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パキスタン アメリカの苛立ち

2011-09-27 | パキスタン
Fragile U.S.-Pakistan Relations On Downward Spiral


by Jackie Northam
September 26, 2011

Harry Hamburg/AP
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta looks on at left as Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Michael Mullen testifies Thursday in Washington. 

September 26, 2011
The fragile and troubled relationship between the U.S. and Pakistan is on a deep, downward spiral. Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said last week that Pakistan's intelligence agency had a role in several high-profile attacks in Afghanistan, including the attack earlier this month on the U.S. Embassy in Kabul.

Mullen's comments made public an implication that many officials in Washington and Afghanistan have long voiced only in private — that Pakistan's intelligence agency, the ISI, supports insurgent groups, including the Haqqani network, one of the most dangerous, based in Pakistan's tribal region.

Ahmad Nazar/AP
Dust rises after firing by Taliban militants in Kabul, Afghanistan, after Taliban insurgents fired rocket-propelled grenades and assault rifles at the U.S. Embassy earlier this month.アフガニスタンのカブールでタリバンの戦士による砲撃によって粉塵が舞い上がっている。 今月初旬米国大使館に対し、タリバン武装勢力がロケット推進榴弾と突撃ライフルで射撃を加えた後の様子。

Mullen said the Haqqani network, which launches attacks against Western troops in neighboring Afghanistan, acts as a veritable arm of the spy agency. His comments signal a more confrontational stance against Pakistan. Daniel Markey, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, says Mullen's forceful language was striking in its tone and substance.
マレンはアフガニスタンの国境付近の西側の軍に対して攻撃をしているハッガニ・ネットワークは、その情報局の実際の軍として行動していると言っている。 彼のこのコメントは米国のパキスタンに対する、より対立的な立場を鮮明にしたものである。 外交問題評議会のシニアフェローのダニエル・マーキーは、このマレン大将の激しい口調は、その調子や内容において今までにない厳しいものだと言っている。

"The implication is that the United States government is saying with one voice that if Pakistan does not end its ties with the Haqqani network, the U.S. will expand its unilateral actions to destroy that network, whether Pakistan likes it or not," Markey says.

Markey says the U.S. could expand its drone strikes in North Waziristan, where the Haqqani network is believed to be based. But he says things could go further, such as launching raids using U.S. Special Forces.

"You could see conventional forces in Afghanistan moved up to the Pakistan border to support cross-border attacks that would probably start out small but could expand," he says. "And you could see a variety of other combined efforts that could even include a more extensive bombing campaign that went beyond the use of drones."
「アフガニスタン内の通常兵力をパキスタン国境に集結し、国境を越えた作戦を支援させ、当初は小規模であっても、事後拡大する可能性もある。 また、無人機の使用を超えた大々的な爆撃作戦をも含むあらゆる形の諸軍連合作戦もありうる。」と彼は言う。

Pakistan Denounces Comments  パキスタンはマレンのコメントを避難
On Sunday, Gen. Ashfaq Kayani, Pakistan's army chief, called in his commanders for a special meeting to discuss the security situation. That was an unusual move, says retired Army Lt. Gen. David Barno, a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security.
日曜日にパキスタン陸軍参謀長であるアシュファグ・カヤニ大将は安全保障の状況を話し合うために全国の指揮官を特別会議に召集した。 これは異常な動きであると新アメリカ安全保障センターのシニア・フェローの退役将軍デイビッド・バーノは指摘する。

"Their media people coming out of that said that Pakistan intends to defend its borders from incursions from Afghanistan," Barno says. "So I think they're signaling that they're not going to tolerate any U.S. ground intervention certainly into Pakistan."
「その会議から出てきたメディア関係者によると、パキスタンはアフガニスタン側からの国境侵入を阻止する意向である。 彼らは如何なる米軍のパキスタン国内への地上からの干渉も受け入れられないと意思表示をしていると考えられる。」とバーノは言う。

Barno says Pakistan considers any ground incursion — any raid by American Special Forces or the like — as crossing a red line, and that the U.S. could face a significant backlash. Among other things, Pakistan could shut down critical land and air routes needed to shuttle military supplies into Afghanistan. Still, Barno says the U.S. has to consider when it reaches a point where it has to take that risk.
バーノ退役大将によると、パキスタンはあらゆる地上の侵入・・・・・あらゆる米軍特殊部隊或いはそれに類する部隊の・・・・を危険ラインを越えるものとして想定しており、米軍は相当な反撃に遭遇する可能性があるとのこと。 そのほかには、パキスタンがアフガニスタンへの軍事補給の往復に必要な緊要な陸路及び空路の補給幹線を閉鎖することも考えられるとしている。 そうなると米国は、そのリスクをとる事態に至った場合を想定しておく必要があると彼は話す。

"I don't think we've ruled anything out entirely," he says.

Barno says there's probably a debate going on to sort out what things can be done, and what lines the U.S. can or should cross at this point. He says the uprooting of the Haqqani network is part of that strategic calculation, especially as the U.S. begins winding down its operations in Afghanistan in 2014.

Barno says it's clear that Washington has lost patience with Pakistan's reluctance or inability to go after militants on its own soil. Shuja Nawaz, director of the South Asia Center at the Atlantic Council, says this is probably the worst he's seen relations between the two countries in a very long time.

"I see the mood darkening in Washington, and I fear that it may lead to unilateral action," Nawaz says. "But historically, whenever the U.S. has put such sharp pressure on Pakistan to do certain things on behalf of the U.S., the Pakistanis have not reacted well at all."
Nawaz says the U.S. and Pakistan need some clear-headed thinking to get out of this situation because the two sides need each other — at least for the next few years.
「私は、ワシントンのムードは悪化しており、その結果米国の単独行動に繋がりかねないと懸念している。しかし歴史的にみると、米国に代わってはっきりした行動をとるように、米国がハッキリした圧力をパキスタンにかけたときはいつでもパキスタンは十分に対応することが全くできていない。」とナワズ所長は言う。 さらに同氏は次のように語る。米国もパキスタンも明晰な頭でこの状況を切り抜ける必要がある、なぜなら両国とも相手国を必要としているからである。・・・・・・少なくとも見通しうる数年間は。