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ギリシャ危機 その後の統計局をめぐるドタバタ劇

2011-12-10 | ギリシャ
The Latest Greek Drama: Government Statistics
by Joanna Kakissis
December 7, 2011


Andreas Georgiou was picked last year to run Greece's statistical agency. He promised more accurate financial data. He has won praise, though now he is under investigation following claims the country's budget deficit was artificially inflated. 

アンドレアス・ゲオルギオは昨年ギリシャの統計局を任された。 彼はより正確な財務統計を約束し、称賛されたが、今は捜査の対象となっている。 その統計が意図的に赤字を膨らませていたという訴えがなされたからだ。

Greece fudged its budget numbers to enter the euro club, and its reputation as a source of accurate financial figures never really improved. As the country's financial crisis has worsened, the joke about its suspect fiscal numbers comes with the punch line, "lies, damn lies ... and Greek statistics."

ギリシャは「ユーロクラブ」に入るために、その予算の数字をねつ造した、以来財務上の正確な数字の出どころとして、その評判が真に改善することは無かった。 この国の財政上の機器が悪化するにつれて、その疑わしい財務上の数字を揶揄するジョークの落ちはいつもこうだ、「嘘だ、まったく酷い嘘だ・・・ギリシャの統計のように」

The country sought to improve its standing last year when it created a new and independent statistical service, the Hellenic Statistical Authority.

この国は昨年、その悪評を覆そうと、新しく独立した統計局を設立した。 ヘレニック統計局である。

The respected economist chosen to head it, Andreas Georgiou, has excellent credentials: a doctorate in economics from the University of Michigan and more than two decades at the International Monetary Fund in Washington. He speaks five languages and has a black belt in jiu-jitsu.

局長には著名なエコノミストが選ばれた。 アンドレアス。ゲオルギオである。彼は素晴らしい能力の持ち主だ。 ミシガン大学で経済学博士号を取り、20年以上IMFで勤務していた。また5か国語を話し、柔術の黒帯でもある。

"I thought the credibility of the country and its statistics in particular was an extremely important issue. I thought I could contribute in bringing back this credibility in my own little way," Georgiou said.

「私は国の信頼性を考え、特にその国の統計は非常に重要な問題だと考えた。 私は微力ながら、この国の信頼性の回復に貢献したいと考えている。」とゲオルギオは話した。

The Statistical Authority may look like any other office. It's a quiet place where people in suits work at computers and go to meetings. But in the past three months, it's become the stage for a Greek drama.

その統計局はほかのオフィスと似通っているかも知れない。 静かなオフィスで、スーツをきた職員がコンピューターに向かって仕事をして、ときおり会議をする。 しかし、ここ3か月は、ギリシャのドタバタ劇の舞台になってしまった。

Georgiou, who initially won kudos in Europe for restoring confidence in Greek data, is now being investigated by Greek prosecutors following a claim that he made the deficit appear worse than it is.

ゲオルギオは、当初はギリシャの統計資料の信頼性を回復したことで、ヨーロッパ中で称賛された。 しかし今は、赤字を実際よりも悪化しているように捏造したと訴えられてギリシャの検察当局の捜査を受けている。

History Of Suspicious Figures   疑わしい数字のこれまでのいきさつ

Before his arrival, the Greek budget numbers were suspect because the statistical service was part of the Finance Ministry. And according to economist Yiannis Tsarmougelis, politicians at the ministry pressured the number crunchers.

彼が着任する前は、ギリシャの予算の数字は疑わしいものだった。 なぜなら統計局は財務省の所管だったからだ。 エコノミストのヤニス・ツァモゲリスによると、財務省の政治家は数字を扱う人に圧力をかけていたという。

"There was always the ability of the ministry to affect the deciding body of the statistical service," he said. "And, actually in the past, there was a kind of negotiation between them on what was the level of inflation, and so on and so forth."


To remedy that situation, the socialist government created the statistical authority, made it independent, put Georgiou in charge and created a special advisory board.


But the board clashed with Georgiou. One member faces criminal charges for hacking into his email. And Georgiou says the advisory board acted inappropriately and demanded to vote on data.

しかし、そのアドバイザリーボードとゲオルギオが衝突したのだ。 ボードメンバーの一人が彼のE-メールをハッキングして、罪に問われたのだ。 そしてゲオルギオはアドバイザリーボードが不正を働き、統計資料について投票を要求してきたと非難している。

"The responsibility for producing the figures lies with the technical staff, led by me, and I have the final responsibility as the chief statistician of the country," he said. "And anyway, I think for most people, I think it would be a little bit absurd to have voting on specific numbers."


After Georgiou's clashes with the board over numbers, the government dismissed most of the members.


Claims That Deficit Was Inflated  赤字の数字を膨らませたとの訴え

One of them shot back. Economics professor Zoe Georganta claimed that the statistical service under Georgiou may have artificially inflated the 2009 deficit. She suspects it was a ruse to justify tough austerity measures on Greeks.

そのメンバーの一人が反撃に出た。  経済学教授のゾエ・ゲオルガンタはゲオルギオの下で統計局は意図的に2009年の赤字の数字を膨らませているようだと指摘した。 彼女はギリシャ国民に過酷な緊縮策を強いることを正当化するための策略だと言っている。

"I don't say that we were [OK] with the statistics all the time. We were not OK," she said. "But we have to find a way to correct it, not to make it worse. We have made everything worse now."

「私はずっと、その統計数値にOKとは言ってこなかった。 我々は納得していない。 我々は、赤字を悪く見せるのではなく、それを正しく直すべき道を模索すべきだ。 我々は今のところ、なんでも悪く見せてしまっている。」と彼女は話す。

She also suggested that Georgiou was a puppet of the Europeans and his old employer, the IMF. Her accusations sparked an investigation by the prosecutor for economic crimes. Georgiou and two others in the statistical authority are being investigated for something called "breach of faith against the state," a crime that can carry a sentence of up to life in prison.

彼女はゲオルギオをEUと彼の前の雇い主であるIMFの操り人形だと指摘する。 彼女の訴えは経済犯を扱う検察による捜査へと発展した。 ゲオルギオと統計局の他の二人がいま、いわゆる「国家に対する背任」という罪で捜査を受けている。 その罪は最高終身刑までが科される。

But Georgiou says this investigation is about something bigger. "This is what's being attacked: it is people doing their job and following the rules ... the European rules," he said.


Georgiou is set to give written testimony on the investigation on Monday. Meanwhile, the EU's central statistical service, Eurostat, is praising him and his employees, and says it does not see any indication that Greece's 2009 budget deficit was artificially inflated.

ゲオルギオは月曜日にその調査に対する書面での証言に着手している。 一方、EUの中央統計局(ユーロツタット)は彼とその部下達を称賛し、ギリシャの2009年の赤字の数字に意図的に膨らませてあるところは何処にも見当たらないと言っている。

ギリシャ新首相決まる。 もと欧州中央銀行副総裁のテクノクラートに期待

2011-11-11 | ギリシャ
Greece Selects Prime Minister After Days of Wrangling

November 10, 2011


Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos poses outside the Greek Presidential palace in Athens. 

ATHENS — Lucas Papademos, a respected economist and former vice president of the European Central Bank, was named Thursday to lead a new Greek unity government that has pledged to abide by the tough terms of a European aid package in the hopes of saving the country from bankruptcy.
The announcement came after four days of often chaotic negotiations that put the feuding among Greece’s political parties on full display.
ルーカス・パパデモス(著名な経済学者であり、前欧州中央銀行副総裁)が木曜日に新しい統一政府を率いる首相に指名された。同政府は応手の救済案の厳しい条件を遵守することを約束し、この国を破綻から救うことを目指している。 発表は、ギリシャの政党間の確執を曝け出した4日間にわたるすったもんだの交渉の末なされた。

Mr. Papademos, who has a low-key, avuncular manner, emerged from the presidential office building shortly after the statement about his new post was released at midday and spoke briefly with reporters, striking an optimistic note.
“The course will not be easy,” he said. “But the problems, I’m convinced, will be solved. They will be solved faster, with a smaller cost and in an efficient way, if there is unity, agreement and prudence.”
「これからの道は決して容易なものではないが、私は乗り越えられると確信している。 諸問題は、もし国民の団結と、協力と忍耐があれば、思ったよりも早く、低負担で効率的に解決できるだろう。」

Mr. Papademos has only a few weeks to persuade Greece’s creditors in the so-called troika — the European Union, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank — to release its next block of aid, $11 billion, before the country runs out of money. Then he must begin fulfilling the painful terms of an even larger loan.
He will have to move swiftly to reassure the European leaders there will be no repeat of the shock they suffered in October, when the former prime minister, George A. Papandreou, after negotiating a new $177 billion loan, decided without warning to submit the bailout package to a referendum. The move infuriated the Europeans, who had concocted the Greek bailout as part of a painstakingly negotiated broader effort to stabilize the euro. It also started the clock on the end of Mr. Papandreou’s tenure.
パパデモス氏には、ギリシャの国庫が空になる前に110億ドルの次の救済資金を投入してもらうためにトロイカ(EU,IMF,ECB)の債権者達を説得する日程が2~3週間しか残されていない。 その後、彼は、より多額の借り入れのための厳しい条件を満たすための国内政治に着手しなければならない。
彼は、欧州の指導者達に10月に、パパンドルー首相が、1770億ドルの追加ローンの交渉の後で、なんの前触れも無しに、救済案を国民投票に諮ると決心したときに、彼らが被ったような衝撃を二度と繰り返さないように迅速に話して回らねばならない。 このパパンドルー氏のとった行動は、せっかくギリシャの救済プランをユーロの安定化の広範な努力のなかで練り上げてきた欧州の指導者の怒らせてしまった。 それがパパンドルー氏の辞任で止まった時計が新たにスタートすることになる。

Mr. Papademos will have to deal with 2011 budget shortfalls and the passage of a 2012 budget that is expected to call for another round of austerity measures in a climate of growing social unrest. He will also have to start what are expected to be difficult negotiations with private sector banks that have agreed, in principle, to write off 50 percent of the face value of their Greek bond holdings as part of the rescue plan.
As if to underscore the problems, the national statistics authority reported on Thursday that unemployment had jumped to a record high 18.4 percent in August, a month when the tourist season normally lowers the rate, from 16.5 percent in July.
パパデモス氏は2011年の予算の不足分と2012年の予算の成立に対処を迫られるが、とくに次年度予算は社会不安が増大するなかでの新たな追加的緊縮政策となる。 彼には民間の銀行との困難な交渉も控えている。彼らは原則的には彼らが購入しているギリシャ国債の額面50%の減価については、救済策の一部として同意はしている。 国内の問題を強調するかのように、木曜日に発表された国家統計では失業者が、旅行シーズンが通常下がる8月に、前月7月の16.5%から18.4%に跳ね上がった。

Mr. Papademos almost did not get the job. After Mr. Papandreou agreed on Sunday to step aside once a new coalition government had been formed, the parties could not seem to stop fighting long enough to settle on a candidate. With new elections expected early next year, all sides were maneuvering for strategic advantages. On Wednesday evening, Mr. Papandreou went on television to give his farewell speech as prime minister and was expected to announce a different successor.
But some 50 members of his party, and members of the opposition as well, pressed for Mr. Papademos, seen as an outsider to the old-boy political networks — a technocrat, perhaps able to take Greece on a new path. But it was not an easy sell. Some analysts here have said that the political parties were reluctant to embrace him because he would be an unknown, and perhaps a rival, at election time.
パパデモス氏は首相職に就くはずではなかった。 パパンドルー氏が新しい連立政府の合意を条件に、辞任することに合意したが、与野党は新たな首相候補で合意できずに揉めていた。 来年に選挙を控え、全ての党は、そこに向けて戦略的に優位な地位を占めるべく画策していたのだ。 水曜日の夕刻、パパンドルー氏がテレビに出演して辞任の演説をし、別の後継者を発表すると思われていた。
しかし、与党の50人ほどの議員と野党議員が、古い体質の政治家ではない経済専門家であるパパデモス氏を推した、多分彼ならばギリシャに新しい道筋をつけることが出来ると期待したのだ。  しかし、これは容易なことではなかった。 政治アナリスト達は各政党が彼を受け入れるのを渋ったと言う。なぜなら彼は未知数であり、なにより次の選挙では強力な対立候補になるからだ。

