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アルカイダに打撃? 無人機攻撃でアウラキ殺害

2011-10-01 | 米国政治
Debate Erupts Over Legality Of Awlaki's Killing


by Carrie Johnson
September 30, 2011


U.S.-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki was killed Friday in a U.S. airstrike in Yemen. U.S. officials say he was linked to several major terrorist plots in recent years. 米国生まれの牧師アンワル・アウラキは金曜日に、イエメンにおける米軍の航空攻撃で殺害された。米国関係者によると、ここ数年の主要なテロの計画に彼は関与していたという。

Within moments of Anwar al-Awlaki's death, debate erupted over whether the U.S. had a legal basis to target one of its own citizens with deadly force.
Last year, President Obama put Awlaki on a secret list that gave the intelligence community a green light to target him in a deadly drone attack.
アンワル・アル‐アウラキの死後すぐに、米国が自国の市民を殺戮兵器の目標とすることが法的に許されるのかという議論が起きた。 昨年、オバマ大統領は情報組織に与えた極秘リストにアウラキの名前を入れ、彼を無人機攻撃の攻撃目標とすることに許可を与えた。

The move bothered human-rights advocates so much that they sued, enlisting Awlaki's father as a plaintiff in the lawsuit.

"The government should not have the unreviewable authority to carry out the targeted killing of any American, anywhere, whom the president deems to be a threat to the nation," says Hina Shamsi, who leads the national security project at the American Civil Liberties Union.

But the Justice Department responded that Awlaki wasn't just any American. He transformed himself from a cleric who inspired young Muslims with words to an operational leader who helped equip terrorist plotters with deadly bombs.

A judge ultimately threw out the ACLU lawsuit, saying it involved state secrets and raised political questions that should be answered in Congress, not the courts.

All those questions came roaring back again today with word of Awlaki's death at the hands of the U.S. government.

"The requirements of the Constitution with respect to due process for killing an American are not clear," says John Bellinger, a lawyer in the State Department under President George W. Bush.

After 10 years of talking about legal authority when it comes to terrorism, he says, there's still no international consensus on the legality of drone strikes — and no clear precedent for using those drones to kill a U.S. citizen.
テロリズムのことになると、法的な権威について10年間話されてきて、いまだに、無人機の攻撃の合法性については国際的なコンセンサスに至っていない。 ・・・さらにアメリカ市民を殺害するために、これらの無人機を使うというハッキリした前例もないと彼は話す。

"Wherever they are in the world, they have a constitutional right to due process," Bellinger says. "But due process doesn't necessarily mean an adversarial judicial hearing."

So, Bellinger says, under his view of the law, a criminal trial or even an indictment doesn't have to happen to satisfy the Constitution.

Instead, a legal finding by the Justice Department and debate among lawyers from multiple government agencies might have satisfied Awlaki's rights under the Fifth Amendment.

Ken Anderson, who teaches at American University's Washington College of Law and follows U.S. policy on drones, says the analysis starts with whether Awlaki amounted to a lawful target — U.S. citizen or not.

"The U.S has always seen somebody who is planning attacks against the United States as a lawful target," Anderson says.

Either because Awlaki presented an imminent threat to American citizens or because he had become an enemy fighting alongside al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, Anderson says, he could be seen as a lawful target.

Anderson says in the legal analysis, the place where a target is located matters too.
"[The government's] standard is we're not going to be targeting somebody in London or Paris or someplace that's got the effective rule of law," Anderson says.
アンダーソンによると、その攻撃対象が何処に居るかも、また問題となるという。 「政府の規範では、我々はロンドンやパリなど効果的な法律の規定が適用されている場所で、誰かを攻撃の対象とすることはないという。

But by hiding in Yemen, Awlaki couldn't be served with a subpoena or easily taken into custody, putting himself in a different category.
The Justice Department wouldn't talk about specific operations or individuals. Nor did it want to describe the process the government used to put Awlaki on a target list.
しかし、イエメンに隠れているアウラキには召喚状も有効ではないし、簡単に拘留もできない。 彼は異なる範疇で捉えられるべきである。

