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ギリシャ危機 危機を乗り越えた先には その2

2011-09-30 | 欧州経済
Germany Approves A Bailout That's Way Too Small To Solve Europe's Problems

ギリシャはこの程度では救えないこと、基金を拡大するだけでなく、統合を強め迅速に対応、意思決定ができるようにならないと(あたかも一つの国のように)不安の連鎖で状況の悪化がとめれないことがわかりました。 一国、一通貨、一法律、一議会はやっぱり原則なのかな?

Categories: Government, Debt
12:23 pm
September 29, 2011
by Jacob Goldstein
By a wide majority, Germany's parliament just agreed to expand Europe's bailout fund. This sounds like a big deal: Germany's rescuing Europe!

But Germany isn't rescuing Europe. It's just signing off on a bailout plan that Europe's leaders agreed to months ago — a plan that clearly won't be enough to solve Europe's problems.
しかし、ドイツは欧州を救ってはいません。 それは単に数か月前に欧州各国の指導者が合意した救済計画について追認しただけに過ぎません・・・その計画は明らかに欧州の問題を解決するには十分ではありません。

So the implications of today's vote were asymmetric. A rejection from Germany would have meant immediate economic chaos in Europe and beyond. German approval only means that Europe can continue to muddle through for a few more weeks or months, until the next phase of the crisis.
今日の投票の意味するところは非対称となっています。 つまりドイツの拒否は欧州が直ちに経済的な混乱に陥ることを意味しますが、ドイツが賛成しても、それは次の危機までの数週間、或いは数か月の間をなんとかもがきながら切り抜けることしか意味しないからです。

Specifically, there are three huge problems that the current bailout plan doesn't solve. 

1. Even after the bailout, Greece still won't be able to pay its debts.   The current plan cuts Greece's debt by 20 percent. This is not nearly enough. It leaves Greece with the biggest deficit in Europe, relative to its overall economy. And that deficit will continue to grow, as Greece's wrecked economy shrinks and the country continues to borrow borrow more money.
現行の救済計画はギリシャの負債を20%削減します。これでは十分ではありません。それはギリシャを欧州で、その全体の経済に比して、最大の債務国にしたままです。 そして、その赤字は増え続けるでしょう、なぜならギリシャの破綻した経済は縮小し、そしてこの国は借金を重ねるしか道がないからです。

2. No one trusts Europe's big banks. U.S. money market funds have been pulling money out for months. Long-term lending to the banks is lower than its been in more than a decade. And the big European banks are even getting more nervous about lending to each other. This is a slow-motion bank run. If it continues, it will at least force the banks to choke off lending. Or it could cause another financial crisis.
2.誰も欧州の大銀行を信用していない。 米国の金融市場のファンドは既に何か月も資金を引き揚げています。 銀行への長期貸付は10年以上前より下がっています。 そして大きな欧州の各銀行は相互に貸し付けることに、より神経質になっています。 これはスローモーションの銀行経営です。 もし、このようなことが今後も続くと、それは少なくとも銀行が貸付を出来なくしてしまいます。これがまた新たな経済危機を引き起こすかもしれません。

3. Italy is way too big to be saved by the expanded bailout fund. Italy owes roughly as much money as Spain, Greece, Portugal and Ireland combined. Its borrowing costs shot up recently, and only came down when the European Central Bank started buying Italian bonds. This is a temporary measure.
In one sense, there's a clear solution to each of these problems.
Force holders of Greek bonds to take a bigger loss; force European banks to raise more money (from the private sector if possible, from the public sector if necessary); and expand the European rescue fund so that it's big enough to save Italy.
3.イタリアは拡大救済基金で救うには、かなり大きすぎる。 イタリアの負債はおよそスペイン、ギリシャ、ポルトガルとアイルランドの負債を全部合わせた分に相当します。 その借入コストは最近急上昇しており、欧州中央銀行がイタリアの国債を買い始めた時だけ下がりました。これは一時的な対策です。 

But the details are muddy. There's debate over who is going to be on the hook for losses. There are lots of proposals for all kinds of crazy financial engineering to make this stuff happen.
しかし、細部になるともっとやっかいです。誰がこれらの損失を被るかで議論があります。 これを実現する、あらゆる種類の馬鹿げた財政立て直しの提案が山ほどあります。

The politics are even muddier. When European leaders agree to a plan, every country in Europe has to sign off on it. The vote in Germany's parliament today was to approve a plan that European leaders agreed to months ago.
政治はさらにドロドロしています。 欧州の指導者達が一旦計画に合意すれば、欧州の各国はそれを承認しなければなりません。 ドイツでのk票の議会の投票は欧州各国指導者が数か月前に合意したことを承認するためでした。

The European Union wasn't designed to handle this kind of massive, fast-moving crisis. There's not enough centralized authority to make big, quick decisions. This is a fundamental, structural problem. And until it's solved — until Europe becomes more integrated, or the euro falls apart — leaders will struggle to make the kind of decisive moves necessary to end the crisis in Europe. 
EUはこの種の大きな、しかも急速に進展する危機に対応するように機能が整えられていませんでした。 迅速に大きな決断を下せるような、十分に中央集権的な機構にはなってないのです。 これは基礎的かつ構造的な問題です。 そして、それが解決するまで、言い換えれば欧州が更に統合を強めるまで、さもなければユーロがバラバラになるまで・・・各国の指導者は欧州のこの危機を終息させるために必要な、この種の断固たる動きをするために大変苦労するでしょう。

ギリシャ危機 危機を乗り越えた先には? 

2011-09-30 | 欧州経済
Even if Europe Averts Crisis, Growth May Lag for Years             欧州が危機を避けたとしても、成長は何年も鈍化するかも


Bills for a new income tax on display during a rally this week in Athens against the Greek government's new austerity measures. ギリシャ政府の新緊縮財政施策反対集会で展示された新しい収入税の書類の山

Published: September 29, 2011
It has happened time and again in recent months as Europe’s debt crisis has played out. Stocks stage a remarkably strong comeback on expectations that a solution has been found. Then they quickly resume their decline as hopes dissipate, leaving investors puzzled and frazzled.
それは欧州の債務危機が演じられるたびに、この数か月、頻繁に繰り返されてきた。 株式市場は解決策が見つかったという期待から力強い回復を見せた。 そして、希望が遠のくにつれ、再び急速に下落し始める、投資家には困惑と疲労だけが残った。

What is going on?

The problem, say close watchers of both the subprime financial crisis in 2008 and the European government debt crisis today, is that many investors think there is a quick and easy fix, if only government officials can come to an agreement and act decisively.

In reality, one might not exist. A best case in Europe is a bailout of troubled governments and their banks that keeps the financial system from experiencing a major shock and sending economies worldwide into recession.
実際は、そういうことは有り得ないでしょう。 欧州での最善の場合で、苦境に立っている政府や銀行の財務システムを大きな衝撃から守り、世界経済を不況に陥らせないというところまでです。

But a bailout doesn’t mean wiping out the huge debts that have taken years to accumulate — just as bailing out American banks in 2008 didn’t mean wiping out the huge amount of subprime debt that homeowners had borrowed but couldn’t repay.

The problem — too much debt — could take many years to ease.

”Everybody has been living beyond their means for nearly the last decade, so it is an adjustment that will be painful and long, and it will test the resilience of societies socially and politically,” said Nicolas Véron, a senior fellow at Bruegel, a research organization in Brussels.

This isn’t to say that the discussions in Europe are moot. If governments can’t agree on how to rescue Greece from its debilitating government debt, some fear the worst case could happen — a collapse of the financial system akin to 2008 that would ricochet around the world, dooming Europe but also the United States and emerging countries to a prolonged downturn, or worse.
これはなにも欧州での話し合いが非現実的だと言っているのではありません。 もし欧州の各国政府がギリシャをその悪化する政府債務から如何にして救うか合意できなかったとしたら、最悪のケースになったかも知れない。・・・・2008年と同じような経済システムの崩壊が世界中に拡がり、欧州を破滅に追い込むだけでなく、米国や振興国各国の経済の足を引っ張り、悪化させるでしょう。

Just like the United States, Europe built up trillions in debts during the past decades. What is different is that while in the United States more of the borrowing was done by consumers and businesses, in Europe it was mainly governments that piled on the debt, facilitated by the banks that lent them money by buying up sovereign bonds.

Now, just as the United States economy is held back by households whose mortgages are still underwater and won’t begin to spend again until they have run down their debts, Europe can’t begin to grow again until its countries learn to live within their means. That means running down their debts during years of austerity and tax increases.
米国経済が丁度今、住宅ローンが減らないと、消費を増やさない、抵当がまだ簿価を割っている家を持っている人々に支えられているように。 欧州も、その国々が収入の範囲内で暮らすことを学ばない限り、再び経済が成長することは出来ないのです。そのことは、これから何年にもわたって、厳しい生活と増税を経て彼らが負債を減らしていくことを意味しているのです。

In short, it still means years of painful adjustment.

“We have to adjust to lower growth,” said Thomas Mirow, president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, referring to Europe as well as the United States. “It is of course going to be very painful. But leaders have to speak frankly to their populations.”

The uncertainty about Europe’s future has been driving the gyrations of financial markets since the summer. Earlier this week, stocks rallied on euphoria that a new and more powerful bailout was near, but the rally fizzled Wednesday when cracks began to appear among European nations over the terms of money being given to Greece.

On Thursday, markets were mixed after the German Parliament approved the 440 billion euro ($600 billion) bailout fund aimed at keeping the crisis from hurting large European countries.

The trouble is that even this fund, which requires the approval of all 17 nations in the euro currency zone, is already seen as inadequate for the scale of Europe’s woes. Instead, a new idea is to bolster the fund by allowing an institution like the European Central Bank to use it as a guarantee for much greater lending, perhaps up to a couple of trillion euros.

This is the cause of the new optimism in markets, but some worry that even that idea may not fully address one of Europe’s most dangerous problems: fully recapitalizing its banks.
これが、市場において新しい楽観主義を生み出していますが、そんなことで欧州の危険な問題の一つでさえ対処できないと心配する向きもあります。 つまり欧州各国の主要銀行への資本注入です。

“We’re not seeing any real acknowledgment of the scale of the banking sector problem,” said Simon Tilford, the chief economist at the Center for European Reform in London. And even if the fund were enhanced with a couple of trillion euros of firepower to buy up troubled government debt from the financial system, that would still only shift the debt from European banks to taxpayers and do nothing to pay it off.

“Clearly something is cooking, but the markets will eventually choke on the taste,” said George Magnus, an economist at UBS in London. “It is about getting banks off the hook, but the darker side is it’s not doing anything real.”

Certainly, not everybody shares this view. Some economists say they believe that if Europe can only survive this crisis, at least some of its bigger members will be in relatively better shape than, say, the United States.

Debt levels are painfully high in countries like Italy, Ireland and Greece, but overall euro zone debt as a percentage of gross domestic product is 85 percent compared with 93 percent in the United States. When it comes to budget deficits, they are lower in aggregate across the 17 European Union countries that use the euro than in America — on average, 6 percent of gross domestic product, compared with about 9 percent in the United States. In addition, European consumers did not go through the same borrowing binge, so their retrenchment need not be so severe.
イタリア、アイルランドそしてギリシャのような国々の負債額は非常に多額に上るが、ユーロ圏全体でみるとGDPの85%であり、米国の93%に比べるとまだ低く、財政赤字にいたっては、ユーロ通貨のEU17ヶ国の合計は米国よりもましである。・・・・平均でGDPの6%であり、米国のそれは9%である。 更に加えて、欧州の消費者は同種の債務を負っているのではない(米国は住宅ローン)ので、支出削減は米国ほど困難ではない。

“We need to do a lot to get over the crisis but once we are over it, it will be the U.S. facing years of fiscal retrenchment, not Europe,” said Holger Schmieding, an economist at Berenberg Bank in London.

Indeed, a quick resolution of the crisis could increase confidence in these battered economies, and lead to a return to positive growth. But the danger is that the strict austerity measures being adopted will only worsen economic downturns that some think could drag on for a decade in Greece, Portugal and Spain. The threat is that, in turn, slow growth may make it harder for governments to pay down their debts.
実際、危機の迅速な解消は、打ちのめされた経済に自信を与え、前向きの成長への回帰へと誘うかもしれない。 しかし、危険なのは、これからの厳しい緊縮政策が経済をさらに悪化させ、それがギリシャ、ポルトガル、スペインで10年も尾を引くことになりかねないということ。 その脅威のシナリオは、逆に遅々として進まない経済成長が、各国政府の負債の返済を困難にするというものです。

Germany managed to pull itself around after laboring for years as the “sick man of Europe,” with high unemployment and sluggish growth. In the early 2000s, while the so-called Club Med countries of Southern Europe spent beyond their means, the German government initiated a series of structural reforms, deregulation and wage adjustments that helped it become the economic powerhouse that it is today.

But it is unclear where growth is going to come from in other European nations. None of the Continent’s weaker countries have a similar solution. Portugal and Spain, for instance, have pledged vigorous programs of spending cuts and tax increases. Yet it is unclear how this will stimulate growth unless they, too, can make over their economies to compete with the quality of German products or the cheaper labor costs of other markets like China.
しかし、経済成長が他の欧州の国々のかなかでどこから起きるのかはハッキリしない。欧州のどの弱小国も同じような解決策を共有していなのです。例えば、ポルトガル、スペインは歳出削減や増税という積極的計画を約束していますが、それでも、これが成長を刺激するかは今のところ不透明です。 彼らがドイツの製品と引けを取らない商品を生み出すか、それとも中国のような他の市場の安い労賃負けない低コストを実現しない限り。

The 440 billion euro bailout now being voted on, and even the ideas to maximize its power, amount to “Band-Aid city,” said Carmen Reinhart, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and co-author of “This Time Is Different,” a history of debt crises.

“For a few weeks it buys tranquillity,” she said, “but it does not get at two critical issues: it does not reduce the massive debt overhang and it does not restore growth.”
「数週間のために鎮静剤を買っているが、根本的に二つの重要な問題に取り組んでいない。 すなわち突出した巨額の負債を削減していない、そして成長を取り戻していない。」と彼女は言う。

Until real measures are taken to restore growth, the divide in Europe between wealthy northern countries and weaker southern ones will continue to plague the region, say many analysts, putting continued pressure on Germany to support its weaker neighbors.