Only after another five hours of negotiations on Thursday morning did the president’s office issue a written statement confirming that Mr. Papademos would take on the task of trying to bring Greece’s economy back from the brink. It was unclear on Thursday night what his cabinet might look like.
News reports earlier this week said that Mr. Papademos had also set certain conditions before he was willing to take the post that had added to some of the reluctance to embrace him. The reports said he wanted a term of at least six months; earlier, the major political parties had agreed to new elections in just 100 days.
Other reports said that Mr. Papademos was insisting that members of the main opposition New Democracy party play a significant role in the unity government. It was widely reported that the opposition, headed by Antonis Samaras, had resisted participating, not wanting to be linked to deeply unpopular reforms with an election around the corner.
木曜日の朝の5時間の交渉の後、大統領府はパパデモス氏が崖っぷちのギリシャ経済を軌道に戻す任務を引き受けることを確認する声明を文書で発表した。 どのような内閣の顔ぶれになるかは未だ明らかではない。
今週初めにニュース報道では、パパデモス氏が首相を引き受ける前に条件を付けたため、それが彼の受け入れの抵抗を強めたとも言われている。 報道では、彼は最低でも6か月の任期の保証を望んでいたが、各野党は選挙までの100日で合意していた。
他の報道では、パパデモス氏は野党新民主党の議員達に統一連立政府で大きな役割を担うように求めたと言われている。 ただ、アントニス・サマラス氏に率いられる最大野党の新民主党は参画に強い抵抗をしめした。なぜなら選挙を来年早々に控えて、国民受けしない政策の片棒を担ぎたくないという思いがあるからだと広く受け止められている。

But standing outside the presidential palace, Mr. Papademos said he had not made any demands before accepting the job. He also said the new unity government would be “transitional,” and its priority would be to make sure that Greece stayed in the euro zone. “I am convinced that Greece’s continued participation in the euro zone is a guarantee for the country’s stability and future prosperity,” he said.
Whether he will succeed remains an open question. But some analysts said they considered his appointment to be Greece’s best shot.
“The political parties have opened a new chapter here, and that is a good thing,” said George Kirtsos, a political analyst with the conservative daily City Press. “Whether it will work is hard to tell. The problems get more complicated all the time. The European Union is a mess as well — now Italy and France. But this is a good move.”
しかし、大統領公邸の外でインタビューを受け、パパデモス氏は、首相職を引き受けるにあたり何も要求は出していないと語った。 彼はまた新政府は「暫定政府」であり、ギリシャをユーロ圏に留めることを確実にすることを優先課題とすると述べるとともに、「私はギリシャがユーロ圏に参加し続けることが、この国の安定と将来の繁栄をもたらすことになると確信している」と話した。
彼が成功するか否かは未知数ではあるが、幾人かのアナリストは彼を首相にすることが最高の選択だったと認めている。 「各政党は、ここに新しい歴史の扉を開いた。そしてそれは良いことである。 それがうまく行くかどうかは予言するのは困難だが、問題はずっと複雑化している。 EUも同様に混乱しており、イタリア、フランスも今や同様だ。 しかし、この動きは良い切っ掛けになる。」と保守系の日刊紙の政治アナリストのジョージ・キルツォス氏は語っている。

Still, Mr. Kirtsos acknowledged that Mr. Papademos would be in a tricky situation. He would be trying to stabilize the economy while the political classes would be concentrating on the next elections. “If he gets no support,” he said, “it could become a very tricky situation.”
His appointment was welcomed by leaders of the European Union. In a statement, the president of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, and Herman Van Rompuy, the president of the European Council, said they had long stressed the need for consensus on the measures needed to lift Greece out of its crisis. They added that Europe would do all it could to help, but that “Greece must also do everything within its power to help itself.”
Former colleagues say that if any Greek can command the trust of international creditors and European leaders, it is probably Mr. Papademos.
それでも、キルツォス氏によると、パパデモス氏は非常にやっかいな立場にあると言う。 彼は経済を安定させようと努力するが、一方で政治家連中は次の選挙に頭が行っている。 「もし彼が政治家連中の支援を得られないとしたら、状況は非常に困難を極めるだろう。」と彼は言う。
彼の首相任命はEUの指導者達には歓迎されている。 欧州連合(EC)の委員長であるジョゼ・マヌエル・バロッソ氏と欧州会議議長のハーマン・バン・ロムピー氏はその声明のかなかで、彼らはギリシャをその危機から脱出させるために必要な方策についてのコンセンサスの必要性について長い間苦労してきたと述べ、欧州は出来ることは何でもするが、「まずギリシャが自助努力として何でもする覚悟が必要だ」と述べている。

He is a former classmate of Mario Draghi, the new president of the European Central Bank. The two men studied at Massachusetts Institute of Technology together, both earning doctorates in economics in the late 1970s, and they remain close.
But whether Mr. Papademos will be a popular figure outside of government is less clear. His friends say he has little gift for oratory. And some Greeks have become deeply suspicious of anyone associated with banking.
Athanasia Katalianou, 50, the owner of a craft shop, said he was not optimistic about Mr. Papademos’s appointment. “Papademos is a man of the memorandum,” she said. “He doesn’t care about the country; he’s with the creditors and not the debtors. He’s a champion of the banking system.”
But others were more inclined to celebrate the changing of the guard.
Tilemachos Sideris, 52, who is self-employed, said Mr. Papademos might be the right person to put the state in order.
“I’m an optimist; I think things will go better,” he said.
彼は新しい欧州中央銀行の総裁であるマリオ・ドラギ氏のクラスメートである。 二人は一緒にマサチューセッツ工科大学で学び、1970年代に一緒に経済学の博士号を取得しており、いまだに緊密な間柄だと言われている。
しかし、パパデモス氏が政府を離れて人気を得る人物になるかどうかは不透明だ。 彼の友人い言わせると彼は弁舌に長けた人物ではないという。 そしてギリシャ国民の中には銀行関係者を頭から信用しないものも少なくない。

ギリシャ 首相が辞任しても、次が何も決まらないお粗末さ!

2011-11-10 | ギリシャ
No Interim Government as Greek Disarray Goes On


Journalists took notes in Athens as Prime Minister George A. Papandreou of Greece went on national television on Wednesday evening. 記者たちが水曜日の夜の国営テレビに出演しているパパンドルー首相についてメモを取っている。

ATHENS — Prime Minister George A. Papandreou went on national television on Wednesday evening to announce that a new interim government had been formed.
But he did not name his successor, and in the hours that followed, it became clear that political disarray had set in once more. Mr. Papandreou’s resignation was not announced, nor was the interim government named. By early evening, the president’s office said that there would be no announcement before Thursday.
水曜日の夕方、パパンドルー首相は国営テレビ放送に出演し、新しい暫定政府が組閣されたと発表したが、後継の首相の名前を告げなかった。 そして数時間後には、政治的なゴタゴタが再び繰り返されていたことが明らかになった。 パパンドルー氏の辞任も、暫定政府の閣僚名もまだ、発表されていない。 大統領府は、夕方早々に、明日木曜日まで何も発表はないだろうと伝えた。

Television provided glimpses of some of the drama. A furious Giorgos Karatzaferis, the leader of the small far-right party Laos, stormed out the presidential office building shortly after Mr. Papandreou’s speech. He told waiting reporters that he had been summoned to a meeting with Mr. Papandreou; the president; and the leader of the opposition party New Democracy, Antonis Samaras, but found himself sitting in a hall alone. Apparently, the other men were too busy arguing to meet with him.
テレビがそのドタバタ劇の一端を垣間見せた。 パパンドルー氏の演説の後で、激怒したギオルゴス・カラザフェリス(極右の小さな政党ラオス党の党首)が大統領府の建物から飛び出してきた。 彼は待ち構えていた記者達に、彼がパパンドルー氏、大統領そして新民主党の党首サラマス氏と会談するために呼びだされていたが、誰も来なかったと話した。 その三人は明らかに彼と議論するには忙しすぎた。

Mr. Karatzaferis, one of the few politicians willing to risk the potential damage from supporting a new power-sharing government that must take on a host of unpopular tasks, said political games were being played. “This is unacceptable,” he huffed before leaving.
カラザフェリス氏は不人気な政策を引き受ける新しい連立内閣を支持することで、政治的なリスクをかけてもよいとする数少ない政治家の一人である。 彼は政治ゲームが行われていると言い、「これは受け入れられない」と彼は去り際に捨て台詞を吐いた。

After months of domestic protests and building pressure from the European Union, Mr. Papandreou agreed Sunday to step down once political negotiators had established a new unity government. But the talks have dragged on since, troubled by nearly constant reverses and overshadowed by political maneuvering in advance of new elections.
何か月にもわたる国内の抵抗とEUの圧力が増す中、パパンドルー氏は、政治交渉で新しい統一政府が樹立されたら首相を辞任することに同意した。 しかし、会談はそれ以来長引いており、新しい総選挙における政治的な思惑が影響して、次々に反論が出てまとまっていない。

The problem this evening was the choice that Mr. Papandreou and the leader of the opposition New Democracy Party had apparently made. Before Mr. Papandreou’s speech, Greek news reports claimed he was about to announce he was handing the reins to Filippos Petsalnikos, the speaker of Parliament and a stalwart of Mr. Papandreou’s Socialist party, Pasok.
But the choice caused consternation — some said a mini-revolt — among the more reform-minded, mostly younger members of both parties. Mr. Petsalnikos has been in Parliament for more than two decades and has held a number of ministerial posts, largely without distinction.
今晩の問題は、明らかにパパンドルー氏と野党新民主党の党首の下した選択であった。 パパンドルー氏の演説の前に、ギリシャのメディアは、彼が議会の議長であり、社会党パソクの重鎮でもあるフィリポス・ペトサルニコス氏に禅譲することについて発表すると説明していた。

Some Pasok members appeared to push publicly for another candidate, Lucas Papademos, a respected economist and former vice president of the European Central Bank who is seen as being a dynamic and technically able choice.
But his strength makes him a potential rival for those who have aspirations in the next elections, analysts said. In addition, Mr. Papademos had set several conditions for taking the job, including a six-month term and the ability to choose his own finance minister, which had troubled some members of both parties. In fact, Mr. Papademos was acting to remove one of the most powerful members of Pasok, the current finance minister, Evangelos Venizelos, who is likely to run for prime minister in the next elections.
幾人かのポサクの議員はあからさまに他の候補者ルーカス・パパデモス氏を推していた。彼は著名な経済学者であり、欧州中央銀行の前副総裁であり、力量、専門知識において有能な候補者とみられている。 しかし、彼の強さが、次の選挙後に野心を持つ者の潜在的な脅威となった、とアナリストは説明する。更に、パパンドルー氏は、その任を任せるにあたり幾つかの条件をつけた。それは6か月の限定任期と、新内閣の蔵相の任命権も含んでおり、それが両党の議員の不評を買った。 実際に、パパデモス氏はパソク党の最も有力な議員である現職の蔵相エバンゲロス・ヴェニゼロス氏の排除に動いていた。彼は次の選挙では首相を狙うと目されている人物だ。

Nonetheless, many of the younger politicians are eager for someone who will make quick progress in getting the country’s financial house in order. One prominent member of Pasok, Anna Diamantopoulou, the minister of education, issued a letter on Wednesday that was widely interpreted as public support for Mr. Papademos, the economist.
“The country needs a prime minister of high status and acceptance, both inside and out of the country, with deep knowledge of financial affairs,” she wrote.
With the announcement of a new prime minister and interim government on hold, Wednesday evening brought a new round of squabbling. Members of Pasok accused New Democracy of standing in the way of Mr. Papademos’s selection, which New Democracy denied.
それにもかかわらず、多くの若い議員は、この国の財務省の秩序回復を迅速に為しうる人物を熱望している。 パソクの有力議員の一人、アンナ・ディアマントポウロウ教育相は水曜日に文書を公表し、それは経済学者パパデモス氏に対する公の支持と広く受けとめられている。
新しい首相の発表と暫定内閣の発表の遅れが、新たな小競り合いの原因となっている。 パソクの議員が、新民主党がパパデモス選出に立ちはだかっているとして非難をしているが、新民主党はそれを否定している。

But all reports suggested that Mr. Papandreou and Mr. Samaras were once again negotiating over who would be the prime minister. In the late evening, some news outlets began reporting that Mr. Papandreou and Mr. Samaras had agreed on Mr. Papademos.
Mr. Papandreou’s televised address served as a kind of valedictory speech, summing up moves in recent years to stabilize and help the country, expressing the country’s continued commitment to the European bailout plan and urging political parties to transcend their differences.
Ahead of the meeting with the president, Karolos Papoulias, who was supposed to submit his resignation, Mr. Papandreou said the country’s new government would signal the “beginning of a new political mentality, a new political culture.”
しかし、全ての報道記事はパパンドルー氏とサマラス氏が再び誰を首相にするかで交渉すると伝えている。 今夜遅くに、ある報道では両氏はパパデモス氏で合意したと伝えている。
パパンドルー氏のテレビ演説は、離任の演説の趣があった。 ここ数年の経済の安定化と救国の自身の活動を総括し、この国が欧州の救済計画を継続して遂行することを表明し、各政党に対して、小異を捨て大同につくように訴えたのである。

“Today, we leave aside our differences,” he said, heralding “a common effort to ensure the country moves forward, not only to remain part of the euro zone but also to emerge from the crisis.”
He said the interim government would make the necessary efforts to “justify the sacrifices made by the Greek people over the past two years,” referring to a raft of wage and pension cuts as well as hefty tax increases. The chief goals would be to secure crucial rescue financing for the country and continue talks with foreign creditors, he said.

