Sharon Doherty is the president and chief executive officer of Vellus, a small business in Columbus, Ohio, that manufactures and exports shampoos for show dogs. Doherty has distributors she ships to in dozens of countries, including Japan, Singapore and around Europe. She expected to start with her first Greek distributor last year.

"[The distributor] was so excited. ... I received so many emails from her, telephone calls, [and] we were going to order her banners," Doherty says. "And it was going so good. It's like it just happened all of a sudden."
「あちらはとても喜んでいた。 何通も彼女からEメールや電話をもらったわ、それで広告用の幕も注文したわ。 とてもうまくいっていたんだけど、それは突然起きたの。」とドハティは話す。

What happened was Greece's debt became unsustainable, it requested a bailout from the rest of Europe, and the chaos led the distributor to cancel the deal. That wasn't all: The currency fluctuations prompted other European buyers to start buying in smaller quantities.

"I mean, to be honest with you, I was worried about it. I didn't know how it was going to go," Doherty says. "When they're hurting, you're hurting. So you need to find out what you can do to help them."
「正直に言って。 私は大変悩んだわ。 これからどうなるのか私には全く分らなかったし。 “彼らが傷つくときは、我々も傷ついてるわ” だから私たちがするべきことは彼らを助ける術を探すことだと思う。」とドハティ会長は言う。

To do that, she has offered discounts, which have helped her sales recover. She's now following the news and hoping for the best, because what's good for Europe is also good for her. 
そのために、彼女はディスカウントすることを決めた。それにより売り上げは回復した。 彼女は今、ニュースに注目しながら、うまく行くことを願っている。なぜなら欧州がうまく乗り切れば、それがとりもなおさず彼女のビジネスにも良い結果をもたらすことになるからだ。

ギリシャ危機 オブザーバーに徹した米中

2011-10-29 | ギリシャ
In Europe's Crisis, U.S. Mostly An Observer


by Marilyn Geewax

U.S Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner (left) speaks to French Finance Minister Francois Baroin (right) during talks in Marseille in September. While the U.S. has been concerned about Europe's debt crisis, the Americans have not been major players.   米国のガイトナー財務長官がフランスのバローニ首相と9月にマーセルで会談したときの写真。米国は欧州の債務危機に懸念を持っていたが、アメリカは主役ではなかった。

October 28, 2011
When Columbus sailed west in the late 15th century, he launched a long and lucrative relationship between Europe and the Americas. Family ties, economic bonds and shared military goals continue to knit us together.
コロンブスが15世紀に西へと航海へ旅立ったとき、カラは欧州とアメリカの長きにわたる、魅惑的な関係の構築へと乗り出していった。 家族の絆、経済的な繋がり、そして軍事的な目標を分かち合うことは我々を相互に離しがたい存在として、織り込んでいった。

But as the European debt crisis has deepened, it has highlighted this early 21st century shift: The United States is becoming more of a Pacific Rim country and less of a North Atlantic partner.

"President Obama's focus has been anywhere but on Europe, and I think there's good justification for that," said Benn Steil, director of international economics for the Council on Foreign Relations.

Steil, speaking with reporters on a conference call Thursday, said the United States, once the architect of Europe's postwar economy, no longer has much influence when it comes to financial matters. That's because Americans are seen by Europeans as having done a poor job of regulating markets in the run-up to the 2008 financial crisis, triggered by U.S. mortgage defaults.
スタイル氏は木曜日の同評議会の会合での報告の中で、欧州の戦後経済のかつての立役者としてのアメリカは、こと経済に関してはもはや大した影響力を持っていないと発言した。 それは、米国の住宅ローン債務不履行に端を発する2008年の経済危機の直前の段階における、アメリカの市場コントロールの不手際を欧州各国がよく承知しているからである。

"I don't see any reason for President Obama to waste precious international political capital trying to publicly influence this debate," Steil said.
Sebastian Mallaby, a senior fellow for international economics at the Council on Foreign Relations, agreed, saying that because the United States has been unable to solve its own debt problems, "the natural postwar leader has its hands tied behind its back."

Mallaby, also on the conference call, said that when it comes to helping shape European fiscal and financial policies, "lecturing from American leaders at this point simply doesn't work. We don't have the moral standing to say to people, 'Listen guys, we know how to run an economy and here's how you do it.' "

Europe's Crisis Has Limited U.S. Impact
But having the United States relegated to the role of observer in Europe's crisis may not worry U.S. business leaders very much. Given Europe's aging population, debt overhang and diminished economic prospects, U.S. corporations and farmers are turning more and more of their attention to China and other rapidly developing nations along the rim of the Pacific Ocean.
しかしながら、欧州危機において、米国をオブザーバーの立場に追いやったことは、米国の経済界のリーダーにとっては何の痛痒も感じなかったはずだ。 欧州の老化が進む人口動態を考えれば、その負債の負担は長く尾を引き、経済の見通しを暗くしており、米国企業や農家は中国やその他の急速に成長している環太平洋の国々に、より多くの関心を向けているからだ

Mallaby noted that only about 13 percent of U.S. exports go to Europe. Slower growth in Europe would put a relatively small dent in U.S. prospects.
Joao Vale de Almeida, the European Union's ambassador to the United States, agrees that the White House has become more interested in strengthening relationships with developing nations than with Europeans. "If I look at the speeches and meetings, I could come to that conclusion," he said.
マラビーは欧州へ向かう米国の輸出量は全体の13%に過ぎないし、 欧州の、より緩慢とした経済成長は米国の将来への見通しに、大して影響を及ぼさないだろうと言う。

But Vale de Almeida says he also sees the tremendous value of routine corporate interaction, military cooperation and diplomatic coordination between Americans and Europeans. "If I look at what happens every day, then I see the relationship is like an iceberg: What lies below the surface is what's important," he said.

Vale de Almeida said it might surprise Americans to realize that Europeans also are focused on deepening ties with China. Given the slow pace of U.S. growth, as well as the rapid rise of federal debt, Europeans are eager to tighten ties to Asia, he said. "In the EU, more people are talking about China" than about the United States, he said.

Jacob Kirkegaard, a research fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, said Americans may not realize that the 27-nation European Union is China's single biggest trading partner.
"Germany exports a lot to China," he said. "General Motors is doing very well in China, but the biggest car producer in China is Volkswagen. In terms of the trade relationship, they are doing much better than we are."
「ドイツは中国に沢山輸出している。 ゼネラルモーターズは中国で非常によくやっているが、中国での最大のカーメーカーはフォルクスワーゲンである。貿易関係の観点では、彼らは我々よりも上手くやっている。」

China Hasn't Intervened  中国は干渉してこなかった
Europeans also are hoping the cash-rich Chinese will help with the EU debt crisis. French President Nicolas Sarkozy spoke by phone Thursday with his Chinese counterpart, Hu Jintao, about the bailout. So far, the Chinese government has not made any commitment to contribute to Europe's bailout fund.
欧州各国は、また、資金力の豊富な中国がEUの債務危機を助けてくれないかと期待をしている。 フランス大統領のニコラス・サルコジは中国の胡錦濤国家主席と木曜日に電話会談をして、救済について相談している。これまでのところ、中国政府は欧州の救済基金についての貢献するかどうか態度を明らかにしていない。

Few observers expect that it will. "The idea that the Chinese will pour money into a bailout is pure fantasy," Kirkegaard said. "They are going to be way too risk averse to get involved at this time."
それを期待している観測筋は少ない。「中国が救済基金に自国の資金を注入するというのは全く夢物語だ。 彼らは、今回は巻き込まれるのは、余りに危険の高いとして回避する道を採ろうとしている。」とカークガードは言う。

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao meeting in Berlin on June 28. During Europe's economic crisis, both China and the United States have stayed mostly on the sidelines. 7月28日のベルリンでの会談での温家宝首相とメルケル首相。 欧州経済危機の間を通じて中国も米国も脇役に徹した。

Still, the Chinese can afford to invest directly in Europe, which could help with economic growth, he said. For example, the China Ocean Shipping Co., or Cosco, took full control of the container terminals at Piraeus, Greece's largest port, in a deal worth almost $5 billion. Piraeus serves as a gateway to bring Chinese goods into Europe.
それでも、中国は欧州に直接投資することは出来るし、それは欧州の経済成長を助けることが出来ると彼は言う。例えば、チャイナ・オーシャン・シッピング株式会社(コスコ)ギリシャ最大の港であるピラエウス港のコンテナ・ターミナルを50億ドル強で全て買収した。 同港は欧州全域へ中国商品を送り込むゲートウエイとして機能することになる。

Even though both Americans and Europeans are scrambling to strengthen ties to Asia, Kirkegaard agrees with Vale de Almeida's image of the U.S.-EU relationship as an iceberg, moving slowing and mostly below the surface.

"Asia is where the growth is, so that's where the focus is," Kirkegaard said. "But if you look at the depth of the relationship, Europe is where more than 70 percent of American foreign direct investment is. The relationship with Europe is much, much deeper" because it stretches back so far.

Both Americans and Europeans tend to take each other for granted because "98 percent of the trans-Atlantic relationship proceeds very, very smoothly," he said.

As the years roll by, economic relationships will shift as countries chase growth, he said. "We should work hard to have the strongest possible trans-Pacific relationship, but before it will rival the trans-Atlantic relationship, it would be more than a decade," he predicted.

ギリシャ危機 国家主権の喪失? 

2011-10-28 | ギリシャ
Greeks Fear They Are Losing Their Sovereignty


by Sylvia Poggioli
October 27, 2011

A teacher walks by during a parade in the northern Greek city of Thessaloniki on Thursday. Parades were held across Greece on Thursday to mark the 61st anniversary of the country's resistance to Axis forces, which dragged Greece into World War II. Some bystanders also seized the opportunity to shout anti-austerity slogans. 木曜日にギリシャ北部のセサロニキ市のパレードに同行する教師。 パレードはこの国を第二次世界大戦へと巻き込んだ枢軸国に対する、この国の抵抗運動の61年目の記念日を祝して木曜日にギリシャ各地で執り行われた。 観客達の中には、このパレードに便乗して、政府の緊縮財政政策に反対するスローガンを叫んでいる者もいた。

World markets rallied Thursday after European leaders agreed on a plan
to deal with the eurozone debt crisis. But in Greece, the most imperiled country, there was skepticism that the deal will do much to help the country out of recession.

In addition, many Greeks also fear that they are losing their sovereignty, and are uncomfortable about the role Germany will be playing in the country's financial future.
The Nuntius stock brokerage firm is, unlike similar offices in New York or London, deathly quiet. So many people have been laid off that the offices are nearly empty.
ナンティス証券会社はニューヨークやロンドンの同業者と異なり、死んだように静まりかえっている。 多くの社員が解雇され、オフィスは空っぽに近い状態だ。

The firm's president, Alexandros Moraitakis, sits behind a big desk, his cell phone ringing with calls from clients eager to know about the EU deal that was reached at dawn Thursday.