One administration official did agree to speak in general about targeting terrorists. "We're not commenting on any specific individual or operation," the official said. "As a general matter, it would be entirely lawful for the United States to target high-level leaders of enemy forces, regardless of their nationality, who are plotting to kill Americans both under the authority provided by Congress in its use of military force in the armed conflict with al-Qaida, the Taliban, and associated forces as well as established international law that recognizes our right of self-defense."
ある政府当局者はテロリストを攻撃目標とすることについて一般論について話すことに同意してくれた。「我々は、どのような個々人或いは作戦についてはコメントしない。」「一般的なこととして、米国にとって敵軍の高レベルの指導者を攻撃目標とすることは全く合法的である。国籍を問わず、アメリカ人の殺害を企むものは、以下の二つの理由で攻撃対象となる。 まずアルカイダ・タリバンと武力紛争中の米軍の使用について議会から承認されて(オーソライズ)いること、つぎに、同じく我々の自衛権の認識の下で国際的法律のもと連合した軍であること。

Experts say that while it might not be required under the law, it would make good political sense to share more information with Congress and the public. Awlaki's case might be the first case to present these difficult questions, but it won't be the last.
専門家は、現行法のもとで必ずしも求められないかもしれないが、議会や国民と、もっと情報を共有することが政治的には賢明かもしれないと言っている。 アウラキのケースはこれらの難しい問題を呈した最初のケースであるが、しかしこれが最後ではない。

アフガニスタンとイラク 2つの戦争  内向きになる米国民

2011-09-15 | 米国政治
As Wars Drag On, U.S. Interest Wanes 


by Jackie Northam
September 14, 2011

U.S. Army soldiers in Afghanistan's eastern Paktika province on Monday. In the U.S., public interest in the war has waned as the American involvement approaches 10 years. 月曜日、アフガニスタンの東部パクティカ地方の米軍兵士。アメリカの関与から10年が経ち、アメリカ国内における国民の関心が弱まりつつある。
September 14, 2011
When U.S. forces launched the war in Afghanistan on Oct. 7, 2001, they were riding a wave of anger and a call for justice by a broad swath of the American public.
Andrew Kohut, president of the Pew Research Center, says the initial support for the Afghan invasion was around 90 percent, and the war was closely followed by a large number of people. But since then, the public has been slowly disengaging, he says.
In 2001 and 2002, about 40 percent of the public said they were following news about Afghanistan very closely. From 2009 to 2011, that number had fallen to 25 percent, Kohut says, adding that the pattern in Iraq was the same.
Kohut says he's not surprised by these numbers. The public is typically more engaged at the start of a military operation. But he says the support and interest in the Iraq War started to tumble within months after it began in March 2003.
コートは、この数字は驚くほどの事ではないという。 国民が軍事作戦の当初により関心を示すのは典型的な反応である。 しかし、イラク戦争への支持と関心は、2003年の3月の開戦後、数か月で急激に薄れ始めた。

Darryl St. George, a Navy corpsman, walks along a mud compound wall in Helmand province, southern Afghanistan. Next month will mark 10 years for U.S. forces in Afghanistan. 
 アフガニスタン南部のヘルマンド地方の泥壁沿いに歩くダリル・ジョージ海軍衛生兵。 来月、アフガニスタンの米軍駐留は10年目に入る。