Some interpreted the tone of his speech as signaling his departure not only from Greek politics but also from the country itself.
“I never put my position above the national good,” he said. “For me, Greece is above everything. Wherever I go, I will carry the Greek flag in my heart.” He added that he would do everything he could to support the new prime minister and the new government.
「私は、国家、国民の上に自分の地位を置いたことは一度もない。 私にとってギリシャは全ての上に位置するものであり、どこへ行こうと私はギリシャの旗を心の中に掲げている。」と彼は言い、新しい首相とその政府を支えるために出来ることは何でもする覚悟だと締めくくった。

ギリシャ危機 パパンドルー首相ってどんな人 (その2)

2011-11-08 | ギリシャ
A Greek Political Scion Undone by Economics

タイトルのUNDONEは本文中の国民投票の「撤回」に引っ掛けて同じ表現を使っているのかな? 名門の生まれでアメリカで多感な時代を過ごした彼は、最後まで国民との直接対話が苦手だった。よく言われる国民の目線が無かったということだろう。それと政治決断をする勇気だが、これはタイミングが全て。

Prime Minister George A. Papandreou entered office in 2009 only to discover that the Greek deficit he had inherited was twice the size the previous government had claimed.

November 7, 2011
ATHENS — George Andreas Papandreou, elected prime minister of Greece in 2009, is a son and grandson of popular former prime ministers. But two years later, with Greece on the verge of default and a possible exit from the euro, not even the Papandreou name could save him.
2009年に首相に選出されたジョージ・アンドレアス・パパンドルーは、かつて国民に人気のあった首相の子供であり、祖父も首相を務めている名門である。 しかし、就任から2年後ギリシャが財政破綻とユーロ圏からの離脱の恐れという危機に瀕して、流石のパパンドルー家の名声も彼を救うことはできなかった

His commitment to step down as prime minister is not only a devastating blow to one of the more enduring political dynasties in Europe. It may also force a major overhaul of the old-style Socialist Pasok party that was created by Mr. Papandreou’s father and which served as a major roadblock to many of the younger Papandreou’s proposed economic and political changes.

“I think that Mr. Papandreou wanted to reform, but his party failed him,” said Yiannis Boutaris, the mayor of Salonika and one of the few politicians to achieve success outside the nepotism so prevalent in the Greek party monoliths. “He could be forgiven many mistakes because of his name, but the last one — calling the referendum — that could not be forgiven.”

That may be a generous assessment. There are many Papandreou critics who claim he shirked an opportunity to grab history by the lapel and shake out all the elements of an entrenched Greek state that, through decades of wasteful borrowing and spending, had brought the nation to the verge of bankruptcy.
これは多分寛大な評価であろう。 多くのパパンドルー批評家がいるが、彼らはパパンドルーが歴史を引き寄せる機会と、何十年にも亘る無駄な借金と無駄遣いで、国家を破産の危機に追い込み、ギリシャを身動きできなくした全ての原因を一掃する機会を回避したと批判している。

By most accounts, Mr. Papandreou, 59, lacked the relentless political drive that marked his father and grandfather.
His youth was peripatetic, the product of his father’s own time in political exile. He was born in Minnesota and spent formative years in Berkeley, Calif.; Canada; and Sweden.
彼の若い時代はあちこちを転々としている。 それは彼の父が政治的に亡命していた時代の所産でもある。彼は米国のミネソタ州で生まれ、その人格形成期間をカリフォルニアのバークレイ、カナダ、そしてスウェーデンで過ごしている。

He supported 1960s- and 1970s-era movements like environmentalism and the legalization of drugs, causes that harked back to his guitar-playing days enmeshed in the counterculture at Amherst College in rural Massachusetts. His roommate there, Antonis Samaras, is now the leader of the New Democracy opposition party and agreed to join a coalition government only after Mr. Papandreou stepped down.

It was not until the early 1980s, when Mr. Papandreou joined his father’s Pasok party as a member of Parliament, that he began to develop his own political identity.
Elected in October 2009 after five years of New Democracy rule marked by corruption scandals, violent riots and a growing sense of economic uncertainty, Mr. Papandreou was little prepared for the profound shock that the Greek deficit he had inherited was twice the size the previous government had claimed.
パパンドルー氏が議員としてパソク党に入党したのは1980年代の初頭だった。ここから彼の政治経歴が始まることになる。 政治汚職スキャンダルと暴動そして経済の不透明感に見舞われて5年亘る新民主党の支配が終わり、2009年に首相に選出されたパパンドルーは、その後の深刻なショックに殆ど準備が出来ていなかった。そのショックとは彼が引き継ぐことになる、前政権が言っていたギリシャの財政赤字の実態がその2倍もあったことだ。

By December 2009, the failure to keep Greek borrowing in check had exploded into an international issue that would tear at the fabric that held the euro zone together.
Trained as a sociologist, Mr. Papandreou had to quickly get up to speed on such arcane matters as credit default swaps and the difference between voluntary and mandatory defaults. And while he understood, at least theoretically, how urgent it was for Greece to cut its bloated public work force, actually doing so proved almost impossible for a man who owed his political position to his party’s deep connections with the powerful unions for civil servants.
2009年の12月までに、ギリシャの借金を抑えられなかったことが国際問題に発展し、ユーロ圏のまとまりを台無しにしようとしている。 社会学者として鳴らした、パパンドルー氏は迅速に立ち上がり、クレジットデフォルトスワップ(CDS:デリバティブ)や自主的なデフォルトと強制的デフォルトの違いなどのような難解な案件についてスピード感をもって取り組むべきだった。 彼は少なくとも論理的には、膨れ上がった公務員の削減が喫緊の課題であることは理解していたが、実際にそうすることは、公務員の強力な組合に深いコネを持つ自らの与党に責任を負う首相として、殆ど不可能であった。

The son of an American mother, he is described as a meticulous and exact man who favors regular jogs, technical gadgets and never-ending lists of options and things to do. He is more fluent in English than Greek — a fact that has drawn scorn in the hypercritical Athens news media.
And from the beginning of his term he has reached out to vast number of advisers in the United States and Europe — including Labour politicians in Britain, former economy ministers in Turkey, the Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, who is American, and any number of academics who captured, at least temporarily, his intellectual fancy.
アメリカ人を母に持つ彼は、日頃のジョギングや気の利いた機器を好み、いつも沢山の予定を書き込んでいた。 そして彼はギリシャ語より英語を流暢に話す・・・このことは特に難癖をつけたがるアテネのニュースメディアの嘲りの対象となった。

But his critics say that while he was on the receiving end of numerous proposals, he was never really able to develop his own true voice. He could never, they say, make the case to his austerity-ravaged people that he truly spoke for them.
He could not rise to the level of a Churchill in 1939, said Yanis Varoufakis, an Athens-based political economist who years ago was an adviser to Mr. Papandreou. “At a moment like this you need leadership.”
しかし、評論家たちは言う、彼は数知れない提案を最終的に受ける地位にありながら、決して彼自身の意見として、それらを咀嚼し発言しなかった。 彼は決して、彼が彼らの為と思って話している、緊縮政策に疲弊しきった国民に向って、その問題を明らかにしてこなかったとも言う。
彼は1939年のチャーチルのレベルには到達しなかったということです、と数年前までパパンドルー氏のアドバイザーを務めたアテネの政治経済学者ヤニス・ヴァロウファキス氏は語る。 「このような時には、私達が求めているのは強いリーダーシップです。」

To be sure, Mr. Papandreou devoted his full energies to trying to find a solution to Greece’s debt crisis, all while under the crushing weight, his friends and family members say, of being the third Papandreou to lead Greece.
But he could not reach his people the way his father, Andreas — who spent his years in the United States as a vocal dissident of the Greek military regime — was able to.
しかし、彼は父アンドレアスだったら出来た国民に対するアプローチが取れなかった。 父アンドレアスは、母国ギリシャの軍事政権に対する物言う反体制派として米国で何年も過ごしていた。

“Andreas came from the outside — he spoke directly to the people,” said Nick Papandreou, the prime minister’s brother. “George has been in Greek politics for 30 years. The way he expresses himself is cushioned by this.”
But, his brother adds, the elder Mr. Papandreou, driven more by ideology rather than pragmatism, might not have been so determined to carry out the painful changes that George was convinced were necessary to bring Greece out of the past.
「父アンドレアスは国外から戻ってきて・・・直接国民に話しかけていた。 しかし、兄ジョージは30年間もギリシャの政界にいて首相になった。 彼の自己表現は、そのことがかえって緩衝材となり、国民に届かなかった。」と首相の弟は語った。

Indeed, during the tense negotiations with his European partners, Mr. Papandreou showed himself to be a relentless bureaucratic tactician, seeking every last advantage to get the money he so desperately needed from Europe.
Early in the talks, for example, he opened up a back channel to Dominique Strauss-Kahn, then the president of the International Monetary Fund. “Why don’t we turn to the I.M.F.?” Mr. Papandreou told intimates. “They, too, will impose austerity — but at least we will get the money.”
例えば、一連の会談の初期のころ、彼はドミニク・シュトラウス・カーン(当時のIMF専務理事)と裏でチャンネルを作り上げていた。 「なぜIMFに目を向けないんだ? 彼らも緊縮政策を押し付けている・・だけど少なくとも我々は資金をもらうことができる。」とパパンドルー氏はごく親しい仲間に漏らしていたという。

Mr. Papandreou’s final ploy — the threat that Greece might leave the euro — proved to be his undoing.
George Papaconstantinou, Mr. Papandreou’s finance minister until he was forced out last June, says the prime minister should be judged against the situation he inherited, which left him little room for maneuvering.
As for any overriding lesson Mr. Papandreou may have learned over the past two years, Mr. Papaconstantinou offered a one-word answer: “Economics.”
ジョージ・パパコンスタンチノス(6月に辞職に追い込まれるまでパパンドルーの財務大臣だった人物)はパパンドルー首相は、彼が引き継いだ負の遺産も考慮して評価されるべきだという。 その巨額の財政赤字のもとで彼には動ける余地が殆どなかったから・・・・。

ギリシャ危機 パパンドルー首相辞任 新連立内閣組閣へ 蔵相会議は現認が代理

2011-11-07 | ギリシャ
Initial Agreement Reached In Greece Power-Sharing   

by NPR Staff and Wires

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou makes a phone call on Sunday after his meeting with Greek President Carolos Papoulias and opposition leader Antonis Samaras.  ギリシャ大統領カロロス・パポウリアスとの会談を終え、日曜日に野党党首アントニス・サマラス氏に電話を入れるギリシャ首相ジョージ・パパンドルー

November 6, 2011
The Greek president's office said Sunday the country's prime minister and the leader of the main opposition party reached an initial agreement on forming an interim government.

In a statement read on Greek media Sunday night, the office said Prime Minister George Papandreou will not head the interim government and that talks on details of who will form the new Cabinet will continue Monday.

The announcement came after President Karolos Papoulias chaired crisis talks between Papandreou and opposition leader Antonis Samaras, capping a week of drama sparked by Papandreou's announcement he was taking the debt deal to a referendum. He withdrew the plan Thursday after intense opposition from European leaders and his own lawmakers.

The political turmoil had frayed nerves on international markets and seen Greece's cherished membership of Europe's joint currency come under threat. Greece is anxious to reach an agreement quickly on a new government, as it faces a meeting of eurozone finance ministers in Brussels on Monday.
政治的な混乱は国際市場の神経を逆なでし、ギリシャが大切にしてきたユーロ圏のメンバーシップを危うくすると見られていた。 月曜日にはブラッセルでユーロ圏の蔵相会議に臨むので、ギリシャは早急に新しい政府についての合意を急いでいる。

The president's announcement said there would be a meeting between Papandreou and Samaras on Monday to discuss who will act as interim prime minister and the makeup of the Cabinet. Papoulias also would chair a meeting of the heads of all political parties.