His own profession is in critical condition. In the past two years, the Greek stock market has lost 75 percent of its volume. Personally, he doesn't like the EU deal. He says the EU, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank — known as the troika — have his country's fate in their hands.
彼自身の職業も厳しい状況にある。 この2年間で、ギリシャの株式市場は、その取引額の75%を失ってしまった。 個人的には、彼はEUの対応に満足してはいない。彼はEU、IMRそして欧州中央銀行(いわゆるトロイカ)が、この国の運命を握っていると言う。

"Greece does not decide, now the troika people decide, and they make experiments in the Greek market," he says. "Up to now they were unsuccessful. Without growth, nothing will be done."
「ギリシャは何も決めていない、いまやトロイカが決めている、そしてギリシャ市場で実験をしている。 今まで彼らは上手くいかなかった。 経済成長なくして、何も始まらない。」と彼は話す。

All Pain, No Gain   痛みばかりで得るものはない
Moriatakis lists some other troika results: Unemployment has doubled, and despite two years of draconian austerity measures, Greece is in recession and spiraling downwards. Many commentators echo this negative view.
モライタキスは幾つかのトロイカのもたらした結果を列挙してみせた。即ち失業者が2倍になり、2年の過酷な緊縮政策にも関わらず、ギリシャは不況から脱しきれず、更に悪化している。 多くのコメンテーターがこのネガティブな見方に付和雷同している。

And there's widespread criticism that the troika is going to have a permanent office in Athens for the rest of the decade.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has made clear that over-indebted eurozone countries must be closely overseen by international inspectors.
Many Greeks see this as the first step of a loss of national sovereignty.

Newspaper publisher and journalist George Kirtsos says it's one thing to yield sovereignty in the name of a more united and integrated Europe.
"And it is another thing yielding sovereignty because you have failed in your economic management and now have to face the reality of German domination," he says. "No government can sell this to its people, to its own electorate."
Kirtsos points out that statements by German politicians disparaging the Greek people have revived old memories of the brutality of the German occupation during World War II.
「もう一つは経済政策に失敗して主権を失っていくというがある、そして今やドイツの支配という現実に直面しなければならない。 どの政府も、国家主権を国民、即ち選挙民に売り渡すことは出来ないのだ。」と彼は言う。

Anger With Germany  ドイツに対する怒り
There have even been suggestions in the media that the German-driven austerity measures are part of a plan to reshape the Greek nation. But Kirtsos says this in no way resembles what the Americans offered with the Marshall Plan, which pumped lots of money into the Greek economy, devastated by World War II.
メディアの中には、このドイツ主導の緊縮財政政策をギリシャ国家の再建計画の一部という意見がある。 しかしキルトソスは、第二次世界大戦で荒廃したギリシャ経済に多額の資金を注入した、当時のアメリカのマーシャルプランとは似ても似つかないものだと言った。

"So you can do nation-building provided you pay the bill," he said. "But if you want to do nation-building and force the Greeks to pay the price for the German nation-building in Greece, this is something that cannot be done in political terms."
Anti-German sentiment is boiling. A slew of cartoons have depicted Greek government officials as Nazi collaborators. There are growing fears that Germans are plotting to buy Greek monuments and islands on the cheap, and there's a revival of anger over Greek demands for compensation for Nazi atrocities.
反ドイツ感情は沸騰しつつある。 多くの風刺漫画がギリシャ政府をナチの協力者として描いている。 ドイツがギリシャの国家遺産や島々を買い叩くのを企んでいるのではないかという恐れが広がっている。そしてギリシャ全土に、ナチの非道の対する補償を求める怒りが復活しつつある。

A local EU office run by a German is referred to as the Gestapo.
Even world-famous composer Mikis Theodorakis — of Zorba the Greek fame — joined the anti-German crusade in a call to a radio talk show.
"They are pressing the knife deeper and deeper, they insult us more every day, driving us toward violence and to an explosion that could also be destructive for them," Theodorakis says.

But at a press conference Thursday, Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos tried to reassure Greeks that their national sovereignty is intact. He justified the troika's permanent presence in Athens, saying it's needed to avoid what he called communication problems.
And he insists that responsibility for and implementation of the EU bailout program lies with the Greek government alone.
しかし、木曜日の記者会見で、ギリシャの蔵相のエバンゲロス・ヴェニゼロスはギリシャ国民に対して国家の主権は完全に保全されると念を押した。 彼はトロイカがアテネに常駐することは、コミュニケーションを保つためにも必要だと、これを正当化した。

ソマリアにアルカイダの影? 米国の懸念

2011-10-27 | 軍事
U.S. Worries Grow Over Al-Qaida's African Presence  

by Dina Temple-Raston
October 25, 2011


This image released by the SITE Intelligence Group on April 27, 2011, shows Thierry Dol, one of four French hostages held by al-Qaida's North Africa affiliate. U.S. counterterrorism officials are concerned that al-Qaida affiliates in Africa are growing stronger.この画像は米民間情報機関であるサイト・インテリジェンス・グループが2011年4月27日に公表したもので、北アフリカのアルカイダ一派に拘束されているフランス人人質の一人である、テイリ―・ドールが移っている。 米国対テロ関係者はアルカイダのアフリカ浸透が強まっていると懸念している

October 25, 2011
The U.S. has had major successes against al-Qaida this year, taking out Osama bin Laden in Pakistan and Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen.
But for American counterterrorism officials, concerns over al-Qaida in Africa keep growing.

In North Africa, al-Qaida's arm, al-Qaida in the Islamic Magreb, is making millions by kidnapping foreigners. In West Africa, a local Islamist group in Nigeria named Boko Haram has started attacking international targets with suicide bombers, an al-Qaida-like tactic. And in East Africa, foreign terrorists are traveling to Somalia to train for violent jihad.

U.S. officials see all these things as an indication that al-Qaida influence in Africa is becoming stronger.
"If you ask me what keeps me up at night, it is the thought of an American passport-holding person who transits to a training camp in Somalia, gets some skill and finds their way back to the United States to attack Americans here in the homeland," Gen. Carter Ham, commander of the U.S. Africa Command, told an audience at the Center for Strategic and International Studies recently. "That's mission failure for us."
「もし、私がどういうことで夜中に寝付けないことがあるかと聞かれたなら、それは、こういう思いに駆られたときです、つまりソマリアの訓練基地にアメリカのパスポート所持者が入り込み、ある技術を習得し、なにかしら帰国する手立てを見つけて米国本国でアメリカ人にテロを仕掛けるかもしれないということです。」と米国アフリカ駐留部隊司令官のカーター・ハム将軍は最近「戦略及び国際研究センター」で聴衆に対して答えている。 「それは、我々にとって任務上の失敗を意味します。」

A Foreigner In Somalia ソマリアの外国人
So imagine the reaction when a little over a week ago an unusual video appeared on Islamic websites. It was of a white man with a scarf twisted over his face standing before bags of grain and piles of clothes in a desert in Somalia. In the video, he was addressing the hungry at a local feeding station. He said his name was Abu Abdulla al-Muhajir, or "the foreigner." And there was one thing U.S. officials noticed about the man almost immediately: He was speaking nearly perfect English.

"Alhamdulillah," or "Praise to God," he began. "We are honored and blessed to take this opportunity to send our heartfelt greetings to our brothers and sisters in Somalia, and we also take this opportunity to say we love you all for the sake of Allah, and we sincerely relate to your suffering and affliction during this testing time."

His English wasn't quite unaccented, and his word choice wasn't quite right — but it was close. The young man went on to tell the crowd that al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri had sent him to Somalia to distribute food and clothing. "Al-Qaida, under the leadership of Sheik Ayman al-Zawahiri, continues to highlight the plight of the [community] and continues to support them with every means at their disposal," he said.
彼の英語はアクセントが明瞭で、彼の使う語彙は極めて正しいが・・それは完全なネイティブのそれではない。 その若い男は聴衆にむかって、アルカイダの指導者アイマン・アルーザハヒリがソマリアに食料と衣服を届けるために彼を派遣したと話し続けた。 そして 「シェイク・アイマン・アルーザワヒリの指導の下、アルカイダは、この地域の苦境を重視し、持っているあらゆる手段で彼らを支援し続けます。」と彼は話している。

Possible Links To Somali Militia  ソマリアの武装勢力との連携の可能性
Counterterrorism officials say the release of this tape could mean al-Qaida is forging closer ties with the group that is controlling much of southern Somalia, an Islamist militia called al-Shabab. It has been fighting the transitional government in Somalia for years and, more recently, has banned most foreign aid organizations from the parts of Somalia where it has control.
対テロ対策幹部は、このテープの発表はアルカイダが、ソマリア南部を支配しているアル‐シャバブというイスラム武装勢力と密接な関係を結んでいることを物語っていると言う。 この武装勢力は何年もの間ソマリアの暫定政府と戦ってきており、最近では殆どの外国の救援組織を、ソマリアの彼等の支配地域に立ち入ることを禁じている。

A famine is sweeping through southern Somalia, and the United Nations estimates that tens of thousands of Somalis have already died of hunger. Al-Shabab has been criticized for making the disaster worse by threatening NGOs that want to provide food aid.

The food station where the young man was addressing the Somalis was one of the few stations controlled by al-Shabab. The group has forged ties with al-Qaida in recent months. U.S. counterterrorism officials, like President Obama's counterterrorism chief, John Brennan, see al-Qaida following a familiar pattern — the group takes advantage of chaos. 
その若者がソマリア人に対して話しかけていた食糧配給所は、アル‐シャバブが支配している数少ない配給所の一つです。 そのグループはアルカイダと、この数か月で協力関係を構築しています。 米国対テロ専門家、例えばオバマ大統領の対テロ対策の責任者である、ジョン・ブレナンはアルカイダが、いつものパターンで行動しているとみています・・・・つまり、彼らのグループは混乱に乗じてくるのです。

"Al-Qaida traditionally has taken advantage of areas that are wracked by conflict, turmoil and lack of government, it is a safe haven they see to launch attacks," Brennan told reporters recently. "Somalia is one of the most challenging areas of the world because it has this internal conflict, it has such a devastating famine, and it is an area that al-Qaida has tried regularly to exploit."
「アルカイダは伝統的に紛争、混乱そして無政府状態によって荒廃した地域に浸透してきます、なぜなら、そういう地域が攻撃を仕掛ける基地として安全だと考えているからです。 ソマリアはそういう意味で、彼らにとって最もメリットのある地域です、なぜなら内紛を抱えており、酷い飢餓で混乱し、アルカイダが前から定期的に付け込もうとしていた地域だからです。」とブレナンは最近記者団に語っている。