"The public soured on the decision to go to war in Iraq by 2004, when not only were there no weapons of mass destruction found, but all of a sudden, the cost of that war began to increase, [and] casualties began to be rather substantial," he says.
Army Col. Matthew Moten, a professor of history at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, says it's unrealistic to sustain public interest on any issue year after year. Moten says the American public has obviously moved on from the two wars.
"I think that the public has other issues on its mind, collectively — namely the economy, jobs, the problems with the federal deficit and debt," he says. "And those seem to be trumping concerns about the war for most of the populace."
「私は国民は、それぞれ自分の心の中に別の問題を抱えていると思う・・・それは即ち経済であり、仕事であり、連邦政府の財政赤字と負債である。 そして、それらが大衆の殆どの戦争に対する懸念を生んでいったように見える」と彼は話した。
Worth The Cost?  コストに見合う?
Christopher Preble, vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the libertarian Cato Institute, senses public frustration over the limited achievements after years of war, hundreds of billions of dollars spent, and the loss of more than 6,000 U.S. service personnel.
"There's a sense in both of these wars, the nature of these wars, you're not expecting a heroic victory of the sort we came to expect from wars like World War I and World War II," he says.
Moten says only a tiny fraction of the American public is actually involved in either war. He says people would likely be more interested if they had to shoulder some of the responsibility and make more sacrifices.
モートンは、アメリカのほんのわずかのアメリカ国民しか、実際にいずれの戦争にも関与していないと言う。 彼が言うには、人々は、自分がもっと何らかの責任や犠牲を負わなければならなくなったとき、関心を示すようになるとのこと。
"I call that having skin in the game," he says. "If America had a draft at the moment, even a very small draft, if mothers and fathers knew that there was some real chance that their sons and daughters might be conscripted into the military, I think they would pay a great deal more attention to what's going on in Iraq and Afghanistan."
「私はゲームにおける皮膚感覚とよんでいます。 もしアメリカが、その時徴兵制だったら、少数の徴兵でも、もし親達が、自分の息子や娘が軍に召集されるかもしれないという、現実的な機会があれば、彼らはイラクやアフガニスタンに無関心ではいられないと思います。」とモートンは言う。
But it's not just the public that has lost focus on the wars. Many cash-strapped news organizations have scaled back or even eliminated their coverage. And the two conflicts barely cause a ripple on the campaign trail, especially among Republican presidential candidates, says Preble.
しかし、それらの戦争に関心を失ったのは何も国民大衆ばかりではない。 多くの、資金繰りの苦しいニュース各社も戦争の見出しを縮小、或いは削除していった。そしてこの二つの戦争は選挙遊説では殆ど波紋を呼ばなくなった、特に共和党の大統領候補達の間では・・とプレブルは言う。
"Many Republicans don't want to call attention to Iraq," he says. "That would remind the American public that they were, in fact, the cheerleaders for this war that most Americans now think was a horrible mistake."
「多くの共和党候補者はイラクへの注意を喚起することを望んでいない。 それは、殆どのアメリカ国民が、今や大変な間違いだったと考えている戦争の、実際に旗振り役だったのが共和党であることを思い出させるからである。」と彼は言う。

Preble says the war in Afghanistan is more complicated, because it's still seen as crucial to counterterrorism efforts. But that doesn't guarantee a greater interest in the conflict, even though 100,000 U.S. troops are still fighting there.

トーマス・フリードマン (なぜアメリカは遅れをとったか?)

2011-09-09 | 米国政治
Thomas Friedman On 'How America Fell Behind'

September 6, 2011


That Used To Be Us
How America Fell Behind in the World It Invented and How We Can Come Back 如何にしてアメリカは自らこしらえた世界に遅れをとってしまたのか、そしてどうやって復活することができるのか

by Thomas L. Friedman and Michael Mandelbaum
September 6, 2011
Back in March, Paul Otellini — president and CEO of Intel Corp. — compared the situation of present-day America to that of the U.K. at the turn of the last century.


"I imagine sitting in Britain 110 years ago, looking at the rising giant of the United States — the buildings going up and the new factories and the schools and the universities — and they must have been saying, 'Oh my god,' " he told NPR's Michele Norris. "And in fact, the U.S. eclipsed the U.K. and most of Europe. Well, we're sitting here today looking over the next ocean — the Pacific this time — and the infrastructure being built out in Asia ... and we should be appropriately saying, 'Oh my god.' "

「私は110年前のイギリスにいると想像してみる、巨大なアメリカが勃興しているのを見ながら・・・ビルが高くなり、それに新しい工場、学校や大学も・・・彼らは、こう言ったに違いない「オーマイ ゴッド!」そして、実際にアメリカはイギリスと欧州の大部分を蚕食していった。 今日我々はここにいて、大洋の向こうをみている・・・そう、今回は太平洋・・・そしてアジアにおいてインフラが建設されていく・・・・我々はいみじくもこう言っている「オーマイ ゴッド!」と」と彼はNPRのミッシェル・ノリスに話した。

"Oh my god" could have been the title of the new book by New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman and author Michael Mandelbaum. It's called That Used To Be Us and in it, Friedman and Mandelbaum describe a country that used to be industrially advanced, exceptionally inventive, unusually educated, politically pragmatic and relatively egalitarian.

