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リビア情勢 カダフィ最後の日々の実態を、生き残った側近が語る。

2011-10-24 | リビア
In His Last Days, Qaddafi Wearied of Fugitive’s Life


Published: October 22, 2011

MISURATA, Libya — After 42 years of absolute power in Libya, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi spent his last days hovering between defiance and delusion, surviving on rice and pasta his guards scrounged from the emptied civilian houses he moved between every few days, according to a senior security official captured with him.

Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi

Mansour Dhao Ibrahim, an aide, described the final days of the leader.

Under siege by the former rebels for weeks, Colonel Qaddafi grew impatient with life on the run in the city of Surt, said the official, Mansour Dhao Ibrahim, the leader of the feared People’s Guard, a network of loyalists, volunteers and informants. “He would say: ‘Why is there no electricity? Why is there no water?’ ”
Mr. Dhao, who stayed close to Colonel Qaddafi throughout the siege, said that he and other aides repeatedly counseled the colonel to leave power or the country, but that the colonel and one of his sons, Muatassim, would not even consider the option.
ダオ氏は、今回の包囲下で、ずっとカダフィ大佐の傍に留まった人物であり、再三にわたり大佐に権力を手放すよう、また国外へ脱出するよう、他の側近と共に説得したという。 しかし、大佐と息子のムアタシムは選択肢として検討すらしようとしなかったとのこと。

Still, though some of the colonel’s supporters portrayed him as bellicose to the end and armed at the front lines, he actually did not take part in the fighting, Mr. Dhao said, instead preferring to read or make calls on his satellite phone. “I’m sure not a single shot was fired,” he said.

As Libya’s interim leaders prepared Saturday to formally start the transition to an elected government and set a timeline for national elections in 2012, sweeping away Colonel Qaddafi’s dictatorship, they faced the certainty that even in death the colonel had hurt them. The battle for Surt, Colonel Qaddafi’s birthplace, was prolonged for months by the presence of the fiercely loyal cadre he kept with him, delaying the end of a war most Libyans had hoped would be over with the fall of Tripoli in August.
リビアの暫定指導部は土曜日に公式に選挙による政府への移行に着手し、2012年の総選挙のためのスケジュールを策定し、カダフィ大佐の独裁を一掃する。彼らは、大佐が死んでもなお、彼らを苦しめたという確信に直面している。 カダフィの出身地であるシルトでの戦闘は、大佐に非常に忠実な幹部要員を彼が擁していたために何か月も長引き、これが、8月のトリポリ陥落で終わるだろうと期待されていた戦争終結を遅らせていた。

Mr. Dhao’s comments, in an interview on Saturday at the military intelligence headquarters in Misurata, came as the final details of the colonel’s death, at the hands of the fighters who had captured him, were still being debated.
Residents of Misurata spent a third day viewing the bodies of Colonel Qaddafi and his son at a meat locker in a local shopping mall. Officials with the interim government have said that they will conduct an autopsy on the bodies and investigate allegations that the two men may have been killed while in custody, though local security officials have said they see no need for such an inquiry.

Mr. Dhao, who is said to be a cousin of Colonel Qaddafi, became a trusted member of his inner circle. As head of the People’s Guard, he presided over a force accused of playing a central role in the violent crackdowns on protesters during the uprising, including firing on unarmed demonstrators in Tripoli’s Tajura neighborhood. The guard’s volunteer members harassed residents at checkpoints throughout the city. Mr. Dhao was believed to have kept weapons and detainees at his farm, according to Salah Marghani of the Libyan Human Rights Group.
ダオ氏はカダフィ大佐の従弟と言われており、大佐の内輪の信頼された側近になった。人民警察のトップとして、彼は騒乱のとき、抗議する市民に対する激しい暴力的取り締まりの中心的約役割を演じた部隊を指揮した。その取締ではトリポリのタジュラ近郊での非武装のデモに対する発砲もなされている。 この人民警察のボランティアのメンバーは都市の全域の検問所で住民に対して嫌がらせをしていた。ダオ氏は武器と人々を彼の農場に拘束していたと、リビアの人権団体のサラ―・マガーニは話している。

In a separate interview with Human Rights Watch, Mr. Dhao denied that he had ordered any violence.
On Saturday, he spoke in a large conference room that served as his cell, wearing a blanket on his legs and a blue shirt, maybe an electric company uniform, inscribed with the word “power.”
A few guards were present, but they spoke only among themselves. He said his captors had treated him well and had sent doctors to tend to injuries he sustained before his capture, including shrapnel wounds under his eye, and on his back and left arm.
数人に警備要員がいたが、彼らは仲間内のみで話し、ダオ氏と話してはいない。 ダオ氏は、彼らは自分をキチンと扱ってくれ、逮捕される前に負傷した目の下、背中、そして左腕の破片傷の治療のため医者を寄こしてくれたと語っている。

Many of his statements appeared to be self-serving; he said, for instance, that he and others had repeatedly tried to convince Colonel Qaddafi that the revolutionaries were not rats and mercenaries, as the colonel was fond of saying, but ordinary people.
“He knew that these were Libyans who were revolting,” he said. Other times, he seemed full of regret, explaining his failure to surrender or escape as his way of fulfilling “a moral obligation to stay” with the colonel before adding, “My courage failed me.”
多くのダオ氏の話は利己的で調子のいい言い訳に終始した。たとえば彼は他の側近と何度もカダフィ大佐を説得し、大佐が言うような革命分子はネズミや傭兵ではない、普通の市民だと訴えたとか、 「大佐はリビア国民が反乱を起こしていると知っていた。」などと彼は話した。 他の話では、彼は非常に後悔している素振りで、自分の納得できる方法として降伏したり、脱出したりするのが出来なかったことを説明し、大佐と共にいる道徳的な義務感があったと述べ。あげくには自分に勇気が無かったと話している。

His account of the battle did not address the accusations made by the former rebels of abuses by loyalist forces inside Surt. Ismael al-Shukri, the deputy chief of military intelligence in Misurata, said that loyalists had used families as human shields and that there were reports that loyalist soldiers had detained daughters to prevent families from leaving. The former rebels have also said that the Qaddafi forces executed soldiers who refused to fight.