Papandreou is expected to hold his last Cabinet meeting as prime minister on Sunday, a government spokesman said. Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos will represent Greece at a meeting of eurozone leaders on Monday.

Faced with an open rebellion from his own Socialist lawmakers and mounting pressure to resign, Papandreou had said he would step aside if agreement could be reached on an interim government that would secure the new European debt deal and the disbursement of a vital bailout loan installment without which the country will default within weeks. He survived a confidence vote in his government Saturday.

For his part, Samaras had insisted he would only sit at the negotiating table if Papandreou resigned first, leading to a stalemate broken by Papoulias' calling both sides to the meeting.

It's not clear yet who would step in as the leader of a caretaker government. Greek media have mentioned former Foreign Minister Petros Molyviatis, former Prime Minister Costas Simitis and former central banker Lucas Papademos.

Papandreou says a coalition government is the best way to safeguard both the Greek bailout and the euro. Although nearly all Greeks oppose austerity measures as part of the bailout, most want to stay in the eurozone.
パパンドルー氏は連立内閣はギリシャとユーロ両方にとっての安全装置として最高の策だと述べている。 殆どのギリシャ国民は、救済案の一部である厳しい緊縮政策に反対しているが、同時に殆どの国民はユーロ圏へ留まることを希望している。

Joanna Kakissis contributed to this report, which includes material from The Associated Press

ギリシャ危機 パパンドルー信任される。 連立内閣か?

2011-11-06 | ギリシャ
Greek Leader Struggles To Build Coalition Effort


Greece's Prime Minister George Papandreou (left) arrives for a meeting with Greek President Karolos Papoulias at the presidential house in Athens on Saturday. 土曜日に、ギリシャの首相ジョージ・パパンドルー(左)はギリシャの大統領カロロス・パポウキアスを大統領公邸で会談をするために同公邸に到着。

November 5, 2011
Greece's prime minister struggled Saturday to form a temporary coalition government in the near-bankrupt country, extending a political deadlock threatening billions in international rescue funds.

In an impassioned plea to parliament late Friday, George Papandreou agreed to step aside as premier if necessary to help hammer out a coalition, offering to include the conservative opposition party a possibility swiftly rejected by its leader.

Papandreou said a new coalition government would need four months to secure the new euro130 billion ($179 billion) rescue agreement and demonstrate the country's commitment to remaining in the eurozone.

"Cooperation is necessary to guarantee for Greece and for our partners that we can honor our commitments," Papandreou said at a meeting Saturday with President Karolos Papoulias, hours after his Socialist government narrowly survived a confidence vote.

"I am concerned that a lack of cooperation could trouble how our partners see our will and desire to remain in the central core of the European Union and the euro."

But Papandreou's plea was snubbed by conservative opposition leader Antonis Samaras.

"We have not asked for any place in his government. All we want is for Mr. Papandreou to resign, because he has become dangerous for the country," Samaras said in a televised address. "We insist on immediate elections."
「我々は彼の政府のどの地位も求めてはいない。 我々が求めているのはパパンドルー首相の辞任だ、なぜなら彼はこの国を危機に陥れたからだ。」とサマラス氏はテレビの演説で述べた。「我々は即時の選挙実施を求める」

Samaras was due to meet the president at 1:00 p.m. (1100GMT) Sunday.

Frustrated with Greece's protracted political disagreements, the country's creditors have threatened to withhold the next critical euro8 billion ($11 billion) loan installment until the new debt deal is formally approved in Greece.

Greece is surviving on a euro110 billion ($150 billion) rescue-loan program from eurozone partners and the International Monetary Fund. It is currently finalizing a second major deal: to receive an additional euro130 billion ($179 billion) in rescue loans and bank support, with banks agreeing to cancel 50 percent of their Greek debt.
ギリシャはユーロ圏の各国とIMFからの1100億ユーロでなんとか凌いでいる。 そして、その2回目分の支払いを最終調整している。 つまり、追加の1300億ユーロを救済ローンとギリシャの債務の50%の減価という銀行支援を受ける。

Midway through his four-year term, Papandreou was forced by his austerity-weary Socialist party into seeking cross-party support after he abandoned a disastrous proposal to hold a referendum on a new European debt deal which prompted havoc on world markets and anger from creditors.

Papandreou's popularity has been battered by two years of punishing austerity, causing crippling strikes, violent protests and sharp drop in living standards for ordinary Greeks who face repeated rounds of tax hikes and cuts in pension and salaries.
Late Friday, Papandreou won a confidence vote in the Socialist-led parliament on a pledge that he was willing to quit and form a caretaker coalition.

But he insisted an immediate election would paralyze government and endanger the new rescue deal.
The conservative snub left Papandreou with limited options: negotiating with conservative splinter groups and independents to attract consensus, and possibly invite respected non-politicians to join the effort.

"[Papandreou] will not resign immediately and he cannot resign before there is a new government. What remains to be seen is how flexible he will be in seeking a different governmental makeup," Ilias Nicolacopoulos, a prominent political analyst told AP television.
"There will be a tough game of poker."
パパンドルーは、即時辞任はしないであろう、そして新しい政府になる前に辞任することは出来ない。  今後の課題は、これまでと違った政府を作っていくうえで、どれほど彼が柔軟であるかということだ、と有名な政治アナリストのリリアス・ニコラコポウロスはAPテレビで述べている。

ギリシャ危機 パパンドルー首相の国民投票発言をめぐるドタバタ BBC速報

2011-11-04 | ギリシャ
Greek PM Papandreou 'ready to drop' bailout referendum


Mr Papandreou addressed members of his Pasok party in parliament
Greek PM George Papandreou has said he is ready to drop a proposed referendum on the country's eurozone bailout deal.

He said he was focusing on talks to secure opposition support in parliament which would make the vote unnecessary.

His announcement of a referendum angered European leaders and sent shockwaves through its markets.

The main opposition has called for his resignation and snap elections, and walked out of a debate in parliament ahead of a confidence vote on Friday.

Mr Papandreou's Socialist party (Pasok) holds a slim majority in parliament, 152 out of 300 seats.

New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras said Mr Papandreou had "nearly destroyed Europe and the euro" with his call for a referendum.

Mr Papandreou told MPs it would be irresponsible for the government to resign but that he was "not clinging on to any chair".

Analysis  分析

Mark Lowen BBC News, Athens
This has been a day of intense uncertainty and speculation in Athens.

Speculation ran rife that Mr Papandreou was preparing to resign and call for a national unity government. But that was officially denied by his spokesman. The prime minister addressed parliament to calm nerves. He raised the possibility the referendum could be abandoned and last week's debt deal accepted.

But tonight there is a sense that Greece is becoming yet further embroiled in political instability which it can ill afford. Greeks and all of Europe are looking on anxiously. The reverberations of what happens in the next few hours will be felt far beyond Greece's borders.
しかし、今夜になって、ギリシャ政府が、いまだに手におえない政治的な混乱に更に巻き込まれていくのではないかとの感触があり、ギリシャ国民と欧州全土は、その流れを心配して見ている。 この数時間で起きることの反響はギリシャ国境を遥か超えて影響を及ぼす。

He said talks with the opposition on forming a "broader scheme" - apparently meaning a coalition government - should start .

The BBC's Mark Lowen, in Athens, says that the prime minister hopes that if the threat of a referendum fades he can yet steer the country through the crisis.

Stark message   厳しいメッセージ
The EU bailout deal, agreed last month, would give the heavily indebted Greek government 130bn euros (£111bn; $178bn) and it imposes a 50% write-off on private holders of Greek debts, in return for deeply unpopular austerity measures.

EU leaders say Greece cannot get bailout cash until there is clarity on the referendum issue.

Responding to the recent developments in Greece, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said that after talks with Mr Papandreou on Wednesday there was more of a sense of urgency in the country.

"I think the message that was sent to the entire Greek political class yesterday by Germany and France together has helped in a sort of realisation of how things might develop and in Greece they have realised this," he told reporters at the G20 summit in

Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos, addressing Pasok MPs earlier, said Greece must say it was not holding a referendum.

He said Greece must do everything it can to reassure its international partners it will immediately implement the Eurozone bailout deal.

Mr Papandreou told the gathering the referendum on the deal was never an end in itself, and there were two other choices - an election, which he said would bankrupt the country, or a consensus in parliament.
"If we had a consensus we wouldn't have to go to a referendum," he said.
"If the opposition is willing to negotiate then we are ready to ratify this deal and implement it."
「もし、コンセンサスを得られれば、国民投票は実施しない。 もし、野党が交渉に応ずるならば、我々はこの救済案を受け入れ実施する。」と彼は話している。

How Greek drama unfolded  ギリシャの混乱のドラマ 今日一日の動き

•0839: Mr Papandreou calls emergency cabinet meeting.
•0844: Socialist (Pasok) MP Eva Kaili says she will not support government in Friday's confidence vote.
•0858: Pasok MP Dimitris Lintzeris calls on Mr Papandreou to resign.
•1115: Senior Pasok MPs prepare proposal for coalition government.
•1154: State TV says Mr Papandreou to visit President Karolos Papoulias, fuelling rumours he will resign.
•1342: President's office says it has no meeting scheduled with prime minister.
•1512: Mr Papandreou says if opposition backs EU bailout deal in parliament, no referendum necessary.
•1608: Mr Papandreou tells Pasok MPs Greece's euro membership at stake in referendum.
•1640: Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos says Greece must abandon plans for referendum.
•1800: Mr Samaras demands resignation of prime minister and snap election.

ギリシャ危機 国民投票で大きく揺れる 2

2011-11-02 | ギリシャ
Government in Greece Teeters After Move on Referendum


Published: November 1, 2011
ATHENS — The government of Prime Minister George Papandreou of Greece teetered on the verge of collapse on Tuesday, threatening Greece’s adherence to the terms of a new deal with its foreign lenders and plunging Europe into a fresh bout of financial turmoil.

A kiosk on Tuesday in Athens displays newspapers with headlines about the Greek prime minister's unexpected call for a referendum.  火曜日に、アテネ市内では、ギリシャ首相の予期せぬ国民投票の呼びかけの見出しが躍る新聞が陳列されている。

President George A. Papandreou’s surprise promise of a vote on austerity measures threatens a deal reached to ease the European debt crisis. パパンドルー首相の緊縮財政政策を国民投票に諮るという驚くべき提案が一旦緩和した欧州債務危機問題を脅かしている。

Power company customers lined up in Athens on Monday to ask about a new tax. 電力会社の顧客が月曜日に、アテネで列をなして、新しい税金について相談に殺到している。

Several lawmakers in the governing Socialist party rejected Mr. Papandreou’s surprise plan for a popular referendum on the Greek bailout, raising the possibility that he will not survive a no-confidence vote scheduled for Friday that depends on holding together his razor-thin parliamentary majority. Mr. Papandreou was holding an emergency Cabinet meeting Tuesday evening to save his government, but the opposition and some members of his own party were calling for new elections immediately.
与党社会党の数人の議員は、かろうじて過半数を維持している状況で、金曜日の信任投票に勝てない可能性があるとして、パパンドルーの突然の国民投票の提案に反対している。 パパンドルー氏は政権維持のために緊急閣議を水曜日の夜開催したが、野党と与党の数名が即時の選挙を要求している。

The impasse in Athens seemed likely to delay — and perhaps scuttle — the debt deal that European leaders reached after marathon negotiations in Brussels last week. Financial markets cratered on Tuesday for the second straight day, wiping out the gains since the Brussels deal was announced last week. Some analysts said that Greece was now coming closer to a messy default on its debt, and perhaps a departure from the zone of 17 countries that use the euro as their common currency.
アテネでの行き詰まり感は、先週ブラッセルでの長時間に及ぶ交渉で合意に達した欧州の救済案を遅らせるか、おそらく断念させるかもしれない。 ブラッセルでの合意が先週発表されたあとの市場の戻り分を欧州市場は二日続けて反落させて終わった。あるアナリストはギリシャは債務問題でより酷い破綻に一歩近づいていると言い、欧州の共通通貨ユーロを使用する17ヶ国のユーロ圏から離脱するだろうと語った。

Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, apparently caught off guard by Mr. Papandreou’s call for a referendum and then by the disarray in his party, said they would hold emergency talks on Greece with euro zone leaders on Wednesday. They said they also plan to meet with representatives of the Greek government before a critical meeting of the G-20 group of advanced and emerging economies on Thursday, and they defended the terms of the bailout package as “more necessary than ever today.”
パパンドルー氏のこの国民投票発言と、その後の与党内の足並みの乱れに明らかに不意を突かれた格好となったドイツのメルケル首相とフランスのサルコジ大統領は、水曜日にギリシャでユーロ圏の指導者達と緊急の会談を持つことを発表した。 また、木曜日に行われる重要なG20先進国・新興経済各国会議の前にギリシャ政府の代表と会談することを予定していると言った。そして両首脳はこの救済案こそが、かつてないほど今日は求められていると訴えた。

The chairman of the euro zone finance ministers, Jean-Claude Juncker, warned that the plan to hold a referendum endangered an $11 billion loan that Greece was to receive under the bailout deal, and that Greece urgently needed to avoid a default. Mr. Juncker, who is also the prime minister of Luxembourg, added that Greece could face bankruptcy if it votes “no” on the bailout deal.
ユーロ圏の財政担当大臣のジーン・クラウド・ジャンカーは国民投票実施の計画はギリシャが、破綻を避けるために必要な、救済策のもとで受け取ることになる110億ドルのローンを危うくすると警告した。 ジャンカー氏はルクセンブルグの首相でもあるが、ギリシャはこの救済策の受け入れが国民投票で拒否されれば国家破産に直面すると付け加えた。

The big fear is that a decisive turn against the bailout package in Greece could undermine European efforts to enforce deep budget cuts in other heavily indebted European countries, especially Italy, which is mired in its own political crisis and has a far larger economy and much more debt than Greece.

