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2011-10-23 | アメリカ国内
Bachmann Once Prosecuted Tax Evaders For The IRS

ある程度の一貫性は必要だが、人間は成長していくものだとすれば過去はあまり咎められない。でも、いまの時点で過去を偽るのはまずい。 現在と未来に政治家は責任を負うのだから・・ 

by David Welna
October 21, 2011

Steve Pope/Getty Images
Rep. Michele Bachmann, shown speaking at a reception by the anti-tax group Iowans for Tax Relief, was once a prosecutor for the IRS. On the campaign trail, she has made that part of her resume a selling point. 減税のためのアイオワの反課税グループのレセプションでスピーチする共和党のミシェレ・バハマンは、かつて国税局の検察官だった。彼女はこの経歴を自分のセールスポイントにした

Michele Bachmann, At A Glance ミシェレ・バハマン 略歴
Born: April 6, 1956, in Waterloo, Iowa 生まれ: 1956年4月6日アイオワに生まれる
Family: Married to Marcus Bachmann since 1978; five children, Lucas, Harrison, Elisa, Caroline and Sophia; 23 foster children 家族構成: 1978年マルカス・バハマンと結婚 5人の子供 ルーカス、ハリソン、エリサ、キャロライン、ソフィア、 23人の養子
Education: Winona State University, B.A. (1978); Oral Roberts University, J.D. (1986); College of William and Mary, L.L.M. (1988) 教育: 1978年ウィノーナ州立大学 BA、 1986年オーラル・ロバーツ・大学 JD、1988年 ウィリアム・アンド・メリー大学 LLM
Career: Tax attorney for the Internal Revenue Service 職歴 : 国税庁検察官
Elected Office: Minnesota state Senate (2000-2006), U.S. House of Representatives (2006-present) 議員歴 : ミネソタ州上院議員(2000-2006) 連邦議員(2006-現在)

Perhaps more than any other Republican running for president this year, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann has railed against taxes. She says they're too high, and that the current tax code should be repealed.
But Bachmann had a somewhat surprising early career: going after tax evaders as a prosecutor for the Internal Revenue Service.

'Know Your Enemy'?   汝の敵を知れ?
At times, the congresswoman and former state senator has seemed to deny that for nearly her entire professional life, she's been on the public payroll.
At a GOP presidential debate in New Hampshire earlier this month, she said she's spent her "whole life in the private sector."

But a biographical video on her campaign website tells a different story. It doesn't mention that she once told a Minnesota group it was her husband, Marcus, who insisted on her getting a post-graduate degree in tax law. But it does say this:
"She went on to earn a degree in tax law from the prestigious College of William and Mary, and served as a tax attorney for the United States government."

Repeated requests to speak with Bachmann about her time as a federal tax attorney all went unanswered. But on the campaign trail, she's made that part of her resume a selling point.
"I'm a former federal tax lawyer. I get how devastating high taxes are — I've seen it," she said at a campaign stop in Columbia, S.C., in August. There, she did something she rarely does: She talked about exactly which part of the federal government she'd worked for.

"How many of you love the IRS?" she asked, receiving a chorus of "Noes" in return. "It's time to change it. I went to work in that system because the first rule of war is know your enemy. So I went to the inside to learn how they work, because I want to defeat them."

But Minnesota tax attorney Genelle Forsberg says she doesn't think Bachmann worked at the IRS to infiltrate it. "I think she came there for a job."
Forsberg worked alongside Bachmann at the St. Paul IRS legal office during the more than four years Bachmann was employed there, beginning in 1988. Forsberg has since left that IRS office, where her husband is still senior counsel. She says she never heard Bachmann say anything back then about getting to know the enemy.
フォースバーグは、バハマンが1988年に採用されて働いたセント・ポール法律事務所で4年以上、机を並べて働いていた。 以来、フォースバーグは主人がまだ上級顧問をしている国税局事務所を辞めている。彼女はバハマンが、当時敵を知るために・・というような話をしたことは聞いたことが無いと話している。