Against that backdrop, it is easy to understand why the video with this mysterious English speaker talking on behalf of al-Qaida got people's attention. Intelligence officials are trying to determine who this young man is. They have done voice comparisons, taking the audio from this video and comparing it with recordings they have of foreigners they believe have joined al-Qaida. 
これらの背景を前提にすれば、なぜ、このミステリアスな英語の使い手がビデオを通じて、アルカイダを代表して人々に呼びかけているのかを理解することは容易です。米情報機関は鋭意、この若い男の特定に努めています。 ビデオの音声を拾い、既存のアルカイダに加わったと思われる外国人リストの録音記録と比較して、音声分析を行っています。

So far there hasn't been a match. Then again, intelligence officials are asking why al-Qaida would send an English speaker to Somalia in the first place? The people he was addressing at a food station would likely only speak Somali.
So maybe, the U.S. officials say, the English-language video was aimed at the U.S.
今のところ、マッチングデータは得られていませんが、ではなぜアルカイダは英語の話し手をソマリアに、しかも最初の場所として送り込んだのか? しかも、彼が話しかけている食糧配給所の人々はソマリ語しか理解できないはずないのに、である。


2011-10-27 | 軍事
Army Names First Black Woman As Two-Star General                         米陸軍は黒人女性を初めて陸軍少将に任命した


by Erin Toner
October 26, 2011

Maj. Gen. Marcia Anderson receives her second star from her husband, Amos, during a Sept. 29 ceremony at Fort Knox, Ky., while the U.S. Army Accessions Command and Fort Knox commanding general, Lt. Gen. Benjamin Freakley, looks on. ケンタッキー州のフォートノックスでの9月29日の式典で、マルシア・アンダーソン少々が夫エイモスから二つ目の星を付けてもらっている。陪席しているのは米陸軍アクセションズコマンドとフォートノックス司令官であるベンジャミン・フリークリィ中将

October 26, 2011 from WUWM
The Army has appointed its first black female two-star general.
Wisconsin native Marcia Anderson was promoted after a military career that spans more than three decades.
And she says she hopes her achievement inspires young service members to become leaders.
ウィスコンシン出身のマルシア・アンダーソンは30年以上の軍の経歴を経て承認した。 彼女は、自分の昇進が若い後進の人達が幹部を目指す励みになることを期待していると語った。

A Historic Promotion  歴史的昇任
Anderson's civilian job is clerk of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Madison, Wis.
"It's just a beautiful fall morning in Wisconsin, and I walked in the building, and everyone greeted me as though I had just left yesterday," she says on her first day back.

Anderson actually left a year ago when she was assigned to lead the Army's Human Resources Command at Fort Knox, Ky. The year came to a historic end in September, when at 53, Anderson became the first black woman to become a major general in the Army. Anderson's father, a Korean War veteran, traveled to Fort Knox for the ceremony.

"I think he had to have two shirts that day because he popped the buttons off of the first one," Anderson says. "He was so excited, he was so proud. It was more his moment, I think in many ways, than it was mine — his and a lot of other men and women like him who didn't have the opportunity to succeed like I did."
私が思うに、父はシャツを二つ持ってくるべきだったわ、だって、彼は最初のシャツのボタンを二つも千切っちゃから、彼はとても興奮して、誇りに思ってくれたわ。それは、私がいろんな意味で自分にとっての記念すべき瞬間だと思っている以上に彼にとっての意味ある瞬間だったみたい。 そう彼の、そして私のように成功する機会に恵まれなかった多くの彼のような人たちにとっての。」とアンダーソンは話している。

A Good Support System  グッドサポートシステム
Anderson's career began when she joined ROTC in college, and was quickly attracted to its physical and leadership activities. Later, she earned a law degree and went on to serve with Reserve units on the East Coast. She quickly moved up the military ranks.

Maj. Gen. Marcia Anderson is the first female U.S. Army black officer to obtain the rank of major general.

"You're put in charge of people, and they test you," Anderson says.
One of those tests came early on when Anderson was assigned to train a group of drill sergeants.

"I knew the commander there was not real thrilled to have me, but I just resolved to do a really good job," she says. "I think it's just a generational thing, and I took those drill sergeants who were not the best of the best, and I made it my business to make them the best of the best."

Even though white men far outnumber women and minorities in the highest ranks of the military, Anderson feels there are equal opportunities and a good support system for anyone who wants to become a leader.
"You know, I think any limitations — a lot of those limitations are self-imposed," Anderson says. "So people who — in the military — who just scrape by, people notice that."

Criticized For Not Serving In Combat  戦場勤務が無いと批判されて
But despite her leadership skills, when Anderson's promotion was announced, there were those critical of her earning the rank of two-star because she never served in combat. Anderson says while she did volunteer during both Gulf Wars, it's unfortunate that was the focus for some.

"Because there's a lot of officers, good officers and NCOs [non-commissioned officers] in our Army who haven't deployed," she says. "And quite frankly, it's an accident of our specialty."
Anderson says those who work in Army human resources provide valuable support for military families.

"It's hugely important, especially with the way there are multiple deployments, and we know the impact that has on families," she says. "And we do everything we can to help take care of them."
While Anderson makes Wisconsin her home, she moves on to a part-time assignment in Washington, D.C., as a deputy to the chief of the Army Reserve.
「それは非常に重要な任務です、特に複数の部隊展開をしている場合は、我々は軍人の家族が大きな負担を背負っていることを承知しています。 だからこそ、その家族をケアをするために、我々に出来るあらゆることをしているのです。」

オバマ大統領の苦悩 環境政策と雇用問題の狭間で

2011-10-26 | アメリカ国内
News analysis: Obama takes bipartisan heat on energy policy


By Aamer Madhani, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON – As his re-election campaign heats up, President Obama finds himself in an awkward position trying to defend his environmental policies against Republicans and disillusioned environmentalists who backed his campaign in 2008.

Protesters carry a mock pipeline in Lincoln, Neb., last month before a hearing on the project. The State Department in August ruled the plan would cause no serious damage.先月、プロジェクトの公聴会の前に、ネブラスカ州のリンカーンで抗議デモの参加者がパイプラインの張りぼてを担いでいる

He's under withering attack from GOP presidential contenders and lawmakers who say the Obama administration is handcuffing job growth with stifling regulations. Meanwhile, some environmental activists have expressed frustration that the White House has blocked or delayed several clean air and water regulations in recent weeks.

Some environmentalists — who were inspired by his calls in 2008 to reduce oil dependence and increase green energy investment — are disappointed that the State Department ruled in August that a plan to build a controversial Keystone XL pipeline — which would transport tar-sands oil from Canada to refineries in Illinois, Oklahoma and the Gulf of Mexico— would not cause significant environmental damage.

Obama will be greeted by hundreds of protesters calling on him to scrap the Keystone XL project when he travels to San Francisco on Tuesday, said Elijah Zarlin, a campaign organizer for the liberal group CREDO Action. On Sunday, more than 400 young activists organized by the Energy Action Coalition protested in front of the Obama campaign office in Cleveland. And a coalition of activists are planning a major demonstration in front of the White House on Nov. 6 to protest the pipeline. Hundreds were arrested at an August sit-in at the White House against the project.
オバマは水曜日にサンフランシスコに遊説に行けば、このキーストンXLプロジェクトの廃止を求める数百人規模のデモの洗礼を受けることになるだろうとリベラルグループのクレドアクションの実行委員のエリジャー・ザーリンは話している。 日曜日に、エナジーアクション同盟によって組織された400人以上の若い活動家がクリーブランドのオバマ選挙事務所の前で抗議した。 同盟の活動家は、パイプラインに抗議して大規模なデモを11月6日にホワイトハウスの前で計画している。 去る8月のホワイトハウス前での座り込みでは数百人が逮捕されている。

"What's disappointing is that this is a guy who seemed like he had the ability to explain complicated issues to people," said Zarlin, who worked on the new-media staff of Obama's 2008 campaign and was arrested at the recent White House sit-in. "The key is that people who supported Obama in 2008 still want to believe that he can lead and he will lead and will do the right thing."

Read all On Politics posts  
The criticism from the right is perhaps rougher. At last week's Republican presidential debate in Las Vegas, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney and Texas Gov. Rick Perry argued vociferously about their bona fides on health care and immigration policy, but they were in lock step as they criticized the Obama administration for handcuffing the oil industry with regulations.
右派からの批判のほうが多分厳しい。 先週の共和党の大統領候補者のラスベガスの討論会で、前マサチューセッツ州知事ミット・ロムニーとテキサス州知事リック・ペリーは声高に彼らのヘルスケア政策や移民政策について自陣の正当性を主張したが、オバマの政権が種々の規制で石油産業に足かせをしていると批判する点では足並みを揃えていた。

"We've got 300 years of resources right under our feet in this country," Perry said. "Yet we've got an administration that is blockading our ability to bring that to the surface, whether it's our petroleum, our natural gas or our coal." Moments later, Romney added: "He's absolutely right about getting energy independence and taking advantage of our natural resources here. We're an energy-rich nation that's acting like an energy-poor nation."
The intensified attacks on Obama's environmental record come on the heels of the administration's decision to block or delay implementation of a series of Environmental Protection Agency initiatives.

Last week, the EPA notified Congress that it won't regulate the dust produced by farm operations in the Midwest. Earlier this month, the EPA eased an air quality rule that would require power plants in 27 states to slash emissions. Last month, the White House decided to take a pass on implementing new smog regulations.
The Natural Resources Defense Council and two other groups who backed tougher regulations commissioned a poll by Public Policy Polling that showed 70% of Americans disapproved of Obama's stance on smog. The decision was particularly unpopular with women in the swing states of Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania, said Heather Taylor-Miesle, director of the NRDC Action Fund.
"The biggest cost that Obama has got here is that he could be facing an enthusiasm problem," Taylor-Miesle said.
環境保護庁は中西部の農業による塵埃の規制をしないことを議会に通告した。また今月初旬、同庁は27の州の発電所に排出削減を求めることになる大気浄化基準を緩和した。先月、ホワイトハウスは、新たなスモッグ規制の施行の法案を通過させる決定をした。より厳しい規制を支持する天然資源保護協議会と二つの団体は公共政策調査会社に世論調査を委託した、その調査結果はアメリカ国民70%がスモッグに対するオバマの政策を支持しないというものだった。 この決定は特に選挙で支持政党がどちらかに振れやすいミシガン、オハイオそしてペンシルバニア州の女性に特に評判が悪かったと、天然資源保護協議会(NRDC)アクションファンドのディレクターであるヒーサー・テイラー・ミズルは言う。 「オバマにとって、ここでの最も大きな負担は、彼がこの皆が熱心な問題に立ち向かわなければならないということだ。」

Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said that Republican presidential candidates and lawmakers need to continue to press the issue with voters and make the case that Obama administration regulations have held back economic growth.
Ben LaBolt, the Obama campaign press secretary, countered that Republicans are offering "old energy ideas" that fail to enhance U.S. energy security or global competitiveness. He defended Obama's environmental record. "The president has done more to wean us off of foreign oil and transition the nation to a clean energy economy than any other," LaBolt said.
下院エネルギー・商業対策委員会の委員である、スティーブ・スカリス(共和党・ラスベガス州選出)は共和党の候補と議員はこの問題を選挙民と一緒になって圧力をかけ続け、そしてオバマ政権の規制が経済成長を停滞させていると訴える必要があると言っている。 一方、オバマの選挙対策プレス担当秘書官であるベン・ラボルトは、共和党の提案は古いエネルギー構想であり、アメリカの安全保障や世界的競争力を損なっていると反論し、オバマの環境レコードを擁護している。「大統領は、外国の石油依存をより抑えながら、国家をクリーンエネルギー経済へと誰よりも推し進めてきた。」と彼は言う。

Both Republicans and environmentalists are waiting to see how the president comes down on the Keystone project and say it will be a seminal moment for the president.
Scalise said it's bewildering that Obama hasn't already backed the project that would bring billions of dollars in private investment and create thousands of jobs.
"He could create those jobs tomorrow if he sent out an executive order and said we're going to make this happen," Scalise said.
共和党も環境保護主義者達も、このキーストーンプロジェクトをどのように決定するのか様子見をしている、そして、その決定は大統領にとって将来を占う決定になると言っている。 スカリス議員は、オバマが既にそのプロジェクトを支持しており、そのプロジェクトは多額の資金を民間投資に回すことができ、多くの雇用を創出するのに、一体何をしているんだと呆れるばかりだと話している。「彼はその気になれば明日にでも雇用を創出できるんだ、彼が大統領令を発して、これを実行に移すと言いさえすればいいのだから。」と彼は言った。

Republican lawmakers in Washington along with some Democrats — 22 House Democrats wrote to Obama last week endorsing the project — have pushed Obama to quickly approve the deal. But some Republicans from Nebraska, one of six states the pipeline would cut through, have expressed reservations. Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman, Sen. Mike Johanns and Rep. Jeff Fortenberry want the pipeline to be moved, saying a leak could contaminate the Ogallala aquifer. Heineman called Monday for the state Legislature to hold a special session on Nov. 1 to see whether it can craft legislation to force moving the pipeline.
ワシントンの共和党議員は幾人かの民主党議員に同調し・・・22人の下院の民主党議員は先週、このプロジェクトを支持する書簡をだし、オバマが迅速にこれを承認するようにプッシュした。 しかし、パイプラインが通る6つの州の一つであるネブラスカ州の幾人かの共和党議員は態度を保留した。ネブラスカ州知事デイブ・ハイネマン、上院議員マイク・ヨハンそして共和党のジェフ・フォーテンベリーは、油漏れがオガララ水脈を汚染する恐れがあるとして、パイプラインを移動することを要望している。ハイネマン知事は月曜日に、パイプラインを移動させるために上手く法的整備が出来ないか検討するために、州議会に対し11月1日の特別議会を要請した。

スティーブ・ジョブス 伝記著者アイザックソンに聞く

2011-10-25 | スティーブ・ジョブス
New Bio Quotes Jobs On God, Gates And Great Design

死を自覚したジョブスの言葉が痛烈に胸に迫ってくる。天才でも突き詰めた先では同じ悩みで一生を終える。だから生は尊い。 一日を一生のように生きる・・わかってはいるが
by NPR Staff
October 25, 2011

Steve Jobs
October 25, 2011
Ever since Steve Jobs died on Oct. 5, much has been written but little revealed about a man who was the face of an iconic American company. But now comes the official biography, published less than three weeks after the death of the Apple co-founder. Over the course of two years and 40 interviews, biographer Walter Isaacson had unique access to Jobs, right up until Jobs' death at age 56.

The biography, simply titled Steve Jobs, delves into the computer visionary's personal life and professional legacy — from learning the art of good craftsmanship as a kid, to becoming a notoriously demanding boss, to fighting the cancer that eventually killed him.

Jobs told Isaacson that he was "50/50" on the existence of God, and that he wasn't sure whether there was an afterlife. But he was hopeful, he said, that something would endure after death. There's no question for Isaacson that Jobs' legacy will endure: "History will place him in the pantheon right next to Thomas Edison and Henry Ford," he writes.
ジョブスはアイザックソンに、神の存在の可能性は半々だと言い、彼は死後の世界があるかどうか自分は不確かだと話していた。しかし、彼は希望を持っていた、それは死後も何かが残ることだと彼は言った。 彼の遺産が残るというのは、アイザックソンにとっては疑いの無い事実だった。即ち「歴史は彼にトーマス・エジソンそしてヘンリー・フォードの直ぐ次の神殿に彼を安置したのだ。」

On Tuesday's Morning Edition, Isaacson talks with NPR's Renee Montagne about what he learned from conversations with Jobs' family, friends, competitors and colleagues.
Interview Highlights インタビュー要旨

On Jobs' father, who rebuilt cars, and held design and craftsmanship in high regard:

"He would show Steve the curve of the designs and the interiors and the shapes ... and even have pictures of the cars he liked the most in the garage. He put a little workbench in the garage, and he said, 'Steve, this is now your workbench.'
「彼はスティーブ少年にデザインの曲線や内装そして形・・そして彼が一番好きな車の写真などをガレージで見せていた。 彼はガレージのなかに、小さな木製のベンチを備え、スティーブに言った。“スティーブ、さあ、これがお前の仕事机だ”」

"One of the most important things he taught Steve was [that] it's important to be a great craftsman, even for the parts unseen. When they were building a fence, he said, 'You have to make the back of the fence that people won't see look just as beautiful as the front, just like a great carpenter would make the back of a chest of drawers ... Even though others won't see it, you will know it's there, and that will make you more proud of your design.'"
「父親が教えた最も大事なことは、腕利きの職人になることの重要性だった。たとえそれが人の目に触れない部品であってもだ。 親子でフェンスを作っているとき、父親は言った。「本物の職人は人の目の届かないフェンスの裏も表と同様にきれいに作るんだ。丁度腕利きの大工職人が見えない引出の裏をつくるようにね、他の人に見えなくったって、自分にはちゃんと判っているのだから、そしてそのように手を抜かないことが自分の意匠に誇りを持たせてくれるんだよ。」

On asking his adoptive parents about whether his biological parents didn't want him:
"They said, 'No, no, no, Steve. It wasn't as if you were abandoned. You were special. We specially picked you out. You were chosen.' ... And as Jobs told me when he talked about it, [he felt] slightly apart, slightly independent."
「彼等(養父母)は“違う、違う、スティーブ、お前は見捨てられたんじゃない。 お前は特別だった。 私たちは特に望んでお前を養子にしたし、お前は選ばれたんだよ”と答えた。そしてジョブスは、それについて話した時、少し心が離れたような、すこし孤独な感じがしたと語っていた。

On Jobs' 'reality distortion field':

"[The term] was invented ... by two engineers at the original Macintosh team. ... Steve will say something like, 'This piece of software needs to be written by the end of the week.' And they say, 'No, no, it'll take three months.' And he says, 'No, in reality it has to be done by the end of this week and it will be done.' And then it would happen. ... [Apple co-founder Steve] Wozniak said [Jobs'] reality distortion field made you believe you could do things that were impossible."
「この言葉は造語で・・・当初のマッキントッシュのチームの二人のエンジニアが言いだしました。 スティーブが例えば何かこのようなことを言うとします“このソフトウェアのこの部分は今週週末までに終える必要がある。” “それは無理だ3か月かかる”と答えると、彼は“いや、実際には、今週末にしなきゃいけないし、できるよ。”と言う。そして、その通りになるんだ・・・アップルの共同創設者であるウォズアニクは、ジョブズの現実を歪めて変えてします磁場は皆が出来ないと思っていることを、出来ると皆に思わせてしまう、と語っている。」

On Jobs being extremely demanding, and how the Macintosh team responded: 

"[Jobs] would say, 'This is a dumb idea. This stinks.' ... In the original Macintosh team, they gave an award to the person who each year stood up to Steve Jobs the best."

On what Jobs thought of Bill Gates: 

"[Jobs and Gates are] the binary star systems of the digital age: two stars whose gravitational pull is so strong that their orbits are linked. To say that they loved each other would be wrong. To say that they hated or disliked each other would be wrong. It was one of those complex digital-age relationships where there is both a rivalry and a respect, and they realize how interrelated they are.
「ジョブスとゲイツはデジタル時代の、所謂バイナリ―スターシステムだ、つまり二人のスターが強く引き合っており、それぞれの軌道はリンクしていた。 お互いに相手を好きだったというのは誤りだし、お互いに憎んで嫌っていたというのも間違いだ。 それは複雑なデジタル時代の関係の一つのありかたで、そこには競争心と同時に尊敬があり、お互いが相互に関係しあっているという彼らの認識がそこにはあった。」

Walter Isaacson is president and CEO of The Aspen Institute. His other books include Einstein: His Life and Universe; Benjamin Franklin: An American Life, and Kissinger: A Biography. ウォルター・アイザックソンはアスペン研究所のCEOであり、彼の著書にはアインシュタイン:彼の人生と宇宙、ベンジャミン・フランクリン:アメリカンライフ、そして、キッシンジャー:伝記などがある。

"One of the things, though, that Bill Gates felt about Steve Jobs correctly was that he was not a great technologist. He correctly said, 'Steve Jobs doesn't code.' He doesn't ... he's not an engineer. On the other hand, Jobs felt, also correctly, that Bill Gates did not have intuitive taste. He didn't have a passion for the aesthetics or the design."

On how Jobs responded when he learned he had pancreatic cancer: 

"He tried alternative treatments. ... For a few months, he thought, I don't want my body opened. I don't want to be violated. I want to see if there are alternative methods. But he does have the operation nine months later. ... He told me he regrets waiting so long, and we'll never know whether he would have caught the cancer. But let's remember: He lives for another seven years — and seven astonishingly productive years. ... He beats back the cancer, stays one step ahead of it, for quite a long time."
「彼は他の治療法を試みた・・・・数か月、身体にメスを入れ開きたくない、神を冒涜したくないと彼は考えた。もっと他の方法がないか考えたいと・・しかし彼は9か月後に手術を受けることになる。・・・彼は、長く待ち過ぎたことを後悔したと私に言った。そして我々には、彼が癌に侵されたのかどうか決してわからないだろうとも。 彼はそれから7年も生きながらえた・・驚くべき生産的な7年を・・・  彼は癌を打ち負かし、かなりの年月を一歩先んじ続けていたことになる。」
On Jobs' thoughts about God and what happens when you die: 
"[One afternoon we] were sitting in his backyard ... and he was not in the best of health at the time. ... He said, 'You know, I'm kind of 50/50 on believing in God. But I want to believe that something endures, that your wisdom that you accumulate, that the knowledge that you have somehow is able to endure after you die.'
"And then he pauses, and he says, 'Maybe that's just wishful thinking. Maybe that's just like an on-off switch.' And he goes, 'Click, you're off. You're gone. It's over.' And then he paused for a moment and he said, 'Maybe that's why I didn't like to put on-off switches on Apple devices.' "
「そして彼は暫く沈黙し、また言った“単にそうあって欲しいと思っているに過ぎないね、多分スイッチのようにプツンと切れるだけかもしれない。” そして彼は続けて“クリック、でお仕舞。いなくなってしまう。それでお仕舞” そのあとしばらく間をおいて彼は言った。“多分、僕が、アップルの製品にオン・オフ・スイッチをつけるのが嫌いなのはだからかも知れない」と

ギリシャ危機 ベストセラー作家がギリシャ政治家、労働組合を痛烈批判

2011-10-25 | ギリシャ
A moral collapse  モラルの崩壊


by Paris Ayiomamitis

GREECE is a society in moral collapse, according to American author and journalist Michael Lewis. In contrast to other countries faced with a financial crisis, Lewis asserts, Greece’s problem is far more than a financial one: it is also a cultural one in which the role of the state within society is viewed differently.

