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World News


2011-10-27 | 軍事
Army Names First Black Woman As Two-Star General                         米陸軍は黒人女性を初めて陸軍少将に任命した


by Erin Toner
October 26, 2011

Maj. Gen. Marcia Anderson receives her second star from her husband, Amos, during a Sept. 29 ceremony at Fort Knox, Ky., while the U.S. Army Accessions Command and Fort Knox commanding general, Lt. Gen. Benjamin Freakley, looks on. ケンタッキー州のフォートノックスでの9月29日の式典で、マルシア・アンダーソン少々が夫エイモスから二つ目の星を付けてもらっている。陪席しているのは米陸軍アクセションズコマンドとフォートノックス司令官であるベンジャミン・フリークリィ中将

October 26, 2011 from WUWM
The Army has appointed its first black female two-star general.
Wisconsin native Marcia Anderson was promoted after a military career that spans more than three decades.
And she says she hopes her achievement inspires young service members to become leaders.
ウィスコンシン出身のマルシア・アンダーソンは30年以上の軍の経歴を経て承認した。 彼女は、自分の昇進が若い後進の人達が幹部を目指す励みになることを期待していると語った。

A Historic Promotion  歴史的昇任
Anderson's civilian job is clerk of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Madison, Wis.
"It's just a beautiful fall morning in Wisconsin, and I walked in the building, and everyone greeted me as though I had just left yesterday," she says on her first day back.

Anderson actually left a year ago when she was assigned to lead the Army's Human Resources Command at Fort Knox, Ky. The year came to a historic end in September, when at 53, Anderson became the first black woman to become a major general in the Army. Anderson's father, a Korean War veteran, traveled to Fort Knox for the ceremony.

"I think he had to have two shirts that day because he popped the buttons off of the first one," Anderson says. "He was so excited, he was so proud. It was more his moment, I think in many ways, than it was mine — his and a lot of other men and women like him who didn't have the opportunity to succeed like I did."
私が思うに、父はシャツを二つ持ってくるべきだったわ、だって、彼は最初のシャツのボタンを二つも千切っちゃから、彼はとても興奮して、誇りに思ってくれたわ。それは、私がいろんな意味で自分にとっての記念すべき瞬間だと思っている以上に彼にとっての意味ある瞬間だったみたい。 そう彼の、そして私のように成功する機会に恵まれなかった多くの彼のような人たちにとっての。」とアンダーソンは話している。

A Good Support System  グッドサポートシステム
Anderson's career began when she joined ROTC in college, and was quickly attracted to its physical and leadership activities. Later, she earned a law degree and went on to serve with Reserve units on the East Coast. She quickly moved up the military ranks.

Maj. Gen. Marcia Anderson is the first female U.S. Army black officer to obtain the rank of major general.

"You're put in charge of people, and they test you," Anderson says.
One of those tests came early on when Anderson was assigned to train a group of drill sergeants.

"I knew the commander there was not real thrilled to have me, but I just resolved to do a really good job," she says. "I think it's just a generational thing, and I took those drill sergeants who were not the best of the best, and I made it my business to make them the best of the best."

Even though white men far outnumber women and minorities in the highest ranks of the military, Anderson feels there are equal opportunities and a good support system for anyone who wants to become a leader.
"You know, I think any limitations — a lot of those limitations are self-imposed," Anderson says. "So people who — in the military — who just scrape by, people notice that."

Criticized For Not Serving In Combat  戦場勤務が無いと批判されて
But despite her leadership skills, when Anderson's promotion was announced, there were those critical of her earning the rank of two-star because she never served in combat. Anderson says while she did volunteer during both Gulf Wars, it's unfortunate that was the focus for some.

"Because there's a lot of officers, good officers and NCOs [non-commissioned officers] in our Army who haven't deployed," she says. "And quite frankly, it's an accident of our specialty."
Anderson says those who work in Army human resources provide valuable support for military families.

"It's hugely important, especially with the way there are multiple deployments, and we know the impact that has on families," she says. "And we do everything we can to help take care of them."
While Anderson makes Wisconsin her home, she moves on to a part-time assignment in Washington, D.C., as a deputy to the chief of the Army Reserve.
「それは非常に重要な任務です、特に複数の部隊展開をしている場合は、我々は軍人の家族が大きな負担を背負っていることを承知しています。 だからこそ、その家族をケアをするために、我々に出来るあらゆることをしているのです。」