「オーマイゴッド」はニューヨークタイムズのコラムニストであるトーマス・フリードマンと著者のミッシェル・マンデルバウムの新しい本のタイトルになるはずだった。 著書は、「ザット ユースト トゥビー アス(それはかつての私たちだった)」とタイトルが変わり、その中でフリードマンとマンデルバウムは、かつては産業が先進で、とほうもなく独創性があり、教育施策に優れ、地に足のついた政治そして、比較的公平な社会であった国を描いている。

"There's no question we've lost our way," Friedman tells NPR's Robert Siegel. "This problem started at the end of the Cold War. We made the biggest mistake a country and species can make: We misread our environment. We thought the Cold War was a victory and we could put our feet up. In fact, we had just unleashed ... 2 billion people just like us; people with our same aspirations, same capabilities. And just when we needed to be lacing up our shoes and running faster, we put our feet up."

「私たちが、自らの道を見失ったことは間違いありません。 この問題は冷戦の終焉とともに始まっていたのです。 私たちは国や種としとの人間が犯しやすい大きな過ちをしてしまったのです。 つまり環境を読み違えたということです。 私たちは冷戦に勝利したと思い、安逸を貪ってしまった。 事実、私たちは20億の人々をまさに私達と全く同様に解き放ってしまったのです、私たちと同じ野望、そして同じ能力を備えた人々にしてしまったのです。 そして我々が兜の緒を締めて、先陣を切らねばならないときに、私達は努力を怠ってしまったのです。」とフリードマンはNPRのロバート・シーゲルに話した。

The New American Generation 新しいアメリカの世代
So what happened? What changed? For one thing, Friedman says, the end of the Cold War saw the rise of a new American generation.
"We shifted from [the] greatest generation that really operated on what we call in the book 'sustainable values' — saving and investing — and we handed power over to the baby boomer generation who really lived by '' — borrow and consume," Friedman says. "The baby boomers, I believe, have a lot to answer for. They have not followed in the path of their parents in terms of making the hard decisions, making the long-term investments."

それで何が起こったか? 何が変わったか? 一つは、冷戦の終焉により新しいアメリカの世代の勃興を見たとフリードマンは言う。
「私たちは本のなかで言及した“継続的価値”なるもの・・・貯蓄と投資・・・に本当に影響を受けた世代から移り・・・借金して消費するということで、生きてきた次のベビーブーマーの世代へとバトンを引き継いでいったのです。 ベビーブーマーは多くのそれについての答えるべきものを持っていると私は考えます。彼らは、厳しい決断もせず、長期的な先行投資もしてこなかったという点で、彼らの両親の歩んだ道に従わなかった。

The end of the Cold War also led to a world that was not only connected, but hyperconnected. Friedman notes that the global connectivity he focused on in his book The World Is Flat has already grown by leaps and bounds since 2004, when he sat down to write it.
"Facebook didn't exist; Twitter was a sound; the cloud was in the sky; 4G was a parking place; LinkedIn was a prison; applications were what you sent to college; and Skype for most people was typo," he says. "All of that changed in just the last six years."

冷戦の終焉は世界を繫いだだけでなく、異常なほど繋いでしまった。 フリードマンは、彼の前著「フラット化する世界」で焦点を絞った地球的規模の結合は既に2004年のその著書の執筆を始めたときから、さらに大きく飛躍的に強まったと記している。
「当時はフェイスブックは無く、ツィッターといえば声だし、雲(クラウド)は空に浮いているものだし、4Gは駐車場だった、リンクトイン(繋がれる)は刑務所で、アプリ(申請書)は大学に送付するもので、スカイプに至っては殆どん人には印刷だった。 これらの変化の全ては、このたった6年で起きた変化です。」と彼は言う。

Thomas Friedman is the author of five best-selling books, including From Beirut to Jerusalem and The World Is Flat. トーマスフリードマンは5冊のベストセラーの著者で「ベイルートからエルサレムへ」や「フラット化する世界」の著書でも有名

Searching For Solutions  解決策を求めて
Globalization has meant that even wealthy, American-based businesses aren't contributing what they used to. American businesses used to actually be in the U.S., but today Friedman says, "they hover over America."
"We are missing the voices of those CEOs in our discussions — national discussions on education and infrastructure — because if they can't get the workers, the infrastructure, the opportunities that they need here, they can just go somewhere else," he says. "And that's a huge problem."