Colonel Qaddafi fled to Surt on Aug. 21, the day Tripoli fell, in a small convoy that traveled through the loyalist bastions of Tarhuna and Bani Walid. “He was very afraid of NATO,” said Mr. Dhao, who joined him about a week later.
The decision to stay in Surt was Muatassim’s; the colonel’s son reasoned that the city, long known as an important pro-Qaddafi stronghold and under frequent bombardment by NATO airstrikes, was the last place anyone would look.
カダフィ大佐は8月21日のトリポリ陥落の日に、小さな車両縦隊で、親派の砦でもあるタラウナとバニワリドを通過してシルトへ脱出した。 「大佐はNATOを大変恐れていた。」と一週間後に合流することになる、ダオ氏は語った。

The colonel traveled with about 10 people, including close aides and guards. Muatassim, who commanded the loyalist forces, traveled separately from his father, fearing that his own satellite phone was being tracked.
大佐は約10人の側近及び警護と共に行動していた。 カダフィ軍を指揮していたムアタシムは、彼の携帯が衛星で追跡されているのを恐れ大佐と別れて行動した。

Apart from a phone, which the colonel used to make frequent statements to a Syrian television station that became his official outlet, Colonel Qaddafi was largely “cut off from the world,” Mr. Dhao said. He did not have a computer, and in any case, there was rarely any electricity. The colonel, who was fond of framing the revolution as a religious war between devout Muslims and the rebel’s Western backers, spent his time reading the Koran, Mr. Dhao said.

He refused to hear pleas to give up power. He would say, according to Mr. Dhao: “This is my country. I handed over power in 1977,” referring to his oft-repeated assertion that power was actually in the hands of the Libyan people. “We tried for a time, and then the door was shut,” the aide said, adding that the colonel seemed more open to the idea of giving up power than his sons did.
大佐は権力を放棄するのを拒んだ。ダオ氏によると、大佐は、こう言っていたという。「これは私の国だ、私は権力を1977年に移譲した」、そう言ってはリビア国民の手に実際に権力はあるという、いつも繰り返す彼の主張に言及していた。「我々は何度も箴言を試みたが、そのたびにドアは閉ざされた」と彼は言う。 また、権力を放棄するという提案に関しては大佐の方が息子よりもより聞く耳をもっていたと付け加えた。

For weeks, the former rebels fired heavy weapons indiscriminately at the city. “Random shelling was everywhere,” said Mr. Dhao, adding that a rocket or a mortar shell struck one of the houses where the colonel was staying, wounding three of his guards. A chef who was traveling with the group was also hurt, so everyone started cooking, Mr. Dhao said.
何週間もの間、反乱軍の重火器が無差別に都市に降り注いだ。「むやみやたらと砲弾があちこちに落ちてきた。そしてロケット弾や迫撃砲の砲弾が大佐の潜んでいる家の近所に落下して護衛の内3名が負傷した。」とダオ氏は語った。 また、大佐グループと行動を共にしていた料理長も怪我したため、皆自分で料理をし始めた。

About two weeks ago, as the former rebels stormed the city center, the colonel and his sons were trapped shuttling between two houses in a residential area called District No. 2. They were surrounded by hundreds of former rebels, firing at the area with heavy machine guns, rockets and mortars. “The only decision was whether to live or to die,” Mr. Dhao said. Colonel Qaddafi decided it was time to leave, and planned to flee to one of his houses nearby, where he had been born.

On Thursday, a convoy of more than 40 cars was supposed to leave at about around 3 a.m., but disorganization by the loyalist volunteers delayed the departure until 8 a.m. In a Toyota Land Cruiser, Colonel Qaddafi traveled with his chief of security, a relative, the driver and Mr. Dhao. The colonel did not say much during the drive.

NATO warplanes and former rebel fighters found them half an hour after they left. When a missile struck near the car, the airbags deployed, said Mr. Dhao, who was hit by shrapnel in the strike. He said he tried to escape with Colonel Qaddafi and other men, walking first to a farm, then to the main road, toward some drainage pipes. “The shelling was constant,” Mr. Dhao said, adding that he was struck by shrapnel again and fell unconscious. When he woke up, he was in the hospital.
NATOの戦闘機と反乱軍戦士は、彼らが立ち去って30分後に彼らを発見した。ミサイルが車の近くに当たり、衝撃で大佐の車のエアーバッグが作動して膨らんだ。ダオ氏は攻撃の破片が当たり負傷したが、大佐と随行員と共に脱出しようと農場に向い、そして幹線道路のいくつかの排水トンネルに逃げ込んだ。 「爆撃は間断なく続き、破片で再び負傷し、意識を失った。」と彼は話している。 目が覚めたとき、彼は病院にいた。

“I’m sorry for all that happened to Libya,” he said, “from the beginning to the end.”
Suliman Alzway contributed reporting.

