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2011-10-03 | アメリカ国内
What Is Retirement, Anyway?

by Ted Robbins
September 30, 2011

アメリカも黄昏てきた。皮肉なことだが、黄昏ると思いは深まり、文化は成熟へと向かう。自分とはいったい誰だと問いかけるアメリカ人もいい。 それにしても、人生の最終章を「I'm on my next to last dog.(最後の犬を飼っている時期)と表現したフリードマンの母親のセンスはいい。 確かに。しかし、下の写真は何を意味しているのか? 解釈でその人が見えてくる。

Figuring out how to approach retirement may require a new strategy.
September 30, 2011
Developer Del Webb pioneered the idea of the "Golden Years" back in the 1960s. It was a way for the builder to market his Arizona retirement communities. The phrase has become a stereotype, but that definition of retirement is actually pretty recent. It's been around less than a lifetime and many are discovering the need to find a different approach to the so-called "Golden Years."                                    デベロッパーのデルウェッブは1960年代の「ゴールデンイヤーズ」というアイデアの産みの親です。それは、そのデベロッパーがアリゾナの定年退職者のコミュニティの市場を構築するときの手法でした。 そのフレーズは誰でも知っている表現になっていますが、その定年退職(定年後の時代)のこのキャッチフレーズはそんなに昔のことではない。 それはまだ一世代にも満たず、多くの人々は、所謂「ゴールデンイヤーズ」時代への、それとは違ったアプローチを見つけ出していた。

"A hundred years ago, people worked till they dropped," says Marc Freedman, who makes his living focusing on older people. He says the marketed life of leisure and recreation really made a virtue out of necessity. In the 1940s, no one knew what to do after they got their gold watch. Then, in the 1950s and '60s, the first baby boomers were just getting ready for careers.
「百年前は、人々は倒れるまで働き続けました。」と高齢者に焦点をあてて、研究を続けているマーク・フリードマンは話す。彼は、マーケティングで生まれた(老後の)余暇活動とレジャーの生活は、必要性から生まれた価値観であると言う。 1940年代には、誰も定年退職後何をするかについて考えてもいなかった。 そして、1950年代と1960年代になり、最初のベビーブーマーが社会人の門口に立ち始めたのです。

"We were pushing older people out of the workforce to create room for younger workers, and in a very short period of time we turned that limbo state into a cornerstone of the American dream," Freedman says. 

Freedman heads an organization called Civic Ventures, a non-profit think tank on boomers. He wrote a book called The Big Shift: Navigating the New Stage Beyond Midlife. Retirement no longer lasts a decade or so. Now, it can last a quarter-century, and soon it'll include a quarter of the population.
フリードマンは、ベビーブーマ-に関する非営利のシンクタンクである、シビック・ベンチャーズと呼ばれる組織の長であり、彼は(「ザ・ビッグシフト」:中年期を越えて新しいステージを航海する)と言う本の著者でもあります。 定年後の生活というのは10年やそこらでは終わらない。 今や、それは4半世紀続くと言えます。そしてそれらの生活をする人々が人口の4分の1を占めるようになるのです。

"It's no longer sustainable," Freedman says. "It's not sustainable for individuals who can't afford it, and for society they can't afford, I believe, to throw away the most experienced segment of society long before their past due date."
「それはもはや持続可能な日々とは言えません。 自分で自立できない人にとって持続可能な生活ではなくなるのです。 そして社会も背負いきれなくなり、社会の最も経験を積んだ世代を予定より随分前に放り出すことになると、思います。」とフリードマンは言う。

But if your due date is a ways off, how do you handle it? Jim Barrera, 61, quit his job in Pennsylvania and moved with his wife to the Phoenix area to be near family. He still needs to support his family. And he thought he'd have no trouble finding a new job.
しかし、あなたの人生の締切(最後の日)が随分先にあるとしたら、あなたはどのようにしてやっていくのですか? ジム・バレッラ61歳は、ペンシルバニアでの彼の仕事を辞め、妻と家族の近くのフェニックス地域に移りました。 彼はまだ彼の家族を支えていかねばなりません。そして彼は新しい仕事を見つけるのは何の問題もないと考えていました。

"But I went about it the wrong way. I didn't know where to look. I'm looking at the wrong things. I'm all over the map," Barrera says.
「しかし、それについて、私は間違った道を選択してしまいました。 私はどこへ探しに行くか知りませんでした、私は見当はずれの方を探していました。 私のような者は何処にでもいるのです。」とバレッラは言う。

Lois Bartholomew retired recently from her job as a community college administrator. Her career was helping young people get started. Over the years, she realized that the typical retirement her generation thought was going to be there, isn't anymore.
ロイス・バーソロミューは最近大学の総務・管理部門の仕事を辞めました。彼女の仕事は若い人たちの就職を助けることでした。 何年もの間、彼女は自分の世代の典型的な定年退職は間近で、あまり残ってないと自覚していました。