「グローバリゼーションは、富やアメリカ基盤のビジネスさえも、もはや、かつてのように貢献しなくなったことを意味している。 アメリカのビジネスは、かつてはアメリカの中に実際にあったが、それらはアメリカの上空に漂っている」と彼は言う
「私たちは我々の討論の中で、CEOのような人たちに声を逃している・・・そう、教育やインフラについての国民的な討論のなかで・・・なぜなら、もしこれら経営者が労働者やインフラやここで必要なチャンスを得られなかったら、彼らはどこか他所へ言ってしまうからです。 そしてそれは大変な問題です。」

Friedman has ideas for solutions, but they all start by addressing one thing — the current political gridlock in Washington.


"We're having an economic crisis and the politicians are having an election and it's like they don't even overlap in many ways. The incentives of politics today — money, cable television, gerrymandered districts — are so misaligned with the needs of the country that they become like a closed circle, operating on their own," he says. "What we argue for is an independent, third party that actually can show that there is a huge middle in this country that demands different politics."

「我々は経済的な危機にあり、政治家は選挙を控えている、そしてそれらは多くの点で重なり合ってさえいないようにみえる。 今日の政治の動機付けは金(政治資金)、ケーブルテレビ(広報宣伝)、ゲリマンダー地区(有利な選挙区)であり、この国が必要とするものと整合性が全くずれており、彼らは閉鎖回路のように、彼ら自身のためにのみ動いている。 個人として我々が強く求めるものは、これまでとは違う政治を求める、大きなこの国の中間層をなす人々がいるということを示す第三の勢力なのです。

In other words, he wants to change today's political incentives.
"Move the cheese; move the mouse. Don't move the cheese; mouse doesn't move," Friedman says. "So right now, all the incentives of these two parties are to behave in really bad ways for the country. The only way to change that is to show them the [voter] — the cheese — is over here."

「チーズを動かせば、ネズミはついてくる。 チーズを動かさないとネズミも動かない」とフリードマンは言う。 「なのし、今これら二つの政党の全てのインセンティブは、この国にとって本当に悪い方向に動くようになっている。 これを変える唯一の方法は彼等(政治家に)選挙民・・・チーズは・・こちらだよと示すことなのです。」とフリードマンは言う。

Read an excerpt of That Used To Be Us (次回にこの本の抜粋をアップします。)

アメリカ大統領候補指名競争へ出馬? ペイリン

2011-09-05 | 米国政治
Palin Faults Obama, Establishment For Economic Woe

NPRは政府のメディアだけに、中立的な報道の装いをしていながらも、この記事を読む限りではペイリン=無知の印象を与える仕上がりの記事になっている。 しかし、危機の時代、彼女のある種の明るさと単純明快さが受け入れられる社会的素地はあるのだろう。

by The Associated Press

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin waves to the crowd as she arrives during the Tea Party of America's "Restoring America" event at the Indianola Balloon Festival Grounds Saturday in Indianola, Iowa. 前アラスカ州知事サラ・ペイリンは土曜日、アイオワ州のインディアノラのインディアノラ・バルーン・フェスティブグラウンドでのアメリカティーパーティの「アメリカ再生」イベントの最中に、到着して観衆に手をふっている。

September 3, 2011
Sarah Palin struck a populist tone and assailed corporate favoritism Saturday in a campaign-style speech to Tea Party activists. The Republican star visited the state that kicks off the GOP presidential race as the clock ticks down on her self-imposed deadline to enter it.

サラ・ペイリンはティーパーティの活動家に選挙演説スタイルのスピーチのなかで、大衆受けする話し方で、企業優遇を非難した。 共和党のスター、ペイリンは、立候補するかどうか、自身で決めた決心の日が近づくなか、共和党の大統領候補レースを始める州を訪れた。

She did not announce whether she will run for the White House. But the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee did lay the rhetorical groundwork for an outsider campaign by advocating proposals aimed at addressing the nation's stubbornly high unemployment.


