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ウクライナ民主主義の危機? 前大統領ティモシェンコ女史に7年の実刑判決

2011-10-12 | ロシア及び周辺国
Ukraine’s Tymoshenko Jailed for Seven Years


Published: October 11, 2011
KIEV, Ukraine — Yulia V. Tymoshenko, once one of Ukraine’s most powerful and popular politicians, was sentenced on Tuesday to seven years in prison, the culmination of a politically charged trial that could presage the end of the country’s short and often raucous experiment with democracy.

Ukrainian ex-prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko held her daughter's hand as she spoke at the Pecherskiy district court on Tuesday. ウクライナの前の首相ユリア・ティモシェンは娘の手を握りながらペチェルスキー地方裁判所で話した。

The sentence was the maximum demanded by prosecutors on charges that Ms. Tymoshenko had harmed Ukraine’s interests when, as prime minister, she carried out negotiations with Russia in 2009 over the price of natural gas. Her supporters and many Western officials have insisted that her actions could hardly have amounted to a crime.

The ruling will likely put a freeze on Ukraine’s integration with Western Europe, which the country’s president, Viktor F. Yanukovich has pursued even as he has flirted with the iron-fisted ruling style practiced in Moscow.
“This is an authoritarian regime that is distancing Ukraine from Europe, while using European rhetoric,” Ms. Tymoshenko said in the courtroom. Mr. Yanukovich, she said, “is bringing Ukraine back to 1937,” the height of the Stalinist purges.
「これは専制体制が、ヨーロッパのレトリックを使ってウクライナを欧州からの引き離そうとしている企てだ。」と法廷でティモシェンコ女史は語った。 ヤヌコヴィッチ氏はウクライナを1937年のスターリン粛清の絶頂期に戻そうとしていると彼女は主張している。

In recent weeks, American and Western European diplomats have warned that Ms. Tymoshenko’s imprisonment would make Mr. Yanukovich persona non grata in Western capitals and jeopardize Ukraine’s free trade and association agreement with the European Union, which is near completion.

The European Union immediately issued a message via Twitter saying it was “deeply disappointed with the verdict.”
“The verdict comes after a trial which did not respect the international standards as regards fair, transparent and independent legal process,” Catherine Ashton, the European Union foreign affairs chief, said in a later statement. “This unfortunately confirms that justice is being applied selectively in politically motivated prosecutions of the leaders of the opposition and members of the former government.”

She said the verdict will have “profound implications for the E.U.-Ukraine bilateral relationship, including for the conclusion of the Association Agreement.”
Yulia Mostovaya, editor of the weekly newspaper Zerkalo Nedeli, said the case flew in the face of Mr. Yanukovich’s conviction that Ukraine must pursue strong Western alliances. “The way he treats Tymoshenko is a bomb under his own plans, but emotions have taken the upper hand,” Ms. Mostovaya said. “She is a sharp-tongued woman, and she has insulted Yanukovich many times. In most cases he deserved it. But nonetheless he was offended.”
ユリア・モストヴァヤ(ゼルカロ・ネデリ週刊新聞紙の編集長)は、この裁判はウクライナは西側同盟国との強い関係を築かねばならないという強い思いのヤヌコヴィッチ氏の顔の前を飛ぶ虫のようなやっかいな問題になっていると言う。 「彼がティモシェンコをどう処遇するかは彼自身の計画のもとで爆弾のような危なっかしいものであるが、感情的な部分が上回っている」とモストヴァヤ女史は言う。「彼女は辛辣な物言いの女性であり、彼女は何度もヤヌゴヴィッチ氏を侮辱してきた。 多くの場合、その批判は当たっているのだが、彼は腹に据えかねている。」

If Western Europe responds by isolating the president, “it will be horrible,” she said. “Europe will not be turning away from Yanukovich, it will be turning away from Ukraine.”
Mr. Yanukovich, a former Soviet apparatchik from the bare-knuckled coal mining region of Donetsk, narrowly defeated Ms. Tymoshenko in 2010, wresting the country back from the pro-Western coalition that once defeated him. Though many expected him to lead the country into Moscow’s orbit, he chose Brussels for his first foreign visit, declaring European integration to be a centerpiece of his presidency.
ヤヌコヴィッチ氏は前のソビエト時代に、ドネツクの炭鉱地区から裸一貫で政治局員になった男で、2010年の選挙でティモシェンコ女史を僅差で破り、かつて彼を打ち負かした親西欧同盟勢力から国政を奪い返していた。 多くの人は彼がウクライナをモスクワ路線に軌道修正するとみていたが、彼は最初の訪問地にブラッセルを選び、欧州の統合が彼の大統領としての最優先事項と位置付けた。

He also began a crackdown on the opposition. Of the 11 political figures singled out by prosecutors, according to a report by the International Republican Institute, the most prominent was Ms. Tymoshenko, a populist firebrand with a trademark corona of thick flaxen braids. She went on trial this summer on charges that she agreed to inflated prices in a 2009 agreement to buy Russian natural gas — a charge that she, and many in the West, have dismissed as a pretext for excluding her from politics.
彼は、また反対派を弾圧し始めた。 インターナショナル・リパブリカン・インスティテュートのレポートによると、検察により11人の政治家を弾き出した、中でも目を引いたのはティモシェンコ女史だった、彼女は国民受けする過激なリーダーで、亜麻色の三つ編みの冠の髪型をトレードマークにしている。彼女は、この夏から、彼女がロシアの天然ガスを2009年に高過ぎる価格で購入する契約を締結したという罪状で裁判を受けている。・・・この告訴について彼女と多くの西側諸国は、これは政界から彼女を排除する口実だとして非難している。

Members of Ms. Tymoshenko’s party, Batkivshchyna, said they would appeal to the European Court of Human Rights, as well as call their supporters into the streets if necessary.
“Depending upon the situation, we will appeal to the people to help in this fight,” Nikolai Tomenko, the Ukrainian parliament’s vice-speaker and a leader in Ms. Tymoshenko’s party. “It is obvious that without the help of society it will be very difficult to fight this government,” he told journalists outside the courtroom, according to the Interfax news agency.
「状況に応じて、我々は、この戦いを支援するために国民に訴えていく」と、ウクライナ議会の、ティモシェンコ女史派の副広報担当で指導者のニコライ・トーメンコ氏は言っている。 インターファックス・ニュースによると「社会の助けがなければ、この政府を相手として戦い抜くのは非常に困難です。」と彼は法廷の外で記者団に話しているとのこと。

Hundreds of supporters and opponents of Ms. Tymoshenko set up tent camps outside the courtroom on Tuesday in anticipation of the verdict. Concerned about possible violence, police officials deployed close to 1,500 riot officers, according to the Ukraine’s Interior Ministry.
The gathering was reminiscent of the dramatic protests of the 2004 Orange Revolution, which catapulted Ms. Tymoshenko to power by blocking Mr. Yanukovich from taking the presidency after he won an election widely believed to be rigged.
数百人ものティモシェンコ女史の支持者と反政府支持者は、水曜日に法廷の外にキャンプを設営し判決を待った。 ウクライナ内務省によると、暴動を懸念し、警察当局は1500人の機動隊を配置していた。

But it was unclear if Ukrainians, wearied by years of intractable political conflict and stark economic declines, will have the desire to mount major protests regardless of their political affiliations.