"We went to work. And we worked hard and we worked there long, and at the end hopefully you had enough resources to stop working," she says. "I don't think that's how the world is going to be made from this point on."
「私達は仕事に行って、一生懸命働き、そして長くそこで勤め、そして最後に出来れば仕事を辞めても十分な資金を持っている・・・ 私は世の中が、こんな風に出来ているとは考えてはいません。」と彼女は話す。

Jim and Lois are at a four-week workshop in Mesa, Ariz., called "Exploring Your Future." There are seven men and women, ages 57 to 70 at this workshop — but it's not about mutual funds, 401(k)s or reverse mortgages. This workshop is about who they want to be for the rest of their lives.
ジムとロイスは、アリゾナのメサの「あなたの未来を切り拓く」という4週間のワークショップに参加しています。 そのワークショップには57歳から70歳までの7人の男女がいます・・しかし401kのような投信でもリバースモーゲッジ(持家担保年金)でもありません。 このワークショップは、彼らの残りの人生をどうしたいのか考えるための集まりです。

Facilitator Andrea White leads the group in something like a therapy exercise.

"First of all, pick out your five highest values," she says. People write down what matters to them, then share it with another person.

"If you design a future where what you do is in alignment with what you value, you're going to be more successful," she says. "When I worked for the Armour Meat Company, one of my co-workers was a vegetarian and he struggled every day with selling hamburgers and bacon and hot dogs because he didn't eat them and he didn't think other people should."

Matching what you want to do with what you believe in — and what you do well — is a pretty good lesson for any stage of life.

And even with planning, things change with circumstances.

"For many people these days, it is financial," White says. "And they say, you know, I want to give back to the community but I need to make X number of dollars a year."
多くの人にとって、これら(退職後)の日々は、経済的な問題でもあります。 退職後は地域社会に社会奉仕をしたいと考えていると言いますが、私は一年にある程度の生活費を稼がねばなりません。

By the end of the workshop, these people will have a plan for their future, and they'll be support for each other to get the plan going.

Joanne Bohm says this is the first time she's ever been able to sit down and think about what she wants.

"Before, it was just OK, you know, yeah, I would love to do that, or maybe that would be fun," Bohm says. "You get caught up in life. Until now, and now is a time where you go, whoa, where do I want to go? And wherever I'm going, I want it to be something that's meaningful to me."
「とにかく、もういい十分だわ、となる前は、私はそれをしたかったし、楽しかった、生きるのに忙しくて、今まで、そして今が行くその時なの、どこで何がしたいのか? そしてどこへ行っても、私は、私にとって意味のある何かでありたいの。」とボームは言う。

Jim Barrera, who moved to Arizona from Pennsylvania, says his goal is still undefined. But at least now he knows his motivation.

"I'm coming here and saying, 'I got all these gifts, I got all these talents and what's holding me back?'" he says. "So many times in my life, fear has held me back and I understand better where I am now then I did before."
「私はここにやってきて、言うのです、私は多くの物に恵まれ、多くの才能を授かっている、それなのに何が私を躊躇させるのか? 私の人生なかで、恐怖が何度も私を立ちすくませた、そして私は今私が、かつて居たところより、より良い所に居ることに気づいている。」と彼は言う。

This kind of workshop or seminar is starting to pop up all over the country. When you think about it, it's really not about retirement at all. This process would work just as well for people in their 20s leaving college. Defining who you are is a periodic yet lifelong process. In fact, Lois Bartholomew thinks her generation could learn something from younger people.
この種のワークショップやセミナーは今、全国で生まれている。 ワークショップを考えるとき、それは定年退職についてでは全くありません。 このプロセスは人々に、自分たちが大学を出た20代の若者の頃とまさに同様の働きかけするのでしょう。 つまり、“あなたは一体誰なのだ”という自分の定義は、時たまではあるが人生全般の至る所での問いかけでもある。 実際、ロイス・バーソロミューは彼女の世代は若い人達から何かを学ぶことが出来ると考えている。

"If you look at our kids, they don't define going to work for somebody for 30 years. They think that's hooey," she says. "So I think we need to sort of catch up with them that life will have all different parts. It has to be better balanced than what my generation did."
「もし我々の子供を見るならば、彼らは“誰かの為に30年間働く存在”とは自分を定義しないでしょう。 彼らは、それはナンセンスだと思うでしょう。 だから私は、私たちは彼らに遅れを取らないようにする必要があると考えるのです、人生は全て異なる部分から出来ているのだと。 それは私達世代がやってきたことよりも、もっと良くバランスが取れているべきなのです。」

So just what do we call this period of transition and reinvention if not retirement?

"I asked my mother in law what we should call this period, and she said, 'Oh, I already figured it out. I'm on my next to last dog,'" says Freedman, author of The Big Shift: Navigating the New Stage Beyond Midlife and Civic Ventures Founder.
「私は、私の義理の母に、この人生の時期をどのように呼んだらいいか尋ねました。 すると彼女は答えて、“あら私はそんなの分っていたわ、私は最後の犬を飼っている時期と思ってる”と言いました。」とフリードマンは話した。

The labels Third Age or Third Act or Middlessence are starting to be used. Freedman has his own name for it.
第三の時代、或いはミドレセンス(青年期:アドレセンスadolescnceをもじって)の第三幕という表現が使われ始めている。 フリードマンは彼自身のネーミングを持っている。

"I'd like to see this period called encore adulthood," he says.