"She had indicated to some of us that she really wasn't interested in taxes — this was a job that she got, and I think, you know, she was learning as she went," says Forsberg. "But I didn't see any indication that she was ambitious in making tax law her career."
The IRS would not authorize a visit to its St. Paul office. But some of Bachmann's former co-workers say that much of the time she was employed there, she was not actually on the job. Forsberg says that while she herself generally took about half a dozen cases to tax court each year, records indicate that Bachmann litigated only two court cases the entire time she worked for the IRS.
「彼女は、自分は税金に本当は関心が無いと、我々の幾人かに話していた・・・・彼女は仕事として来たのよ、そして私が思うには、彼女は仕事をしながらいろいろ学んでいったのだと思うわ。 だけど、彼女が税理士を彼女のキャリアにするという強い意志は、どこにも感じなかったわ。」とフォールバーグは当時を回顧する。
国税庁はセント・ポール事務所訪問の許可をおろさなかったが、バハマンの当時の同僚の幾人かが、当時の彼女について、彼女が雇われていた殆どの間、彼女が実際には大して仕事をしていなかったと話してくれた。 フォースバーグは自身がいるときは通常年に6件ぐらいの裁判事案を扱ったけど、記録によるとバハマンは在任期間全体でたったの2件しか扱っていないと話している。

"She and myself, we both had two maternity leaves during that period of time that she was there, so you obviously wouldn't have a case during that period of time. But I would say, on average, most people would have more cases for litigation than that," she says.

Marvin Manypenny Vs. The IRS  マービン・マニペニー 対 国税庁
In 1992, Minneapolis attorney Mary Streitz was a pro bono defender at one of the two trials Bachmann litigated.
"I remember her as a somewhat tall, slender woman with a lovely black houndstooth-checked two-piece suit," Streitz recalls.
The case, she says, did not involve much money — a Native American named Marvin Manypenny was charged with failing to pay $5,980 in taxes on about $30,000 earned over a three-year period.

"That sort of case probably never would have been tried if he hadn't been making the arguments he was making about his Indian status, and if he hadn't felt so strongly about them," Streitz says.
She recalls that defendant Manypenny, who lives on the White Earth Indian reservation in northern Minnesota, was sworn in at his request with a peace pipe. Reached by telephone recently, Manypenny summed up his argument to the Tax Court:
"If I'm not a part of the people of the United States," he said, "then, you know, how is it that I'm obligated to pay taxes as a full-fledged citizen?"
彼女は、被告のマニペニー(ミネソタ北部のホワイト・アースインディアン居留区に住んでいる)が和解を求めたと記憶している。 最近、マニペニー氏に電話で取材したところ、彼がこの裁判についての彼の主張のポイントを話してくれた。

Native Americans, Manypenny maintained, have not been recognized as full citizens by the U.S. Constitution. He describes then-IRS prosecutor Bachmann as "blunt" and "curt" in the courtroom.
「ネィティブ・アメリカン(マニペニーがその地位を保持)は合衆国憲法で完全な市民とは認められていない。 彼は、当時の国税庁の検察官であったバハマンについて、法廷では鈍感で、素っ気ない態度だったと話している。

"But I don't think she understood my points that I was trying to make constitutionally, and that kinda surprised me, in that, you know, her being an attorney," he says. "I don't think she grasped, you know, what I was contending."
「しかし、私の憲法上の観点からの主張を彼女が理解したとは思っていません、それは少なからず私にとって驚きでした。だって、彼女は法律家でしょう。 彼女は私が非難していた内容を彼女が把握していたとは思えない。」と彼は話す。

Still, as Manypenny's former counsel Streitz points out, Bachmann did win that case.
"I thought she did just fine," Streitz says.
Within a year, Bachmann would leave the IRS to start a Christian charter school and pursue her next career — as an anti-tax politician
それでも、マニペニーの当時の顧問弁護士であったストライツは、バハマンはその裁判に勝ったと指摘する。 「私は、彼女はキチンとやったと思うわ」とストライツは言う。

