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トルコで大地震 マグニチュード7.2 死傷者数千人に上る?

2011-10-24 | ニュース翻訳
Strong Quake Rocks Eastern Turkey


Two women were pulled from a collapsed building in Van, Turkey, following a strong earthquake on Sunday.

Published: October 23, 2011
ISTANBUL — A powerful earthquake struck in eastern Turkey on Sunday, killing at least 89 people and injuring hundreds, Turkish state-run television reported. The death toll was expected to rise, perhaps significantly, with many people reported to be stuck beneath dozens of collapsed buildings.

Residents of Van, Turkey, searched a collapsed building for survivors of an earthquake on Sunday.

An injured woman was carried to an ambulance in Van following an earthquake on Sunday.

The New York Times
The earthquake, measured at a magnitude of 7.2 by the Turkish seismic institute, occurred in the early afternoon in Van Province, not far from the border with Iran. It was centered near the city of Van and the nearby town of Ercis, and was felt strongly in nearby villages and some parts of northern Iraq, the semiofficial Anatolian News Agency reported.
地震はイランとの国境付近のワン地方で日曜の午後の早く起きた、トルコの地震研究所によると震度はマグニチュード7.2。 震源地はワン地方のエルジシュの町付近とみられ、近隣の村及びイラク北部地域で強い揺れが感じられたとアナトリアン・ニュース・エージェンシーが伝えている。

Tens of thousands of people fled into the streets, running, screaming and trying to reach relatives on cell phones, The Associated Press reported. As the full extent of the damage became clear, desperate survivors dug with bare hands into the collapsed steel and concrete, trying to rescue the trapped and the injured, the news agency reported.

There were more than a dozen aftershocks in the region stronger than a magnitude of 4, according to NTV, a private news television news channel.
“In Ercis, around 25 to 30 buildings, including a student hostel, have collapsed,” Besir Atalay, the deputy prime minister said in a statement broadcast on television. At least 10 buildings were destroyed in the center of the city of Van, Mr. Atalay said. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan flew to Van to inspect the damage and efforts to rescue those still underneath buildings that had collapsed.
「エルジシュでは、学生のホステルを含む25から30のビルが崩壊している」と副首相のベシル・アタライがテレビで声明を発表した。 ワン市の中心街で少なくとも10のビルが崩壊したとアタライ氏は話している。 被害の実情把握と崩壊した建物の下敷きになっている被災者の救助の為に、レセプ・タイップ・エルドガン首相はワンに飛んだ。

In Ercis, which appeared to have endured the worst destruction, several power plants were partially destroyed, according to video broadcast on television.
People used flashlights to search for survivors trapped under piles of rubble. Television videos showed residents using their hands and shovels to free people, while cranes also worked around some of the collapsed buildings. Aid workers periodically called for silence to try to detect signs of life under huge chunks of concrete.
人々は懐中電灯を手に瓦礫の山から、下敷きになっている生存者を探している。 テレビの報道によると、幾つかのビルの周辺ではクレーンも稼働しているが、住民は素手とシャベルで救出にあたっている模様。 救出にあたっている人々は、コンクリートの瓦礫の下から生存者の反応を確かめるために、周囲に静かにするように呼びかけている。

The walls of a local prison collapsed, and about 200 inmates escaped, NTV reported; about 50 prisoners were later recaptured.
More than 1,270 aid workers from 38 nearby towns were sent to Van and Ercis to help in the relief efforts, while other nations, including Israel, offered assistance..
Israel’s offer came as a diplomatic standoff has virtually frozen relations between the two countries, in the aftermath of a raid by the Israeli commandos last year trying to halt a Turkish aid flotilla bound for Gaza that killed nine people.
イスラエルのこの援助の申し出は、二国間の外交的な対立を実質的に棚上げにしたかたちでなされた。 この対立とは、昨年ガザに向うトルコの救援船団がイスラエルの部隊の襲撃により9人が死亡者を出したという事件の余波のことである。

In a statement, President Obama offered condolences to the victims’ families. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the brave men and women who are working to bring assistance to this stricken region,” Mr. Obama said. “We stand shoulder to shoulder with our Turkish ally in this difficult time, and are ready to assist the Turkish authorities.”

Units of the Turkish Army were dispatched to the mountainous region in the east and the health ministry assembled 145 ambulances and 500 staff members to help coordinate the medical operation, the Anatolian Agency reported.

The Turkish Red Crescent sent tents, blankets and other supplies to the area. Earthquakes take place frequently in Turkey, which is crisscrossed by fault lines, and both the government and the Red Crescent are experienced in rescue and relief operations. In 1999, thousands of people were killed by two powerful earthquakes in northwestern Turkey.
The earthquake struck while the Turkish Army was engaged in a major military operation against separatist Kurdish rebels, primarily in a region around Hakkari, south of Van and near the border with Iraq.
トルコの赤十字は被災地にテント、毛布、その他の救援物資を送った。 多くの断層が交差するトルコでは地震が頻繁に起こっており、政府も赤十字も救助、救援活動には十分の経験を積んでいる。1999年には数千人の人々が、トルコの北部地方の二つの大きな地震で亡くなっている。