That comes at a time when Germany’s own economy is showing signs of slowing as other Europeans become less able to afford German goods.
In the long term, some political leaders and economists are pushing for a more integrated economic, fiscal and political union in Europe — what they see as the only real solution.
他の欧州各国がドイツ商品を買えなくなると、ドイツ自身の経済成長が鈍化するときがくる。 長期的に、ある政治家やエコノミストは、欧州の更なる経済、政治面での統合を後押ししている。・・彼らはそこにしか真の解決は見いだせないと考えている。

“I don’t think little steps are credible here,” said Kenneth Rogoff, a Harvard economist and the co-author with Ms. Reinhart of “This Time is Different.” “There needs to be a United States of Europe at the end of this, and it may well not include everyone in the euro zone.”
「ことここに至って、小さな改革や取組はどれも有効ではないと思う。」と同じく「ディスタイム・イズ・ディファレント(今回は違う)」のラインハート女史と共著者で、ハーバードのエコノミストであるケネス・ロゴフ氏は語る。 「最終的には欧州合衆国が必要になる、そしてそれは全てのユーロ圏の国が含まれる訳ではない。」とも。

He added, “That’s always been part of the plan. They were thinking they had 20 years to get there, and instead they have 20 weeks.”

Josh Brustein contributed reporting.
This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:

リビア情勢 カダフィ未だ見つからず!

2011-09-29 | リビア
New Clues on Whereabouts of Qaddafi and Sons 


Published: September 28, 2011
TRIPOLI, Libya — Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, the fugitive former Libyan leader toppled from power a month ago, has likely taken refuge near the Algerian border under the protection of sympathetic nomadic tribesmen who have fought for him, an official of the new Libyan government said Wednesday.

Battle for Libya
The official also said Colonel Qaddafi’s son and heir apparent, Seif al-Islam el-Qaddafi, was likely hiding in the loyalist desert enclave of Bani Walid, and that a second son, Muatassim el-Qaddafi, a militia commander and former national security adviser, was likely in Surt, the Qaddafi clan’s hometown on the Mediterranean coast.

Armed supporters of Colonel Qaddafi in Bani Walid and Surt have defied demands for surrender by anti-Qaddafi forces who have besieged both towns. And despite days of bombardment by NATO warplanes, the colonel’s loyalists, with a seemingly plentiful supply of ammunition, have repelled repeated advances. On Wednesday, anti-Qaddafi commanders sent at least five tanks into Surt; they quickly came under fire by Grad rockets, which barely missed the tanks, Reuters reported.
バニ・ワリドとスルトのカダフィ大佐の武装支持派は両市を包囲する反カダフィ軍による降伏要求を無視している。 さらに、NATOの戦闘機による何日にも亘る爆撃にもかかわらず、カダフィ軍は、かなりの弾薬量を保持し、数度の政府軍の進撃を阻んでいる。 水曜日には、反カダフィ軍司令官はスルトに少なくとも5両の戦車を送り込んだが、それらはすぐにグラッドロケットの攻撃にさらされたが、危うく命中は避けられたとロイターは報じている。

The fierce resistance has helped fuel the speculation that senior Qaddafi family members are hiding in the two towns. In recent weeks, military commanders from Misurata, who have led the fight to take Surt, have said that they have heard Muatassim Qaddafi’s voice on radio transmissions, and witnesses have told anti-Qaddafi fighters that Seif al-Islam had been seen in Bani Walid.

The latest information about Colonel Qaddafi and his two sons was reported by Hisham Buhagiar, a military official in the Transitional National Council, in an interview with Reuters.

He said Colonel Qaddafi, who has not appeared in public since his opponents overran Tripoli in late August and drove him underground, was sheltering near the western town of Ghadamis, near the border with Algeria, under the protection of the Tuaregs, tribesmen who roam the Sahara traversing Libya and its neighboring nations.

Mr. Buhagiar did not explain the sources of his information. Previous assertions by the Transitional National Council about their whereabouts have not proved accurate.
ブハジャー氏は彼の情報源については説明しなかった。 これまでの暫定国民評議会の彼らの行方についての情報は、その正確性については確認されていない。

The council’s political leaders continued their efforts to try to form a working government, a process that has stalled amid in-fighting and regional rivalries. A list of cabinet members released unofficially on Wednesday by a person with knowledge of the deliberations included prominent names from the eastern city of Benghazi and seemed intended to placate leaders from that region, but it was not clear whether former rebels from other areas would be satisfied.
同評議会の政治指導者たちは、戦闘の中で且つ地域間の対立でプロセスが中断するなかで、機能する政府の構築のために努力を続けている。 水曜日に非公式に発表された内閣閣僚の名簿は配慮のある人物の手によるものであったが、東部の都市ベンガジの著名人を含んでおり、その地方の指導者達を納得させる意向が働いたものと思われる。しかし、他の地域から参加した前の反乱軍がそれに満足しているかどうかは明らかではない。

A powerful Tripoli militia leader, Abdel Hakim Belhaj, warned that Islamists should not be ignored in the new government.

Mr. Belhaj, a former leader of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, wrote in The Guardian on Tuesday: “What worries us is the attempt of some secular elements to isolate and ignore others. Libya’s Islamists have announced their commitment to democracy; despite this, some reject their participation and call for them to be marginalized.
“We will not allow this.”
Kareem Fahim reported from Tripoli, and Rick Gladstone from New York.

ギリシャ危機 EUの動き 欧州金融安定化基金の拡大へ踏み出す

2011-09-29 | 欧州経済
Expansion of European Bailout Fund Clears Hurdle


Published: September 28, 2011
FRANKFURT — Europe took another step Wednesday in its slog toward approval of a broader bailout fund for overly indebted countries, as Finland’s Parliament agreed to contribute its share despite an unresolved dispute over its demand for collateral from Greece.

Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen of Finland, left, in Parliament on Wednesday for the vote on the bailout fund, with the finance minister, Jutta Urpilainen, center, and defense secretary, Stefan Wallin.  水曜日の救済基金の議会での投票時のフィンランドのジルキ・カタイネン首相(左)、ユッタ・ウrピァイネン財務相(中央)そしてシュテファン・ワリン国防相の面々

The 103-to-66 vote, with 30 legislators absent, still leaves 7 of the 17 members of the euro zone yet to ratify a bailout fund that, despite expanded resources and power, is considered much too small to fend off further market attacks on Greece and other wounded countries.

The laborious approval process, which can be held up by objections from any one of the countries in the euro zone, has highlighted deep flaws in alliance’s decision making. Every major initiative must traverse an obstacle course, and each hurdle can jostle financial markets anew.
ユーロ圏のどの一ヶ国が反対しても前に進まないという手間のかかる承認のプロセスは、はからずもこの同盟の意思決定の欠陥を浮き彫りにした。 主要な計画や構想は全て、障害物コースを越えていかねばならず、各障害物は金融市場をその都度押しやる。

On Wednesday, major stock market indexes in Europe fell after three consecutive sessions of gains.

Though Finland can now be checked off the list, the next holdout may prove to be Slovakia, where there was talk a vote on the bailout fund might be delayed until late October, past the unofficial deadline of midmonth. Many Slovakians resent having to help bail out Greece, which, despite its problems, is wealthier.
フィンランドはクリアして、リストから外れたが、次の障害はスロバキアだろう、スロバキアは10月下旬(非公式の中旬という期限を越えて)まで救済基金の投票を延期するかもしれないと言われている。 多くのスロバキア人は、問題があっても、彼等より金持ちのギリシャの救済に手助けすることに憤りを感じている。

José Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission, warned Wednesday that countries in the euro zone must move toward greater unity for the alliance to survive.

“We are today faced with the greatest challenge our union has known in all its history,” Mr. Barroso said in his annual State of the Union address at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. “If we don’t move forward with more integration, we will suffer more fragmentation. This will be a baptism of fire for a whole generation.”
「我々は、同盟の知る限り、その歴史上最大の挑戦に晒されている。もし、我々が一致団結して前進しなければ、更にバラバラになってしまうだろう。 これは全ての世代にとっての厳しい試練である。」とバロッソ氏はストラスバーグでの欧州議会における年次一般教書演説の中で述べた。

Leaders in Germany and elsewhere played down speculation that they were working on bolder responses to the crisis, like a mechanism that would multiply the borrowing power of the bailout fund, the European Financial Stability Facility. Officials said they were preoccupied with getting parliamentary approval for existing measures.

But the euro zone countries face intense pressure from the United States, China and other countries to more forcefully address the sovereign debt problem before the meeting of the Group of 20 leading economies that begins Nov. 3 in Cannes.
“The euro area has been given an ultimatum to put its crisis once and for all behind its back over the coming six weeks,” Jacques Cailloux, chief European economist at Royal Bank of Scotland, wrote in a note to clients.

In an initial attempt to impose more spending discipline on euro zone members and to prevent future crises, members of the European Parliament voted Wednesday in favor of rules that would impose fines on countries that break budget and deficit rules.
Members of the euro zone are supposed to hold their budget deficits below 3 percent of gross domestic product, and total debt below 60 percent of G.D.P., but few do.

Under the new rules, countries that exceed those limits will be pressed to make a cash deposit — in an account that pays no interest — equal to 0.2 percent of G.D.P. If they still fail to rein in spending, they will forfeit the deposit.
While finance ministers would still need to agree to punish countries, the voting system has been adjusted to make it significantly more difficult to block sanctions.
この新しいルールのもとで、この限度を超えた各国は、GDPの0.2%相当の現金の資金準備金(金利を支払う必要のない)を積立てることが求められる。 もし、彼らがそれでも歳出の抑制ができなければ、この準備金は没収される。

In addition, national budget plans will come under greater scrutiny, and there will be an alert system to try and detect looming problems like the housing bubbles that helped create the debt crises in Spain and Ireland.
The German Parliament is scheduled to vote Thursday on the bailout fund, in what is seen as a crucial test for Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Austria is scheduled to vote Friday. The remaining countries are Cyprus, Estonia, Malta, the Netherlands and Slovakia.
There were indications that Slovakia’s Parliament might not vote until Oct. 25, beyond the midmonth deadline set by Olli Rehn, the European commissioner for economic and monetary affairs.
オーストリアは金曜日に投票がある。 残っている国々はキプロス、エストニア、マルタ、オランダ、そしてスロバキアである。

That would be about three months after representatives of the 17 countries in the euro zone agreed to give the rescue fund more money and power. The expanded fund will be able to loan up to €440 billion, or about $600 billion, and issue guarantees for €780 billion.
Mr. Cailloux said that the fund needed about €2 trillion to be effective.
The speaker of the Slovak Parliament, Richard Sulik, said a vote probably would be held Oct. 25, according to Beata Skyvova, a spokeswoman for the Parliament. But one party in the governing coalition was pressing for an earlier vote and more negotiations will take place before a final date is decided, Ms. Skyvova said.
ユーロ圏の17の国々が救済基金により多くの資金と権限を与えることに合意して、焼くか月になろうとしている。 拡大基金は貸出が4400億ユーロ(6000億ドル)まで可能で、保証は7800億ユーロまで出来る。 

Finland continues to demand that it receive collateral from Greece in return for aid to that country. But Finnish leaders argued that approval for the rescue fund, which will also provide aid to Ireland, Portugal and other countries, was a separate issue.
That reasoning cleared the way for the Finnish Parliament to approve the bill Wednesday.
Finland is still negotiating with its European partners on the collateral issue, and officials in Helsinki have expressed optimism that a solution will be found to address Finnish sensibilities without undermining the aid package.

Meanwhile, Greece moved closer to receiving the next installment of aid it needs to avoid bankruptcy.
Officials from the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission and the European Central Bank were traveling to Athens to assess whether to recommend release of the aid, said Amadeu Altafaj Tardio, a European Commission spokesman.
A decision is likely before a summit meeting of European Union leaders Oct. 17-18, according to one European official not authorized to speak publicly.
一方、ギリシャは破綻を避けるために必要な支援の次の資金注入を受ける日が迫っている。 IMF、欧州委員会そして欧州中央銀行の関係者は、援助の実行を勧めるかどうか監査をするために、アテネに向っていると欧州委員会のスポークスマンであるアマデウ・アフタファ・タルディオは言った。決定は、公式発表の権限はないが一人の関係者によると、欧州連合の指導者達のサミットミーティングがある10月の17日~18になる模様。

During his speech to the European Parliament, Mr. Barroso said that changes needed to secure the euro’s future might require reopening the Union’s governing treaty. He reiterated that Greece would stay in the euro zone.
Mr. Barroso confirmed that the European Commission, the E.U.’s executive branch, would speed up a feasibility study on issuing euro bonds — common debt that would be guaranteed by all members of the euro zone. He gave his clearest support to the idea yet.
欧州議会での彼の演説のなかで、バロッソ議長はユーロの将来の力をより堅固煮るために必要な変革は連合の統制する条約が必要であるといい。彼はギルシャはユーロ圏にとどまると繰り返し述べた。バロッソ氏は、欧州連合(EU)の行政組織である、欧州委員会は、ユーロ圏の全ての加盟国が保証する共通の債券でとなる、ユーロ債の発行のフィージビリティスタディ(実行可能性の研究)を加速すると、確認した。 彼は既にこの構想に明確な指示を表明している。

“Once the euro area is fully equipped with the instruments necessary to ensure both integration and discipline, the issuance of joint debt will be seen as a natural and advantageous step for all,” he said.
“We need to complete our monetary union with an economic union,” Mr. Barroso argued. “It is an illusion to think we could have a single currency and a single market with national economic approaches.”
「欧州地域が統合と規律の両方を確実なものにするための必要な機能をちゃんと組み込むならば、共通の債券の発行は加盟国全てにとって自然でかつ利益の多いものとなるだろう。」と彼は話す。「我々は経済統合のもとでの通貨統合を完成する必要がある。 単一通貨を持ち、単一市場に各国が夫々の経済アプローチをすると考えるのは幻想に過ぎない。」とバロッソ氏は主張する。

Mr. Barroso also announced a proposal for a Europe-wide tax on financial transactions, a move that Germany and France support strongly but such countries as Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden say they would back only if it was agreed to at a global level. That is unlikely, given opposition from the United States.
バロッソ氏は財務上の行為として欧州規模の税の提案を発表した、この動きはドイツやフランスが強力に支持しているが、イギリス、オランダ、スウェーデンなどは全世界の合意のもとでのみ支持するとしている。 ということは、米国の反対を考えれば実現は程遠い。

Stephen Castle reported from Brussels. Niki Kitsantonis contributed reporting from Athens.