Like Bruce Springsteen or another aging rocker giving it his all in concert, the encore ought to be at least as good as the rest of the show.

ギリシャ危機 苦しくても前に進むしか道はない。 

2011-10-03 | ギリシャ
Deficit targets missed despite austerity
by (Reuters)


3 Oct 2011
Greece will miss a deficit target set just months ago in a massive bailout package, according to government draft budget figures released on Sunday, showing that drastic steps taken to avert bankruptcy may not be enough.

The dire forecasts came while inspectors from the International Monetary Fund, EU and European Central Bank, known as the troika, were in Athens scouring the country's books to decide whether to approve a loan tranche. Without that installment, Greece would run out of cash as soon as this month.

The 2012 draft budget approved by cabinet on Sunday predicts a deficit of 8.5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) for 2011, well short of the 7.6 percent target.

The 2012 deficit is set to meet a nominal target of 14.6 billion euros, but at 6.8 percent of GDP it falls short of a target of 6.5 percent, because the economy will shrink further.

"Three critical months remain to finish 2011, and the final estimate of 8.5 percent of GDP deficit can be achieved if the state mechanism and citizens respond accordingly," the Finance Ministry said in a statement.

European officials are scrambling to avert an abrupt Greek bankruptcy, which would wreck the balance sheets of European banks, jeopardise the future of the single currency and potentially plunge the world into a new global financial crisis.

European Union officials say the troika's assessment of Greece's future prospects could determine whether it needs to demand more debt relief from private creditors, a measure that could effectively amount to default.

In Sunday's documents, GDP is predicted to fall by 5.5 percent this year. Government sources said it was expected to shrink 2-2.5 percent next year.
日曜日の文書では、GDPは今年5.5%落ち込むと予測されていた。 政府筋の発表では来年は2~2.5%更に縮小するとみている。

Those numbers are in line with recent forecasts by the IMF, but much worse than predictions used to calculate a 109 billion euro ($146 billion) bailout in July, which anticipated Greece posting 0.6 percent growth next year.

The shortfall in the 2011 deficit target means Greece would need almost two billion extra euros just to finance its expenses for this year. It also means additional emergency tax hikes and wage cuts announced in the past two months to hit the target have not been enough to put Greece's finances back on track.

"The vicious circle continues for the government," said Yannis Varoufakis, economic professor at Athens University. "We have disappointing revenues, missed targets and this will bring new measures and new austerity."

To persuade the troika to release the next tranche of loans, Greece has promised to raise taxes, cut state wages and speed up plans to reduce the number of public sector workers by a fifth by 2015.

The cabinet approved a particularly contentious part of the plan on Sunday, creating a measure to reduce the number of state workers, a legal and political minefield in a country where government jobs are explicitly protected by the constitution.

The measure adopted by the cabinet on Sunday creates a "labour reserve" allowing 30,000 state workers to be placed on 60 percent pay and be dismissed after a year.

But the government softened the blow -- and saved less money than troika inspectors initially sought -- because about two-thirds of the workers would be near pension age and due to retire soon anyway. The rest would be from state firms that would merge or shut down.

Eurozone finance ministers are expected to discuss Greece at a meeting in Brussels on Monday, but will be waiting for the troika inspectors' report before taking any new decisions.

The inspectors are widely expected to give a green light to the release of the next eight billion euro tranche of aid to avoid plunging the eurozone deeper into turmoil. But all eyes will be on their forecasts for 2012-2014.

If the inspectors conclude Greece's recession will continue to be worse than predicted, EU officials have suggested banks that agreed to write off 21 percent of the value of their Greek debt holdings in July may be forced to take deeper losses.

Unpopular austerity 不人気な耐乏政策
The austerity measures are deeply unpopular, and public sector unions hope a campaign of strikes and demonstrations can wreck the Socialist government's resolve to enact them. Striking civil servants have disrupted the talks with the troika over the past days by blockading ministries.
国民に耐乏を求める政策は非常に不人気である、そして公共部門の組合はストライキを運動を希望しており、デモは社会主義政党の政府がそれらの施策を遂行することを妨害しかねない。 公務員のストライキは、省庁の建物をブロックしてしまい、トロイカとの会談を妨害した。

The government has a majority of just four seats in parliament and could be forced into elections if a handful of lawmakers balk. But disgruntled legislators have toed the party line over the past weeks and analysts expect them to continue to do so and pass the austerity budget.

"We have a single and steady goal -- to meet our commitments so that we guarantee our credibility," Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou told his cabinet, according to a statement from his office.
「我々は一つの確たる目標を持っている。 コミットメントを達成することで我々は自身の信用を保証することだ。」と、首相府の発表によると、ギリシャの首相であるジョージ・パパンドルーは閣議で発言したとのこと。

The inspection visit, which is expected to last well into this week, also focuses on budget plans for 2012-2014 and commitments to raise 50 billion euros from privatisations by 2015 and open up the country's heavily-regulated economy. 