And in doing so, Palin set herself apart from President Barack Obama, a Democrat seeking re-election who is rolling out a jobs plan next week, and, in a veiled way, from some declared Republican presidential candidates.


"This is why we must remember the challenge is not simply to replace Obama in 2012. The real change is who and what we will replace him with," Palin said at a Tea Party rally in a rural area south of Des Moines. "Folks, you know it's not enough to change the uniform."

「だから、我々は2012年にオバマを単に引きずりおろすだけではだめなんです、本当の変更は誰を、そして何を彼にとって代わらせるかです。 皆さん、制服を変えるだけじゃだめなんですよ。」と南部デス・モイネスの地方のティーパーティの大会でペイリンは呼びかけた。

The audience of about 2,000 supporters from all over the country, dampened by heavy rains that quit shortly before the midday speech, erupted into chants of "Run, Sarah, Run!"


But Palin gave no response, and steered clear of any reference to a candidacy, even in jest as she has in the past, during her 40-minute speech.
"It would be a tremendous disappointment to a lot of people if she didn't run," said Mike Archambault, who traveled from Oregon to attend the rally.


Palin highlighted her two years as Alaska governor as an example of confronting powerful interests including the state's oil industry. She accused Obama and leaders in Washington of coddling corporations, at heavy cost to the taxpayers.

ペイリンはアラスカ州知事として、同州の石油産業を含む強力な利権との戦った2年間を一例として強調した。 彼女は、オバマ大統領とワシントンの指導者が納税者に多くの犠牲を強いながら企業を甘やかしていると非難した。

And while not naming any of her would-be GOP rivals, she also said other Republicans were guilty of repaying campaign donations with policy perks.
In recent weeks, media reports have pointed out instances in which people who have donated to Texas Gov. Rick Perry's campaigns have received appointments. That has left Perry vulnerable to criticism of corporate influence.

そして、対立候補になるかもしれない共和党のライバルの名前は挙げなかったが、彼女は他の共和党の候補は選挙活動献金に政治的な特権で見返りを支払う罪を犯していると言った。この数週間、メディアは、テキサス州知事リック・ペリーの選挙運動に献金した人達が彼とアポイントを取り付けた事例を指摘して報道していた。 これはペリーにとっては、企業の影響を受けているという批判を受けかねない喉に刺さった棘である。

"There is a name for this. It's corporate, crony capitalism," she said.
Asked later if she was referring to Perry, she said all GOP candidates should be on alert.
"I want all of our GOP candidates to take the opportunity to kill corporate capitalism that is leading to this cronyism that's destroying our economy," Palin said, while in a crush of hundreds of supporters asking for autographs and posing for pictures.

「これには名前がついている。 それは企業の縁故資本主義です。」と彼女は言う。 それは、ペリーに言及しているのかと後に問われて、彼女は全ての共和党の候補者は危険水域だと言った。

Palin also said her remarks should not be construed as a campaign address, telling reporters: "It was a thank-you-tea-party-Americans speech."
Palin's appearance in Iowa came as she nears a late-September deadline for announcing her future political plans, if there are any.


Her Saturday appearance in Iowa and plans to headline a Tea Party rally Monday in New Hampshire, home of the first-in-the-nation primary, elevated the sense of urgency surrounding her.


Time may be running out for Palin to command the spotlight as she has throughout the summer, despite her coyness about a candidacy. There are three nationally televised debates for the declared GOP candidates, which are expected to shape the race in a way that could leave her behind.

彼女の立候補についての思わせぶりな態度にも拘らず、ペイリンが、この夏を通して得た注目度を維持する時間は少なくなりつつある。 立候補を宣言した共和党の候補者の討論ための三大ネットワークによるテレビ放送があるが、今後の候補者レースで彼女を置き去りにする恐れがある。

Her speech Saturday stood out because after a summer of railing about the federal debt crisis, she switched gears and offered ideas she argued would lift the economy. She addressed jobs issue that declared candidates have only begun to tackle on the campaign trail.


She proposed expanding oil drilling and loosening regulations on it. She called for pared down business regulations. And she suggested eliminating the corporate income tax.