コーヒー党に朗報! カフェインはウツ病予防に効く??

2011-09-28 | コラム
Caffeinated Women May Be Fighting Depression With Every Cup


September 27, 2011
See that sparkle? It could be the caffeine
For many of us, coffee is the first thought of the day. Just thinking about it gives us the buzz, the energy and the power to ask ourselves the next question, do I make it at home or shell out another $4 at the local Starbucks as I race to work?

Well, you may decide to do both if you've seen new research that suggests women who drink more than one cup a day may decrease their risk of depression.

The more coffee women drink, the greater we reduce our risk of depression, according to the study. And since one in five women are diagnosed with depression at some point in life, it may be worth contemplating that double shot of espresso.
研究結果によると、女性がより多くコーヒーを飲むほど、鬱病のリスクをより下げることができるということです。 そして5人に1人の割合で女性は、人生のどこかで鬱と診断されているそうなので、そうなるとエスプレッソのダブルショットは考えてみる価値があるかもしれません。

A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine finds women who drank two to three cups of coffee a day reduced their risk of depression by 15 percent, compared to women who consumed only one cup or less per week.
Those who drank about one cup of coffee per day also reduced their depression risk, although not by nearly as much.

The study was led by senior author Dr. Alberto Ascherio, a professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health.

Ascherio says he's not quite sure how caffeine makes people feel better. "Our results suggest that caffeine may have a beneficial effect on the cellular level, and may protect neurons lost to neurodegenerative disease," he tells Time's blog, Healthland. "We are establishing a certain degree of reasonable evidence that caffeine has a long-term effect on the risk of depression, but we cannot attribute this to any pathology."

The biggest coffee drinkers saw the largest reduction in risk, according to the study. Those who drank four cups or more per day reduced their risk of depression by 20 percent.
この研究結果によると、コーヒーのヘビードランカーは鬱リスクの軽減の相当おおきな効果に浴していることになります。 一日に4杯或いはそれ以上飲む人は鬱リスクを20%以上減じることが出来るということです。

Researchers from Harvard School of Public Health looked at more than 50,000 women enrolled in the ongoing Nurses' Health Study. The average age of participants was 63. None of the women were diagnosed with depression at the beginning of the study.

Over 10 years, researchers documented the number of women who developed depression, and compared it to the amount of caffeine they consumed. Eighty percent of the caffeine was consumed in coffee; twelve percent in tea and five percent in caffeinated soft drinks.
10年以上にわたり、研究者は対象者の中でうつ病を発症した人数と、消費されたカフェインの量を比較してきました。 カフェインの80%はコーヒーから摂取されたもので、12%は紅茶、5%がカフェイン入りソフトドリンクとなっています。

Researchers caution that it's still too soon to race out and celebrate good mental health with a "cup of Joe". More study is needed to actually prove that caffeine has a protective effect against depression.
研究者達は、これで「一杯のコーヒー」が精神衛生良いと結論付けて喜ぶのは時期尚早に過ぎると警告している。 カフェインがウツに対して、これを防ぐ効果があると実際に証明するには、更なる研究が必要だとしている。

Over the years, coffee and caffeinated products have earned a bad rap at times, but concerns about too much caffeine just don't seem to be panning out, according to an editor's note at the end of the Archives paper.

Efforts to study their effects on cardiovascular problems, inflammation, and even cancer have shown little effect, notes Seth Berkowitz.
"Taken together, these results reassure coffee drinkers that there seem to exist no glaringly deleterious health consequences to coffee consumption," he says.

Earlier research, including one study among men, suggests that caffeine reduced depression, suicide, and could possibly have a protective effect against certain prostate cancers, too.

ギリシャ危機 (メルケルは救済を確約)

2011-09-28 | 欧州経済
German Leader Reaffirms Backing for Greece  

翻訳してわかるのですが、日本の発言はいつも、条件つきで、大丈夫だったら負担を追う可能性を排除しないというような、腰の引けた表現に終始している。この英文から安住さんが、リーダーシップを発揮できる(大臣と言えども)人或いは位置づけにはないというメッセージが透けて見える。残念だが翻訳していて、そう思ってしまう。これなら誰が大臣しても同じと思われても仕方ない。 リスクを負わない言葉には説得力も生じない。同じ言葉だけでも中国のほうが多分欧米では受ける

Published: September 27, 2011

LONDON — Promising that Athens would live up to its commitments, the Greek prime minister urged Europe to pull together to take the steps needed to head off a potentially disastrous escalation in the sovereign debt crisis.

In a speech to the same group of German business leaders, Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany would provide all the help it could to stabilize Greece.
“We must stop blaming each other for our different weaknesses and unite together with our different strengths,” Prime Minister George Papandreou of Greece said in his speech. “The euro zone must now take bold steps towards fiscal integration to stabilize the monetary union. Let’s not allow those who are betting against the euro to succeed.”
ドイツのビジネスリーダー同じグループに対するスピーチの中で、アンジェラ・メルケル首相はギリシャを安定化させるためにドイツは全ての援助を提供すると発言した。またギリシャのジョージ・パパンドルー首相は彼のスピーチの中で「我々はお互いの異なる弱点を言い募るのではなく、異なる強さで補完し団結しよう。」と訴えた。 更に「ユーロ圏は、通貨統合の安定化に向けて、経済統合へ大胆なステップを踏み出さなければならない。ユーロに対して、これを否定する人たちの思いどおりになってはならない」とも言った。

The speeches — and a meeting between the two leaders set for Tuesday evening — come just two days before German lawmakers are to vote on a bill that would bolster the main European bailout fund, known as the European Financial Stability Facility. Although it is sure to pass — with opposition support if required — some members of Mrs. Merkel’s governing coalition are threatening to oppose it amid popular anger about bailing out Athens. That would be another blow to her credibility at home.
ドイツの議会が欧州金融安定化基金として知られる主な欧州の救済基金を支持する法案の投票の二日前の木曜日の夜に二人の指導者の会談と演説は設定された。 もし必要であれば反対者の支持を取り付けて法案は通過するのは確実であるが、ギリシャ救済に対する怒りが国民に渦巻くなか、メルケルの連立内閣の一部に反対を唱えている者がいる。 これはメルケル首相にとって国内での彼女の信用に対する大きな政治的な打撃になるかもしれない。

Mrs. Merkel urged lawmakers to back the bill “in a spirit of friendship, a spirit of partnership, not in a spirit of imposing something.”
“If Europe isn’t doing well, then over the medium term Germany won’t do well,” she said.
In Athens, lawmakers were preparing to vote late Tuesday on a property tax that is seen as crucial to the government receiving more financial aid from its partners and averting a default as soon as mid-October, by which time its coffers will run dry without new funds.

Despite vehement popular opposition, it appeared likely that the governing Socialist party’s slim majority of four in the country’s 300-seat Parliament would carry the bill into law.
Meanwhile, the Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos said that auditors from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund are due to return to Athens this week.
At a news conference in Athens, he reiterated that the government would do “everything necessary” to meet deficit reduction targets, and said that a deeper-than-expected recession had necessitated “increasingly tough measures.”

He confirmed that the I.M.F.’s chief, Christine Lagarde, whom he met in Washington over the weekend, had requested written guarantees from the government regarding the timetable and projected revenue of the new measures. Those are primarily additional wage and pension cuts and the new tax on property.
But he denied speculation that he had discussed a possible Greek default with Mrs. Lagarde and the European Central Bank’s president, Jean-Claude Trichet.
European governments are said to be drawing up fresh plans to make the E.F.S.F. even larger and more potent, with sweeping powers to recapitalize the region’s struggling banks, possibly in combination with large write-downs for holders of Greek bonds.
彼は週末にワシントンで会ったIMF専務理事のクリスティン・ラガードが、新しい施策の行程表とそれによる歳入増加について政府から書面での保証を要求されたことを明らかにした。 それらの施策は主に、新たな賃金及び年金のカットと新しい資産税からなっている。 欧州の各国政府は欧州金融安定化基金の新しい計画の草案に着手していおり、同基金に対して、苦しんでいる同域内銀行の資本再注入をするほどの圧倒的資金力を与えることにより、同基金をより巨大で高能力にし、ギリシャ国債の債権者に国債の減却書き換えと合わせて対処しようとしている。

In Tokyo, the Japanese finance minister, Jun Azumi, suggested that his government might contribute toward a bailout effort for Greece if European leaders were able to hammer out a reasonable plan to calm market fears.
Laurence Boone, an economist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, said in a research note that in light of meetings held over the weekend at the I.M.F. in Washington, announcements on bank recapitalization are likely in early October, possibly through the upgraded E.F.S.F., as well as an explanation on how the firepower of the E.F.S.F. might be improved. In addition, she added, the European Central Bank might cut interest rates in October.
バンクオブアメリカメリルリンチのエコノミストである、ローレンス・ブーンは、そのリサーチノートの中でこう述べている。 ワシントンでのIMFにおける週末の会議に照らし合わせてみると、銀行への資本注入の発表はおそらく10月の初旬と考えられる、たぶん強化したEFSF(欧州金融安定化基金)を通じてなされ、同時にEFSFの基金をいかにして強化改善するかの説明もなされるであろう。更に彼女は付け加えて、欧州中央銀行は10月に金利を削減するするかも知れないと書いている。

Mr. Papandreou appeared to back the plans to bolster the E.F.S.F.
“Shoring up our institutions so they can withstand financial shocks is an essential investment in Europe’s long-term security,” he said.
But he called on his partners to stop sniping at the Greeks, describing the “persistent criticisms” as “deeply frustrating.”
“Frustrating not only at the political level, where a superhuman effort is being made to meet stringent targets in a deepening recession,” he said. “But frustrating also for the Greeks who are making these painful sacrifices and difficult changes.”

“We all need to stop the cacophony and work more in harmony,” he added. “Even Germany depends on Europe, its biggest trading partner, for growth and jobs.”
Greece unveiled new measures last week aimed at raising €7 billion, or $9.4 billion, by the end of the year. They included an average reduction of 20 percent to the salaries of state employees, in addition to 15 percent reductions over the past year, and cuts of 4 percent to pensions, on top of the 10 percent already applied.
Those come just three months after the government passed a previous package that included tax increases and wage freezes.
「我々は不協和音を止め、より調和の中で仕事をする必要がある。 ドイツですら、その最大の貿易パートナーとして、その成長と仕事を欧州に依存している。」と付言した。
先週明らかにしたギリシャの新しい施策は70億ユーロ(94億ドル)を今年の末までに歳入を増やす。 それらの施策には国家公務員の給与の平均20%削減(昨年の15%の削減に追加して)と4%の年金の削減(昨年の105の削減に追加して)が含まれている。

In the streets of Athens on Tuesday, public opposition to more austerity was clear, as thousands of public transport workers walked off the job in the latest in a series of 24-hour strikes.
Tax officials are also striking to protest wage cuts and feared layoffs in the public sector, while the main civil servants’ union has said it will join two general strikes scheduled for Oct. 5 and 19.

In Japan, Mr. Azumi said that he would “not rule out the possibility that Japan would bear some of the burden” in a bailout, provided there was a plan “that involves a steady process and a reasonable amount of funds that would bring markets a sense of security over the Greek bailout.” He did not comment on how big a possible Japanese contribution might be.
Japan is eager to quell investor jitters especially in currency markets, where the euro has slid against the yen, a headache for Japan’s export-led economy. Japanese stock markets have also taken a beating, recently hitting their lowest levels in two and a half years.

Japan, the world’s third-largest economy after the United States and China, has also been eager to lift its standing in global economic affairs, after top Chinese officials also expressed willingness to help European economies tackle their debt.
The Japanese government has already used euro assets in its vast foreign-exchange reserves to buy bonds issued by the European Financial Stability Facility in a bid to bail out Ireland.

Niki Kitsantonis reported from Athens, Hiroko Tabuchi in Tokyo contributed reporting.

ギリシャ危機 (各国の思惑と対応の差) 

2011-09-28 | 欧州経済
Mixed Reaction to Europe’s Talk of Bolstering a Bailout Fund


Published: September 26, 2011

FRANKFURT — Wedged between impatient financial markets and restive voters, European political leaders struggled on Monday to formulate a bolder response to the sovereign debt crisis, including possibly expanding the firepower of the euro zone’s bailout fund.

※ソブリンリスクとは、外国の政府や中央銀行、外国地方公共団体といった事実上の外国国家に対する融資におけるリスク。 カントリーリスクと同義で使われることもある言葉だが、厳密に区分するならば、ソブリンリスクは特に国家への融資に関するリスクに限定されている。

Alexander Stubb, the Finnish minister for foreign affairs.

European officials said a plan was in the works that would enlarge the bailout fund’s borrowing power but not the amount that countries were contributing. The proposal was met guardedly by German officials, who are already struggling to swing public opinion in favor of the more modest aid plan they agreed to in July, let alone any new initiatives.
欧州の関係者によると、計画は緊急援助資金の借入力を拡大する作業の範囲であり、各国が拠出している資金の額ではないとのこと。 その提案はドイツの関係者の注意深い対応を反映している。ドイツは既に国民の意見を7月に合意した穏やかな援助計画に導くことでさえ苦慮しており、何か新しい構想というのは困難だ。

As finance ministers and central bankers trickled back to Europe from meetings in Washington over the weekend, markets were clearly eager for a plan that would isolate Greece’s problems from the rest of the Continent and ensure that Italy and Spain did not also fall victim to the debt crisis.

The main stock indexes in Europe rose Monday, in part because of expectations that a more robust response to the problem was in the works.

A more potent bailout fund would not remove the need for other changes, like strengthening the banking system and improving decision making by the European Union, said Nicolas Véron, a senior fellow at Bruegel, a research organization in Brussels. But it would help, he said.