※ マイケル・ルイス(Michael Lewis)

The Greeks, he says, rely on the government for handouts on the one hand, but cheat it out of taxes, on the other.


Judging from the behaviour of trade unionists in recent decades, his observation is not that far off the mark. And this is because every time a government dares to touch or disrupt this crooked setup - it is faced with the fury and violence of trade unionists.

Empowered by successive governments - and Pasok in particular - in the post-1974 period (metapolitefsi), Greek trade unions have enjoyed a comfy power-sharing situation that over time has developed into a scourge, opposing any changes or reforms that would threaten the status quo.


Trade unionists have effectively hijacked the country, purporting to be fighting for the interests of workers when, in fact, they are fighting to maintain and expand their own privileges at the expense of society at large. The recent disruptions caused by taxi and Public Power Corporation (DEI) unions, to name just a couple, are a point in case.
労働組合は、労働者の利益を守るために戦っていると言いながら、実は大方の社会の犠牲のもとに自らの特権を維持拡大するために戦い、国を効果的にハイジャックしたのです。 最近のタクシー業界や公共の電力会社の労働組合による交通マヒは、その二つの例として名前をあげますが、その典型です。

Tax evasion - the country’s most pressing problem - cannot be tackled unless everyone gets on board, including the unions.

It’s up to the political establishment to break the shackles imposed by unions if Greece is to put itself back on track.

But given the bizarre inability of the country’s main political parties to reach some form of political consensus on finding a way out of the crisis, the future is indeed bleak.

Even its EU partners are dumbstruck. And a frustrated European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso - among many other leading EU politicians - recently urged the political establishment to get its act together before it’s too late. “Greece,” he urged, “needs consensus, not short-sighted partisan politics.” But his words are falling on deaf ears. Prime Minister George Papandreou and main opposition New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras, who met on October 19, failed once again to reach any agreement.
EUのパートナー各国も呆れ果てている。欧州委員会のジョセ・マヌエル・バロッソ委員長も、多くの他のEU指導者同様、業を煮やして最近ギリシャの政治家に対して手遅れになる前に一緒に行動を起こそうと呼びかけました。「ギリシャは、近視眼的に党派閥政治をするのではなく、皆のコンセンサスが必要なのです。」と彼は呼びかけたのです。しかし、彼の言葉は「馬の耳に念仏」でした。 ジョージ・パパンドルー首相と主要な野党である新民主党の党首アントニス・サマラスは10月19日に会談し、なんの妥協点も見出せずに会談は心配におわりました。

Faced with a disaster, Papandreou has clearly failed to rally the political establishment around the cause of a viable exit from the debt crisis. Meanwhile, Samaras has obstinately stuck to his policy of cheap populism, promising a renegotiation of the terms of Greece’s bailout if he comes to power, despite the clear message from international creditors and eurozone leaders that this will never happen.

But political impotence and irresponsibility are not limited to the country’s main political parties. On the one hand, the Greek Communist Party is calling for Greece’s exit from the eurozone and the EU as a way out of the crisis, while Syriza is demanding the resignation of the government on the other.

But neither has bothered to explain how this would help the country get back on its feet. In the meantime, protesters run riot outside parliament with firebombs and stones, causing mayhem as the country is plagued weekly by strikes.

And all this at a time when creditors and analysts believe it is a foregone conclusion that Greece will eventually default on its debts with disastrous consequences for the country. Greek politicians are still busy playing the blame game and it won’t be long before they are faced with not just a moral collapse, but a total collapse.
債権者やアナリスト達が、ギリシャが事実上、悲惨な結果をもたらす負債で事実上デフォルトすることが自明の結論だと考えている時に、全てがこのざまである。 ギリシャの政治家は未だに非難の応酬ゲームに明け暮れている。この国がモラルの崩壊に止まらず、全面的に崩壊するのもそう遠くのことではないであろう。

リビア情勢 カダフィ最後の日々の実態を、生き残った側近が語る。

2011-10-24 | リビア
In His Last Days, Qaddafi Wearied of Fugitive’s Life


Published: October 22, 2011

MISURATA, Libya — After 42 years of absolute power in Libya, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi spent his last days hovering between defiance and delusion, surviving on rice and pasta his guards scrounged from the emptied civilian houses he moved between every few days, according to a senior security official captured with him.

Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi

Mansour Dhao Ibrahim, an aide, described the final days of the leader.

Under siege by the former rebels for weeks, Colonel Qaddafi grew impatient with life on the run in the city of Surt, said the official, Mansour Dhao Ibrahim, the leader of the feared People’s Guard, a network of loyalists, volunteers and informants. “He would say: ‘Why is there no electricity? Why is there no water?’ ”
Mr. Dhao, who stayed close to Colonel Qaddafi throughout the siege, said that he and other aides repeatedly counseled the colonel to leave power or the country, but that the colonel and one of his sons, Muatassim, would not even consider the option.
ダオ氏は、今回の包囲下で、ずっとカダフィ大佐の傍に留まった人物であり、再三にわたり大佐に権力を手放すよう、また国外へ脱出するよう、他の側近と共に説得したという。 しかし、大佐と息子のムアタシムは選択肢として検討すらしようとしなかったとのこと。

Still, though some of the colonel’s supporters portrayed him as bellicose to the end and armed at the front lines, he actually did not take part in the fighting, Mr. Dhao said, instead preferring to read or make calls on his satellite phone. “I’m sure not a single shot was fired,” he said.

As Libya’s interim leaders prepared Saturday to formally start the transition to an elected government and set a timeline for national elections in 2012, sweeping away Colonel Qaddafi’s dictatorship, they faced the certainty that even in death the colonel had hurt them. The battle for Surt, Colonel Qaddafi’s birthplace, was prolonged for months by the presence of the fiercely loyal cadre he kept with him, delaying the end of a war most Libyans had hoped would be over with the fall of Tripoli in August.
リビアの暫定指導部は土曜日に公式に選挙による政府への移行に着手し、2012年の総選挙のためのスケジュールを策定し、カダフィ大佐の独裁を一掃する。彼らは、大佐が死んでもなお、彼らを苦しめたという確信に直面している。 カダフィの出身地であるシルトでの戦闘は、大佐に非常に忠実な幹部要員を彼が擁していたために何か月も長引き、これが、8月のトリポリ陥落で終わるだろうと期待されていた戦争終結を遅らせていた。

Mr. Dhao’s comments, in an interview on Saturday at the military intelligence headquarters in Misurata, came as the final details of the colonel’s death, at the hands of the fighters who had captured him, were still being debated.
Residents of Misurata spent a third day viewing the bodies of Colonel Qaddafi and his son at a meat locker in a local shopping mall. Officials with the interim government have said that they will conduct an autopsy on the bodies and investigate allegations that the two men may have been killed while in custody, though local security officials have said they see no need for such an inquiry.

Mr. Dhao, who is said to be a cousin of Colonel Qaddafi, became a trusted member of his inner circle. As head of the People’s Guard, he presided over a force accused of playing a central role in the violent crackdowns on protesters during the uprising, including firing on unarmed demonstrators in Tripoli’s Tajura neighborhood. The guard’s volunteer members harassed residents at checkpoints throughout the city. Mr. Dhao was believed to have kept weapons and detainees at his farm, according to Salah Marghani of the Libyan Human Rights Group.
ダオ氏はカダフィ大佐の従弟と言われており、大佐の内輪の信頼された側近になった。人民警察のトップとして、彼は騒乱のとき、抗議する市民に対する激しい暴力的取り締まりの中心的約役割を演じた部隊を指揮した。その取締ではトリポリのタジュラ近郊での非武装のデモに対する発砲もなされている。 この人民警察のボランティアのメンバーは都市の全域の検問所で住民に対して嫌がらせをしていた。ダオ氏は武器と人々を彼の農場に拘束していたと、リビアの人権団体のサラ―・マガーニは話している。

In a separate interview with Human Rights Watch, Mr. Dhao denied that he had ordered any violence.
On Saturday, he spoke in a large conference room that served as his cell, wearing a blanket on his legs and a blue shirt, maybe an electric company uniform, inscribed with the word “power.”
A few guards were present, but they spoke only among themselves. He said his captors had treated him well and had sent doctors to tend to injuries he sustained before his capture, including shrapnel wounds under his eye, and on his back and left arm.
数人に警備要員がいたが、彼らは仲間内のみで話し、ダオ氏と話してはいない。 ダオ氏は、彼らは自分をキチンと扱ってくれ、逮捕される前に負傷した目の下、背中、そして左腕の破片傷の治療のため医者を寄こしてくれたと語っている。

Many of his statements appeared to be self-serving; he said, for instance, that he and others had repeatedly tried to convince Colonel Qaddafi that the revolutionaries were not rats and mercenaries, as the colonel was fond of saying, but ordinary people.
“He knew that these were Libyans who were revolting,” he said. Other times, he seemed full of regret, explaining his failure to surrender or escape as his way of fulfilling “a moral obligation to stay” with the colonel before adding, “My courage failed me.”
多くのダオ氏の話は利己的で調子のいい言い訳に終始した。たとえば彼は他の側近と何度もカダフィ大佐を説得し、大佐が言うような革命分子はネズミや傭兵ではない、普通の市民だと訴えたとか、 「大佐はリビア国民が反乱を起こしていると知っていた。」などと彼は話した。 他の話では、彼は非常に後悔している素振りで、自分の納得できる方法として降伏したり、脱出したりするのが出来なかったことを説明し、大佐と共にいる道徳的な義務感があったと述べ。あげくには自分に勇気が無かったと話している。

His account of the battle did not address the accusations made by the former rebels of abuses by loyalist forces inside Surt. Ismael al-Shukri, the deputy chief of military intelligence in Misurata, said that loyalists had used families as human shields and that there were reports that loyalist soldiers had detained daughters to prevent families from leaving. The former rebels have also said that the Qaddafi forces executed soldiers who refused to fight.