Political analysts and several advisors to Mr. Papandreou said the prime minister had decided to announce a popular referendum on Monday night as his last best hope to shore up his eroded political standing. They said he wanted to put Greece’s fate back in the hands of the Greek people and to force his many opponents — both inside his government and in the opposition — to coalesce around the idea that what is at stake is Greece’s membership in the euro.

He wanted Greek voters “to take a position, to see the choice before us in its starkness, hoping they will back the lesser of two evils, instead of letting irate reactions in the streets dominate the debate,” said one advisor to the prime minister.

But on Tuesday, it appeared that his move may have backfired. Two lawmakers in his governing coalition said they would become independents, and another six leading Socialists wrote a letter calling on Mr. Papandreou to resign and schedule early elections for a new government with greater political legitimacy. Together, the developments made it doubtful whether his government would survive a confidence vote, because the loss of even two supporters threatened his narrow parliamentary majority.
しかし、火曜日になって彼のこの動きが裏目に出てしまった。 彼の連立与党の2名の議員が離党し、更に6人の社会党議員がパパンドルー首相に退陣要求の書簡を出すとともに、より政治的正統性のある新しい政府にするために早期選挙を求めたのである。それだけでなく、この展開が先にある信任投票で彼の内閣が存続できるかも危うくなってきたのだ、なぜなら辛うじて過半数を制しており、2名の離党でさえ過半数割れを起超す可能性があるからだ。

Meanwhile, the center-right opposition New Democracy party on Tuesday stepped up its calls for early elections. Its leader, Antonis Samaras, has opposed most of the austerity measures the government accepted in exchange for foreign financial aid. Mr. Samaras has said that if he were in power, he would try to renegotiate the terms of Greece’s arrangement with its main foreign lenders, known as the troika: the European Union, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
“Mr. Papandreou, in his effort to save himself, has presented a divisive and extortionate dilemma,” Mr. Samaras said on Tuesday. “New Democracy is determined to avert, at all costs, such reckless adventurism.”

Mr. Samaras declined to say whether he would ask his 85 members of Parliament to resign, a move that would lead to the dissolution of Parliament and a snap election. The next general election was not due until 2013, when the Socialists’ four-year-term expires. Mr. Samaras is expected to clarify his stance at a meeting of his party’s parliamentary group on Wednesday.
While the political instability took Europe and markets by surprise, it was less of a shock in Greece. Mr. Papandreou’s political capital had run out and tension has been building for months — not only with the center-right opposition, which objected to many of the terms of the austerity plan, but also within his own party.
サマラス氏は国会の解散と総選挙に繋がる、85名の自党議員の辞職へと動くかどうか言明は避けた。 次の総選挙は社会党の4年の任期が切れる2013年に予定されており、サラマス氏は水曜日の新民主党議員の会合でその立場を明らかにするものとみられている。 政治的な不安定が欧州と欧州市場を驚かせてはいるが、ギリシャではそれほどの驚きで受け止められてはいない。パパンドルーの政治的な資金は既に枯渇しており、その上、緊縮財政政策の多くに反対してきた中道右派の野党のみならず、与党内でも何か月もの緊張状態が続いていたからだ。

That party, known as Pasok, is deeply divided. A more reform-minded wing is upset that Mr. Papandreou has not acted decisively enough to carry out the structural changes needed to revive the economy, while a more traditional wing is opposed to some of the changes that inevitably cut into the heart of the social welfare state the party was elected to promote.
On Tuesday, the two sides appeared to gravitate toward one idea: That the referendum proposed by Mr. Papandreou was a mistake.
パソクとして知られている与党も大きく分裂している。 より改革を進めるとする勢力はパパンドルー氏が経済再生の為に必要な構造改革を大胆に推進しないことに驚き、一方でより保守的な勢力は当初党が掲げていた社会福祉の核心部分の切り込まざるを得ない歳出削減に反対している。
火曜日に、この2大勢力が一つの考えで団結したように見えた。 それはパパンドルー氏が提案した国民投票は誤りだという点だった。

“His party just couldn’t hold any more,” said Ilias Nicolacopoulos, a professor of Political Science at the University of Athens and a pollster with close ties to the Socialist party.
“He did exactly the opposite of what a large number of his M.P.’s were asking for,” he said. “They were asking for a coalition government or cabinet reshuffle or some sort of cooperation that would bring broader consensus, not a referendum that would put the country in danger of blowing everything up.”

Eva Kaili, a Socialist member of Parliament, said she won’t support government in a confidence vote and called for a government of national unity. She said it was too late for a referendum, because it might destroy the arrangement already reached with Greece’s foreign lenders.
“It took us a long time to manage to reach an agreement,” Ms. Kaili said in a telephone interview. “The time is over. This should have happened one year ago, to ask people if they want the I.M.F. to help us or not.”
エバ・カイリ(社会党議員)は信任投票で政府を支持しないと言っており、国家団結を担う政府を求めている。 彼女は国民投票は時期を失していると言う、なぜなら、それはせっかく合意に達した外国債権者との約束を反故にしてしまうかもしれないからだ。

If Mr. Papandreou’s government falls, it would not be the first one in Europe to be toppled by the austerity demanded by European debt relief. In Ireland and Portugal, governments fell after accepting bailouts from the European Union and the I.M.F., and last month the Slovakian government fell over a vote on whether to participate in the European Union’s rescue package.
But Greece’s problems are more acute, and its economic slump is much deeper, making the prospect of a government collapse even more worrying. While a new government might attempt reopen negotiations with lenders and seek new terms, European leaders have repeatedly dismissed that idea, saying that trying to do so would be damaging and would throw away months of work on a plan to keep Greece from defaulting.
しかし、ギリシャの問題はもっと重大であり、その経済不振は深刻で、その政府の崩壊の見通しはもっと悩ましい。新しい政府が債権者と交渉を再開し、新しい条件を模索したとしtも、欧州各国の指導者たちは、その考え自体を繰り返し否定してきている。 つまり、そのようなことを繰り返すことは傷口を広げ、これまでの何か月にも及ぶ救済案の計画の努力を無駄にするだけだという。

Many Greek voters say they are tired of hearing about decisions taken in foreign capitals and political initiatives that do not represent ordinary Greeks. “The government is no longer in control, others are calling the shots,” said Akis Tsirogiannis, a 42-year-old father-of-two who recently lost his job at a furniture workshop in Athens.
He said he would vote against the debt deal in a referendum, should the government survive to hold such a vote. “This deal, like all the others, is a life sentence of austerity for Greeks. The country is being run from the outside — by bankers and the European Union government. We need to reclaim our country, whatever that entails.”
多くのギリシャ国民は、普通のギリシャ国民を代弁していない、外国資本や政治的駆け引きのもとでの決定を聴くのに飽き飽きしている。 「政府はもはや統制力を失い、他の奴らは牛耳ることばかり考えている。」とアテネの家具工場での仕事を最近失った、二人の子供の父親である42歳のアキス・チロギアニスは話した。
彼は、政府がそれで生き残るとしたら、救済案の国民投票では反対するつもりだ。「この案は、他の案と同じでギリシャ人に対する厳しい終身刑のようなものだ。 この国は外国によって動かされている・・・銀行やEUだ。 我々は自分たちの国を、どういうことが待ち受けていようと取り戻す必要がある。」

Niki Kitsantonis reported from Athens and Rachel Donadio from Rome. Stephen Castle contributed reporting from Brussels and Nicholas Kulish from Berlin.

ギリシャ危機 パパンドルー首相 国民投票に賭ける?

2011-11-01 | ギリシャ
Papandreou calls referendum on Brussels deal


31 Oct 2011
Prime Minister George Papandreou called a referendum on a new EU aid package on Monday and announced that he would ask for a vote of confidence to secure support for his policy for the remainder of his four-year term, which expires in 2013.
"We trust citizens, we believe in their judgment, we believe in their decision," he told Pasok MPs.

Eurozone leaders agreed last week a second, 130bn euro bailout for the cash-strapped country as well as a 50-percent write-down on its crippling debt to make it sustainable.
Speaking to his ruling PASOK party's parliamentary group on Monday afternoon, Papandreou said it was "the time for the citizens to reply responsibly. Do they want us to implement it or reject it? If the people do not want it, then it shall not be implemented. If yes, we shall proceed ... we never resigned from our responsibilities."
ユーロ圏の指導者は先週2回目の1300億ユーロを資金不足に陥っているギリシャ救済に拠出し、ギリシャの存続の為に、その足かせとなっている債務の50%の減価(棒引き)に合意した。月曜日の午後、与党パソク党の議員の集まりに対する話の中で、パパンドルー首相は以下の通り語った。「次は国民がその責務を果たす番である。国民が、その責務を果たすのか、或いは拒絶するのか? もし国民が望まないならば、それは実施されない。もし望むならば、我々は前進する・・我々は自分たちの責任を全うする。」

The referendum will be held in a few weeks, after the agreement is finalised, Papandreou said.
Nearly 60 percent of Greeks view the EU summit agreement of October 27 on the new bailout package as negative or probably negative, a survey showed on Saturday.
Repeated austerity measures to qualify for bailout payments under a first bailout agreement last year has led to several defections from Papandreou's Pasok party, which trails in opinion polls.
The prime minister also replied to criticism being experienced by the government. "The bigger debts bring bigger austerity," he said and spoke of a "systematic effort of disinformation by certain media and political parties."

"All the political forces should give support and the citizens as soon as they are informed correctly," Papandreou said.
Moreover, in a bid to dampen growing calls for a snap election, Papandreou said his government's mandate lasts for another two years, which was time it would use to implement its commitments.
He reiterated that the budget would contribute to the recapitalisation of the banks, which "if it is necessary, they should be nationalised, become state-owned".
The prime minister added that the agreement removes insecurity from the country and "confirms our position in the tough nucleus of the euro", adding that the agreement means a reduction of debt and 4.5bn euros less in interest payments every year.

"The bigger debts bring bigger austerity," he said, before referring to a "systematic effort of disinformation by certain media and political parties ... All political forces should give support and the citizens as soon as they are informed correctly."
Briefing his MPs on the decisions taken at last week's EU summit, Papandreou described them as "historic" and stressed that nothing would have been decided if the Pasok parliamentary group had not taken the "historic decisions" in voting for the omnibus bill two weeks ago. "It defended the national interest," he said.

Venizelos: no return to the drachma  ベニゼロス蔵相:ドラクマへ戻らない
In his address to the meeting, Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos said that citizens must decide "if we shall belong to the 'group' of Europe, the eurozone and the euro, or if we shall return to the drachma and to Greece of the 1950s and the 1960s".
Referring to the haircut agreed in Brussels, he added that citizens must also respond to whether it is better for the country to owe 100bn euros or to reduce the public debt by this amount and also whether it is better for the national debt to be in the region of 120 percent or 240 percent of GDP.

Venizelos said that the public must indicate whether the government's chosen course is to be maintained or reversed.

Timeline  日程
Regarding what he referred to as a "road map" of his political initiatives, the prime minister added that he will seek a vote of confidence from parliament, with the debate to being on Wednesday. The procedure will conclude on Friday at midnight via an open roll-call vote.
The referendum is likely to be held in January, the finance minister told a private television station.
Evangelos Venizelos said the referendum will be held after the finalisation of the loan agreement's details and completion of the exchange of the Greek bonds (PSI).
He added that the electorate will be called on to reply with a "yes" or a "no" on the law that will ratify the new loan contract .