“I don’t think one measure can solve it all, but it would make a significant difference in market sentiment,” said Mr. Véron, who testified in Washington last week before the Senate Banking Committee on the debt crisis. Meanwhile, Finland appeared to be closer to resolving an impasse that had threatened to hold up deployment of the existing bailout fund. Alexander Stubb, the Finnish minister for European affairs, said the country’s Parliament was likely to approve a plan agreed to by leaders in July.
「私は、一つの対策で全部が解決できるとは思わないが、市場の受け止め方に顕著な差が出る。」ヴェロンは言う。彼は先週ワシントンで、上院の銀行委員会で債務危機について証言をしている。 一方フィンランドは現状の緊急援助資金の運用を硬直させている難局の打開により近い態度をとっているようだ。 フィンランドの欧州問題担当大臣であるアレキサンダー・スタブは7月に各国指導者で合意した計画を同国議会は承認するだろうと述べた。

Finland is also close to resolving a dispute about its demand for collateral in return for granting more aid to Greece. The dispute illustrated how political opposition in just one of the 17 European Union countries that use the euro can block initiatives.
“I’m very confident we will get the package through Parliament,” Mr. Stubb said by phone. He declined to give details of how the collateral dispute might be resolved.
フィンランドはまた、より多くの援助資金をギリシャに認める代わりに、その担保要求についての論争を解決することにも積極的だ。 この論争は、如何にユーロを使用するEU17ヶ国の内の一ヶ国の政治的反対が救済構想を阻止するかを物語っている。 「私は国会でこのパッケージ案を通過させる自信はある」とスタッブは電話取材に答えている。彼はどのようにして担保の論争が解決されるのか細部については答えなかった。

In Brussels, Amadeu Altafaj-Tardio, a spokesman for the European Commission, confirmed that discussions were under way on methods to extend the effectiveness of the bailout fund, called the European Financial Stability Facility.
Olli Rehn, the commissioner for economic and monetary affairs, had made clear at meetings in Washington that the euro zone was “contemplating further leveraging” of the stability fund, Mr. Altafaj-Tardio said. That option has been urged by United States officials.
オリ・レーン(EUの経済金融問題担当委員)はワシントンの会議において、ユーロ圏は金融安定化のための基金の更なるレバレッジ(拡大効果)を検討していると言うことを明確にした、と同スポークスマンは述べた。 そのオプションは米国関係者が強く提案したものである。

Separately, leaders tried to quash rumors that Greece and its creditors had discussed the possibility of banks’ taking a larger cut in the value of their Greek bond holdings — perhaps as much as 50 percent — to reduce the government’s debt burden to a more manageable level.
Such a move remained highly controversial and was opposed by the large banks as well as the European Central Bank, which owns Greek bonds with a value of as much as 60 billion euros, or $80.8 billion. Any Greek default would probably also require a coordinated bailout of banks holding large amounts of Greek debt.

As has often been the case, European leaders seemed to have different perceptions of what was being discussed and how likely it was that the proposals would find support.
Martin Kotthaus, a spokesman for the German Finance Ministry, said in Berlin there was no need to expand the size of the bailout fund by giving it more money than already agreed. There is fear that pumping more money into the fund might threaten the credit rating of countries like France by increasing their liabilities.
これまでそうであったように、欧州の各国指導者は何が検討されるか、また支援に繋がる提案がどのようなものになるかについて異なった見通しと思惑を持っているように見える。 マルチン・コットハウス(ドイツ財務省のスポークスマン)はべりリンで、既に合意した以上の資金を供与して緊急援助資金を規模を増額する必要は無いと発言した。 そこには、資金を緊急援助につぎ込むことでフランスのように負債を増加し、信用格付けを下げかねないと言う恐れがある。

But German officials did not appear to be opposed to increasing the rescue fund’s power to leverage its government guarantees. They wanted only to avoid any discussion until Parliament votes this week on a proposal to expand the size of the fund to 780 billion euros. That plan was agreed to by European leaders on July 21. Some analysts have said that the fund needs to be two to three times as big to convince markets that it could handle a wider crisis.
しかし、ドイツ関係者は、政府保証の効果テコ入れの援助資金力の増額には反対していないように見えた。彼らは7800億ユーロまで資金援助額を拡大する提案が今週議会を通過するまで、いかなる議論も避けたがっていただけである。 その計画は7月21日に欧州の各国指導者で合意されたものである。 あるアナリストによればその援助資金は、市場に対して、その対策がより広範な危機に対処し得ると納得させるために規模は2倍~3倍が必要とみている。

On Monday, a senior official in the Greek Finance Ministry, responding to persistent default rumors, said no such event was imminent. And on Sunday, Evangelos Venizelos, the Greek finance minister, said in Washington that the government’s plan to exchange some existing bonds for new, longer-term securities remained on track.
The debt exchange would impose a relatively modest 21 percent loss on the face value of the affected bonds. It is regarded as a good deal for investors because they would receive more solid paper in exchange. Greek creditors must still indicate their willingness to participate.
月曜日に、ギリシャの財務省の高官は根強いデフォルトの噂に応えて、そのような差し迫った事態ではないと発言した。 そして日曜日には、ギリシャのエヴァンゲロス・ヴェニゼロス財務大臣はワシントンで、現状の国債を新しい、長期の証券に切り替える政府の計画は予定通りに進んでいると発言している。 負債の付け替えは、その影響を受けた国債の額面価値に、比較的穏便な21%の損失を課することになる。 それは出資(投資)者にとっては良い取引である、なぜなら彼らはより確実な(ソリッド)な証券を受け取ることが出来るからである。(紙屑にはならない) ギリシャの債権者たちは、それでも彼らの前向きな参画意志を強く表明しなければならない。

Policy makers want to put Greece on a path toward reducing its debt load to just below 100 percent of its gross domestic product within this decade so that it can wean itself off taxpayer bailouts. The hope is that much of that reduction would come through revived economic growth.
But those prospects seem distant given the deep recession into which Greece has fallen and stricter belt-tightening measures being demanded by international creditors.
各国指導者はギリシャを赤字削減の軌道に乗せ、この10年間で、対GDP比100%以下までもっていきたいと考えており、そうすることでギリシャは納税者救済問題から政府を切り離すことができる。 望みはこれだけの削減は経済成長の復活を通して達成されるということである。

Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany rejected the idea of a Greek default, telling a television interviewer late Sunday that such an event could deliver a shock to the financial system similar to the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008.
“We can only take steps that we can really control,” she said on ARD, a public broadcaster. If Greece touched off another financial crisis, she said, “then we politicians will be held responsible.”
「我々は、我々が本当に制御できる段階を踏むだけです。」と彼女は公共放送のARDに答えた。 もしギリシャが再び財政危機に陥ったら・・と問われて、彼女はこう答えている。「そのときは私達政治家が責任をもって対処します。」

Under one option being discussed, the bailout fund would be able to absorb losses sustained by the European Central Bank on its purchases of Greek and other government bonds, according to an European Union official who spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing the delicacy of the issue.
There is, one official said, no preferred model and it remained unclear whether such moves would be possible without further legal changes. Some officials say they think such steps could be constitutionally difficult, particularly in Germany.
ある関係はこれには好ましい解決モデルは無いと言う、そしてそのような動きが法改正なしに出来るのかという点も不透明なままである。 ある高官は、そのような段階は法的に困難であり、特にドイツにおいては難しいと考えていると言っている。

“Further enhancement could require treaty reform,” said the European Union official.
Resistance to new plans to strengthen the rescue fund might also be forthcoming from the central bank, which has been trying to reduce its bond-buying program.
Attention will focus this week on Greece and negotiations on the release of the next portion of international aid, worth 8 billion euros. Without the money, Greece would default next month.

A mission by officials of the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund was expected to leave for Athens this week. Mr. Altafaj-Tardio said that a decision on the release of the next aid installment was not expected by the time euro zone finance ministers meet next Monday.
Opposition to more aid to Greece remains deep in Germany among the public, mainstream economists and the president of the German central bank, Jens Weidmann.
欧州委員会、欧州中央銀行そしてIMFの使節団は今週アテネを去る予定である。 アルタファジ‐タルディオ氏(欧州委員会のスポークスマン)は次回の資金注入の決定は来週月曜日のユーロ圏の蔵相会議まで決定はされないだろうと語っている。

Jens Weidmann, president of the German central bank.

Speaking in Washington on Monday, Mr. Weidmann said that aid had already weakened incentives for countries to behave responsibly.
“Contrary to what is actually needed in order to overcome the sovereign debt crisis, we risk seeing the propensity for excessive deficits rise even further in the future,” he said.
Jack Ewing reported from Frankfurt and Stephen Castle from Brussels. Liz Alderman contributed reporting from Paris and Landon Thomas Jr. from London.

ギリシャ危機 デフォルトは避けられないとすれば・・・・

2011-09-27 | ギリシャ
Public Outrage Grows As Greece Looks For More Cuts

by Sylvia Poggioli
September 26, 2011

Kostas Tsironis/AP
Riot police officers push back a protester during an anti-austerity protest Sunday in front of the Greek Parliament in Athens.

September 26, 2011
As Greece waits for international inspectors to return to Athens this week for a fiscal audit that will decide whether it gets vital bailout money, deep distrust of foreign creditors sparked violent protests and transit strikes.

Mass-transit workers were expected to hold a 24-hour strike Monday. On Sunday, several thousand people massed outside the Greek Parliament building, shouting angry slogans and accusing the government of using dictatorial methods to cut the country's gaping deficit.

A phalanx of riot police wielding bats and tear gas clashed with the demonstrators, some of whom were gathering signatures to call for an independent review of Greece's debts.

"We are hoping lots of Greek people will ask for this audit," protester Anna Anastasea said. "We don't have hope this party will do this audit."
She said she is convinced that the government and international lenders cooked the books to make Greece the scapegoat of the global financial crisis.
A group of students later occupied the state-run TV studios to protest against brutal cuts in education.
「我々は多くのギリシャ国民がこの会計検査を求めることを希望しているが、このグループがこの監査をすることは希望しない。」とデモに参加しているアンナ・アナスタシアは話した。 彼女は政府と国際債権者(資金供与者)がギリシャを世界的な経済危機のスケープゴートにするために帳簿を誤魔化すに違いないと思っていると話した。

After a year and a half of austerity measures and spiraling recession, Greece's government has been issuing new measures by the week — slashing pensions and public sector wages, furloughing 30,000 civil servants, and creating new income and property taxes — to convince creditors that it can rein in the budget deficit so that they will release $11 billion of a $150 billion bailout deal.

Parliament was scheduled to vote Tuesday on a controversial new property tax measure that, if it passes, is likely to further inflame the public.
The Greek media — left to right — say the government's economic policy is ineffective, impoverishing the population without offering a way out.
University of Athens economist Yanis Varoufakis says the austerity program is increasingly irrational.

"If we know anything since 1929," he says, "once you are caught in a triple crisis of public debt, recession in private sector, and cessation of investment in public and private, then you can cut to your heart's content, but you are not going to cut the deficit and make inroads into the debt."

Greece's gross national product has plummeted for three years in a row, and the number of unemployed could soon top 1 million out of the 11 million people in Greece. 

Nevertheless, the so-called troika — the European Union, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank — wants even more drastic measures.

Economist Jens Bastian, a fellow at the Eliamep think tank in Athens, says Greece has little choice, having given up much of its sovereignty.

"When you sign up to a program with the troika that has a very ambitious reform agenda, including very harsh austerity measures, and you are dependent on a quarterly basis on evaluations and monitoring reports, then you do not hold your destiny anymore in your hands," Bastian says.

Many financial experts and bankers are becoming convinced that Greece can't pay its huge debt — some $475 billion — and are preparing for default.
Economist Costas Lapavitsas of the University of London says default is inevitable but that the process should be led by Greece. If international lenders took charge, he says, it would be disastrous for the country.
ロンドン大学のエコノミストのコスタス・ラパヴィスタスは、デフォルトは避けられないが、そのプロセスはギリシャに委ねられるべきだと言う。 もし国際的資金供与者がそれを行えば、それはギリシャにとって破滅的なものとなろうと彼は言う。

"No one is going to make a gift of Greece," Lapavitsas says. "So if that happens, the payoff will be very great — very severe in terms of national independence, control over national resources, control over national banks. That is not the path for Greece to follow."
「誰もギリシャに“贈物”をしようと思わないから、もしそうなればペイオフは非常に巨額となり、・・・国家資源の統制、国立銀行の統制など国家の独立性という観点でも非常に厳しいものとなる。 それはギリシャが到底のめる提案ではない。

Many Greek commentators lament that the austerity measures target the middle class, which is most of the country's population.
More than 100,000 small businesses have closed over the past year, youth unemployment is more than 40 percent, and the poverty line is one of the highest in Europe.
多くのギリシャのコメンテーターは緊縮財政の施策が、国民の大半を占める中流層をターゲットにしていると嘆いている。 10万を超える中小企業がこの一年で倒産し、若い失業者は40%を超え、貧困の水準は欧州で最も低い国の一つとなっている。

An editorial in the conservative daily Kathimerini asks: "How will the newly impoverished middle class pick up the pieces and move on?"
Lapavitsas says the Western financial community has put an unacceptable burden on ordinary Greek families.

"To say the Greek people have to go through this incredible austerity to face basically the destruction of social life as this country has known it for decades in order to rescue the financial system is nonsense," he says.

ロシア大物大臣の辞任 ロシア経済の要の後継者は?

2011-09-27 | ロシア及び周辺国
Russian Finance Minister Out After Medvedev Spat 


by The Associated Press

Dmitry Astakhov/AFP/Getty Images
Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin (right) met with President Dmitry Medvedev outside Moscow in May. ロシアの財務大臣アレクセイ・クドリン(右)はドミトリ・メドベージェフ大統領と5月にモスクワ市外であった。

September 26, 2011
Russia's influential finance minister was forced out Monday following a televised confrontation with President Dmitry Medvedev, who had angrily demanded that Alexei Kudrin immediately explain his criticism of Medvedev's policies or resign.

The open conflict within Russia's leadership follows the announcement over the weekend that Prime Minister Vladimir Putin plans to return to the presidency next year and Medvedev would then take his old job as prime minister. Russia will have a presidential vote in March, but Putin is sure to win.