Colonel Qaddafi fled to Surt on Aug. 21, the day Tripoli fell, in a small convoy that traveled through the loyalist bastions of Tarhuna and Bani Walid. “He was very afraid of NATO,” said Mr. Dhao, who joined him about a week later.
The decision to stay in Surt was Muatassim’s; the colonel’s son reasoned that the city, long known as an important pro-Qaddafi stronghold and under frequent bombardment by NATO airstrikes, was the last place anyone would look.
カダフィ大佐は8月21日のトリポリ陥落の日に、小さな車両縦隊で、親派の砦でもあるタラウナとバニワリドを通過してシルトへ脱出した。 「大佐はNATOを大変恐れていた。」と一週間後に合流することになる、ダオ氏は語った。

The colonel traveled with about 10 people, including close aides and guards. Muatassim, who commanded the loyalist forces, traveled separately from his father, fearing that his own satellite phone was being tracked.
大佐は約10人の側近及び警護と共に行動していた。 カダフィ軍を指揮していたムアタシムは、彼の携帯が衛星で追跡されているのを恐れ大佐と別れて行動した。

Apart from a phone, which the colonel used to make frequent statements to a Syrian television station that became his official outlet, Colonel Qaddafi was largely “cut off from the world,” Mr. Dhao said. He did not have a computer, and in any case, there was rarely any electricity. The colonel, who was fond of framing the revolution as a religious war between devout Muslims and the rebel’s Western backers, spent his time reading the Koran, Mr. Dhao said.

He refused to hear pleas to give up power. He would say, according to Mr. Dhao: “This is my country. I handed over power in 1977,” referring to his oft-repeated assertion that power was actually in the hands of the Libyan people. “We tried for a time, and then the door was shut,” the aide said, adding that the colonel seemed more open to the idea of giving up power than his sons did.
大佐は権力を放棄するのを拒んだ。ダオ氏によると、大佐は、こう言っていたという。「これは私の国だ、私は権力を1977年に移譲した」、そう言ってはリビア国民の手に実際に権力はあるという、いつも繰り返す彼の主張に言及していた。「我々は何度も箴言を試みたが、そのたびにドアは閉ざされた」と彼は言う。 また、権力を放棄するという提案に関しては大佐の方が息子よりもより聞く耳をもっていたと付け加えた。

For weeks, the former rebels fired heavy weapons indiscriminately at the city. “Random shelling was everywhere,” said Mr. Dhao, adding that a rocket or a mortar shell struck one of the houses where the colonel was staying, wounding three of his guards. A chef who was traveling with the group was also hurt, so everyone started cooking, Mr. Dhao said.
何週間もの間、反乱軍の重火器が無差別に都市に降り注いだ。「むやみやたらと砲弾があちこちに落ちてきた。そしてロケット弾や迫撃砲の砲弾が大佐の潜んでいる家の近所に落下して護衛の内3名が負傷した。」とダオ氏は語った。 また、大佐グループと行動を共にしていた料理長も怪我したため、皆自分で料理をし始めた。

About two weeks ago, as the former rebels stormed the city center, the colonel and his sons were trapped shuttling between two houses in a residential area called District No. 2. They were surrounded by hundreds of former rebels, firing at the area with heavy machine guns, rockets and mortars. “The only decision was whether to live or to die,” Mr. Dhao said. Colonel Qaddafi decided it was time to leave, and planned to flee to one of his houses nearby, where he had been born.

On Thursday, a convoy of more than 40 cars was supposed to leave at about around 3 a.m., but disorganization by the loyalist volunteers delayed the departure until 8 a.m. In a Toyota Land Cruiser, Colonel Qaddafi traveled with his chief of security, a relative, the driver and Mr. Dhao. The colonel did not say much during the drive.

NATO warplanes and former rebel fighters found them half an hour after they left. When a missile struck near the car, the airbags deployed, said Mr. Dhao, who was hit by shrapnel in the strike. He said he tried to escape with Colonel Qaddafi and other men, walking first to a farm, then to the main road, toward some drainage pipes. “The shelling was constant,” Mr. Dhao said, adding that he was struck by shrapnel again and fell unconscious. When he woke up, he was in the hospital.
NATOの戦闘機と反乱軍戦士は、彼らが立ち去って30分後に彼らを発見した。ミサイルが車の近くに当たり、衝撃で大佐の車のエアーバッグが作動して膨らんだ。ダオ氏は攻撃の破片が当たり負傷したが、大佐と随行員と共に脱出しようと農場に向い、そして幹線道路のいくつかの排水トンネルに逃げ込んだ。 「爆撃は間断なく続き、破片で再び負傷し、意識を失った。」と彼は話している。 目が覚めたとき、彼は病院にいた。

“I’m sorry for all that happened to Libya,” he said, “from the beginning to the end.”
Suliman Alzway contributed reporting.

カルザイ大統領発言に波紋  場合によってはアメリカを敵に回す?真意は?

2011-10-24 | アフガン
Karzai: Afghans Will Back Pakistan If U.S. Attacks

このカルザイ大統領は何を意図して、こういうセンスのない発言をしたのか? 米軍撤退後を睨んで、インド、イラン、パキスタン等周辺国との関係を強化して外交面で固めておきたいと考えているのだろうが、これでは国内の支持も得られないのではないか? 政府の汚職もひどいと聞くし、国内もまとめられないようでは・・・

by NPR Staff and Wires
October 23, 2011
Afghan President Hamid Karzai says that in a war between Pakistan and the U.S., Afghanistan would support Pakistan.

"If fighting starts between Pakistan and the U.S., we are beside Pakistan," he said in an interview with private Pakistani television station GEO that aired Saturday. "If Pakistan is attacked and the people of Pakistan need Afghanistan's help, Afghanistan will be there with you."

Afghanistan's army is being trained and funded by primarily U.S. assistance. The Afghan president's comments come only days after U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited both countries and said Islamabad must do more to crack down on militants using its territory as a staging ground for attacks on Afghanistan.
アフガニスタンの軍は、もともと米国の援助のもと訓練され資金提供をされてきた。 このアフガニスタンの大統領のコメントは米国のひらりー・クリントン国務長官の両国訪問の数日後になされた。その訪問で同国務長官はパキスタン政府に対し、同国内を足掛かり基地としてアフガニスタンに対する攻撃を仕掛けている武装勢力を取り締まるよう要請していた。

The scenario of a U.S.-Pakistan war is exceedingly unlikely and appears to be less a serious statement of policy than an Afghan overture to Pakistan.
Karzai's comments set off a firestorm of criticism in the country. Afghan lawmakers argued they were particularly hypocritical coming just weeks after the assassination of former Afghan President Burhanuddin Rabbani by a suicide bomber, which the Afghan government said was planned in the Pakistani city of Quetta, the Taliban's suspected base.
米国―パキスタン戦争というシナリオは非常に考え難く、単なるアフガニスタンのパキスタンへのリップサービス以上の深刻な政治的声明とは考えられないものの、このカルザイの発言は同国内での政府批判に火をつけた。 アフガニスタンの議員達は、パキスタンのクエッタのタリバン基地と思われるところで計画されたと、アフガニスタン政府が発表している自爆テロで、前アフガニスタン大統領ブハヌディン・ラバーニ氏が暗殺された僅か数週間後の発言だけに、あまりに偽善的だと批判を強めている。

The U.S. Embassy in Kabul said it was up to the Afghan government to explain Karzai's remarks.

"This is not about war with each other," Embassy spokesman Gavin Sundwall told the Associated Press. "This is about a joint approach to a threat to all three of our countries: insurgents and terrorists who attack Afghans, Pakistanis, and Americans."
「これは各国間の戦争ではない。 これは関係三カ国への脅威に対抗する共同のアプローチであり。即ちアフガン、パキスタン、米国に対する武装勢力とテロリスト対策だ。」とアメリカ大使館の報道官ギャビン・サンドウォールはAPに語った。

Following her stop in Kabul last week, Clinton flew to Pakistan to deliver the blunt message that if Islamabad is unwilling or unable to take the fight to the al-Qaida and Taliban-linked Haqqani network operating from its border with Afghanistan, the U.S. "would show" them how to eliminate its safe havens.

Even so, she said the U.S. has no intention of deploying U.S. forces on Pakistani soil, and that the favored approach was one of reconciliation and peace — an effort that needed Islamabad's cooperation.
Pakistan has been reluctant to move more forcefully against the Haqqani, arguing such an act could spark a broader tribal war in the region.

NPR's Quil Lawrence contributed to this report, which contains material from The Associated Press

トルコで大地震 マグニチュード7.2 死傷者数千人に上る?

2011-10-24 | ニュース翻訳
Strong Quake Rocks Eastern Turkey


Two women were pulled from a collapsed building in Van, Turkey, following a strong earthquake on Sunday.

Published: October 23, 2011
ISTANBUL — A powerful earthquake struck in eastern Turkey on Sunday, killing at least 89 people and injuring hundreds, Turkish state-run television reported. The death toll was expected to rise, perhaps significantly, with many people reported to be stuck beneath dozens of collapsed buildings.

Residents of Van, Turkey, searched a collapsed building for survivors of an earthquake on Sunday.

An injured woman was carried to an ambulance in Van following an earthquake on Sunday.

The New York Times
The earthquake, measured at a magnitude of 7.2 by the Turkish seismic institute, occurred in the early afternoon in Van Province, not far from the border with Iran. It was centered near the city of Van and the nearby town of Ercis, and was felt strongly in nearby villages and some parts of northern Iraq, the semiofficial Anatolian News Agency reported.
地震はイランとの国境付近のワン地方で日曜の午後の早く起きた、トルコの地震研究所によると震度はマグニチュード7.2。 震源地はワン地方のエルジシュの町付近とみられ、近隣の村及びイラク北部地域で強い揺れが感じられたとアナトリアン・ニュース・エージェンシーが伝えている。

Tens of thousands of people fled into the streets, running, screaming and trying to reach relatives on cell phones, The Associated Press reported. As the full extent of the damage became clear, desperate survivors dug with bare hands into the collapsed steel and concrete, trying to rescue the trapped and the injured, the news agency reported.