Rejecting early elections, Venizelos said, however, that if the government proposal is rejected at a referendum, then "the country must be led to other developments", adding that "elections will take place sooner or later".

Opposition reactions   野党各党の反応
Papandreou's announcement has led main opposition New Democracy (ND) leader Antonis Samaras to request a meeting with President Karolos Papoulias.
Later, party spokesman Yiannis Michelakis termed the prime minister's proposal as no less than a "constitutional and democratic deviation", one that jeopardised the country's greatest achievement, namely, accession to the European Union.
Michelakis, who repeated his party's call for immediate elections, charged that Papandreou chose the referendum option because after he failed to "make ND an accomplice, now he wants to make the Greek people an accomplice" in the agreement.

The country's third party, the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), said an statement that the prime minister's announcement for a referendum "means that a huge coercion mechanism of the people is being set up, where the government and the EU will use all the means, the threats, the provocation to bring the working class and the popular classes to their knees, to secure a 'yes' for the new agreement."
"The working class and the popular classes must force elections and welcome them with mass mobilisations all over the ccountry. With their action and vote they must deal a strong blow to the bourgeois political system, to pave the way for the reversal of the antipopular policy [and] the authority of the monopolies," the statement concluded.
ギリシャの第三政党である、ギリシャ共産党(KKE)は 首相の国民投票の発表は異常なまでの人民威圧メカニズムが仕組まれているとし、政府とEUは全ての手段を動員して、新しい合意案に賛成させるために、労働者や大衆を脅しと挑発で屈服させようとしている」としている。

Popular Orthodox Rally (Laos), in an announcement, described the referendum announcement as an "adventurist policy". It also "dared" Papandreou to hold a secret ballot of MPs for the vote of confidence.
The Radical Left Coalition (Syriza) parliamentary leader Alexis Tsipras said the referendum was a "trick" on the part of the government to "gain time in power". He repeated his call a call for snap elections on the basis of proportional representational.
ポピュラー・オーソドックス・ラリー(ラオス)党は声明の中で、国民投票の発表を「冒険主義的政策」であると述べ。 またパパンドルーは議員の信任投票は秘密投票に敢えてすべきだといっている。

Brussels  ブラッセル
In Brussels, a European Union spokeswoman said that she had "no comment" to make on the referendum proposal or the Papandreou's intention to seek a vote of confidence. "We are in contacts and we are waiting for an official briefing from the Greek authorities," Karolina Kottova said. (Athens News, AMNA, Reuters)
ブラッセルでは、EUスポークスマンは国民投票の提案やパパンドルーの信任投票への動きに対してコメントはしないと述べた。 「我々は常にギリシャ政府当局とコンタクトを保っており、公式な説明を待っている。」と同スポークスマン、カロリナ・コットバは答えた。

ギリシャ危機 ストライキをやっている場合か

2011-10-30 | ギリシャ
The Rising Cost Of Doing Business With Greece


by Yuki Noguchi
October 28, 2011

As details of the Greek debt deal passed by the European Union Wednesday are worked out, some businesses in the U.S. continue to grapple with the ripple effects of the prolonged debt crisis.

Greek's economic problems work their way down the supply chain to people like Kosta Bouyoukas, who imports olives and other foods from Greece. He says suppliers are changing the terms of contracts, and sometimes products don't show up at all. ギリシャの経済問題はコスタ・ボウヨウカスのようにオリーブその他をギリシャから輸入している人々のサプライチェーンにまで影響を及ぼしている。彼は荷主が契約条件を変えてきている、そして商品が全く届かないことwも時々あるとこぼしている。

The EU hopes the debt deal will contain Europe's debt problems, and the problem countries will now start their work of implementing fiscal reforms — which has proved troublesome, especially in Greece.

Uncertainty, strikes and currency problems in the country have upset the schedules of U.S. businesses that both import Greek goods and export their own products to the troubled country.

The Prima Foods warehouse in Maryland, for example, stocks olive oil from Crete by the drum, feta by the brick and Kalamata olives by the barrel, but has recently run into problems with its suppliers. The importer sits across the street from shipping containers that come into the port city of Baltimore.

Kosta Bouyoukas, Prima's president, is sturdy, wears a gold chain and greets clients with a mix of Greek and English when they show up to pick up boxes of frozen spanakopita.

The office Bouyoukas inhabits is filled with photos and posters that suggest fierce loyalty to family and heritage. Behind the small retail store in the front, there's a 46,000-square-foot warehouse, sparsely decorated in Greek blue and white.

"Here we have juices from Greece," Bouyoukas explains. "Like apricot, and peach. ... [And] this is pasta. It's orzo."

Unreliable Imports   あてにならない輸入
Prima mostly serves Italian and Greek restaurants. Normally, it receives 50,000-pound shipments every other week, but that's less reliable these days.
"The Greek government, it's a mess," he says. "We place orders — usually it takes 19 days to get here, and now it takes about 40 days because they have strikes in the port, they have all these things happening every day."
「ギリシャ政府が酷いことになっている。 商品を発注して、通常19日で商品が届くのだが、今は40日もかかっているんだ。港でストライキをしているからさ。それが全ての商品に、毎日起きているんだ。」

In addition, Prima Foods is getting squeezed by the exchange rate. Its suppliers, especially in Greece, are changing the terms of contracts.
"Instead [of] 60 days, they want to get paid in 35 or 40 days now," he says.
He doesn't have a problem with the billing change; it's a product not showing up at all that upsets Bouyoukas.
"I get mad because I depend on those products," he says.
加えて、プリマフードは為替レートでも締め付けを食っている。 仕入れ先、とくにギリシャは建値条件を変えてきている。 「60日の支払いを、今は35日や40日にしてくる。」
彼は支払いの条件を変えるのは問題ないが、商品が届かないので頭を悩ませている。 「これらの商品だけが頼りだから、怒っているんだ。」と彼は言いっている。

As shipping is becoming less reliable, it also costs more, with fuel prices on the rise. This gets passed along to customers, whose gripes fall back on Bouyoukas. He says it's stressful seeing his business buffeted by the Eurozone's problems.

"We don't think two years down the road anymore; it's just what happens today, next week, a month from now ... that's about it," he says. "Because we don't have [any] control over what happens in Greece."
「2年先のことは何も考えていない。今問題が起きていて、それが来週まで続くのか、ひと月先も変わらないのか・・・それ次第だね。 だって、ギリシャで起きていることは、こちらじゃ何一つコントロールできないからね。」

Export Deals Fall Through  輸出が急落
It's not just importers like Bouyoukas who have struggled; U.S.-based exporters also face problems.

Sharon Doherty is the president and chief executive officer of Vellus, a small business in Columbus, Ohio, that manufactures and exports shampoos for show dogs. Doherty has distributors she ships to in dozens of countries, including Japan, Singapore and around Europe. She expected to start with her first Greek distributor last year.

"[The distributor] was so excited. ... I received so many emails from her, telephone calls, [and] we were going to order her banners," Doherty says. "And it was going so good. It's like it just happened all of a sudden."
「あちらはとても喜んでいた。 何通も彼女からEメールや電話をもらったわ、それで広告用の幕も注文したわ。 とてもうまくいっていたんだけど、それは突然起きたの。」とドハティは話す。

What happened was Greece's debt became unsustainable, it requested a bailout from the rest of Europe, and the chaos led the distributor to cancel the deal. That wasn't all: The currency fluctuations prompted other European buyers to start buying in smaller quantities.

"I mean, to be honest with you, I was worried about it. I didn't know how it was going to go," Doherty says. "When they're hurting, you're hurting. So you need to find out what you can do to help them."
「正直に言って。 私は大変悩んだわ。 これからどうなるのか私には全く分らなかったし。 “彼らが傷つくときは、我々も傷ついてるわ” だから私たちがするべきことは彼らを助ける術を探すことだと思う。」とドハティ会長は言う。

To do that, she has offered discounts, which have helped her sales recover. She's now following the news and hoping for the best, because what's good for Europe is also good for her. 
そのために、彼女はディスカウントすることを決めた。それにより売り上げは回復した。 彼女は今、ニュースに注目しながら、うまく行くことを願っている。なぜなら欧州がうまく乗り切れば、それがとりもなおさず彼女のビジネスにも良い結果をもたらすことになるからだ。

ギリシャ危機 オブザーバーに徹した米中

2011-10-29 | ギリシャ
In Europe's Crisis, U.S. Mostly An Observer


by Marilyn Geewax

U.S Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner (left) speaks to French Finance Minister Francois Baroin (right) during talks in Marseille in September. While the U.S. has been concerned about Europe's debt crisis, the Americans have not been major players.   米国のガイトナー財務長官がフランスのバローニ首相と9月にマーセルで会談したときの写真。米国は欧州の債務危機に懸念を持っていたが、アメリカは主役ではなかった。

October 28, 2011
When Columbus sailed west in the late 15th century, he launched a long and lucrative relationship between Europe and the Americas. Family ties, economic bonds and shared military goals continue to knit us together.
コロンブスが15世紀に西へと航海へ旅立ったとき、カラは欧州とアメリカの長きにわたる、魅惑的な関係の構築へと乗り出していった。 家族の絆、経済的な繋がり、そして軍事的な目標を分かち合うことは我々を相互に離しがたい存在として、織り込んでいった。

But as the European debt crisis has deepened, it has highlighted this early 21st century shift: The United States is becoming more of a Pacific Rim country and less of a North Atlantic partner.

"President Obama's focus has been anywhere but on Europe, and I think there's good justification for that," said Benn Steil, director of international economics for the Council on Foreign Relations.

Steil, speaking with reporters on a conference call Thursday, said the United States, once the architect of Europe's postwar economy, no longer has much influence when it comes to financial matters. That's because Americans are seen by Europeans as having done a poor job of regulating markets in the run-up to the 2008 financial crisis, triggered by U.S. mortgage defaults.
スタイル氏は木曜日の同評議会の会合での報告の中で、欧州の戦後経済のかつての立役者としてのアメリカは、こと経済に関してはもはや大した影響力を持っていないと発言した。 それは、米国の住宅ローン債務不履行に端を発する2008年の経済危機の直前の段階における、アメリカの市場コントロールの不手際を欧州各国がよく承知しているからである。

"I don't see any reason for President Obama to waste precious international political capital trying to publicly influence this debate," Steil said.
Sebastian Mallaby, a senior fellow for international economics at the Council on Foreign Relations, agreed, saying that because the United States has been unable to solve its own debt problems, "the natural postwar leader has its hands tied behind its back."

Mallaby, also on the conference call, said that when it comes to helping shape European fiscal and financial policies, "lecturing from American leaders at this point simply doesn't work. We don't have the moral standing to say to people, 'Listen guys, we know how to run an economy and here's how you do it.' "

Europe's Crisis Has Limited U.S. Impact
But having the United States relegated to the role of observer in Europe's crisis may not worry U.S. business leaders very much. Given Europe's aging population, debt overhang and diminished economic prospects, U.S. corporations and farmers are turning more and more of their attention to China and other rapidly developing nations along the rim of the Pacific Ocean.
しかしながら、欧州危機において、米国をオブザーバーの立場に追いやったことは、米国の経済界のリーダーにとっては何の痛痒も感じなかったはずだ。 欧州の老化が進む人口動態を考えれば、その負債の負担は長く尾を引き、経済の見通しを暗くしており、米国企業や農家は中国やその他の急速に成長している環太平洋の国々に、より多くの関心を向けているからだ

Mallaby noted that only about 13 percent of U.S. exports go to Europe. Slower growth in Europe would put a relatively small dent in U.S. prospects.
Joao Vale de Almeida, the European Union's ambassador to the United States, agrees that the White House has become more interested in strengthening relationships with developing nations than with Europeans. "If I look at the speeches and meetings, I could come to that conclusion," he said.
マラビーは欧州へ向かう米国の輸出量は全体の13%に過ぎないし、 欧州の、より緩慢とした経済成長は米国の将来への見通しに、大して影響を及ぼさないだろうと言う。

But Vale de Almeida says he also sees the tremendous value of routine corporate interaction, military cooperation and diplomatic coordination between Americans and Europeans. "If I look at what happens every day, then I see the relationship is like an iceberg: What lies below the surface is what's important," he said.

Vale de Almeida said it might surprise Americans to realize that Europeans also are focused on deepening ties with China. Given the slow pace of U.S. growth, as well as the rapid rise of federal debt, Europeans are eager to tighten ties to Asia, he said. "In the EU, more people are talking about China" than about the United States, he said.