The departure of Kudrin is likely to unsettle investors and further shake Russia's markets. A close Putin ally, he has been finance minister since 2000 and his tight hold over the budget has been seen as key to Russia's economic stability.
クドリンの辞任は投資家を不安にさせ、ロシア市場を将来揺るがせることになるようだ。 プーチンに密接な同志で、彼は2000年以来財務大臣を務め、彼の緊縮財政予算はロシアの経済の安定のカギと見なされてきた。

"It is difficult to see how Mr. Kudrin's resignation can be anything but market-negative," said Neil Shearing, chief emerging markets economist at Capital Economics Ltd in London. "With oil prices starting to slide and financial markets still jittery, now is not a good time for the government to lose its arch fiscal hawk."

On Saturday, Kudrin said he would refuse to serve in the government if Medvedev was made prime minister because of policy disagreements he had with him, including plans to substantially boost military spending.

Addressing Kudrin on Monday, Medvedev called the minister's remarks "irresponsible chatter" and "improper," especially since they were made while the minister was in Washington for meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

"If you disagree with the course set by the president and being implemented by the government, you have only one choice: Resign," Medvedev said.
Kudrin said he would decide only after talking to Putin.
"You can seek the advice of whomever you want, but as long as I'm president, such decisions are made by me," Medvedev retorted.
The Kremlin said Medvedev signed a decree on Kudrin's resignation. State news agencies reported that Kudrin confirmed that he had quit.
「もし、大統領によって示された方針及び政府によって実行されていることに同意できなければ、貴兄の取る選択肢は一つしかない。即ち辞任だ」とメドベージェフは言った。 クドリンはプーチンとの話し合いのあとでのみ決心すると言った。

Kudrin has been widely credited with helping Russia weather the 2008-2009 global financial crisis. During Putin's presidency from 2000 to 2008, Kudrin stashed some of the revenue from Russia's soaring oil exports into a stabilization fund despite strong opposition from other ministers who wanted to spend the money. But when the financial crisis hit and oil prices sank sharply, those savings proved crucial in reducing the blow to Russia's economy.
クドリンは2008年から2009年の世界の経済危機をロシアが乗り切るのを助けたことで広く信頼されている。 200年から2008年のプーチン大統領の間、クドリンは予算を使いたくて仕方ない他の多くの大臣からの強力な抵抗にもかかわらず、ロシアの高騰する原油輸出からの歳入のかなりの部分を備蓄し、安定化のための資本とした。しかし、原油価格が急落して経済危機が到来したとき、これらの資金がロシア経済への打撃を緩和するのに決定的に役立った。

Nikolai Petrov, a political scholar at the Carnegie Moscow Center, said Putin may have wanted to spare Kudrin from taking responsibility for the higher taxes and cuts in social spending that Russia faces after a parliamentary election in December and a presidential election three months later.

"Putin cherishes Kudrin too much to put him in the crossfire of unpopular measures," Petrov said.
The 50-year-old Kudrin had been mentioned as a possible future prime minister, and Petrov said Putin could still appoint him to the post sometime in the future.
Anton Struchenevsky, a senior economist at the Moscow-based investment bank Troika Dialog, described Kudrin as "the restraining element against populist policies" in Russia.

"All of Russia's macroeconomic achievements are Kudrin's work," Struchenevsky said. "Kudrin is a highly influential figure, and I don't see anyone of similar weight who could replace him."

Some market analysts speculated that Kudrin's departure could have a greater effect on Russia's economy than the 2012 presidential election itself.
"It is unlikely that Mr. Kudrin's replacement will share his predecessor's credentials and clout," Shearing wrote in a note to investors.
あるマーケットアナリストはクドリンの辞任はロシアの経済にとって、2012年の大統領選挙よりも大きな影響があるかも知れないと予測している。 「クドリンの後任が彼の信頼度と影響力を維持できるとは思えないとシェアリング氏は投資家へのアドバイスに記述している。

パキスタン アメリカの苛立ち

2011-09-27 | パキスタン
Fragile U.S.-Pakistan Relations On Downward Spiral


by Jackie Northam
September 26, 2011

Harry Hamburg/AP
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta looks on at left as Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Michael Mullen testifies Thursday in Washington. 

September 26, 2011
The fragile and troubled relationship between the U.S. and Pakistan is on a deep, downward spiral. Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said last week that Pakistan's intelligence agency had a role in several high-profile attacks in Afghanistan, including the attack earlier this month on the U.S. Embassy in Kabul.

Mullen's comments made public an implication that many officials in Washington and Afghanistan have long voiced only in private — that Pakistan's intelligence agency, the ISI, supports insurgent groups, including the Haqqani network, one of the most dangerous, based in Pakistan's tribal region.

Ahmad Nazar/AP
Dust rises after firing by Taliban militants in Kabul, Afghanistan, after Taliban insurgents fired rocket-propelled grenades and assault rifles at the U.S. Embassy earlier this month.アフガニスタンのカブールでタリバンの戦士による砲撃によって粉塵が舞い上がっている。 今月初旬米国大使館に対し、タリバン武装勢力がロケット推進榴弾と突撃ライフルで射撃を加えた後の様子。

Mullen said the Haqqani network, which launches attacks against Western troops in neighboring Afghanistan, acts as a veritable arm of the spy agency. His comments signal a more confrontational stance against Pakistan. Daniel Markey, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, says Mullen's forceful language was striking in its tone and substance.
マレンはアフガニスタンの国境付近の西側の軍に対して攻撃をしているハッガニ・ネットワークは、その情報局の実際の軍として行動していると言っている。 彼のこのコメントは米国のパキスタンに対する、より対立的な立場を鮮明にしたものである。 外交問題評議会のシニアフェローのダニエル・マーキーは、このマレン大将の激しい口調は、その調子や内容において今までにない厳しいものだと言っている。

"The implication is that the United States government is saying with one voice that if Pakistan does not end its ties with the Haqqani network, the U.S. will expand its unilateral actions to destroy that network, whether Pakistan likes it or not," Markey says.

Markey says the U.S. could expand its drone strikes in North Waziristan, where the Haqqani network is believed to be based. But he says things could go further, such as launching raids using U.S. Special Forces.

"You could see conventional forces in Afghanistan moved up to the Pakistan border to support cross-border attacks that would probably start out small but could expand," he says. "And you could see a variety of other combined efforts that could even include a more extensive bombing campaign that went beyond the use of drones."
「アフガニスタン内の通常兵力をパキスタン国境に集結し、国境を越えた作戦を支援させ、当初は小規模であっても、事後拡大する可能性もある。 また、無人機の使用を超えた大々的な爆撃作戦をも含むあらゆる形の諸軍連合作戦もありうる。」と彼は言う。

Pakistan Denounces Comments  パキスタンはマレンのコメントを避難
On Sunday, Gen. Ashfaq Kayani, Pakistan's army chief, called in his commanders for a special meeting to discuss the security situation. That was an unusual move, says retired Army Lt. Gen. David Barno, a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security.
日曜日にパキスタン陸軍参謀長であるアシュファグ・カヤニ大将は安全保障の状況を話し合うために全国の指揮官を特別会議に召集した。 これは異常な動きであると新アメリカ安全保障センターのシニア・フェローの退役将軍デイビッド・バーノは指摘する。

"Their media people coming out of that said that Pakistan intends to defend its borders from incursions from Afghanistan," Barno says. "So I think they're signaling that they're not going to tolerate any U.S. ground intervention certainly into Pakistan."
「その会議から出てきたメディア関係者によると、パキスタンはアフガニスタン側からの国境侵入を阻止する意向である。 彼らは如何なる米軍のパキスタン国内への地上からの干渉も受け入れられないと意思表示をしていると考えられる。」とバーノは言う。

Barno says Pakistan considers any ground incursion — any raid by American Special Forces or the like — as crossing a red line, and that the U.S. could face a significant backlash. Among other things, Pakistan could shut down critical land and air routes needed to shuttle military supplies into Afghanistan. Still, Barno says the U.S. has to consider when it reaches a point where it has to take that risk.
バーノ退役大将によると、パキスタンはあらゆる地上の侵入・・・・・あらゆる米軍特殊部隊或いはそれに類する部隊の・・・・を危険ラインを越えるものとして想定しており、米軍は相当な反撃に遭遇する可能性があるとのこと。 そのほかには、パキスタンがアフガニスタンへの軍事補給の往復に必要な緊要な陸路及び空路の補給幹線を閉鎖することも考えられるとしている。 そうなると米国は、そのリスクをとる事態に至った場合を想定しておく必要があると彼は話す。

"I don't think we've ruled anything out entirely," he says.

Barno says there's probably a debate going on to sort out what things can be done, and what lines the U.S. can or should cross at this point. He says the uprooting of the Haqqani network is part of that strategic calculation, especially as the U.S. begins winding down its operations in Afghanistan in 2014.

Barno says it's clear that Washington has lost patience with Pakistan's reluctance or inability to go after militants on its own soil. Shuja Nawaz, director of the South Asia Center at the Atlantic Council, says this is probably the worst he's seen relations between the two countries in a very long time.

"I see the mood darkening in Washington, and I fear that it may lead to unilateral action," Nawaz says. "But historically, whenever the U.S. has put such sharp pressure on Pakistan to do certain things on behalf of the U.S., the Pakistanis have not reacted well at all."
Nawaz says the U.S. and Pakistan need some clear-headed thinking to get out of this situation because the two sides need each other — at least for the next few years.
「私は、ワシントンのムードは悪化しており、その結果米国の単独行動に繋がりかねないと懸念している。しかし歴史的にみると、米国に代わってはっきりした行動をとるように、米国がハッキリした圧力をパキスタンにかけたときはいつでもパキスタンは十分に対応することが全くできていない。」とナワズ所長は言う。 さらに同氏は次のように語る。米国もパキスタンも明晰な頭でこの状況を切り抜ける必要がある、なぜなら両国とも相手国を必要としているからである。・・・・・・少なくとも見通しうる数年間は。

アフガニスタンの女性避難所  性差別の一例

2011-09-27 | 中東北アフリカ情勢
fghan Women Fight Back, Preserve Shelters  


by Quil Lawrence
September 26, 2011

Paula Bronstein/Getty Images
Sakina sits with her 18-month-old son, Shafiq, at a women's shelter in Bamiyan, in central Afghanistan, last October. Sakina spent seven months in prison for leaving a forced marriage. The Afghan government recently backed down from a plan to take control of women's shelters, and women's groups are hailing it as a victory. 
去年の10月、中央アフガニスタンのバーミヤンの女性の避難所(シェルター)で、サキナは18か月になる息子シャフィクと座っている。 サキナは強制結婚した嫁ぎ先を逃げたとして7か月間刑務所に投獄された。アフガニスタン政府は女性の避難所を政府管理下におく計画を最近撤回した。女性グループは、それを女性の勝利と声高に歓迎している。

September 26, 2011
In Afghanistan, women's groups are claiming a rare victory.
Last winter, the government was planning to bring battered women's shelters under government control.

Women's rights advocates sprang into action, complaining that the new rules would turn shelters into virtual prisons for women who had run away from home because of abuse. But after a flurry of media attention, the Afghan government agreed to re-examine the issue. And this month, President Hamid Karzai's Cabinet quietly approved a new draft that has support from women's groups.
女性の権利を提唱しているグループは、その新しい規制は、虐待のせいで家庭から逃げ出した女性にとっての避難所を実質的に刑務所にするようなものだと非難して、行動を起こした。 しかし、メディアの関心が異常に高まるなか、アフガニスタン政府はその問題を再検討することに同意した。そして今月、ハミドカルザイ大統領の内閣は暗黙裡に、その女性グループが支持する新しい草案を承認した。

The controversy began last year when a tabloid television program broadcast from outside one of Afghanistan's few shelters for battered women. With no evidence, the program claimed the shelter was a front for prostitution — a libel that is often directed at any woman living independently in conservative Afghan society.

"Unfortunately, a woman's issue is a political issue," says Mary Akrami, director of the Afghan Women Skills Development Center.
She says high-ranking government officials can often sound like the Taliban on women's issues. In that atmosphere, the government drafted the law that would have put them in charge of shelters. Before women could enter, they would need government approval and even virginity tests.
彼女が言うには、政府高官はしばしば女性問題に対してタリバンのような発言をするとのこと。そのような雰囲気の中で、政府は、そのような高官が避難所を担当するような法律を創案した。 そうなると、女性が避難所に入所する前に、女性たちは政府の許可と純潔(バージニティ)のテストが必要となる。

Akrami says the threat of such a law galvanized activists and forced the government to respond after months of discussion.
"In general, I am really very optimistic," she says. "Since last year, we have seen a lot of positive changes."

Shelters To Remain Independent  独立を維持する避難所
The government has removed almost all of the objectionable parts of the shelter regulation, she says. Most importantly, the shelters will remain independent and able to receive money from donors without going through the Afghan government.

The women's groups "were able to convince the government and others that shelters were needed, [and that] they needed to be independent to preserve women's rights and dignity," says Georgette Gagnon, director of human rights for the U.N. mission in Afghanistan. "So this regulation is really a victory for women's rights in Afghanistan."

The government has not advertised the changes, presumably because it does not want to reignite the controversy generated last winter by supporters and opponents of the draft law.
Once the regulations are published, women's shelters across the country will have three months to comply.

There are still some issues with the law, says Selay Ghaffar, who runs a shelter in Kabul. She says one regulation makes it impossible for a woman to move out of the shelter unless she is going to the home of a male relative.
法律にはまだ幾つかの問題点がある、とカブールで避難所を管理しているセライ・ガファルは言う。 彼女が言うには、法律規制の一つは、女性が男性の親戚筋の家に行くのでなければ避難所を出られないようにしているという。

Ghaffar says that in many cases, those same male relatives may have abused or threatened to kill the woman in the first place, leading her to the shelter. But Ghaffar concedes that may be more a problem with Afghan society, where it's nearly impossible for a woman to live alone, without a husband, father, brother or a grown son.