There were more than a dozen aftershocks in the region stronger than a magnitude of 4, according to NTV, a private news television news channel.
“In Ercis, around 25 to 30 buildings, including a student hostel, have collapsed,” Besir Atalay, the deputy prime minister said in a statement broadcast on television. At least 10 buildings were destroyed in the center of the city of Van, Mr. Atalay said. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan flew to Van to inspect the damage and efforts to rescue those still underneath buildings that had collapsed.
「エルジシュでは、学生のホステルを含む25から30のビルが崩壊している」と副首相のベシル・アタライがテレビで声明を発表した。 ワン市の中心街で少なくとも10のビルが崩壊したとアタライ氏は話している。 被害の実情把握と崩壊した建物の下敷きになっている被災者の救助の為に、レセプ・タイップ・エルドガン首相はワンに飛んだ。

In Ercis, which appeared to have endured the worst destruction, several power plants were partially destroyed, according to video broadcast on television.
People used flashlights to search for survivors trapped under piles of rubble. Television videos showed residents using their hands and shovels to free people, while cranes also worked around some of the collapsed buildings. Aid workers periodically called for silence to try to detect signs of life under huge chunks of concrete.
人々は懐中電灯を手に瓦礫の山から、下敷きになっている生存者を探している。 テレビの報道によると、幾つかのビルの周辺ではクレーンも稼働しているが、住民は素手とシャベルで救出にあたっている模様。 救出にあたっている人々は、コンクリートの瓦礫の下から生存者の反応を確かめるために、周囲に静かにするように呼びかけている。

The walls of a local prison collapsed, and about 200 inmates escaped, NTV reported; about 50 prisoners were later recaptured.
More than 1,270 aid workers from 38 nearby towns were sent to Van and Ercis to help in the relief efforts, while other nations, including Israel, offered assistance..
Israel’s offer came as a diplomatic standoff has virtually frozen relations between the two countries, in the aftermath of a raid by the Israeli commandos last year trying to halt a Turkish aid flotilla bound for Gaza that killed nine people.
イスラエルのこの援助の申し出は、二国間の外交的な対立を実質的に棚上げにしたかたちでなされた。 この対立とは、昨年ガザに向うトルコの救援船団がイスラエルの部隊の襲撃により9人が死亡者を出したという事件の余波のことである。

In a statement, President Obama offered condolences to the victims’ families. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the brave men and women who are working to bring assistance to this stricken region,” Mr. Obama said. “We stand shoulder to shoulder with our Turkish ally in this difficult time, and are ready to assist the Turkish authorities.”

Units of the Turkish Army were dispatched to the mountainous region in the east and the health ministry assembled 145 ambulances and 500 staff members to help coordinate the medical operation, the Anatolian Agency reported.

The Turkish Red Crescent sent tents, blankets and other supplies to the area. Earthquakes take place frequently in Turkey, which is crisscrossed by fault lines, and both the government and the Red Crescent are experienced in rescue and relief operations. In 1999, thousands of people were killed by two powerful earthquakes in northwestern Turkey.
The earthquake struck while the Turkish Army was engaged in a major military operation against separatist Kurdish rebels, primarily in a region around Hakkari, south of Van and near the border with Iraq.
トルコの赤十字は被災地にテント、毛布、その他の救援物資を送った。 多くの断層が交差するトルコでは地震が頻繁に起こっており、政府も赤十字も救助、救援活動には十分の経験を積んでいる。1999年には数千人の人々が、トルコの北部地方の二つの大きな地震で亡くなっている。

独裁者カダフィの憧れの女性? ライス元国務長官が語る

2011-10-23 | リビア
When Condi Met Gaddafi

Oct 20, 2011 2:26 PM EDT
In an exclusive excerpt from Condoleezza Rice’s new memoir, 'No Higher Honor,' the former secretary of state tells all about her meeting with the recently killed Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi: his obsession with her, his WMD stockpile—and the infamous ‘tent.’  前国務長官コンドレーザ・ライスの最近刊回想録「ノー・ハイアー・オーナー」の中で、彼女が先日殺害されたリビアの独裁者カダフィとの会談の様子、彼の彼女への思い入れ、大量破壊兵器、そして評判の悪い例の「テント」などについて全て語っている。

My last few months [in office] did not go quietly or without consequence. They even brought historic moments—none more so than my much anticipated visit to Libya to meet with Colonel Muammar Qaddafi. When the Libyans gave up their weapons of mass destruction in 2003, there was a clear diplomatic quid pro quo: in exchange, we’d help them to return to good standing in the international community. But it would not be easy and not only because of Qaddafi’s long record of brutality.
私の任期の最後の数か月は決して静かでもなく、残務処理に追われていた。 どちらかと言えば歴史的な時期だったが・・・カダフィ大佐との会談のためにリビアを訪問することが中でも一番だった。2003年にリビアが大量破壊兵器を放棄したとき、外交的にはなんらかの見返りが必要だった。我々はリビアに国際社会での立ち位置を付与するのを助けたが、カダフィの長きにわたる残酷な政治歴のせいで、それは困難を極めた。

Libya had arrested five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor several years before on trumped-up charges that they had deliberately infected more than four hundred Libyan children with HIV. The medics insisted that they were innocent, but the Libyan courts had sentenced the group to death. The United States repeatedly urged Libya to find a way to release them, and I was grateful for the dedication and leadership of European Commissioner for External Relations Benita Ferrero-Waldner on the issue. Libya’s decision in 2007 to commute the sentences and allow the medics to return home was due in large part to Benita’s resolve.
リビアは5人のブルガリア人看護師とパレスチナの医師を数年前に、彼らがリビアの400人以上の子供たちにHIVを意図的に感染させたというでっち上げの罪で逮捕していた。 彼らは無罪を主張したが、リビア法廷はそのグループに死刑の判決を下した。 米国は繰り返しリビアに対して解放するように訴えた、そして私はこの件に関しては、ECの外交委員長のベニタ・フェレロ・ワルドナーの献身と指導力に深く感謝している。 2007年のリビアによる減刑と彼らの母国への帰還を可能にしたのは、大方がベニタの断固たる努力のたまものである。

We had to make sure, too, that we were sufficiently attentive to the sensitivities and needs of the families of the victims of the colonel’s decades-long reign of terror. I withheld my visit until we could secure a Libyan claims settlement for families whose relatives had been killed in attacks such as the bombing by Libyan agents of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988.
My upcoming trip gave me powerful leverage in these negotiations because Qaddafi desperately wanted me to visit Tripoli.
我々が十分に大佐の数十年のわたる恐怖支配の犠牲者の家族の感情や要求に十分に配慮しているか、我々もまた神経を使わねばならなかた。 私は1988年のスコットランドのロッカビーでのパンナム103便のリビアのエージェントによる爆破テロのような攻撃の犠牲者の家族とリビア間の賠償交渉などの問題が解決するまでリビア訪問を控えていた。 私のきたるべきリビア訪問は、この交渉に強力なカードとなった、というのは、一連の交渉の中で、カダフィが私のトリポリ訪問を熱望していたからだ。

There were two reasons for this: one traditional and the other, well, a little disconcerting. Obviously, the first visit by a U.S. secretary of state since 1953 would be a major milestone on the country’s path to inter- national acceptability. But Qaddafi also had a slightly eerie fascination with me personally, asking visitors why his “African princess” wouldn’t visit him.
I decided to ignore the latter and dwell on the former to prepare for the trip. The arrangements were not easy, with all manner of Libyan demands, including that I meet the leader in his tent. Needless to say, I declined the invitation and met him in his formal residence.
それには二つの理由が考えられた:一つは伝統的なもので、もう一つは、そう、ちょっとドギマギすることだった。 明らかに1953年以来途絶えていた、米国国務長官の訪問はリビアが国際社会に受け入れられる道程の大きな一歩を意味していた。 しかし、カダフィは少し気味悪いのだが、私に個人的に執心していた。 彼を訪れる人ごとに、自分の「アフリカン・プリンセス」はなぜ来ないのかと聞いていたそうだ。
私は後半の、私に関する理由は無視することにして、前半の理由で熟考して訪問を決断した。 訪問の調整は、リビア側の要求の全てやり方に関して、容易ではなかった。要望の中には私が彼の例のテントの中で会談するというのも含まれていた。 言わずもがなではあるが、私はその要請を断り、彼の正式な公邸で会談した。

Stopping first in Portugal and staying with my friends Ambassador Thomas Stephenson and his wife, Barbara, I took advantage of Foreign Minister Luis Amado’s knowledge of Libya and Qaddafi. He suggested that I open the conversation with a discussion of Africa. “And don’t be surprised when he says something crazy,” he cautioned. “He’ll get back on track.”
When I arrived in Tripoli, I was asked to wait at one of the only Western-style hotels in the city. There was no doubt that the capital had once been a beautiful place, but it appeared run-down and tired. The only bright lights seemed to be those illuminating the many, many billboards of Qaddafi and his “inspirational” sayings. In speaking with Libyans, a distinct generational divide manifested itself. While the senior staff spoke English fluently and reminded me of my European colleagues, younger officials appeared to have had fewer educational opportunities and little contact with the West. It was another reminder of the sad consequences of Qaddafi’s monstrous rule.
私がトリポリに到着したとき、私は唯一の欧米風のホテルに滞在するように言われた。 この都市はかつては非常に美しい場所だったことは疑いのない事実だったが、みるからに擦り切れて、疲れ切っているように見えた。 唯一明るい光があるが、それはあちこちにたくさんあるカダフィの看板を照らしているもので、彼の有り難い言葉が書かれていた。 リビア人について言うと、明らかな世代の分断が見られた。 年長者のスタッフは英語も流暢で、彼らは私の欧州の仲間を想い起こさせるほどだったが、若い職員は教育の機会を十分与えられていなかったようで、欧米との接触も殆ど無い人達だった。 これもカダフィのおぞましいルールの悲しい結末の一つに違いなかった。

After several hours, we were summoned to the residence, where I greeted the Libyan leader and sat down to hundreds of camera flashes. Qaddafi said a few completely appropriate words, as did I, and the press left. We began the conversation as Amado had suggested, talking about Africa in general and Sudan in particular. Libya, he promised, would help with alternative routes for humanitarian supplies to the refugees. This is going pretty well, I thought. He doesn’t seem crazy. Then, as Amado had predicted, he suddenly stopped speaking and began rolling his head back and forth. “Tell President Bush to stop talking about a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine!” he barked. “It should be one state! Israeltine!” Perhaps he didn’t like what I said next. In a sudden fit, he fired two translators in the room. Okay, I thought, this is Qaddafi.
数時間後、我々は公邸に呼ばれた、そこでリビアの指導者と挨拶を交わし、数百ものカメラフラッシュがたかれる中腰を下ろした。 カダフィは、言葉少なではあったがちゃんとした外交辞令を述べ、私もこれに応じた。やがて記者団が立ち去り、我々はアマドのアドバイスに従ってアフリカ全般の話、そして特にスーダンについて会話をスタートさせた。 彼は、リビアとして難民への人道的援助の為に別のルートで助けることを約束した。 会話は、予想外に上手くいっていると私は感じていた。彼は言われるほどクレージーではないようだと考えた矢先に、アマドが予言したように、彼は休に話すのを止め、頭を前後に回し始めた。「ブッシュ大統領に、イスラエルとパレスチナの2国解決について話さないように言いなさい! あれは一つの国イスラエルチナであるべきだ!」と吠えた。 多分、彼は私が次に話したことが気に食わなかったのだろう、突然怒り出し、その部屋の通訳の二人を首にしたのだ。 なるほど、これがカダフィの正体か・・と私はその時思った。