Jacob Kirkegaard, a research fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, said Americans may not realize that the 27-nation European Union is China's single biggest trading partner.
"Germany exports a lot to China," he said. "General Motors is doing very well in China, but the biggest car producer in China is Volkswagen. In terms of the trade relationship, they are doing much better than we are."
「ドイツは中国に沢山輸出している。 ゼネラルモーターズは中国で非常によくやっているが、中国での最大のカーメーカーはフォルクスワーゲンである。貿易関係の観点では、彼らは我々よりも上手くやっている。」

China Hasn't Intervened  中国は干渉してこなかった
Europeans also are hoping the cash-rich Chinese will help with the EU debt crisis. French President Nicolas Sarkozy spoke by phone Thursday with his Chinese counterpart, Hu Jintao, about the bailout. So far, the Chinese government has not made any commitment to contribute to Europe's bailout fund.
欧州各国は、また、資金力の豊富な中国がEUの債務危機を助けてくれないかと期待をしている。 フランス大統領のニコラス・サルコジは中国の胡錦濤国家主席と木曜日に電話会談をして、救済について相談している。これまでのところ、中国政府は欧州の救済基金についての貢献するかどうか態度を明らかにしていない。

Few observers expect that it will. "The idea that the Chinese will pour money into a bailout is pure fantasy," Kirkegaard said. "They are going to be way too risk averse to get involved at this time."
それを期待している観測筋は少ない。「中国が救済基金に自国の資金を注入するというのは全く夢物語だ。 彼らは、今回は巻き込まれるのは、余りに危険の高いとして回避する道を採ろうとしている。」とカークガードは言う。

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao meeting in Berlin on June 28. During Europe's economic crisis, both China and the United States have stayed mostly on the sidelines. 7月28日のベルリンでの会談での温家宝首相とメルケル首相。 欧州経済危機の間を通じて中国も米国も脇役に徹した。

Still, the Chinese can afford to invest directly in Europe, which could help with economic growth, he said. For example, the China Ocean Shipping Co., or Cosco, took full control of the container terminals at Piraeus, Greece's largest port, in a deal worth almost $5 billion. Piraeus serves as a gateway to bring Chinese goods into Europe.
それでも、中国は欧州に直接投資することは出来るし、それは欧州の経済成長を助けることが出来ると彼は言う。例えば、チャイナ・オーシャン・シッピング株式会社(コスコ)ギリシャ最大の港であるピラエウス港のコンテナ・ターミナルを50億ドル強で全て買収した。 同港は欧州全域へ中国商品を送り込むゲートウエイとして機能することになる。

Even though both Americans and Europeans are scrambling to strengthen ties to Asia, Kirkegaard agrees with Vale de Almeida's image of the U.S.-EU relationship as an iceberg, moving slowing and mostly below the surface.

"Asia is where the growth is, so that's where the focus is," Kirkegaard said. "But if you look at the depth of the relationship, Europe is where more than 70 percent of American foreign direct investment is. The relationship with Europe is much, much deeper" because it stretches back so far.

Both Americans and Europeans tend to take each other for granted because "98 percent of the trans-Atlantic relationship proceeds very, very smoothly," he said.

As the years roll by, economic relationships will shift as countries chase growth, he said. "We should work hard to have the strongest possible trans-Pacific relationship, but before it will rival the trans-Atlantic relationship, it would be more than a decade," he predicted.

ギリシャ危機 国家主権の喪失? 

2011-10-28 | ギリシャ
Greeks Fear They Are Losing Their Sovereignty


by Sylvia Poggioli
October 27, 2011

A teacher walks by during a parade in the northern Greek city of Thessaloniki on Thursday. Parades were held across Greece on Thursday to mark the 61st anniversary of the country's resistance to Axis forces, which dragged Greece into World War II. Some bystanders also seized the opportunity to shout anti-austerity slogans. 木曜日にギリシャ北部のセサロニキ市のパレードに同行する教師。 パレードはこの国を第二次世界大戦へと巻き込んだ枢軸国に対する、この国の抵抗運動の61年目の記念日を祝して木曜日にギリシャ各地で執り行われた。 観客達の中には、このパレードに便乗して、政府の緊縮財政政策に反対するスローガンを叫んでいる者もいた。

World markets rallied Thursday after European leaders agreed on a plan
to deal with the eurozone debt crisis. But in Greece, the most imperiled country, there was skepticism that the deal will do much to help the country out of recession.

In addition, many Greeks also fear that they are losing their sovereignty, and are uncomfortable about the role Germany will be playing in the country's financial future.
The Nuntius stock brokerage firm is, unlike similar offices in New York or London, deathly quiet. So many people have been laid off that the offices are nearly empty.
ナンティス証券会社はニューヨークやロンドンの同業者と異なり、死んだように静まりかえっている。 多くの社員が解雇され、オフィスは空っぽに近い状態だ。

The firm's president, Alexandros Moraitakis, sits behind a big desk, his cell phone ringing with calls from clients eager to know about the EU deal that was reached at dawn Thursday.

His own profession is in critical condition. In the past two years, the Greek stock market has lost 75 percent of its volume. Personally, he doesn't like the EU deal. He says the EU, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank — known as the troika — have his country's fate in their hands.
彼自身の職業も厳しい状況にある。 この2年間で、ギリシャの株式市場は、その取引額の75%を失ってしまった。 個人的には、彼はEUの対応に満足してはいない。彼はEU、IMRそして欧州中央銀行(いわゆるトロイカ)が、この国の運命を握っていると言う。

"Greece does not decide, now the troika people decide, and they make experiments in the Greek market," he says. "Up to now they were unsuccessful. Without growth, nothing will be done."
「ギリシャは何も決めていない、いまやトロイカが決めている、そしてギリシャ市場で実験をしている。 今まで彼らは上手くいかなかった。 経済成長なくして、何も始まらない。」と彼は話す。

All Pain, No Gain   痛みばかりで得るものはない
Moriatakis lists some other troika results: Unemployment has doubled, and despite two years of draconian austerity measures, Greece is in recession and spiraling downwards. Many commentators echo this negative view.
モライタキスは幾つかのトロイカのもたらした結果を列挙してみせた。即ち失業者が2倍になり、2年の過酷な緊縮政策にも関わらず、ギリシャは不況から脱しきれず、更に悪化している。 多くのコメンテーターがこのネガティブな見方に付和雷同している。

And there's widespread criticism that the troika is going to have a permanent office in Athens for the rest of the decade.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has made clear that over-indebted eurozone countries must be closely overseen by international inspectors.
Many Greeks see this as the first step of a loss of national sovereignty.

Newspaper publisher and journalist George Kirtsos says it's one thing to yield sovereignty in the name of a more united and integrated Europe.
"And it is another thing yielding sovereignty because you have failed in your economic management and now have to face the reality of German domination," he says. "No government can sell this to its people, to its own electorate."
Kirtsos points out that statements by German politicians disparaging the Greek people have revived old memories of the brutality of the German occupation during World War II.
「もう一つは経済政策に失敗して主権を失っていくというがある、そして今やドイツの支配という現実に直面しなければならない。 どの政府も、国家主権を国民、即ち選挙民に売り渡すことは出来ないのだ。」と彼は言う。

Anger With Germany  ドイツに対する怒り
There have even been suggestions in the media that the German-driven austerity measures are part of a plan to reshape the Greek nation. But Kirtsos says this in no way resembles what the Americans offered with the Marshall Plan, which pumped lots of money into the Greek economy, devastated by World War II.
メディアの中には、このドイツ主導の緊縮財政政策をギリシャ国家の再建計画の一部という意見がある。 しかしキルトソスは、第二次世界大戦で荒廃したギリシャ経済に多額の資金を注入した、当時のアメリカのマーシャルプランとは似ても似つかないものだと言った。

"So you can do nation-building provided you pay the bill," he said. "But if you want to do nation-building and force the Greeks to pay the price for the German nation-building in Greece, this is something that cannot be done in political terms."
Anti-German sentiment is boiling. A slew of cartoons have depicted Greek government officials as Nazi collaborators. There are growing fears that Germans are plotting to buy Greek monuments and islands on the cheap, and there's a revival of anger over Greek demands for compensation for Nazi atrocities.
反ドイツ感情は沸騰しつつある。 多くの風刺漫画がギリシャ政府をナチの協力者として描いている。 ドイツがギリシャの国家遺産や島々を買い叩くのを企んでいるのではないかという恐れが広がっている。そしてギリシャ全土に、ナチの非道の対する補償を求める怒りが復活しつつある。

A local EU office run by a German is referred to as the Gestapo.
Even world-famous composer Mikis Theodorakis — of Zorba the Greek fame — joined the anti-German crusade in a call to a radio talk show.
"They are pressing the knife deeper and deeper, they insult us more every day, driving us toward violence and to an explosion that could also be destructive for them," Theodorakis says.

But at a press conference Thursday, Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos tried to reassure Greeks that their national sovereignty is intact. He justified the troika's permanent presence in Athens, saying it's needed to avoid what he called communication problems.
And he insists that responsibility for and implementation of the EU bailout program lies with the Greek government alone.
しかし、木曜日の記者会見で、ギリシャの蔵相のエバンゲロス・ヴェニゼロスはギリシャ国民に対して国家の主権は完全に保全されると念を押した。 彼はトロイカがアテネに常駐することは、コミュニケーションを保つためにも必要だと、これを正当化した。

ギリシャ危機 ベストセラー作家がギリシャ政治家、労働組合を痛烈批判

2011-10-25 | ギリシャ
A moral collapse  モラルの崩壊


by Paris Ayiomamitis

GREECE is a society in moral collapse, according to American author and journalist Michael Lewis. In contrast to other countries faced with a financial crisis, Lewis asserts, Greece’s problem is far more than a financial one: it is also a cultural one in which the role of the state within society is viewed differently.

※ マイケル・ルイス(Michael Lewis)

The Greeks, he says, rely on the government for handouts on the one hand, but cheat it out of taxes, on the other.


Judging from the behaviour of trade unionists in recent decades, his observation is not that far off the mark. And this is because every time a government dares to touch or disrupt this crooked setup - it is faced with the fury and violence of trade unionists.

Empowered by successive governments - and Pasok in particular - in the post-1974 period (metapolitefsi), Greek trade unions have enjoyed a comfy power-sharing situation that over time has developed into a scourge, opposing any changes or reforms that would threaten the status quo.


Trade unionists have effectively hijacked the country, purporting to be fighting for the interests of workers when, in fact, they are fighting to maintain and expand their own privileges at the expense of society at large. The recent disruptions caused by taxi and Public Power Corporation (DEI) unions, to name just a couple, are a point in case.
労働組合は、労働者の利益を守るために戦っていると言いながら、実は大方の社会の犠牲のもとに自らの特権を維持拡大するために戦い、国を効果的にハイジャックしたのです。 最近のタクシー業界や公共の電力会社の労働組合による交通マヒは、その二つの例として名前をあげますが、その典型です。

Tax evasion - the country’s most pressing problem - cannot be tackled unless everyone gets on board, including the unions.

It’s up to the political establishment to break the shackles imposed by unions if Greece is to put itself back on track.

But given the bizarre inability of the country’s main political parties to reach some form of political consensus on finding a way out of the crisis, the future is indeed bleak.

Even its EU partners are dumbstruck. And a frustrated European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso - among many other leading EU politicians - recently urged the political establishment to get its act together before it’s too late. “Greece,” he urged, “needs consensus, not short-sighted partisan politics.” But his words are falling on deaf ears. Prime Minister George Papandreou and main opposition New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras, who met on October 19, failed once again to reach any agreement.
EUのパートナー各国も呆れ果てている。欧州委員会のジョセ・マヌエル・バロッソ委員長も、多くの他のEU指導者同様、業を煮やして最近ギリシャの政治家に対して手遅れになる前に一緒に行動を起こそうと呼びかけました。「ギリシャは、近視眼的に党派閥政治をするのではなく、皆のコンセンサスが必要なのです。」と彼は呼びかけたのです。しかし、彼の言葉は「馬の耳に念仏」でした。 ジョージ・パパンドルー首相と主要な野党である新民主党の党首アントニス・サマラスは10月19日に会談し、なんの妥協点も見出せずに会談は心配におわりました。

Faced with a disaster, Papandreou has clearly failed to rally the political establishment around the cause of a viable exit from the debt crisis. Meanwhile, Samaras has obstinately stuck to his policy of cheap populism, promising a renegotiation of the terms of Greece’s bailout if he comes to power, despite the clear message from international creditors and eurozone leaders that this will never happen.

But political impotence and irresponsibility are not limited to the country’s main political parties. On the one hand, the Greek Communist Party is calling for Greece’s exit from the eurozone and the EU as a way out of the crisis, while Syriza is demanding the resignation of the government on the other.