リビア情勢(速報12)  シルト持久戦へ

2011-09-25 | 中東北アフリカ情勢
In Libya, Some Just Learning Of Gadhafi's Downfall 


by Corey Flintoff
September 23, 2011

Gaia Anderson/AP
Libyans flee on foot along the main road heading west, away from Sirte, on Tuesday. Sirte, cut off from the rest of the country, is the last major town controlled by forces loyal to toppled dictator Moammar Gadhafi.
水曜日、シルトから西へ向かう幹線道路に沿って徒歩で避難するリビア市民。 シルトは周辺地区からのアクセスを遮断され、崩壊したカダフィ独裁政権の親派の軍によって支配されている最後の主要都市である。
September 23, 2011
In Libya, civilians are fleeing from Sirte, the last major town that is still in the hands of forces loyal to ousted strongman Moammar Gadhafi.
Many say they were cut off from the rest of the country, without electricity and with dwindling food supplies. Some say they knew nothing of the rebel advances in the past month, including the capture of the capital, Tripoli.

リビアでは、いまだに、追放されたカダフィに忠実な軍の手中にある最後の主要都市であるシルトから市民が逃げ出している。 彼らの多くが言うには、住民の殆どが都市の外界の情報を知らず、電気も供給されておらず、日に日に食料も不足している状態だという。 ある住人に至っては反乱軍の、この1か月の侵攻について何も知らず、当然首都トリポリの陥落についても知らされていなかった。

They didn't know that they would be emerging into a new country.
The first place they arrive is a rebel checkpoint and field hospital on the coastal road from Sirte to Misrata — hot, dusty cars packed with men, women and children, carrying whatever possessions they could cram into the trunk.


Gaia Anderson/AP
Revolutionary fighters drive up the western road entering Sirte on Thursday. The rebels are playing a waiting game; they are set up outside the city but are not yet trying to advance. 革命戦士達は木曜日にシルトに繋がる西の道路をシルトに向っている。 反乱軍は持久戦の態勢をとっており、同市の周りに陣取っているが前進はしていない。

Some cars have stacks of floppy mattresses strapped to the top, because the refugees don't know where they will sleep. Volunteers provide them with food and bottled water, juice boxes and packaged cake.
幾つかの避難住民の車両は、どこに寝ることになるか分らないので、車両の天井にペラペラのマットレスを縛っている。 ボランティアが彼らの食糧、水、ジュースそして箱に入ったケーキなどを提供している。

Clinic Filled With Wounded  負傷者でごった返すクリニック
Outside the small clinic, a young doctor in blue hospital scrubs says most of his patients are wounded rebel fighters.
But the doctor, Mahmoud Adita, says he has seen a lot of civilians from Sirte as well, including, that day, four women in labor. An aging Russian-made helicopter, bound for the Misrata hospital, takes off with the pregnant women.


Adita says he has lost patients because he hasn't been able to transport them to the hospital in time.

One man who just brought his family out of Sirte says people there are cut off from the outside world. Without electricity, he says, they had no information from outside the city, only what he called Gadhafi's "black rumors." He says many people did not know that Tripoli fell a month ago.

シルトから家族を連れ出した男性によると、住民は外界からシャットアウトされており、電気の無く、市の外からの情報はまったくなく、カダフィの「黒い噂」だけが唯一の情報だとのこと。 多くの市民はトリポリで一か月前に起きたことも知らないという。

Others say they did know what was going on, and it gave them hope. Ismael Milaad, a 34-year-old gym teacher from Sirte, says he had access to a generator and a satellite dish, so his neighbors gathered at his house to learn what was going on.

ある人達は何が起きているか知らず、それは希望を彼らに持たせていた。 シルト出身の34歳の体育の教師、イスマエル・ミラドは発電機と衛星用パラボラアンテナを手に入れることが出来たので、彼の隣人たちは彼の家に集まり、何が起きているか事の次第を知ることが出来たと言っている。

Civilians Trapped In City  町に囚われている住民達
Milaad says there are many men in Sirte who are preparing to fight the pro-Gadhafi forces as soon as most civilians are out. He adds, though, that he fears that there will be civilian casualties, because Gadhafi fighters are keeping some families trapped in the city center and using them as human shields.


The rebels, meanwhile, are playing a waiting game. They have a position set up at an underpass on the outskirts of the city, where they exchange artillery fire with pro-Gadhafi forces. But for now, they say, they're not trying to advance.
いっぽう、反乱軍は持久戦に持ち込んでおり、シルト近郊の地下道に陣地を構えて、カダフィ軍と砲火を交えている。 しかし、今は軍を前方に進めてはいない。

Back at the field hospital, the rebels aren't just passing out goodies. They're also taking the names of the fleeing families and searching their belongings.

Adam Ali, a rebel in dusty camouflage fatigues, says his men are looking for weapons. He says they've found a few pistols and photos — taken with Gadhafi soldiers — that show some refugees had pro-Gadhafi leanings.

埃っぽい迷彩服に身を包んだ反乱軍兵士のアダム・アリは彼の部下が武器を探していると話している。 彼が言うには、彼らは数丁のポストると写真(カダフィ軍と一緒に撮った)を見つけたが、それは避難住民の中にカダフィ親派が紛れているとくことを意味しているとのこと。

At least some of the escaping families are double refugees: They fled from Misrata to Sirte when pro-Gadhafi forces were relentlessly shelling Misrata.
Now they're fleeing back, and the rebels view them with suspicion. The rebels say people carrying weapons or showing signs of being Gadhafi loyalists are not being allowed to return to Misrata.

少なくとも、避難している家族の幾らかは二重避難者たちである。つまり、彼らは、カダフィ軍が容赦なくミスラタを砲撃していたとき、ミスラタからシルトに逃げだしており。そして今は、彼らは逃げ戻っているが、反乱軍は彼らを疑いの目でみている。 反乱軍は、それらの人々のうち武器を携行したり、カダフィ親派の兆候をしめすものを所持している者はミスラタに戻ることを許可していない。

The rebels say the status of those families will have to be sorted out later, when the fight for Sirte is over.

ワインの効能  老化を防ぐはウソ??

2011-09-23 | サイエンス
What's In That Wine Glass May Not Prevent Aging After All          

03:35 pm
September 21, 2011

Red wine's rep as a fountain of youth is facing a challenge.
Red wine's rep as a fountain of youth is facing a challenge.

If you've been counting on your daily dose of merlot to stave off mortality, you might want to consider Plan B.

The links between red wine and longevity aren't nearly as strong as they once seemed, according to new research in the journal Nature. In fact, the research calls into question the whole mechanism used to explain wine's power to extend life.
ネイチャー誌の新しい研究によると、赤ワインと長寿との関係はかつて思われていたほど強い相関性はないことがわかった。 実際、その研究は寿命を延ばすという説明に使われてきた全ての赤ワインのメカニズムに疑問を投げかけている。

Sorry, oenophiles.  ワイン愛好家のみなさんごめんなさい。
This all has to do with some natural proteins called sirtuins. (That's pronounced sir-TWO-ins in American English, in case you're reading this out loud at a bar.) Yeast carry a version. So do worms, mice and people.

これは、サーチュイン酵素と呼ばれる、あるナチュラルプロテインに由来している。(サーチュインは、バーで大きな声で読まれるときは米語では サー、2、インズ と発音してください。) 酵素がこの物質を生み出している。 ミミズやネズミそして人間も同じようにある。
About 10 years ago, scientists noticed that an extra helping of sirtuins seemed to help living things live longer. And there was some evidence that a substance in red wine called resveratrol could crank up sirtuin production.

Then, in 2006, a Harvard researcher named David Sinclair reported that obese mice that got doses of resveratrol lived longer than fat mice who didn't — about 30 percent longer.

The study was published in Nature and reported by media around the world. The assumption was that what was good for fat mice would also be good for thin animals, or even people.

As a result, sales of red wine jumped and a biotechnology company founded by Sinclair and others to develop the substance as a drug became extremely valuable. In 2008, the drug company GlaxoSmithKline bought Sinclair's company, Sirtris, for $720 million.

But over the years, some scientists had begun to question whether sirtuins really were the key to extending life. Some studies of sirtuins even suggested they didn't affect lifespan.
しかし何年にも亘って、数人の科学者はサーチュインが本当に寿命を延ばす鍵となる物質なのか、そのことを疑問視してきた。 あるサーチュインに関する研究は、まったく寿命に影響を与えないというものだった。

And this week, Nature published research that offers a strong rebuttal to the idea.

The centerpiece is a study by a team including David Gems, a geneticist who studies aging at University College London. The team attempted to replicate some of the early experiments with worms and fruit flies.
主論はロンドン大学ユニバーシティカレッジの老化研究をしている遺伝学者であるディビッド・ゲムスを含む研究チームの研究結果である。 そのチームは、以前の実験をミミズやミバエについて置き換えて試みた。

"We could create worms and flies with elevated levels of this sirtuin protein," Gems says. But, he adds, "They were not long-lived."

The reason that animals in the original studies lived longer, Gems says, is that they had genetic mutations that had nothing to do with sirtuins. And this puts the proteins in a very different light, he says.
当初の研究で動物たちが長生きした理由は、彼らが遺伝子変異を起こしたからであり、サーチュインとはなんら関係が無かった。 そして、これが、この酵素に非常に違った角度からの解釈をつけてしまったと彼は言う。

"What this should do is act as a cap on the idea that they are important in the biology of aging," Gems says.

It also "blows apart" the idea that scientists have figured out the nature of aging, says Scott Pletcher a geneticist at the University of Michigan who wrote an article that accompanies the new Sirtuin research in Nature.

Some of the researchers who did the early work on sirtuins disagree with that conclusion. But they concede that there were genetic changes in some of the animals in those early studies.

"One strain did have a problem and so we redid everything," says Leonard Guarente from MIT, who is on the science advisory board of Sirtris.

When that strain was removed from the results, Guarente says, sirtuins still produced a life-extending effect, but it was "in the 10 to 15 percent range rather than the 30 percent range."

People shouldn't give up on sirtuin drugs though — especially people who eat too much, or have a high-fat diet, Guarente says.

He says a primary goal of the research on sirtuins was to develop drugs that could prevent diseases associated with aging, like diabetes and heart disease. As a result, many of the experiments have looked at drugs that affect sirtuins in animals that are obese or eat a lot of fat.
彼が言うには、サーチュインの研究の本来の目的は廊下に伴う病気の予防にある、それらは例えば糖尿病であったり、心臓病である。 その結果として、多くの実験は肥満或いは脂肪を沢山とる動物のサーチュインに影響を与える薬に着目してきた。

And those studies show that sirtuin drugs do make a difference, Guarente says.
"We're treating diseases," he says. "We're not treating aging itself."

Other scientists agree that sirtuin drugs do show promise in preventing diseases in high-risk individuals. In theory, that could mean drugs that would let you eat fatty foods or get fat without putting your life at risk.
他の科学者は、サーチュイン薬が健康リスクの高い個人にとって病気予防を約束するということに同意している。 理論的に言えば、その薬は、あなたが命のリスクを冒すことなく、太る食事や脂肪を取らせるということができる。

But it's unlikely that red wine will help by activating sirtuins.

The new research in Nature includes an experiment that tested the supposed active ingredient in red wine: Resveratrol. The researchers found that resveratrol had no effect on sirtuins.
ネイチャーには新しい研究も掲載されおり、それは赤ワインの活性誘導体リスベラトール(ポリフェノール)である。 リスベラトルはサーチュインになんの影響も与えないことを研究者があきらかにしている。

We have no doubt we haven't reached the bottom of the bottle on this one.

ブラジルの女性大統領はどんな人 その2 (2/2)

2011-09-22 | 中南米事情
Don’t Mess With Dilma

A woman is president in booming, macho Brazil. And she’s calling all the shots.  勢いづく、力強いブラジルの大統領は女性である。そして彼女が全て采配を振るっている。
(続き 2/2)

ブラジルの強さの一つに、政府の指導力の強さがある、結果を残してきているから国民もついてくる。そのブラジルで、レアル高にで国内の中小企業から悲鳴が上がっている、ドルに頼らない新しい金融秩序へ向かうのか? BRICSが今後世界の舞台で発言力を増していくのは間違いない。

Women make up a third of Rousseff’s cabinet, a matriarchy in the heart of macho Brasília, whose leitmotif is loyalty to Rousseff, not to party grandees. Even Lula, never one to be upstaged, is sounding demure. “Four years is not enough for someone who’s going to govern for eight years,” he said recently. Dilma, the proxy president, has become Brazil’s alpha politician. “This is Pygmalion in reverse,” says political analyst Amaury de Souza. “The creature is devouring the creator.”

女性はルセフ内閣の3分の1を占めている。マッチョなブラジルの心臓部は母系社会であり、彼女たちの基本的態度は党のお偉方ではなく、ルセフへの忠誠心である。ルラ前大統領でさえ決して表に出ず、後ろに控えている。「8年間政治に携わろうとするものに、4年の任期は短すぎる」と彼は最近発言している。ジルマ(ある意味でカリスマであるルラの信任を受けた代理の大統領)はブラジルの第一級の政治家である。「これはピグマリオン※伝説の逆バージョンだ」と政治アナリストのアマウリ・ソウザは言う。 曰く、「創造物が創造主の心を奪っている。」※ピグマリオン効果については、人間は期待された通りに成果を出す傾向があることの現れとされ、1964年にアメリカ合衆国の教育心理学者ロバート・ローゼンタールによって実験された。 ピグマリオンという名称は、ギリシャ神話を収録した古代ローマのオウィディウス『変身物語』("Metamorphosen"、訳に『転身物語』とも)第10巻に登場するピュグマリオン王の恋焦がれた女性の彫像が、その願いに応えたアプロディテ神の力で人間化したと言う伝説に由来する。

That may be only a slight exaggeration. Although Rousseff rarely misses a chance to praise her political godfather, she has never been the political innocent that rivals made her out to be. Ask José Serra. A year ago the former São Paulo governor and top aide to President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, the Social Democrat credited with rescuing Brazil from hyperinflation in the 1990s, was a sure bet to succeed Lula. He waved off rookie Rousseff as “the empty envelope.” She whipped him in the election by 12 percentage points, taking 56 percent to Serra’s 44 percent.


That career started in a blaze of radical protest. Rousseff was a high-school student in upscale Belo Horizonte when the military launched a dictatorship in 1964 that would last 21 years. Like many bright, privileged kids of her day, she was angry. She joined the student movement and, when that was outlawed, signed up with the Palmares Revolutionary Armed Vanguard (Var-Palmares), a far-left group dedicated to overthrowing the junta.