No Higher Honor: A Memoir of My Years in Washington
ノー・ハイ・オーナー: 私のワシントン回想録
It was Ramadan at the time of my visit, and after sundown the “Brother Leader” insisted that I join him for dinner in his private kitchen. Colby Cooper, who had overseen the arrangements for the trip, protested that this hadn’t been the plan. My security detail did as well, especially when they were told to stay outside. I thought I could take care of myself and went in. At the end of dinner, Qaddafi told me that he’d made a videotape for me. Uh oh, I thought, what is this going to be? It was a quite innocent collection of photos of me with world leaders—President Bush, Vladimir Putin, Hu Jintao, and so on—set to the music of a song called “Black Flower in the White House,” written for me by a Libyan composer. It was weird, but at least it wasn’t raunchy.
私が訪問したのはラマダンの期間中だった。日没後、「我が兄弟の指導者」が彼の個人の食堂でのディナーに私が参加するように強く申し入れてきた。 この訪問を調整を監視しているコルビー・クーパーは、これは予定にはないと抗議した。私の特別警護官も同様に抗議した、特に彼らが外に留まるように言われたことも問題だった。 私はなんとかなるだろうと考え、同席することにした。ディナーの終わりに、カダフィが私のためにビデオテープを作製したと言いだした。 ほーっ、私はどんなのやら?と思ったが、それは、まあ無邪気なもので、私と他の世界の指導者達との写真を集めたものだった・・・ブッシュ大統領、ウラジミル・プーチン、胡錦濤などなど・・・・バックミュージックが流れ「ホワイトハウスのブラックフラワー」というタイトルでリビアの作曲家に、私の為に作曲させたと言う。 それはちょっとまともではないが、少なくとも下品なもとではなかった。

The press was fascinated with my trip, and I sat down for an interview with CNN’s Zain Verjee (who often worked with producer Elise Labott on State Department coverage). Zain asked me about my personal impressions of Qaddafi. I remember that I came away from the visit realizing how much Qaddafi lives inside his own head, in a kind of alternate reality. As I watched events unfold in the spring and summer of 2011, I wondered if he even understood fully what was going on around him. And I was very, very glad that we had disarmed him of his most dangerous weapons of mass destruction. There in his bunker, making his last stand, I have no doubt he would have used them.
メディアは私の訪問に飛びついてきた、そして私はCNNのザイン・ヴェルジーのインタビューを受けるために座った。ザインは私にカダフィに対する私の個人的な印象を聞いてきた。私はカダフィが、もう一つの彼にとってのリアリティ、そう彼の頭の中の世界に如何に閉じこもっているかを知って、この訪問から戻ってきたことを覚えている。この2011年の春と夏の出来事をみるにつけ、私はカダフィが自分お身の回りで起きていることを十分に理解できているか疑わしいと思った。そして、なにより私が嬉しいのは彼の大量破壊兵器を武装解除していたことであった。 彼が最後に立った、あの砦で、その兵器を持っていれば、彼ならそれを使用することは間違いないからだ。


2011-10-23 | アメリカ国内
Bachmann Once Prosecuted Tax Evaders For The IRS

ある程度の一貫性は必要だが、人間は成長していくものだとすれば過去はあまり咎められない。でも、いまの時点で過去を偽るのはまずい。 現在と未来に政治家は責任を負うのだから・・ 

by David Welna
October 21, 2011

Steve Pope/Getty Images
Rep. Michele Bachmann, shown speaking at a reception by the anti-tax group Iowans for Tax Relief, was once a prosecutor for the IRS. On the campaign trail, she has made that part of her resume a selling point. 減税のためのアイオワの反課税グループのレセプションでスピーチする共和党のミシェレ・バハマンは、かつて国税局の検察官だった。彼女はこの経歴を自分のセールスポイントにした

Michele Bachmann, At A Glance ミシェレ・バハマン 略歴
Born: April 6, 1956, in Waterloo, Iowa 生まれ: 1956年4月6日アイオワに生まれる
Family: Married to Marcus Bachmann since 1978; five children, Lucas, Harrison, Elisa, Caroline and Sophia; 23 foster children 家族構成: 1978年マルカス・バハマンと結婚 5人の子供 ルーカス、ハリソン、エリサ、キャロライン、ソフィア、 23人の養子
Education: Winona State University, B.A. (1978); Oral Roberts University, J.D. (1986); College of William and Mary, L.L.M. (1988) 教育: 1978年ウィノーナ州立大学 BA、 1986年オーラル・ロバーツ・大学 JD、1988年 ウィリアム・アンド・メリー大学 LLM
Career: Tax attorney for the Internal Revenue Service 職歴 : 国税庁検察官
Elected Office: Minnesota state Senate (2000-2006), U.S. House of Representatives (2006-present) 議員歴 : ミネソタ州上院議員(2000-2006) 連邦議員(2006-現在)

Perhaps more than any other Republican running for president this year, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann has railed against taxes. She says they're too high, and that the current tax code should be repealed.
But Bachmann had a somewhat surprising early career: going after tax evaders as a prosecutor for the Internal Revenue Service.

'Know Your Enemy'?   汝の敵を知れ?
At times, the congresswoman and former state senator has seemed to deny that for nearly her entire professional life, she's been on the public payroll.
At a GOP presidential debate in New Hampshire earlier this month, she said she's spent her "whole life in the private sector."

But a biographical video on her campaign website tells a different story. It doesn't mention that she once told a Minnesota group it was her husband, Marcus, who insisted on her getting a post-graduate degree in tax law. But it does say this:
"She went on to earn a degree in tax law from the prestigious College of William and Mary, and served as a tax attorney for the United States government."

Repeated requests to speak with Bachmann about her time as a federal tax attorney all went unanswered. But on the campaign trail, she's made that part of her resume a selling point.
"I'm a former federal tax lawyer. I get how devastating high taxes are — I've seen it," she said at a campaign stop in Columbia, S.C., in August. There, she did something she rarely does: She talked about exactly which part of the federal government she'd worked for.

"How many of you love the IRS?" she asked, receiving a chorus of "Noes" in return. "It's time to change it. I went to work in that system because the first rule of war is know your enemy. So I went to the inside to learn how they work, because I want to defeat them."

But Minnesota tax attorney Genelle Forsberg says she doesn't think Bachmann worked at the IRS to infiltrate it. "I think she came there for a job."
Forsberg worked alongside Bachmann at the St. Paul IRS legal office during the more than four years Bachmann was employed there, beginning in 1988. Forsberg has since left that IRS office, where her husband is still senior counsel. She says she never heard Bachmann say anything back then about getting to know the enemy.
フォースバーグは、バハマンが1988年に採用されて働いたセント・ポール法律事務所で4年以上、机を並べて働いていた。 以来、フォースバーグは主人がまだ上級顧問をしている国税局事務所を辞めている。彼女はバハマンが、当時敵を知るために・・というような話をしたことは聞いたことが無いと話している。

"She had indicated to some of us that she really wasn't interested in taxes — this was a job that she got, and I think, you know, she was learning as she went," says Forsberg. "But I didn't see any indication that she was ambitious in making tax law her career."
The IRS would not authorize a visit to its St. Paul office. But some of Bachmann's former co-workers say that much of the time she was employed there, she was not actually on the job. Forsberg says that while she herself generally took about half a dozen cases to tax court each year, records indicate that Bachmann litigated only two court cases the entire time she worked for the IRS.
「彼女は、自分は税金に本当は関心が無いと、我々の幾人かに話していた・・・・彼女は仕事として来たのよ、そして私が思うには、彼女は仕事をしながらいろいろ学んでいったのだと思うわ。 だけど、彼女が税理士を彼女のキャリアにするという強い意志は、どこにも感じなかったわ。」とフォールバーグは当時を回顧する。
国税庁はセント・ポール事務所訪問の許可をおろさなかったが、バハマンの当時の同僚の幾人かが、当時の彼女について、彼女が雇われていた殆どの間、彼女が実際には大して仕事をしていなかったと話してくれた。 フォースバーグは自身がいるときは通常年に6件ぐらいの裁判事案を扱ったけど、記録によるとバハマンは在任期間全体でたったの2件しか扱っていないと話している。

"She and myself, we both had two maternity leaves during that period of time that she was there, so you obviously wouldn't have a case during that period of time. But I would say, on average, most people would have more cases for litigation than that," she says.

Marvin Manypenny Vs. The IRS  マービン・マニペニー 対 国税庁
In 1992, Minneapolis attorney Mary Streitz was a pro bono defender at one of the two trials Bachmann litigated.
"I remember her as a somewhat tall, slender woman with a lovely black houndstooth-checked two-piece suit," Streitz recalls.
The case, she says, did not involve much money — a Native American named Marvin Manypenny was charged with failing to pay $5,980 in taxes on about $30,000 earned over a three-year period.

"That sort of case probably never would have been tried if he hadn't been making the arguments he was making about his Indian status, and if he hadn't felt so strongly about them," Streitz says.
She recalls that defendant Manypenny, who lives on the White Earth Indian reservation in northern Minnesota, was sworn in at his request with a peace pipe. Reached by telephone recently, Manypenny summed up his argument to the Tax Court:
"If I'm not a part of the people of the United States," he said, "then, you know, how is it that I'm obligated to pay taxes as a full-fledged citizen?"
彼女は、被告のマニペニー(ミネソタ北部のホワイト・アースインディアン居留区に住んでいる)が和解を求めたと記憶している。 最近、マニペニー氏に電話で取材したところ、彼がこの裁判についての彼の主張のポイントを話してくれた。

Native Americans, Manypenny maintained, have not been recognized as full citizens by the U.S. Constitution. He describes then-IRS prosecutor Bachmann as "blunt" and "curt" in the courtroom.
「ネィティブ・アメリカン(マニペニーがその地位を保持)は合衆国憲法で完全な市民とは認められていない。 彼は、当時の国税庁の検察官であったバハマンについて、法廷では鈍感で、素っ気ない態度だったと話している。

"But I don't think she understood my points that I was trying to make constitutionally, and that kinda surprised me, in that, you know, her being an attorney," he says. "I don't think she grasped, you know, what I was contending."
「しかし、私の憲法上の観点からの主張を彼女が理解したとは思っていません、それは少なからず私にとって驚きでした。だって、彼女は法律家でしょう。 彼女は私が非難していた内容を彼女が把握していたとは思えない。」と彼は話す。

Still, as Manypenny's former counsel Streitz points out, Bachmann did win that case.
"I thought she did just fine," Streitz says.
Within a year, Bachmann would leave the IRS to start a Christian charter school and pursue her next career — as an anti-tax politician
それでも、マニペニーの当時の顧問弁護士であったストライツは、バハマンはその裁判に勝ったと指摘する。 「私は、彼女はキチンとやったと思うわ」とストライツは言う。