But neither has bothered to explain how this would help the country get back on its feet. In the meantime, protesters run riot outside parliament with firebombs and stones, causing mayhem as the country is plagued weekly by strikes.

And all this at a time when creditors and analysts believe it is a foregone conclusion that Greece will eventually default on its debts with disastrous consequences for the country. Greek politicians are still busy playing the blame game and it won’t be long before they are faced with not just a moral collapse, but a total collapse.
債権者やアナリスト達が、ギリシャが事実上、悲惨な結果をもたらす負債で事実上デフォルトすることが自明の結論だと考えている時に、全てがこのざまである。 ギリシャの政治家は未だに非難の応酬ゲームに明け暮れている。この国がモラルの崩壊に止まらず、全面的に崩壊するのもそう遠くのことではないであろう。

ギリシャ危機 公務員数削減は至難の業? 根をはるコネ社会。

2011-10-18 | ギリシャ
Bureaucracy in Greece Defies Efforts to Cut It


Police officers, firefighters and coast guard officers protested austerity measures in Athens on Monday. 反政府集会の警察官、消防士そして沿岸警備隊の人々

Published: October 17, 2011

Job cuts may cost Prime Minister George A. Papandreou support he badly needs.
The work force in Greece’s Parliament is so bloated, according to a local press investigation, that some employees do not even bother to come to work because there are not enough places for all of them to sit.
But as Europe looks for any sign of hope that Greece is on the road to reform, there are growing concerns about its ability — and willingness — to trim its payroll, a crucial element in bringing expenses under control enough to win continued international financing.

This week, the government’s resolve will be tested once again. Greece’s two major umbrella unions have called for a rare 48-hour general strike, and several critical austerity measures are coming up for votes in Parliament, including one that would cut 30,000 public-sector jobs.
Some experts believe that Greece could reap significant savings by reducing its bureaucracy, which employs one out of five workers in the country and by some estimates could be trimmed by as much as a third without materially affecting services. But though salaries have been cut, the government has yet to lay off anyone.
今週、政府の決意のほどが再度試されることになるだろう。 ギリシャの二つの主要な全国規模の組合は48時間のゼネストを呼びかけている。そして幾つかの緊縮財政法案が今週議会で投票にかけられるが、その中には3万人の公共部門の削減が含まれている。
ある専門家によると、この国の5人に1人と言われる国家公務員を削減することでギリシャは多額の歳出を抑えることが出来るとしている、そしてある見積もりでは3分の1にその数を削減しても、業務に実質的な支障はきたさないとしている。 しかし、現在給与のカットは実施されているが、政府はまだ解雇には手をつけていない。

The main reason is also one of the very reasons that Greece got into trouble in the first place: The government is in many ways an army of patronage appointments built up over decades. When election time rolls around, state workers become campaign workers, and their reach is enormous. There are so many of them that almost every family has one.
This puts the Socialist prime minister, George A. Papandreou, or any other Greek leader, in a tough spot: There can be little upside to cutting jobs precisely when the government most needs support for unpopular budget-cutting actions.
このことが、社会主義の首相ジョージ・パパンドルゥ―や他のギリシャの政府指導者を厳しい状況に追い込んでいる。 即ち、この不人気な予算削減の施策に対する支持を政府が最も必要とするときに、仕事を正確に削減する上部構造が全くないということである。

“There is a political cost to these reforms,” said Nickolaos G. Travlos, an economist at the Alba Graduate Business School in Athens. “These workers are opinion leaders in their communities. And they are busy blaming the government, especially a Socialist government that is supposed to protect them.”

They are also well organized. This week’s general strike follows weeks of smaller strikes, rallies, sit-ins and a blockade of the Athens landfill that has left piles of garbage rotting in the streets. When auditors from the “troika” — the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and the European Commission — arrived last month at the Finance Ministry, workers blocked their entry.
彼らは、また良く組織化されており、今週のゼネストに続いて、同様な小規模のスト、集会、座り込み、そして、通りに腐ったゴミの山を放置しているアテネのゴミ集積場の入場阻止が続くだろう。 トロイカ(IMF、欧州中央銀行、そしてEC)の会計検査官が先月財務省に到着したが、同省の職員の阻止で入ることが出来なかった。

In four days of tense negotiations, the auditors pushed hard for cutting the bureaucracy. Still, the plan to cut 30,000 jobs is modest by any measure. It amounts to about 4 percent of the public work force and would affect mostly people close to retirement. They would get a soft landing, too: 60 percent of their pay for a year while they remain in a “reserve” pool. After that, those who did not retire or find another job in the administration would be laid off.

The government has about 700,000 employees and 80,000 more who work for government-owned entities like the power company. Thirty years ago, experts say, the public sector was about one-third that size. (Until a census was carried out last year, however, government officials admitted they did not really know how many employees they had.)
Even if the new plan passes, it may yet run into legal challenges. Greece’s Constitution grants its public servants lifetime tenure, a situation that may go a long way toward explaining their indifferent attitude toward getting things done or switching to efficient practices.
政府は70万人の公務員を擁し、更に8万人が、例えば電力会社のような政府系業に勤めている。 ある専門家の話では30年前までは、この公共部門は現在の3分の1だったという。(しかしながら、昨年国勢調査が実施されるまでは、政府関係者は、どのくらいの公務員がいるか実態を把握していなかったことを認めている。)

Some ministries still have employees whose sole job is to record the arrival of documents in a ledger. “It’s crazy,” said Nikos Hlepas, an expert on public administration at the University of Athens. “That’s their whole job even though today we have e-mail.”
But taking action against public sector workers can be costly, experts point out. For instance, many suspect that tax collectors, vital to the government’s efforts to raise more revenues, have been on a work slowdown. The collectors, who like all public servants were hit with salary cuts, completed fewer audits this year than last year.
しかし、公務員の利益に反する行動をとることは非常に高くつく、と専門家は指摘する。例えば、多くの人は、政府が増収を図るのに大事な徴税吏(税務署職員)が仕事をサボっていると考えている。 徴税吏も他の公務員と同様に給与削減されており、今年は昨年に比べて徴税が遅れている。

The head of the tax collectors’ union, Yiannis Grivas, said the problems were due to the introduction of a new computer system. But Mr. Grivas did not hesitate to warn that there would be a slowdown and more strikes if there were layoffs.
“If they do that, there will be repercussions,” he said. “There is always the human element.”
Government officials say they are ready to get tough with unions that do not cooperate. They are also promising a major overhaul of the bureaucracy to be undertaken with help from international experts so that they can end the favoritism that has prevailed.

Elias Mossialos, the government spokesman, said reforms would include new disciplinary procedures and the elimination of the practice of virtually automatic promotion based on years of service. In some departments, Mr. Mossialos said, large numbers of employees had reached the highest ranks and pay grades.
“We are going to re-establish a hierarchy,” he said. “And there will be cost savings in it, too.”
Whether the right workers will be laid off remains an open question. “A lot of people in the government are terrified,” Mr. Hlepas said. “They don’t think any of those people over in Parliament are going to go. They think the ones that do the work will get cut.”

Thomas Tsamatsoulis, 41, who works for the Greek equivalent of the Federal Aviation Administration, said he found himself on an early list headed for the reserve pool, though he had been sent to the United States for electronics training and now has a skill that is rare in his agency. At the same time, Mr. Tsamatsoulis said, the agency, which has just two airplanes, has more than 15 pilots.
“You want to believe the government will do this right,” he said. “But it is very difficult. It’s not how it has worked in the past. It’s all about who you know.”

Greece’s bureaucracy has been growing steadily since democracy was reinstated in 1974, with each new administration adding its supporters to the payroll — and wages rising steeply in the past decade, experts say.
“There was really a party going on,” said Yannis Stournaras, an economist and the director of the Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research in Athens. “The government kept adding bonuses and benefits and pensions. At election time there was a boom cycle as they handed out jobs.”

“Now they need to cut,” he added. “But they have already lost precious time.”
Stories of excesses abound. Mr. Papandreou told Parliament that one of his ministers found a predecessor’s $38,000 bill for curtains when the Socialists returned to power in 2009. Mr. Mossialos said he found that his own ministry, for media and communication, was spending $750,000 a year for office space for just 11 people.
大盤振る舞いの話は沢山ある。 パパンドルゥ―首相は、議会で彼のある省庁で、社会党が2009年に政権についたとき、前任者が3万8千ドルもカーテン代金に支払っているのを見つけたと話した。またモッシアロス氏は彼のメディア・通信省が、たった11人のオフィスに年間75万ドルも支出していたことを知ったと述べた。

But some experts question whether the culture of bloat and favoritism will ever be conquered. Last month, for instance, Anna Diamantopoulou, the education minister, proposed appointing 150 young supporters of Mr. Papandreou’s party, Pasok, to her ministry’s Youth Institute, but the project was canceled after critical media reports. Ms. Diamantopoulou’s spokesman said the jobs would have been paid for by the European Union, but were eliminated after a budget review.
しかし、専門家たちは、この大盤振る舞いと依怙贔屓の文化を駆逐できるか疑問視している。 先月も、例えば、文部大臣のアンナ・デアモアントプロウがジョージ・パパンドルゥーの政党パソクの若い支持者150人を同省のユース・インスティテュートに採用する提案をしたが、そのプロジェクトは批判を浴びて撤回されたとメディアが報じている。同大臣のスポークスマンによると、その仕事はEUから支払われることになっていたが、予算の見直しで廃止されたとのこと。
Niki Kitsantonis and Dimitris Bounias contributed reporting.

ギリシャ危機 政府提出緊縮財政法案は成立するか?ギリギリの攻防

2011-10-16 | ギリシャ
Government vows to pass cuts in 'fight for existence'


14 Oct 2011

Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos pledged on Friday to pass austerity measures in parliament next week in a "fight for our existence", rallying lawmakers despite mounting opposition from labor unions and within the ruling party's own ranks.

The country will but by a 48-hour general strike called to coincide with the vote on Thursday. Union leaders hope to sink the package of pay cuts, tax hikes and public sector layoffs by undermining the resolve of ruling Pasok.

At least two MPs have threatened to vote against part of the package. Nevertheless, the government's slender majority will probably hold up.

Venizelos said there was no alternative to the measures, which the government says are needed to fend off bankruptcy.

"This is a fight for our existence ... we will do anything," he told lawmakers in parliament.

Inspectors from the European Union, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank troika left Athens on Tuesday, indicating they would recommend releasing an 8bn euro tranche of aid that the country needs to keep paying its bills past mid-November.

But they warned the government that the country was slipping behind on its targets and needed to lift efforts to cut costs and reform its stricken economy.

Rebels 造反
Venizelos, who said he was working to build support among IMF members including new economic powers like Russia, India and China, said the wave of strikes could lead to a breakdown in order. "We must urgently come to our senses," he warned.

"The general accounting office doesn't work because it's occupied, the general data system center doesn't work because it's occupied ... society is turning against itself," he said.
「国の会計検査院は占拠されて機能していないし、国のデータシステムセンターも占拠され機能していない ……. 社会が自ら首を絞めている。」とも・・・

Pasok has seen its approval ratings drop sharply as the crisis has continued and there have been growing signs of revolt from within the party with at least one deputy threatening to quit.

"I will resign on Monday, let somebody else take my place," Pasok deputy Thomas Robopoulos told a private radio station. "I can't be part of a parliament in which I have nothing to say."

Two other Pasok deputies have said they will vote against a provision in the draft law which would suspend sectoral wage deals in certain sections of the economy until 2014 to boost company-level agreements.

The government has only a narrow majority with 154 seats in the 300-member parliament but would be able to replace any deputy who resigned with another member from its own ranks.

A small center-right party has also said it may support the government in Thursday's vote.

Robopoulos, a car dealer and one of the few independent businessmen in the Greek parliament, has made several threats to resign in the past but has held back at the last minute to avoid triggering a government crisis.
ロボポウロス議員は、カーディーラーであり、ギリシャ議会では数少ない企業経営者出身である。 過去にも何回か辞意を漏らしていたが、最後になって政府危機の引き金を引くわけにはいかないとして自重していた。

However his comments underlined growing disillusion by many deputies in the ruling party, which has seen its position in parliament eroded by a steady trickle of desertions over the past year.

A total of six Pasok MPs have become independents in protest against austerity measures since the 2010 bailout. Another two resigned and were replaced by others from party lists.

New Democracy, which has repeatedly attacked the austerity measures as pointless and counterproductive, has called on the government to resign, but Venizelos said the criticisms would only make the ruling party more determined.

"I am sure this will steel the resolve of Pasok lawmakers," he told parliament.