過激な抵抗の炎のなかから彼女のキャリアはスタートした。ルセフは21年続いた軍事独裁政権が始まったとき、上流地域のベロ・ホリゾンテの高校生だった。 当時の、多くの賢い、恵まれた家庭の子供達と同様に彼女もその政権に怒りを覚えていた。彼女は学生運動に参画し、その運動が非合法化されると、パルマレス革命前衛軍(バル・パルマレス)という軍事政権打倒の極左グループの組織に入った。

Rousseff says she never used guns (though she was good at cleaning them), because she was too nearsighted to shoot. But she helped lay out strategy for the group, which pulled off a series of brazen bank heists. The police arrested her in 1970, during the darkest moment of the military period. In São Paulo, Rousseff’s jailers applied electric shocks, beat her, and—a Brazilian favorite—hung her upside down from a high bar called the parrot’s perch. She was battered but, it seems, never broken, giving her captors false names and leads. From the torture wards she was transferred to São Paulo’s Tiradentes prison, named, ironically, for a Brazilian independence hero. When she was released three years later, she had lost 22 pounds and her thyroid gland had been destroyed. She was 25.

ルセフによると彼女は、射撃するにはあまりにも近視が酷かったので銃を使ったことは一度もなかったという。(もっとも銃の手入れは得意だったが) しかし、その極左グループの、一連の破廉恥な銀行強盗も引き起こした闘争戦略の企画を助けた。警察は1970年に彼女を逮捕した。軍事政権のもっとも暗黒の時代である。サンパウロでルセフの看守は彼女に電気ショックを与え、殴打し、そして(ブラジル人がよくやる)オウムの止まり木という、高い横棒からの逆さ吊りの拷問をした。彼女は虐待を受けたが、けっして屈せず、偽名と偽情報で押し通した。 この拷問施設から彼女はサンパウロのチラデンテス刑務所に移送された、皮肉にも、この刑務所の名前はブラジル独立の英雄の名前チラデンテスにちなんでいた。 3年後彼女が釈放された時、彼女は22ポンド(10kg)も痩せ、甲状腺が損傷した。彼女が25歳の時である。

Militants like the young Rousseff would become the new political generation for Latin America’s nascent democracies. They also wanted power. And while many clung to their leftist ideology, realism prevailed. Lula ran for president three times as a political firebrand and always lost. Finally he trimmed his beard, put on a suit, and broke bread with investors and the middle class. He then won.

若いルセフのような闘士はラテンアメリカの民主主義発生期の新しい政治世代を構成していった。 彼らは権力を追求し、多くが極左のイデオロギーに固執する一方で、現実主義も広がっていった。 ルラは政治的先兵として大統領選挙に3回打ってでたが、いずれも敗退した。ついに彼は顎鬚を手入れし、スーツを纏いそして投資家や中流層の人々と食事を共にするようになり、ついに勝利した。

A college graduate with a degree in economics, Rousseff had honed her leadership skills in jail, holding discussions with other prisoners and devouring the few titles the censors allowed. “Can you believe they let through The Agrarian Question by Karl Kautsky?” she said of a Marxist classic. Her discipline served her well when she moved to Porto Alegre as a political organizer. There her head for numbers and knack for persuading “companheiros” caught the mayor’s eye. She thrived in the civil service, rising from city finance secretary to state energy and communications secretary, earning a reputation as a taskmaster, pulling out her laptop to troll for numbers and to silence blusterers. Lula was so impressed that he cherry-picked her, a party newcomer, to become energy minister, just as Brazil announced a gigantic find of offshore oil. Despite her reputation as an economic nationalist, foreign investors queued at her door. “She was pragmatic, very direct, though not always easy,” says PepsiCo vice president Donna Hrinak, a former U.S. ambassador to Brazil. “U.S. companies liked working with her because she made a real effort to understand their issues. You always felt she was making decisions based on sound technical and economic criteria.”

経済学の大卒の資格をもつルセフは、他の受刑者との討論を通じて、刑務所で指導力に磨きをかけ、検閲が許す範囲で数少ない本を貪り読んだ。「カール・カウツキーの“ザ・アラガリアン・クエッション”が検閲を通るのよ、信じられる?」と彼女は古典的マルクス主義者に言及して話した。彼女の規律ある姿勢は彼女がポルト・アルグレに移り、政治的なオーガナイザーとして働く際に役立った。そこでは彼女は多くの先頭に立ち、「仲間」を説得する才覚は市長の目を引いた。彼女は公務員として成長し、市の経理秘書から国家エネルギー、通信秘書官へと、仕事師の異名をとりながら、出世して行った。パソコンを駆使して多くの数字データをおさえながら、厄介な人たちを黙らせた。 ルラは彼女の能力に感心し、彼女を一本釣りで、党の新人としてエネルギー大臣に抜擢した。丁度ブラジルが凄い沿岸の油田の発見を公表した時期である。彼女は経済的にもナショナリスト(国家主義者)という評判にも関わらず、多くの投資家が彼女のもとへ殺到した。「彼女は現実主義者で、すごく直截で、一筋縄ではいかない。」とペプシコの副社長であり、前ブラジル大使のドナ・ヒリナクは話す。「彼女と仕事をするのをアメリカの会社は好みます、なぜなら彼女は彼らの問題を理解しようと本当に努力してくれるからです。 彼女は常にきちんとした技術的、経済的な判断基準に基づいて決断していることがわかります。」

When a political payola scandal rocked the government in 2005, toppling Lula’s right-hand aide, the president made Rousseff his chief of staff—a position from which she practically ran Brasília, as Lula ramped up his hyperactive diplomacy in a mission to brand Brazil as a force on the world stage. Rousseff was already his heiress apparent.


Lula’s imprimatur may have helped Rousseff win the election, but running Latin America’s unruliest democracy requires more than a powerful backer. Lula had found success by combining conservative economics with aggressive social spending. He also got a fillip from the world commodities boom and a tide of liquidity sloshing around the international market looking for good deals and a safe harbor. That cushion helped when the world economic crisis hit in 2008. Rousseff has stayed faithful to those policies, but as the global economy slows, she knows her learning curve will become even steeper.


“We know we are not an island,” she says. “I open the newspaper and read about it every day. Greece is unable to pay back its bailout package. Spain is in trouble. So is Italy. The U.S. is not growing. This has a negative impact on the rest of the world.” Rousseff pauses half a beat, for effect. “You know what the difference is between Brazil and the rest of the world?” she asks. “We have all the instruments of policy control intact to fight slower growth or even stagnation of the world economy.” Thanks to cautious lending and rigid oversight by the central bank, “we can still cut interest rates, while other countries cannot because their lending rates are already approaching zero.”

「我々はもはや孤立してはいられない。私は毎日新聞を読みます。ギリシャはその救済策の支払が出来ないでいます。スペインも問題です。イタリアもしかり、米国は成長が止まっています。これは他所の国の全て否定的なインパクトです。」ルセフはここで一息おいて「ブラジルとこれらの国々とどこが異なっているかわかりますか?」と尋ねた。「私たちは、現在の世界経済の低い成長と停滞と戦い、現今の政策を支障なくコントロールする術を全てもっています。」 用心深い貸付と厳格な中央銀行の監視のおかげで、「私たちは更に金利を下げることができます。他方他の国々はこれが出来ません、既に金利が限りなくゼロに近づいているからです。」

She is on a roll now, ticking off bullet points on how Brazil morphed from Latin America’s sick man to its juggernaut. “We are a large economy, rich in resources and with a huge internal market. Thanks to our social policies, we’ve raised 40 million people out of poverty and into the middle class since 2003. That’s the equivalent of one Argentina. Domestic demand has been so repressed for so long, we have an immense potential for growth. We have a construction boom but no bubble. This internal market will allow us to accelerate growth.”

彼女は今快調だ、ブラジルをラテンアメリカの病人から巨人に如何にして変身させたかについて次々と列挙する。「我々は大きな経済を抱えているし、資源も豊富で大きな国内市場も存在する。我々の社会政策が効を奏し、2003年以来、我々は4000万人の人々を貧困層から、中流層へと押し上げた。 それはアルゼンチン一国の経済規模に匹敵する。国内需要は長い間低迷してきたが、我々は巨大な潜在成長力を持っている。国内は今建築ラッシュに沸いているがバブルではない。この国内市場は更に成長を加速している。」と

No one expects a political revolution from Rousseff. It takes three fifths of each house of Brazil’s Congress to reform the loss-making pension system or enact a new tax code. “But there is much she can do working the margins,” says University of São Paulo political scientist Matthew Taylor. Bringing the nation’s lopsided public service into the 21st century would be a start. For years, she says, “the state was too bloated in some areas and too lean in others. We must respond to the demands of a growing country by professionalizing public service, promoting people on the basis of merit. No country that has reached an elevated level of development has done so without reforming public service.”
誰もルセフから政治的な革命を期待しているわけではない。 損失を生み出している年金システムの改革や新しい税制の批准にはブラジルの議会の5分の3が必要となる。「しかし、彼女が仕事をする余地はたくさんある」とサンパウロ大学の政治科学者マッソー・テイラーは言う。 国の偏った公共サービスを21世紀型に転換するのがまず、最初だろう。何年もの間、「この国はある分野だけが膨張し、他の分野が痩せ細っている」と彼女は言ってきた。我々は成長する国内の需要に対し、公共の利益に基づいて人々を促して、専門の公共サービスで対応しなければならない。 公共サービスの改革をしないで高い水準の発展を成し遂げた国はない。

Rousseff offers little joy to the tax-and-spend lobby. “The 1988 Constitution promised universal, quality health care, free of charge,” she says. “Nowhere in the world can you manage to do that without money.” And to politicians accustomed to feeding at the official trough and passing on the bill to taxpayers, she recently left a terse message: “I don’t want any Greeks bearing gifts.” Delfim Netto, the former economic czar under the military government, is impressed. “Dilma has a vision for Brazil, but she also knows not to violate the principles of international accounting.”

ルセフは増税路線のロビー活動には歯牙にもかけない。「1988年憲法は、全国民に、無償の良質なヘルスケアを約束した。世界のどの国も無料で対応できてはいない。」と彼女は言う。「そして、官の飯を食べているのに慣れてしまった政治家は、納税者に付けを回す。 彼女は次のような簡潔なメッセージを残している。「私は、親切ぶって、国民を裏切る人を好まない」 かつて軍事政権下で経済指導者であったデルフィム・ネットは非常に感動した。「ジルマはブラジルのビジョンを持っているだけでなく、国際会計基準の原則を破らないことを知っている。」

Balancing books may not be an article of faith in Brazil, but Rousseff says that will take time. It’s a lesson she learned years ago, back when her address was not the marble palaces of the Planalto but the lockup in São Paulo. “In jail you learn to survive, but also that you can’t solve your problems overnight. In prison you do a lot of waiting. Waiting necessarily means hope, and if you lose hope, fear takes over. I learned how to wait.”

帳尻を合わせるのはブラジルの信条ではないかもしれない、しかしルセフは時間がかかるという。 それは何年も前に、彼女が大理石の公邸に居る時ではなく、サンパウロの牢獄に居たときに、彼女自身が学んだ教訓でもある。 「牢獄で人は生き残る方法を学ぶが、同時に問題を一夜にして解決できない。 牢獄では多くのことを辛抱強く待たねばなりません。 待つには希望が必要です、そして希望を失った時、恐怖がそれにとってかわります。私はいかにして辛抱して待つかをそこで学びました。」
September 18, 2011 10:0am

ブラジルの女性大統領はどんな人? その1 (1/2)

2011-09-21 | 中南米事情
Don’t Mess With Dilma

A woman is president in booming, macho Brazil. And she’s calling all the shots.  勢いづく、力強いブラジルの大統領は女性である。そして彼女が全て采配を振るっている。


by Mac Margolis | September 18, 2011 10:0 AM EDT
Of the many war stories that Dilma Vana Rousseff tells of her rise from revolutionary to career bureaucrat to president of Brazil, one in particular stands out. It was early in the race to succeed Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and most Brazilians were waking up to the idea of life without their hyperpopular leader, the “father of the poor.” One day in a crowded airport a woman and her young daughter tentatively approached Rousseff to get a closer look at the upstart female frontrunner. “Can a woman be president?” the girl—whose name, fittingly, was Vitória—wanted to know. “She can,” Rousseff answered. With that Vitória thanked Rousseff, raised her chin, and walked off a few inches taller.

ジルマ・ヴァな・ルセフが話す、彼女の革命闘争時代からキャリア官僚そしてブラジルの大統領にいたる多くの戦い物語のなかで、特に目を引くのはルイス・イナシオ・ルーラ・ダ・シルヴァの後継レースの初期のころだ、殆どのブラジル人は、彼らの超人気の指導者「貧者達の父親」ルーラ抜きでの生活に気が付き始めていた。 ある日混み合った空港で一人の女性とその幼い娘が、急に現れた女性の大統領候補を近くで見ようと、恐る恐るルセフに近づいてきた。 「女の人も大統領になれるの?」その少女は(奇しくもヴォトリア(勝利)という名前の少女)聞きたかったことを尋ねたのだ。 「なれるわよ!」とルセフは答えた。 それを聞いたヴィトリアはルセフにお礼を言って、胸を張って少し背伸びして歩いて行った。

Rousseff smiled as she recalled the episode in an interview with Newsweek at Brasília’s presidential palace. It was close to 6 p.m. and the fierce sun over the Brazilian central plateau was already dimming, but Rousseff’s day was far from done. Flash floods in the south had left thousands homeless. Construction work for the soccer World Cup, which Brazil will host in 2014, was lagging. The press was still feasting on the carcass of corruption scandals and a cabinet flap that had cost her five ministers in less than nine months. And yet Rousseff, in a fuchsia jacket, black slacks, and oversize pearl drop earrings, looked unflustered as she spoke about Brazil, the world economy, poverty, and corruption. Her hair was thick and lustrous, her cheeks flush, with no trace of the grinding sessions of chemotherapy she underwent to treat a lymphoma she discovered in 2009. For nearly an hour she held forth, firing off data points and toggling easily from job creation (“We’ve generated 1,593,527 in the first six months”) to T. S. Eliot (“Ash Wednesday” is a favorite) to how women can rewrite the rules of political engagement. “When I was little I wanted to be a ballerina or a firefighter, full stop,” she said. “I don’t know if it’s a new world, but the world is changing. For a girl even to ask about being president is a sign of progress.”