彼女は石油の掘削の拡大とその規制の緩和を提案した。また、経済規制の削減も求めた。 企業に対する法人税の撤廃も示唆した。

"It's not just fear of a double-dip recession, and it's not the shame of a credit downgrade," she said. "This is a systemic crisis due to failed policies and incompetent leadership."
Should Palin run, she may try to do so in an unconventional way.


Although she has drawn large crowds during two Iowa appearances within the past month, she has done none of the political spadework other presidential contenders have such as meeting with key party activists and officials.


Meanwhile, Republican candidates who are also popular with the Tea Party, including Perry and Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, have emerged as contenders for the nomination. And Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, now is making a play for Tea Party support.
While Palin remains popular with Tea Party activists, her popularity with rank-and-file Republicans has dropped sharply.

いっぽう、ティーパーティに人気のペリーやミネソタ選出のバックマンといった候補も競争相手として現れてきた。 そして前マサチューセッツ知事のミット・ロムニーも今や、ティーパーティの支持を取り付けるため、彼らに秋波をおくっている。

リック・ペリーの知性は? 州知事が限度? オバマとのコントラスト

2011-08-30 | 米国政治
Rick Perry's Brainpower Questioned; How Smart Should A President Be?


August 29, 2011

by Frank James

Texas Gov. Rick Perry, with wife Anita, gestures as he answers a question at a news conference in Tulsa, Okla., Monday, Aug. 29, 2011. テキサス州知事リック・ペリーが、妻と共に、オークランドのツルサの記者会見で質問に身振りで答えている。2011年8月29日月曜日

The Politico headline was definitely eye-catching: "Is Rick Perry Dumb?"
Twelve years ago if Politico had been around then, it might have asked the same question about another Texas governor who went on to become president, George W. Bush.

「ポリティコ」の見出しは間違いなく目を引く 「リック・ペリーは馬鹿か?」
もし、12年前、当時「ポリティコ」があったら、同じ質問を、他のテキサス州知事にしたかもしれない。 そう、その知事は後に大統領になったジョージ・W・ブッシュである。


And that, of course, is one of the uncanny things about Perry's ascendancy to frontrunner among Republicans vying to become their party's presidential nominee.


Not only do we have another Texas Republican governor who works the I'm-one-tough-hombre persona pretty hard but who strikes many observers as not being all that curious about the world outside his own small little part of it and doesn't seem to care how much he shows that.


Through his reporting for his Politico story, Jonathan Martin appears to conclude that that Perry has an obvious aptitude for getting and keeping power even though his lack of curiosity may place some serious constraints on what informs his use of that same power.


An excerpt: 以下ポリティコから抜粋
Doubts about Perry's intellect have hounded him since he was first elected as a state legislator nearly three decades ago. In Austin, he's been derided as a right-place, right-time pol who looks the part but isn't so deep — "Gov. Goodhair." Now, with the chatter picking back up among his enemies and taking flight in elite Republican circles, the rap threatens to follow him to the national stage.

ペリーの知性についての疑問は彼が州の議員に初当選して以来約30年間ずっと、彼にとつきまとってきた。 オースチンでは、底は浅いが、自分の正面はこなせるし、相応の場所と時宜を得れば使える程度の政治家と馬鹿にされてきた。―― 「髪がきまっている知事」とも・・・・・   今、彼の政敵の悪口から引用した彼をコケにする話と、彼が共和党のエリート層への仲間入りしたことからくる非難が、彼を全国の舞台へ送り出すことを脅かしている。

"He's like Bush only without the brains," cracked one former Republican governor who knows Perry, repeating a joke that has made the rounds...

The story goes on to say that Perry doesn't learn for knowledge's sake. His approach to learning is apparently more like the just-in-time delivery approach in manufacturing. If he needs to know something, he learns it. Otherwise, why bother?


A quote in the story that seems to neatly describe Perry is this one:
Dave McNeely, a Texas political columnist who has covered Austin since 1963, differentiated between Perry's skill set.
"In terms of sheer brains and understanding policy at a deep level, he'd rank pretty low," said McNeely, looking back at the chief executives he's covered from John Connally on. "But as far as power politics and control, he's the most powerful Texas governor in history."


If Perry is able to fend off the attacks sure to come his way as the GOP frontrunner from Mitt Romney and other Republican nominees and wins the nomination, it would obviously set up one of the greatest contrasts between presidential candidates in American history.