ルセフはブラジリアの大統領公邸でのニューズウィークとのインタビューで、このエピソードを回想しながら、思わず微笑んだ。既に午後の6時になろうとしていた、ブラジルリア中央高原の刺すような日差しも既に和らぎ始めていたが、ルセフの一日は終わりには程遠い状態だった。 南部の大洪水は何千人ものホームレスを生みだしていた。新聞はいまだに汚職スキャンダルと内閣の混乱を餌に楽しんでいた。そのスキャンダルで彼女は9か月で5人の大臣を罷免した。 それでもルセフはピンクのジャケットと黒のスラックスに身を包み、大きな真珠のイアリングをして、別に苛々した様子も無くブラジル、世界経済、貧困そして汚職について語ってくれた。彼女の髪は黒々として艶があり、また彼女の頬も張りがあった。 どこにも、彼女が2009年に見つかったリンパ腫の身を削るような化学療法を何度も受けた形跡を見いだせなかった。 一時間近くも、彼女は延々と話し、データを並べ立て、雇用対策(最初の6か月で160万人も雇用を創出した。)から、作家のトーマス・スターンズ・エリオット(「灰の火曜日」が好き)、更には如何に女性が政治的な闘争の支配を書きかえることが出来るかまで、上手に話題を変えた。「私は幼かったころ、バレリーナか消防士になりたかったわ、それが最終目標だったわ。」「いま新しい世界かどうか知らないけど、確かに世界は変化している。少女までもが、大統領になることを尋ねるなんて世の中が進んでいる証拠だわ。」と彼女は言った。

For those still in doubt, the U.N. General Assembly that convenes in New York this week is a portrait of a new world order. Hillary Clinton will be there, and so will Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, whose word may ultimately determine the fate of the stricken European Union. More remarkably, perhaps, four of the 20 women heads of state today (12 of whom are expected at the Assembly) hail from the Americas; the others are Argentina’s Cristina Kirchner, Laura Chinchilla of Costa Rica, and Kamla Persad-Bissessar of Trinidad and Tobago. And on Sept. 21, when Rousseff takes the podium, she will be the first woman to deliver the opening address to this global sea of suits since the U.N. was founded.

まだ、疑っている人は、今週ニューヨークの国連総会が新しい世界秩序の横顔を示しているから見てみるといい。ヒラリー・クリントンがそこにはいる、そしてアンジェラ・メルケル(ドイツ首相)が、彼女の言葉は最終的に欧州連合を襲っている運命を最終的に決定づけることになるだろう。 さらに顕著なのは、恐らく、20人の女性のうち4人が現在国家代表(総会には12人の参加が予定されている。)が南北アメリカの出身である、他にはアルゼンチンのクリスティナ・キルヒナー、コスタリカのローラ・チンチラ、そしてトリニダードトバコのカムラ・パサード・ビセッサーがいる。 そして9月21日には、ルセフが国連演説を行う、彼女は国連が創設して以来、並み居る世界の男性スーツの前で開会演説をする最初の女性になるであろう。

Photos: The Best Places to Be a Woman

Rousseff’s rise jibes with Brazil’s. Once a chronic underachiever, Brazil is on a roll. Last year the economy grew by 7.5 percent, twice the world average, and it will post a respectable 3 to 3.5 percent in bearish 2011. It’s telling that while the richest nations are scrambling to avoid a double-dip recession, Brazil is trying to cool its scorching economy. Its currency is stable; its justice system—while flawed and plodding—functions; and its media are among the scrappiest in the hemisphere.

ルセフ自身の成長はブラジルの勃興と軌を一にする。 かって万年劣等生であったブラジルは成長著しい。昨年の経済成長は7.5%と世界の平均の倍であり、2011年のそれは少なく見積もっても3~3.5%というかなりの数字である。多くの富裕各国が二番底の不況を避けるためにもがいているときに、ブラジルは過熱気味の経済を逆に冷却しようとしている。ブラジルの通貨は安定しており、その法律基盤は、幾分の遅れや欠陥はあるものの、きちんと機能している。そしてメディアは南半球では一番手厳しい。

With the richest nations stalled and the Arab world in revolt, this booming, democratic nation is breaking its hemispheric bounds. Last week Brazil even floated the idea of joining a euro-zone bailout. “We need to study a way for emerging nations with greater firepower to help Europe,” said Rousseff’s finance minister, Guido Mantega, who will meet with fellow officials of the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) at the annual IMF–World Bank gathering in Washington this week. “In 2008, we helped raise the IMF’s funding capacity from $250 billion to $1 trillion. We can do something like this today.” No one seriously expected Brazil to save Greece. (Reuters called Mantega’s offer a “hollow power play” and a low-risk way to “enhance Brazil’s international status.”) But who’d have imagined this from the land that 15 years ago was a brittle link in the world financial order? “For so long, you were called a country of the future,” Barack Obama told a packed opera house in Rio de Janeiro in March, quoting the old saw that Brazil was the country of the future and always would be. “The people of Brazil should know that the future has arrived. It is here now.”

富裕各国の経済の落ち込みとアラブ世界の革命の情勢のなかで、この勢いのある、民主国家ブラジルは、その世界を地球規模に拡大しようとしている。 先週、ブラジルはユーロ圏の救済に参画する提案さえしている。「私たちは新興国のより強い火力で応手を助ける方法を研究する必要があります。」とルセフの財務大臣グイド・マンテガは話した。彼はBRICS振興各国のカウンターパートと、今週ワシントンでIMF世界銀行の定例年度会議で会うことになっている。「2008年に我々は、IMFの基金の規模を2500億ドルから1兆ドルに増額することに貢献した。今回もこのようなことが出来ると思う。」 誰もブラジルがギリシャを救うとは真剣に考えたことがなかった。(ロイターはこのマンテガのオファーを政治力学の凹みと呼び、ブラジルが国際舞台でのステータスを高めるリスクの低い方法だと伝えた。) しかし、15年前に世界の財政秩序の中で脆い繋がりにあったこの国から、このような提案があると一体誰が考えただろう? 「長いあいだ、貴国は未来のある国だと言われてきた。」「そしてブラジルの人々は今、ここに、その未来が到来したということを確信していることでしょう。」とバラク・オバマ大統領は、古い人々がブラジルを未来の国であり、常にそういわれると自嘲するのを引用して、3月にリオデジャネイロのオペラハウスで大衆に呼びかけた。

It’s been a long journey. When Rousseff took office in January at the age of 63, no one knew what to expect. She was a political neophyte, known best for her woolly past as a Marxist guerrilla during the Brazilian dictatorship and then as a laptop-toting bureaucrat. She had never run for elected office until Lula tapped her to succeed him as president. How would she follow in the footsteps of “the most popular politician on earth,” as Obama, in a famous piece of flattery, once hailed Lula, a man whose rise from lathe operator to president is the stuff of legend?

それは長い旅だった。 ルセフが63歳で1月に大統領に座についたとき、誰も何を期待すべきか知らなかった。彼女はブラジルが独裁時代の時にマルキストのゲリラであったという曖昧な過去と、その後のラップトップを携えた官僚時代をせいぜい知られているくらいで、政治的には新参者であった。彼女はルラ前大統領が大統領職の後を継ぐように彼女の背中を押すまで、決して選挙などに打って出るようなことはしなった。 オバマ大統領が、旋盤工から大統領に上り詰めた伝説の男ルラをかつて称賛して、有名なせりふで持ち上げた「地球上で一番人気の高い政治家」の足跡をどのようにして引き継いでいくのだろうか?

Barred by law from seeking a third consecutive term—he would have won in a heartbeat—Lula not only launched Rousseff’s campaign but essentially invented her as a candidate, a Pygmalion in the tropics. But while he was all charisma and rough-hewn populism, she was a number cruncher, more at home running PowerPoint than the affairs of state. Could a wonk become a wizard and complete the job of shepherding Latin America’s giant into its long-cherished role of global powerhouse? Or would Rousseff play Dmitry Medvedev to Lula’s Vladimir Putin, warming the seat for her maker’s return in four years?

法律により、3選を阻まれて・・・・彼は出馬すればたちどころに当選するだろうが・・・ルラはルセフの選挙キャンペーンを立ち上げただけでなく、彼女を大統領候補として迎えたのだ、まさに南国のピグマリットである。 全くのカリスマで荒削りな大衆人気に支えられていたルラとは違い、彼女はコンピュータや数字に強く、家では国政を語るよりはパワーポイントに向っていた。 この仕事の虫が魔女に変身し、ラテンアメリカの巨大国家を束ねて、長年の夢であった世界をリードする国家に変えていく仕事を完遂できるのだろうか? それともルセフはプーチンにとってのメドベージェフのように、自分を据えてくれた人の復位までの4年間を椅子を温めるにとどまるのだろうか?

Luiz Maximiano for Newsweek
We have a verdict. Barely nine months in office, Rousseff has stamped her understated style on a country Lula had owned. “She’s a seasoned administrator who likes efficiency. Work is her hobby,” says energy and mining billionaire Eike Batista. Another Brazilian tycoon, Nizan Guanaes, agrees. “She’s not playing politics or marketing herself. I think the country has the feeling that there’s someone in charge,” says Guanaes, CEO of Grupo ABC, Brazil’s largest marketing-services company. “Brazil has been run by a prestigious professor, a union leader, and now a woman, an extraordinary sign of maturity. It’s telling that our man of the year is a woman.”

我々はある評価を耳にした。 僅か9か月の在任期間で、ルラが統率したこの国で、ルセフは彼女の控えめな政治スタイルを確立した。「彼女は効率を重視する、熟練した管理者であり、仕事の虫です。」とエネルギーと鉱山の億万長者であるアイケ・バチスタは話す。もう一人のブラジル人の大物であるニザン・グアナエスも「彼女は政治を弄ばないし、自分の売り込みにも興味がない、私は、人々は、この国に何か変化をもたらすものを彼女に感じていると思う。」と同調する。グアナエスはブラジルで最大のマーケティング―サービスの会社であるグルッポABCのCEOである。「ブラジルはかつて、権威ある教授を指導者に仰ぎ、ついで労働組合のリーダー、そして今は女性を戴いている。 驚くほどの社会の成熟の兆しだ。 それは私たちの今年最高の男(マンオブザイヤー)は女性だということだ。」

Not everyone is so adoring. Energy expert Adriano Pires, of the Center for Brazilian Infrastructure, faults her for micromanaging. When her powerful chief of staff was charged with having made a fortune from government clients in the run-up to her election, Rousseff’s foes charged that she damaged her credibility by taking too long to fire him. Since then she has snapped into damage-control mode, hushing critics by quickly sacking three other ministers caught in corruption scandals.

しかし、誰もが称えているわけではない。 エネルギーの専門家である、ブラジリアン・インフラストラクチャー・センターのアドリアノ・ピレスは細部のマネージメントについて彼女を非難する。 彼女の強力な主参謀が彼女の選挙の直前に政府の請負業者からひと財産を儲けた罪で告訴されたとき、ルセフの政敵は、彼を解任するのに時間をかけすぎて信用を損なってしまったと責めた。それ以来彼女は政治的ダメージをコントロールするモードに即切り替えた、腐敗のスキャンダルに塗れた3人の大臣を即首にすることで批判を封じ込めたのだ。

Photos: The Worst Places to Be a Woman

Twice divorced and a grandmother, Rousseff keeps a lid on her private life. She lives with her mother, also named Dilma (“the original Dilma,” Mom jokes), an aunt, and a black Labrador at the Alvorada Palace, her official residence. She rises early for a walk around the gardens, devours a digest of news clips on her iPad, and is at her desk by 9:15, where she’ll stay until 9 p.m. She is in close touch with her ex-husband Carlos Araújo, who flew to Brasília when he learned Rousseff had been diagnosed with cancer. Though she shields her family from the public gaze, she dandled her year-old grandson on her knee as she presided over Brazil’s Independence Day pageant on Sept. 7.

2度の離婚を経て、お婆さんでもあるルセフはプライベートな生活には蓋をしている。彼女は、同じ名前ジルマという彼女の母(「私が本物のジルマよ」と母親はふざける)、叔母、そして黒のラブラドールとアルヴォラダ公邸に住み。彼女は早朝に庭を散歩し、アイパッドで大量のニュースダイジェストを読み、そして9時15分には執務机に向っている、そこで午後の9時まで仕事をこなす。 彼女は、彼女が癌と診断されたのを知ってブラジリアに飛んできた、前の夫のカルロス・アラウジョと親密な関係を保っている。彼女は自分の家族を公共のまなざしから隠しているが、9月7日のブラジルの独立記念日の式典を主宰しているとき、彼女の1歳になる孫を膝にのせてあやしていた。

At work she is unsentimental, even taciturn, with a storied short fuse. Rousseff does not suffer fools or underachievers, says a senior aide, and tales abound of bureaucrats reduced to silence or tears after a presidential tongue-lashing. Development Minister Fernando Pimentel, who has known Rousseff since they were guerrillas on the lam, explains the Iron Lady lore. “Dilma often says that she’s the lone tough woman surrounded by sweet cordial men,” he says. “Sometimes you have to be incisive to prevail.” João Santana, the spin doctor who managed her campaign, goes further. “Dilma is the new face of Brazil: sure of herself, less anxious to please, generous but not fawning. She knows her worth.”

仕事に関しては、彼女は情緒的ではない、寧ろ寡黙で、短気で評判である。 ルセフは愚行や中途半端な仕事を許さないと上級補佐官は言う、そして多くの官僚の言い訳は黙る羽目になるか、或いは大統領の厳しい叱責で泣きを見ることになる。彼女を逃亡中のゲリラ時代から知っている開発大臣フェルナンド・ピメンテルは、鉄の女伝説を説明する。「ジルマはしばしば、自分は甘くて思いやりのある男どもに囲まれた孤独でタフな女だと言っている。」と彼は言う。 「時には、打ち勝つためには単刀直入で鋭く切り込むことも必要です。」と彼女の選挙戦術を練った政治顧問のジョア・サンタナは更に言う。「ジルマはブラジルの新しい顔です、自信に溢れ、喜ばせる術や、寛大に振る舞う術には少し無頓着だが、けっしてへつらうことはしない。彼女は自分の価値を良く知っています。」
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