On one side, there'd be President Obama, the cerebral and cool intellect who once held one of the most prestigious positions accorded to any American law student, Harvard Law editor, who actually wrote two best-selling books himself and who wears his Christian faith lightly.


On the other would be Perry, the indifferent Texas A&M grad who questions science and apparently had plenty of help writing his book "Fed Up", who evidently even sees Bush, his immediate predecessor as Texas governor, as something of an Ivy League elitist, and who recently held an Christian evangelical rally.

いっぽうのペリーは、出来の悪いテキサスA&Mの卒業生で、科学にあいまいな疑問を持ち、彼の著書「フェッドアップ(もうたくさんだ)」は、どう見ても多くのゴーストライターの手を借りており、明らかに、彼のテキサス州知事前任者の、あのブッシュ程度をアイビーリーグのエリートとみている節がある。 また、最近はキリスト教福音派(布教に熱心な)の大会を主催している。

And that's before you even get to the two mens' different racial histories.
Obama is clearly the anti-Perry; Perry unquestionably the anti-Obama.
Getting back to the whole issue of Perry's brainpower, it seems self-evident why a president of the U.S. would need to be smart, especially at this historic juncture.

これは両者の人種的な違いを論ずる以前の問題である。 オバマは明確にアンチペリーであり、当然ペリーはアンチオバマであることは疑う余地がない。 ペリーのおつむの出来の全体像に話を戻すと、なぜアメリカの大統領は、頭が良くなくてはならないか自明であろう、特にこの歴史の大きな転換点において。

As presidents are fond of saying, only the toughest issues reach their desk. The ones with easy solutions get solved lower down in the bureaucracy and never reach the Oval Office.
So it seems a president needs the ability to understand the complexity of the problem he, or one day she, is facing and be able to ask the right questions to reach the best possible answer.


Along those lines, a president needs to be smart enough to know what he doesn't know and to figure out who can get him the best answer.
And there's a lot that's difficult to know at a time when the global economy is more complex than ever, nuclear weapons are in the hands of unstable nations and the Earth is warming.


Indeed, America seems to be at an inflection point where if it doesn't get its policies right, it may remain a superpower but a rapidly declining one.
A president also needs to be able to synthesize a lot of disparate and confusing information into a coherent picture that he can then communicate to the American people. It takes intelligence to do that.

大統領はまた、多くの切実かつ混乱した情報を統合して、分り易い説明でアメリカ国民を納得させることが出来なければならない。 そして、それには知性がいる。

Because a president deals with many different domestic constituencies often unlike those from a president's own background, it seems obvious a president would need to have the sort of curiosity that leads to some understanding of people of widely divergent cultures. That's even more true on the foreign policy.
If part of intelligence as defined broadly is the ability to project yourself into the shoes of other people with completely different life stories, to empathize with such people, then presidents need that, too.


Obviously, there's the necessary aptitude for leadership, for rallying people to a cause and for inspiring confidence. A president must have that kind of intelligence, too.
These are arguments for a president being intelligent. There are certainly others.
Surely, people have become president who lacked a reputation for intelligence. After Abraham Lincoln, one of the smartest presidents, came Andrew Johnson of Tennessee, who strikes many historians as one of the most intellectually challenged.

これらは大統領が知的であるための補強材である。 他にもまだある。
確かに、知性の評判を欠く人も大統領になってはいる。 もっとも頭の良い大統領の一人でもアブラハム・リンカーンの後を襲った、テネシー出身のアンドリュー・ジョンソンは、多くの歴史家が最も愚鈍な大統領の一人にあげる人物だ。

Johnson, who numerous historians believe was drunk at his inauguration, is probably not the best argument for why intelligence shouldn't matter so much in a president. Ironically, it was Lincoln, a smart president, who chose Johnson as his running mate which demonstrates the limits of presidential intelligence.
On the other hand, Ronald Reagan proved to be a something of political genius, despite having once been called an "amiable dunce" by an old Washington graybeard, Clark Clifford.


So you clearly don't have to be a great intellect to be a transformational American president. But if intelligence is a good thing in airline pilots, Army generals or heart surgeons, it makes sense that it would be desirable in a president, too.
